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      • mikrotext / Nikola Richter

        mikrotext is a publisher for texts with attitude and for new narratives, founded in 2013 in Berlin by Nikola Richter The independent publishing house focusses on new literary texts that comment on contemporary questions and allow insights into tomorrow. The texts are inspired by discussions on social media platformes and reflect today’s global debates. All titles are published digital first. A selection is available in English. In 2020 and 2019, mikrotext was awarded the German Publisher Award by the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media.

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      • Nikkei Business Publications

        Every year, we publish more than 500 books, mooks and special editions, and over 600 books published by Nikkei BP and its group companies have already crossed borders. Around the world, "Nikkei" is the brand of solid trust associated with business, technology and lifestyle.

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        Folk & traditional music
        April 2005

        The Kiss in history

        by Edited by Karen Harvey

        Writers have previously placed the action of kissing into categories: kisses of love, affection, peace, respect and friendship. Each of the essays in this fascinating book take a single kind of kiss and uses it as an index to the past. For rather than offering a simple history of the kiss, this book is about the kiss in history. In this collection, an eminent group of cultural historians have explored this subject using an exceptionally wide range of evidence. They explore the kiss through sources as diverse as canonical religious texts, popular prints, court depositions, periodicals, diaries and poetry. In casting the net so wide, these authors demonstrate how cultural history has been shaped by a broad concept of culture, encompassing more than simply the canons of art and literature, and integrating apparently 'historical' and 'non-historical' sources. Furthermore, this collections shows that by analyzing the kiss and its position - embedded as it is as part of our culture - history can use small gestures to take us to big issues concerning ourselves and others, the past and the present. With an afterword by Sir Keith Thomas, this book will be fascinating reading for cultural historians working on a wide range of different societies and periods.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        The secret life of romantic comedy

        by Celestino Deleyto

        The secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre.

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        January 2019

        Mononucleosis, Third Edition

        by Janet Decker, Ph.D. and Alan Hecht, D.C.

        Often called the "kissing disease" due to its transmission through saliva, mononucleosis is a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Many are familiar with mononucleosis, by either having suffered from it themselves or knowing a friend who has. Although most people who suffer from mononucleosis will recover fully, the virus remains in their body, and can contribute to long-term health concerns. Mononucleosis, Third Edition explores the microbiology of the virus as well as treatment and prevention options.  Chapters include: Infectious Mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr Virus The Discovery of Epstein-Barr Virus The Life of Epstein-Barr Virus Immune System Response to Epstein-Barr Virus Signs and Symptoms EBV Transmission and Latent Infection Diagnosis of Infectious Mononucleosis Treatments for Infectious Mononucleosis Epstein-Barr Virus and Cancer Epstein-Barr Virus and Other Diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Cinnamon Kiss

        Ein Easy Rawlins Krimi

        by Mosley, Walter / Englisch Strätling, Uda

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        August 1985

        Kiss Daddy Goodnight

        Aussprache über Inzest

        by Louise Armstrong, Helga Herborth, Alice Miller

        Louise Armstrong, als Kind selbst Opfer sexueller Mißhandlungen, hat Gespräche mit fast 200 Frauen geführt, die ebenfalls im Kindesalter sexuell mißbraucht worden waren. Im vorliegenden Buch sind die Erfahrungen von 16 dieser Frauen und der Autorin selbst dargestellt. Dabei wird deutlich, was es mit den vielen Mythen um das wohlbehütete Geheimnis des Inzests in Wahrheit auf sich hat. Mythos: Inzest ist »tabu«. – Verschiedenen Schätzungen zufolge sind in Amerika mehr als 120 Millionen Frauen im Kindesalter sexuell mißbraucht worden. Kein anderes Tabu ist mit soviel Gewalt verbunden wie dieses. Louise Armstrong kommt zu dem Schluß, daß in Wahrheit nicht der Inzest das Tabu ist, sondern das »Sprechen« über den Inzest. Mythos: Bei den Mädchen handelt es sich um »verführerische« Jugendliche. – Tatsächlich waren die meisten Frauen, mit denen Louise Armstrong gesprochen hat, gerade drei, vier, fünf oder sechs Jahre alt, als der Mißbrauch begann. Mythos: Die Mädchen »laden dazu ein« und genießen es. – Die Berichte der Frauen zeigen, daß sie schreckliche Angst hatten und in extreme Verwirrung gestürzt wurden. Mythos: Die Mütter wissen es immer; oder sie glauben den Mädchen niemals. – Tatsächlich wissen die Mütter es oft, verschweigen es aber aus Angst vor den sozialen Folgen.

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        The Kiss of Death

        by Temirpoʻlat Tillayev

        Oʻlim oʻpqoni' by Temirpoʻlat Tillayev is a gripping narrative that explores the theme of death and its impact on human lives. The book delves into existential questions and the profound consequences of mortality, providing readers with a thought-provoking examination of life's ultimate reality.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        The New Girl Code

        by Niki Smit

        Tumi Letsatsi is a 13-year old melanin kween living in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Her favourite colour is yellow, she's still trying to figure out how not to dent her afro on the bus, and how one goes about (ahem!) “french kissing”. She’s a little awkward and a lot uncertain about her future, friendships and how to put together a cool outfit! But then she stumbles across the magic of coding and creates an app called “Project Prep” that goes viral and rockets her and her friends to fame. Then everything starts to fall apart, as she deals with a catfish who befriends her and steals her code, nasty rumours at school and the newfound attention of a crush. The New Girl Code (by Niki Smit, locally edited by Buhle Ngaba) is about the wonders of working in tech, aimed at girls and young women aged 9-15. The project is an initiative of Inspiring Fifty and based on an idea by Janneke Niessen.

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        September 2015

        Kiss me at the River!

        Astro-Quickie: Fische

        by Laurent, Aimee

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        March 1995

        Manhattan II

        Roman. Redaktion und Beratung: Franz Rottensteiner

        by Ady Henry Kiss

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        October 1996

        Baker's Barn


        by Ady H Kiss

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        November 1999



        by Ady H Kiss

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