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      • Jiang Boyan LLC

        Jiang Boyan™ works closely with some of the worlds most prestigious authors. We make use of big data and strategic thinking to develop insights and analyze international cultural trends to identify opportunities. We believe that the greatest stories have global reach and intersect with entertainment, media and culture.

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      • Boydell & Brewer Ltd.

        Medieval studies originally formed the core of the list, but it has rapidly expanded to embrace the humanities in all periods up to and including the present day. In 1996 the company bought John Varey's Tamesis list and became the leading Hispanic studies imprint outside Spain. The Boydell Press has also become one of the leading publishers of books on classical music. In 2008, the renowned publisher of books in African Studies, James Currey Ltd joined the Boydell and Brewer group of imprints.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Reclaiming The Gods

        Magic, Sex, Death and Football

        by Nicholas Mann

        In the same way as the Goddess has been reclaimed in recent years this book reclaims the archetypal God. Nicholas Mann, in this vibrant new work shows how the figure of the God has become monopolised, marginalised and corrupted to our great loss. In this important and original new work Nicholas Mann establishes himself as one of our most provocative commentators on contemporary spirituality.

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        Children's & YA

        Hohoho, Here Comes Father Christmas!

        by Katja Richert/Denitza Gruber

        Soon it’ll be Christmas! It’s time to load the sleigh with presents, thinks the reindeer. But Father Christmas wants to decorate his house first, and build a snowman, and have a nice cup of tea. Then suddenly it’s almost too late! All his friends must help, so that children can get their presents on time.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        Der goldene Skarabäus


        by Nicholas Drayson, Sonja Schuhmacher, Rita Seuß

        Nicholas Drayson wurde 1954 in England geboren. Er studierte Geschichte sowie Wissenschaftsphilosophie in London und absolvierte eine Ausbildung als Journalist. Seit 1982 lebt der Autor in Australien. Er schrieb Kolumnen und Artikel für verschiedene Zeitschriften und Magazine, daneben beschäftigte er sich mit dem Studium der Zoologie und Naturgeschichte, das er 1997 abschloß. Anschließend verbrachte er zwei Jahre in Kenia. In dieser Zeit entstand sein erster Roman Der goldene Skarabäus, nachdem bereits 1988 das Sachbuch Wildlife: Australia's flora and fauna gently erschienen war. Heute lebt Nicholas Drayson wieder in Canberra, wo er zunächst einige Zeit als Kurator am National Museum of Australia arbeitete. Inzwischen ist er freier Schriftsteller.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1993

        Weisheit und Altruismus

        Eine Einführung in die Philosophie Senecas

        by Veyne, Paul / Französisch Fliessbach, Holger

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2001

        Aspects of English Protestantism C.1530–1700

        by Nicholas Tyacke, Peter Lake, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        During the sixteenth century, England underwent a religious revolution. This book examines the reverberations of this Protestant Reformation, which continued to be felt until at least the end of the seventeenth century. Brings together twelve essays by Nicholas Tyacke about English Protestantism, which range from the Reformation itself, and the new market-place of ideas opened up, to the establishment of freedom of worship for Protestant nonconformists in 1689. For this collection the author has written a substantial introduction, and updated the essays by incorporating new research. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1998

        Santa Evita


        by Tomás Eloy Martínez, Peter Schwaar

        Eva Perón starb 1952 im Alter von nur 33 Jahren; eine bombastische Zeremonie des langsamen Abschieds nahm ihren Lauf. Evita war eine aus der Provinz auf- und von der Leinwand herabgestiegene Göttin, eine lebende Heilige. Was jedoch nach ihrem Tode geschah, scheint jedes Maß der Verehrung zu sprengen: Ihr Leib wurde einbalsamiert, versteckt, gejagt, ging auf eine makabre Wanderschaft und wurde zum Objekt unglaublicher Intrigen und Obsessionen – mehr noch als Evita selbst. »›Santa Evita‹ hat mich von der ersten Seite an überwältigt – ich war gerührt, litt, genoß, eignete mir schändliche Laster an und verriet meine heiligsten Prinzipien. Wenn ein Roman es fertigbringt, einen Sterblichen mit festen Grundsätzen und strengen Gewohnheiten zu derartigem Unfug zu verleiten, dann kann es keinen Zweifel geben: Er gehört entweder verboten, oder er muß unverzüglich gelesen werden.« »Mario Vargas Llosa« »Hier ist endlich der Roman, den ich immer lesen wollte.« »Gabriel García Márquez«

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2023

        David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine

        by Nicholas Royle

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        Suitcases and Backpacks

        by Chava Kohavi Pines

        Suitcases and Backpacksis a testimony of intricate detail that describes a young girl’s survival in ghettos and concentration camps between 1942 and 1945. Readers follow her journey from Vienna to the Theresienstadt Ghetto, then to Auschwitz and to a labor camp near Breslau, followed by the alienation she feels upon returning to Vienna, her subsequent journey to Prague, and, finally, the realization of her dream to immigrate to Palestine. The original edition published in Hebrew has proved interesting to readers of all ages.    Chava Kohavi Pines was born Eva Hirsch in 1927 in Vienna, Austria, to a middle-class Jewish family. Since immigrating to Palestine in 1946, the author has resided in Kibbutz Dorot in the northern Negev where she worked as a teacher and counselor for years. Only with forty years’ distance from the trauma of her youth has she been able to write an account of some of her experiences during the Holocaust.    An English-language eBook edition was published in late 2014  by Samuel Wachtman's Sons Inc., CA. An Italian edition was published in early 2017 by Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano. 80 pages, 14 x 21.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1995

        Die Sprache der Glocken

        Ländliche Gefühlskultur und symbolische Ordnung im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhunderts

        by Corbin, Alain / Übersetzt von Fliessbach, Holger

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1985

        Von Berlin nach Berkeley

        Deutsch-jüdische Identitäten

        by Reinhard Bendix, Holger Fliessbach

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        A flamboyant father christmas

        by Fabienne Jonca, Iloë

        In January, the most elegant Father Christmas decides to explore the world, in search of an outfit for the next holiday season. On board his sleigh, he flies to Scotland, Japan, the Ivory Coast, and many more countries. During this round-the-world-trip, he tries on clothes, from the plainest to the most dazzling. What will he decide to wear this year? A Scottish kilt or an African boubou?

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