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      • National Academies Press

        The National Academies Press (NAP)publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. They published more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics.

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      • American Academy of Pediatrics

        Leading global publisher in the field and practice of Pediatrics. AAP Publications are among the most respected and frequently referenced in the world, including journals, clinical and consumer books and eBooks, and continuing medical education.  Top title include Red Book, NRP, Pediatrics, PREP Self-Assessment, Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines, Caring for Your Baby and Building Resilience in Children.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Time Travel Academy 1. Auftrag jenseits der Zeit

        by Stefanie Hasse, Julia K. Stein, Melanie Korte

        Die Zeitreise beginnt: Geh mit Max auf die Time Travel Academy! Kein Handy, kein Tablet. Stattdessen Heute-basteln-wir-mit-Klopapierrollen. Wie gern würde der zwölfjährige Max sein Leben gegen das eines anderen eintauschen. Seins ist nämlich verdammt langweilig. Bis er eines Tages die goldschimmernde Einladung zur Time Travel Academy erhält – und mit ihr die Nachricht, dass er dort seine spurlos verschwundene Schwester wiederfinden kann. Time Travel, also Zeitreisen – wie cool ist das denn?! Und in einem Internat leben! Für Max zählt nur noch eins: Er muss unbedingt auf die TTA. Und schon steckt er mitten in einem rasanten Abenteuer auf der wohl coolsten Academy aller Zeiten, voller Technik-Nerds und witziger neuer Freund*innen. Da willst du doch garantiert dabei sein. Wer weiß, vielleicht hast du ja auch das Zeitreise-Gen in dir. Leg los mit Band 1 der Time Travel Academy: Noch nie war Zeitreisen cooler. Die Lieblingsthemen Internat und Zeitreise in einer rasanten Action-Reihe für Jungs und Mädchen ab 10. Start der lässigen Fantasy Kinderbücher in lustig lockerem Erzählton – Fortsetzung folgt. Witziges und zugleich spannendes Abenteuer durch Raum und Zeit. Max, ein 12-jähriger, typisch schusseliger, herrlich unperfekter Held. Computerfreaks und Chaosclub – eine Superheld*innen-Academy für auserwählte Kids.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2023

        Time Travel Academy 2. Sekunde der Entscheidung

        by Stefanie Hasse, Julia K. Stein, Melanie Korte

        Time Travel Academy II. Auf dem Hover in ein neues Zeitreise-Abenteuer.  Endlich wieder Schule! Max, Valentina, Sakura, Ravi und die Robokatze sind zurück auf der Time Travel Academy. Ihre neue Mission: eine Reise in ihre Wunschzeit. Ob Max in der Vergangenheit endlich etwas über seine verschollene Schwester Stella herausfinden kann? Schon bald tauchen unheimliche Agenten auf, die alles daransetzen, die Rückkehr der Kinder in die Gegenwart zu verhindern. Und Max hat einen unglaublichen Verdacht: Hat etwa die Academy selbst etwas mit Stellas Verschwinden zu tun? Welche Rolle spielt der Chaos Club dabei? Das zweite actionreiche Abenteuer auf der Time Travel Academy. Noch nie war Zeitreisen spannender als mit Max, Valentina, Sakura und Ravi! Im Band 2 der rasanten Time Travel-Reihe geht die Suche nach Stella, Max' verschwundener Schwester, weiter. Spricht Jungen und Mädchen ab 10 Jahren an, die Action und einen lockeren Schreibstil lieben. Die packende Story im besonderen Setting eines HighTech Internats wird dich begeistern! Mit futuristischen, schwarz-weißen Illustrationen von Melanie Korte.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Donglin Academy

        by Lu Yang

        The series include 13 kinds of cultural resources of Jiangsu which are most representative and symbolic. With pictures and accompanying texts in fresh and multiple forms, the series analyze the historical and realistic connotation of Jiangsu culture and intensively show the cultural influence of Jiangsu.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2022

        Time Travel Academy 1. Auftrag jenseits der Zeit

        by Stefanie Hasse, Julia K. Stein, Marian Funk, Melanie Korte, Stephanie Dreckmann

        Der zwölfjährige Max würde sein Leben gerne gegen das eines anderen eintauschen. Die mysteriöse goldschimmernde Einladung zur TimeTravel Academy könnte die Lösung sein, seine Eltern tun dies jedoch als einen schlechten Scherz ab. Max arrangiert sich bereits mit dem Gedanken, den Rest der Schulzeit an seinem Gymnasium zu verbringen, als ihn ein Hinweis über den Verbleib seiner vor drei Jahren verschwundenen Schwester Stella erreicht – zusammen mit einer Botschaft, dass er unbedingt den Zulassungstest zur TimeTravel Academy bestehen muss, um mehr zu erfahren. Max stürzt sich in ein spannendes Abenteuer durch Raum, Zeit und Technik auf der Suche nach seiner verlorenen Schwester.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        New technology of ecological cultivation in rice field

        by Huang Huang, Wang Xiaoqing

        The ecological cultivation of rice fields with multiple cropping system is the improvement and development of the classical farming mode of China "rice field fish cultivation". The new technologies of rice field ecological cultivation introduced in this book include rice oil fish ecological cultivation mode, rice oil turtle ecological cultivation mode, rice loach ecological cultivation mode, rice oil crab ecological cultivation mode, rice oil frog ecological cultivation mode, rice oil shrimp ecological cultivation mode , rice eel ecological cultivation model, rice duck ecological cultivation model. On the basis of the previous large-scale business model, two patent technologies of "ladder cultivation" and "wedge cultivation" have been ingeniously added, which have successfully solved the bottleneck problems of escaping, overwintering in summer, ensuring feed, no tillage cultivation, directional fertilization and water-saving irrigation in the cultivation process, and initially formed a technical system of "narrow ridge, multiple maturity, close planting and sparse cultivation", and achieved good economic results Economic, ecological and social benefits.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        1000 cases of Hunan cuisine

        by Hunan Science& Technology Press

        This book selects more than 200 kinds of common food materials in daily life, and introduces in detail 1000 Hunan dishes made with these food materials, which are widely spread and suitable for family production, including both traditional dishes and innovative dishes, including both meat and vegetables, and various methods.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        Ninja Academy 3. The Last Trip

        by Kai Lüftner,

        "Ninja Academy 3. The Last Trip" entführt Leser zurück in die Welt von Sam, Svea, Momo, Bent und Li-Ho, die nach ihrem Erfolg im TESUTO nun als Ashigaru an der Ninja Academy ausgebildet werden. Doch die Ausbildung wird zur Nebensache, als gefährliche Herausforderungen und ein rätselhafter Verfolger die Gruppe in Atem halten. Momo's merkwürdiges Verhalten und das plötzliche Auftauchen von Sams Vater werfen neue Rätsel auf und stellen die Freundschaft der Fünf auf die Probe. Werden sie die drohenden Gefahren meistern und zusammenhalten können? Kai Lüftner liefert mit diesem dritten Band ein weiteres hochspannendes Abenteuer, das bis zur letzten Seite fesselt. Begleite Sam und seine Freunde auf ihrem Weg zum Ashigaru und erlebe den Alltag an der Ninja Academy mit all seinen Herausforderungen. Ein geheimnisvoller Verfolger und lebensgefährliche Situationen während des Trainings für eine Shinobi-Show bringen die Gruppe an ihre Grenzen. Die überraschende Ankunft von Sams Vater bringt ungeahnte Wendungen und emotionale Tiefen in die Geschichte. Temporeiche Action, kombiniert mit Kai Lüftners bewährtem Erzähltalent, macht diesen Band zu einem unvergesslichen Leseerlebnis. Im Zentrum des Geschehens stehen die unerschütterliche Freundschaft und die gemeinsamen Werte der Protagonisten, die sie durch alle Gefahren tragen.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Family Farm Ecological Planting Series: Family Farm Ecological Planting Series: New Technology of Ecological Planting and Raising of Meat Duck Rice Field

        by Fu Zhiqiang

        This year, our country has promoted three-dimensional rice farming. Among them, raising ducks and fish in paddy fields is currently a project with great promotion. This book mainly introduces the common meat duck varieties in rice fields, meat duck production process, duck house construction requirements, meat duck feeding management, breeding duck feeding management, artificial hatching of meat duck breeding eggs, and the prevention and control of meat duck common diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine

        by Zhu Jiaoqi

        Based on 13 kinds of medicinal plants which are widely planted in southern provinces and have good market prospects at present, this book briefly describes the characteristics and industrial development status of 13 kinds of medicinal plants. Combined with the research results of Hunan Institute of agricultural environment ecology (Research Center of medicinal plants of Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences) in recent years, this book focuses on the standardized planting technology of 13 kinds of medicinal plants, including planting system, planting system, planting method, planting method and so on Cultivation methods, fertilizer and water management, integrated prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds, and primary processing technology in producing area.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2021

        I am a little doctor (10 volumes)

        by China Daily New Media

        This series of books is the China Daily in collaboration with health experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Union Medical College and other hospitals. It starts with the most relevant health problems for children, and selects the angle that can improve children's interests. It uses childlike illustrations, humorous styles and easy-to-understand The text interprets the code of life, the body’s important line of defense, the body’s response to the external environment and stress superpowers, the physical functions of special groups of people, and the impact of science and technology on the body, making children laugh while reading. Understood with a smile. Knowledge is immunity. This is a health knowledge diagram that you can understand at the first reading. It is also a set of basic solutions for scientific prevention and rational treatment of health problems. It helps children understand their own body, understand diseases, care for others, and take a scientific look at the body. Abnormal state.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Survival as Victory: Ukrainian Women in the Gulag

        by Oksana Kis

        Of the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian women were sentenced to the Gulag in the 1940s and 1950s, only half survived. In Survival as Victory, Oksana Kis has produced the first anthropological study of daily life in the Soviet forced labor camps as experienced by Ukrainian women prisoners. Based on the written memoirs, autobiographies, and oral histories of over 150 survivors, this book fills a lacuna in the scholarship regarding Ukrainian experience. Kis details the women’s resistance to the brutality of camp conditions not only through the preservation of customs and traditions from everyday home life, but also through the frequent elision of regional and confessional differences. Following the groundbreaking work of Anne Applebaum’s Gulag: A History (2003), this book is a must-read for anyone interested in gendered strategies of survival, accommodation, and resistance to the dehumanizing effects of the Gulag.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Forage production and utilization technology

        by Yan Jingcai

        The combination of planting and breeding and the development of moderate scale breeding has been proved to be a good way to solve the problem of forage supply and improve the efficiency of herbivore breeding in mountainous and hilly areas. This book takes forage production and forage technology as the theme. On the basis of introducing the current situation of forage production and herbivore breeding, it is compiled in accordance with the clues of forage varieties suitable for planting in southern provinces and their production technology, forage processing and storage technology, and forage utilization technology. The book introduces more than 30 kinds of forage grass, and introduces the feeding technology of forage grass in cattle, sheep, geese and pigs.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Efficient production technology of vegetables

        by Liu Mingyue

        According to the climate, soil, market and other factors of southern provinces, this book systematically introduces 9 kinds of vegetable crops (pepper, tomato, cucumber, Luffa, pumpkin, balsam pear, wax gourd, cowpea and Zilian) suitable for cultivation in southern provinces, and their cultivation modes and specific cultivation techniques. The Cultivation Techniques of each crop are divided into separate chapters, and each chapter is based on the requirements, types and varieties of crops for environmental conditions, and the cultivation methods Because of its unique biological characteristics and value, the combination mode of Seed Lotus, fish, shrimp and other aquatic products has been added.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Makers Club

        Starting Up!

        by Reimena Yee, Tintin Pantoja, Melanie Ujimori

        Childhood friends Aqilah and Yong Qiang have lost touch over the years. Whenthey are unexpectedly reunited in Pangolin Secondary School, they discover thatthings are very different and life seems a lot more uncertain than it once was. Willthey have the courage to start up a brand new school club and convince everyone,including themselves, that they’re ready for independence? Find out how the foundingmembers of The Makers Club forged a friendship that would change their lives forever.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Makers Club

        Game On!

        by Reimena Yee, Melanie Ujimori

        Timid artist Nadia is in awe of her new teammate. Priya’s a gamer, she’s smart, andshe knows how to code—so this environmental video game they’re building shoulddefinitely win the top prize at the Pangolin Secondary School Science Fair, right? ButNadia and Priya soon discover that there’s a lot more to making a game than codingand sprites. Will the girls be able to overcome their differences or will it be gameover for them far too soon?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Instruments of international order

        Internationalism and diplomacy, 1900-50

        by Thomas W. Bottelier, Jan Stöckmann

        During the first half of the twentieth century, world politics was reshaped in pursuit of a new international order. The ideological foundations of the 'new diplomacy' (and its fate during the interwar period) are well known. This book instead examines the practices of internationalism and diplomacy from the First Hague Conference of 1899 to the aftermath of the Second World War. By focusing on these practices, such as disarmament regimes or public diplomacy, and their use as instruments to build international order(s), it emphasises the constructed, contested, and experimental character of what subsequently became a standard repertoire of international politics. Essays from a range of interdisciplinary scholars address well-established principles such as self-determination, and also less prominent practices such as small arms control or parliamentary inquiry. The book makes a major contribution to the growing historiography on twentieth-century internationalism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        The Robot Will Work. If He Wants To

        by Petro Yatsenko (Author), Maryna Shuturma (Illustrator)

        Chipka is an artificially intelligent robot, and Petro is an engineer. The two engage in frequent conversations. They crack jokes at times and bicker at others. By listening to their conversations, you can learn about their favorite topic, which is, of course, robots. You'll discover many interesting things from them, starting from the stories behind the earliest strange mechanisms to the development of small nanorobots, and even robots made from skin cells or the heart of an African frog, created today! People have invented so many fascinating things! We live in a world where automobiles drive themselves, planes are controlled remotely, and machines learn, clean up, win at chess, and explore the depths of the sea. What will the future hold?   From 7 to 11 years, 7500 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner

        Audio Engineering

        for special events techniciansin training and on the job

        by Christoph Grzesinski. Founded by Dr. Volker Smyrek

        We all know that audio engineering is more than just acronyms. But what do they all mean? This practical textbook is designed to meet the special needs of events technicians. The textbook stands out from the crowd because it is designed specifically with the university curriculum and professional needs in mind, making it not only an excellent companion in the classroom, but a useful reference for on the job as well. The author, himself an instructor for special events technicians, covers the ground from physical fundamentals of acoustics and electronics to setting up mixing consoles and sound systems, providing a multitude of useful tips without confusing the reader with extraneous details. A chapter on video technology rounds off the book. Sample calculations put the material in a practical context, and sample problems at the end of each chapter (with solutions in the appendix) help review what has been learned and inspire further thought. Entertaining guest essays provide a broader perspective.

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