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      • MSM Studio

        Since 2008 MSM Studio has been producing digital content and software solutions for primary, secondary and vocational education. Our products are used by individual students, schools, universities, educational publishers and government organisations worldwide.   MSM Studio is the creator and publisher of Balloon — a series of SCORM-compliant language courses covering English, German, Mandarin Chinese, and more. Our AI-aided language courses encompass all of K12 and feature games, animations and fun activities.   We are proud to have co-produced Bua na Cainte — the first and by far the best fully interactive Irish language programme published by our Dublin-based partner. Using innovative resources, our award-winning course delivers an exciting and original approach to teaching Irish and is used in most primary schools in the Republic of Ireland.   Moreover, MSM Studio delivers custom application software (mobile, web, desktop), tailor-made e-learning content, solutions for virtual/augmented reality, artwork and animations. The high quality of our services is widely recognised by our partners in Scandinavia, the UK, the USA, Ireland, Benelux, and last but not least in Poland where we are based.   MSM StudioPomeranian Science and Technology ParkAl. Zwyciestwa 96/9881-451 GdyniaPoland

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      • DACO Studio

        We create innovative 0-12 children’s books that combine astonishing paper-engineered elements with engaging contents. That's why we like to call our books "toys to read".

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2025

        Studio Electrophonique

        The Sheffield space age, from The Human League to Pulp

        by Jamie Taylor

        The amazing story of the home studio that helped launch some of Britain's most beloved bands. The Sheffield space age began in 1961, when local mechanic Ken Patten won a tape-recording competition by recreating the sound of a rocket launch using a pencil and a bicycle pump. In the decades that followed, the makeshift home studio he constructed became the launch pad for a group of young musicians who would shape the futuristic sound of 1980s pop. The Human League, Heaven 17, Pulp, ABC and others made their early recordings with Ken, whose DIY ethic was the perfect fit for a city facing industrial decline but teeming with ideas. Studio Electrophonique tells the story of a generation seeking new frontiers in music, using everything they could lay their hands on - from science fiction novels to glam rock, Dada art and cheap electronics - to get there. Drawing on original interviews with Jarvis Cocker, Martyn Ware, Mark White and others, it brings to light a world of humour, charm, creativity and unfounded yet undaunted self-belief.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023


        Tierische Flows mit Klappen

        by Sandra Grimm, Antje Flad

        Hund, Katze, Kuh – das schaffst auch du! So einfach ist Yoga! Ob Hund oder Katze, Kuh oder Elefant – hier finden sich alle Lieblings-Yogaübungen für die Allerkleinsten. Auf jeder Seite stellt ein Tier seine Lieblings-Haltung vor. Große Klappen zeigen einfach und spielerisch, wie die Yogapositionen funktionieren. Liebevolle Tierreime begleiten die Asanas und laden zum Anschauen und Vorlesen ein. Am Ende der Yogastunde kuscheln sich alle Kinder beim Shavasana zusammen und entspannen gemeinsam... Tierischer Yogaspaß für die Allerkleinsten! Für kleine Kinderhände: Große, stabile Klappen zeigen spielerisch und selbsterklärend, wie die Yogaübungen funktionieren und führen durch einen Yoga-Flow mit 10 Haltungen. Einzigartige Kombination: Yoga für Kinder ab 2 Jahren mit niedlichen Reimen und robusten Klappen. Tierisch einfach Turnen: Kinderleichte Yoga-Übungen für zu Hause, in der Kita oder im Kinder-Yoga-Studio. Entspannung für die Allerkleinsten: Yoga stärkt und fördert spielerisch Körperbewusstsein, Konzentration und Kreativität von Kindern. Ob allein, gemeinsam mit den Eltern oder in der Kita-Gruppe: So tierisch leicht macht Yoga allen Spaß! Dieses allererste Yoga-Pappbilderbuch mit Klappen und Reimen lädt schon die Allerkleinsten zum Mitturnen ein. Eine liebevolle Anleitung mit einfachen Übungen für kleine Yogis. Ein tolles Geschenk für yoga-interessierte Eltern, die ihre Kleinen spielerisch zur Ruhe bringen wollen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: body & health (Children's/YA)

        I See That

        by Art studio Agrafka

        This is an educational picture book about sight from the creative studio Agrafka. It is about both things we can see with our own eyes and the mysterious, invisible to the human eye. This book is also about microscopes and telescopes that help us see incredibly small or extremely distant things. It explains that for better eyesight some people need glasses, while those who can’t see at all need a special system and symbols. By reading this book, you will learn how birds and animals see the world, how artists create optical illusions, and about the many millions of hues the human eye can perceive. I See That won the 2018 Bologna Ragazzi Award, the most prestigious award in children’s literature, in the award’s non-fiction category. I See That has been awarded with a Bronze Medal Stiftung Buchkunst in 2019.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Mitten

        by Ivan Franko (Author), Art Studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        A modern warm red mitten is a home for the main characters of the book: Mousey Scratcher, Froggie Croaker, Running Rabbit, Little Sister Fox and others who got new knitted images. This lovely book is actually a handmade creation; it includes a toy souvenir shaped like a mitten. The Mitten is a joint project of  The Navchalna Knyha - Bohdan Publishing House and Art Studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn & Andriy Lesiv, Lviv, Ukraine). The Mitten won the award at The Biennial of Illustration, Bratislava, 2011. In 2012 The Mitten was also added to the White Ravens Catalogue of children literature.   From the 3 to 5 years, 179 words Rightsholders: Diana Semak,

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Joe Biden's America

        Introduction to a divided country

        by Roland Benedikter

        — "A precise, analytical insight into the phenomenon Trump." (Anton Pelinka, Central European University Budapest) — "An introduction to the contemporary US." (Heinrich Neisser, Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration, University of Innsbruck) — "Refreshingly different." (Herbert Dorfmann, Member of the European Parliament) Joe Biden's America is deeply divided. Donald Trump's term in office made many problems of modern US society visible, which Biden now has to solve. What do American politics look like under Joe Biden? What legacy did Donald Trump leave behind, and what kind of impact does it have? How can the deeper causes, factors and drivers of current US developments be put in a historical context? Roland Benedikter provides a thorough insight into a complex country. In a compact and comprehensible way, he explains the background, challenges and perspectives of the Biden era, while also providing an overview of the current state of US society and culture in general. His analysis is suitable for teaching, decision-makers and civil society as an introduction to today's USA.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        US public diplomacy in socialist Yugoslavia, 1950–70

        Soft culture, cold partners

        by Carla Konta

        The first comprehensive account of the public and cultural diplomacy campaigns carried out by the US in Yugoslavia during the height of the Cold War, this book examines the political role of culture in US-Yugoslav bilateral relations and the fluid links between information and propaganda. Tito allowed the US Information Agency and the State Department's cultural programmes to enter Yugoslavia, liberated from Soviet control. The exchange of intellectual and political personnel helped foster the US-Yugoslav relationship, yet it posed severe ideological challenges for both sides. By providing new insights into porous borders between freedom and coercion in Tito's regime, this book shows how public diplomacy acted as an external input for Yugoslav liberalisation and dissident movements. Using extensive archival research and interviews, Konta analyses the links between information and propaganda, and the unintended effects of propaganda beyond the control of producers and receivers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2020

        US politics today

        by Edward Ashbee, Bill Jones

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        May 2025

        US diplomacy and the Good Friday Agreement in post-conflict Northern Ireland

        by Richard Hargy

        Richard Haass and Mitchell Reiss, as autonomous diplomats in the George W. Bush State Department, were able to alter US intervention in Northern Ireland and play critical roles in the post-1998 peace process. Their contributions have not been fully appreciated or understood. The restoration of Northern Ireland's power-sharing government in 2007 was made possible by State Department-led intervention in the peace process. There are few references to Northern Ireland in work examining the foreign policy legacy of the George W. Bush presidency. Moreover, the ability to control US foreign policy towards the region brought one of George W. Bush's Northern Ireland special envoys into direct diplomatic conflict with the most senior actors inside the British government. This book will uncover the extent of this fall-out and provide original accounts on how diplomatic relations between these old allies became so fraught.

      • Trusted Partner

        Journey in Trumplandia: The Rise of Populism in America

        by Tiberiu Dianu

        The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2011

        The Turnip

        by Ivan Franko (Author), Art Studio Agrafka (Illustrator)

        The Turnip is a classic Ukrainian folktale by Ivan Franko which has now found a creative and illustrative embodiment in the project of the art studio Agrafka (Romana Romanyshyn and Andriy Lesiv, Lviv). The text of the book is now adapted to modern Ukrainian language while preserving all the linguistic features of the original. The publication also provides a dictionary of archaisms, which facilitates reading for young children.    From 3 to 5 years, 532 words   Rightsholders: Diana Semak;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Moscow Factor: US Policy toward Sovereign Ukraine and the Kremlin

        by Eugene M. Fishel

        24 February 2022 was not the beginning of Russia's war on Ukraine. Back in 2014, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine, bolstered a separatist conflict in the Donbas region, and attacked Ukraine with units of its regular army and special forces. In each instance of Russian aggression, the U.S. response has often been criticized as inadequate, insufficient, or hesitant. The Moscow Factor: U.S. Policy toward Sovereign Ukraine and the Kremlin is a unique study that examines four key Ukraine-related policy decisions across two Republican and two Democratic U.S. administrations. Author Eugene M. Fishel asks whether, how, and under what circumstances Washington has considered Ukraine’s status as a sovereign nation in its decision-making regarding relations with Moscow. This study situates the stance of the United States toward Ukraine in the broader context of international relations. It fills an important lacuna in existing scholarship and policy discourse by focusing on the complex trilateral—rather than simply bilateral—dynamics among the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia, in 1991–2016. This book brings together for the first time documentary evidence and declassified materials dealing with policy deliberation, retrospective articles authored by former policymakers, and formal memoirs by erstwhile senior officials. The study is also supplemented by open-ended interviews with former and returning officials.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United States

        Power, identity and strategy in the Persian Gulf triangle

        by Luíza Cerioli

        This book offers a nuanced snapshot of the complex geopolitical dynamics in the Persian Gulf, underlining the interaction between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the US. Examining their interwoven relations since the 1970s, Luíza Cerioli's framework reveals how changes in US-Saudi ties have ripple effects on Iran-US and Iran-Saudi relations and vice versa. Using a historical lens, she explores how enduring US-Saudi connections hinge on order expectations, delves into the cognitive factors shaping US-Iran enmity and traces the source of oscillation in the Saudi-Iran ties. Employing Neoclassical Realism, the book investigates status-seeking, national identities and leadership preferences, offering a deeper understanding of the region's multipolar system. By combining International Relations and Middle East Studies, Cerioli's work contributes to both fields, unravelling the intricate interplay between international structures, regional nuances and agency in shaping Persian Gulf geopolitics.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        FamilyFlow. Tierisch entspannt

        Eine Kinderyogareise auf den Bauernhof

        by Florian Sprater, Thomas Sprater, Nataša Kaiser

        Bauernhof-Kinderyoga: Entspannt die Familie tierisch! Mach mit den Kleinsten eine Fantasiereise auf den Bauernhof – und „ganz nebenbei“ Yoga. Dieses Kinderyoga-Bilderbuch mit Hühnern und Ferkeln ist ein schwungvoller und fröhlicher Einstieg für kleine Kinder in die Welt des Yoga. Eine lustige Geschichte führt durch die praxiserprobten Yoga- und Achtsamkeitsübungen. Ihr braucht weder Hilfsmittel noch Vorkenntnisse, um mit diesem Familien-Ritual Stress abzubauen, zur Ruhe zu kommen und eure Stärke zu spüren –  kurz in Family Flow zu kommen.  Entwickelt hat dieses Bilderbuch mit Yoga für Kinder der bekannte und erfahrene Yogalehrer Florian Sprater, der in einigen Schulen und Kitas mit seinen Entspannungsübungen bereits fester Bestandteil des Lehrplans ist. Und vielleicht ja auch schon bald in eurem Familien- oder Kindergarten-Alltag.  Mit Om und Muh zu mehr Balance im Familien-Alltag. Kinderyoga auf dem Bauernhof: Eine fantasievolle Reise auf den Bauernhof, kombiniert mit Yoga und Achtsamkeit, perfekt für Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Erfahrener Autor: Entwickelt von dem renommierten Kinderyogalehrer Florian Sprater, bekannt für seine praxiserprobten Übungen in Schulen und Kitas. Stressabbau und Entspannung: Fördert Stressabbau, Ruhe und innere Stärke – ideal für den Familienalltag. Einfach und ohne Hilfsmittel: Keine Vorkenntnisse oder spezielle Hilfsmittel erforderlich – leicht umsetzbar für Eltern und Erzieher*innen. Fördert Familienbindung: Stärkt die Verbindung innerhalb der Familie durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten und Entspannungsrituale. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Perfekt als Familienritual, Kita-Angebot oder kurze Entspannungspause zwischendurch. Spielerische Yoga-Übungen: 10 kindgerechte Bewegungs- und Achtsamkeitsübungen, verpackt in eine lustige Geschichte. Unterhaltsame Illustrationen: Lebendige und fröhliche Illustrationen, die die Übungen begleiten und die Fantasie der Kinder anregen. Praxiserprobt: Die Übungen sind vielfach erprobt und in vielen Bildungseinrichtungen erfolgreich integriert. Ganzheitlicher Ansatz: Vereint körperliche Bewegung mit mentaler Entspannung und Achtsamkeit – für eine ausgewogene Entwicklung.

      • Trusted Partner

        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2020

        Tourism Planning and Development in Latin America

        by Carlos Monterrubio, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Despite the significance of tourism to the economic, social and environmental structures of Central and South America, little has been documented in the English literature about tourism in this sub-region, which in terms of population size, ranks fourth in the world with 652 million inhabitants. The first of its kind, this book focuses exclusively on tourism development, planning and their impacts in a wide number of Central and South American countries. It covers experiences, challenges, successful and unsuccessful stories, specific cases, and other tourism related issues of twelve countries in total. Each chapter is authored by scholars who have done extensive research on tourism in the countries covered. This book:Examines the impact of tourism development and planning within Latin American countries.Takes a multidisciplinary approach including Anthropology, Development, Economics, Ecology, Policy, Sociology and Tourism Planning and Management.Is the first book in English to offer an insight into extensive research undertaken within the region.This book will provide a valuable insight for tourism researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in private and public organisations, not only from the regions of Central, South and North America, but also individuals from other parts of the world who want a more encompassing view of global tourism. Table of contents Chapter 1: Strategies for regional tourism development in Argentina. A path with new initiatives for tourism dispersal policies Chapter 2: The commitment to sustainable tourism and the development of indigenous tourism in Chile Chapter 3: Tourism development in Colombia: between conflict and peace Chapter 4: Ecotourism development in Costa Rica Chapter 5: The challenges of natural and cultural heritages of Galapagos and Quito, Ecuador Chapter 6: Tourism development in Mexico Chapter 7: Panama, the "affordable exotic destination": planned tourism success and its unplanned consequences Chapter 8: The impacts of tourism in economic growth and development in Uruguay Chapter 9: Peru and Nicaragua: tourism development in postconflict eras Chapter 10: Ecuador and Panama: Lifestyle mobilities, the golden years and the quest for paradise

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The War that Changed Rondo

        by Art studio Agrafka (Authors), Art studio Agrafka (Illustrators)

        Danko, Zirka and Fabian live peacefully in the small town of Rondo. They have their work and hobbies that always keep them busy... until War comes. The three friends have never experienced War before, and they don’t know how to act. In hopes of stopping War, they talk to it and fight it, but all in vain. Eventually, they discover an effective defense against the darkness of War — the power of Light. With the help of all the residents of Rondo, Danko, Zirka and Fabian build a huge light machine that disperses the darkness and stops War. The War that Changed Rondo reflects the ambiguities of war and it is a touching tribute to peace.   From 4 to 7 years, 1585 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        FamilyFlow. Familien-Yoga

        30 Auszeiten für mehr Achtsamkeit und Entspannung

        by Daniela Heidtmann, Nataša Kaiser

        "FamilyFlow. Familien-Yoga" von Dr. Daniela Heidtmann ist eine einzigartige Sammlung von 30 liebevoll illustrierten Karten, die Yoga in den Familienalltag integriert. Jede Karte bietet eine Partner-Übung, die speziell für Kinder und Erwachsene konzipiert ist, und wird von einer kleinen Vorlesegeschichte begleitet, die die Übung einleitet und die Ausführung erleichtert. Das Set ist darauf ausgelegt, Freude, Bewegung und Entspannung zu teilen und fördert durch gemeinsame Aktivitäten eine tiefere physische sowie emotionale Verbindung innerhalb der Familie. Mit Übungen, die für Yoga-Anfänger wie auch für Fortgeschrittene geeignet sind, macht "FamilyFlow. Familien-Yoga" nicht nur unglaublich viel Spaß, sondern ermöglicht auch intensive Quality Time, stärkt das Vertrauen untereinander und fördert das allgemeine Wohlbefinden. Es ist das perfekte Tool, um den Alltag mit Glück und Gesundheit zu bereichern und bietet einen spielerischen Zugang zum Thema Eltern-Kind-Yoga, ideal für Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 5 Jahren. Fördert Familienbindung: Stärkt die emotionale und physische Verbindung durch gemeinsame Yoga-Übungen. 30 wunderschön illustrierte Karten: Jede Karte bietet eine Yogaposition mit einer einleitenden Geschichte, die die Ausführung vereinfacht. Für alle Level geeignet: Die Übungen sind sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fortgeschrittene konzipiert, was sie ideal für jede Familie macht. Spielerischer Zugang zu Yoga: Macht Yoga durch Vorlesegeschichten und gemeinsame Übungen für Kinder zugänglich und spannend. Qualitätszeit und Entspannung im Alltag: Ideal für kurze Yoga-Sessions, die sowohl Herausforderungen als auch Entspannung bieten. Vielseitig und anpassbar: Eignet sich für unterschiedliche Altersgruppen und kann an die Bedürfnisse der Familie angepasst werden.

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