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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Die Mossad-Akte

        Israels Geheimdienst und seine Schattenkrieger

        by Thomas, Gordon / Englisch Binder, Hans

      • Trusted Partner

        Globale Verschwörung

        by David Shomron

        Globale Verschwörung / David Shomron   Nur ein einst gesuchter Untergrundaktivist, der später als leitender Ex-Mossad-Agent tätig war, konnte sich diesen Plot ausdenken. Eine Gruppe europäischer Wissenschaftler und Ex-Militärs sind der Ansicht, dass westliche Demokratien und die Vereinten Nationen nicht in der Lage sind, aggressiven Diktaturen etwas entgegenzusetzen. Keine der verhängten Sanktionen scheint die Tyrannen zu beeindrucken. Die Gruppe ist entsetzt über die Vorstellung einer verheerenden Atomkatastrophe in zwei oder drei Jahren, die Hunderte von Millionen Menschenleben fordern würde. Sie beschließen, vorbeugende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen und mit ungewöhnlichen und originellen Methoden gegen diese Bedrohung vorzugehen, ohne Gewalt, Propaganda oder Provokation und dennoch wirksam. Die Anführerin der Gruppe ist eine Frau (Professorin für Geschichte an der Sorbonne in Paris). Die Gruppe besteht aus einem pensionierter Admiral, einer Wissenschaftlerin und einem Ex-Kommandooffizier – allesamt Briten. Fachleute aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern setzen sich für die Anliegen der Gruppe ein, die durch diese Unterstützung über erhebliche technische Mittel verfügt. Doch es gibt unvorhergesehene Probleme, die das gesamte Projekt gefährden könnten. David Shomron wurde in Istanbul geboren, wo seine Eltern während der kommunistischen Revolution in Russland Zuflucht gefunden hatten, und wanderte 1934 mit ihnen nach Israel (damals Palästina) aus. Der Autor hat zehn Jahre vor der Gründung des Staates Israel in die Untergrundbewegung investiert und später mehr als zwanzig Jahre lang als hochrangiger Offizier im Mossad gedient. Anschließend leitete er 13 Jahre lang eine zivile Sicherheitsfirma als CEO von „BRINKS Israel Ltd.“. In den neunziger Jahren war David Shomron ein gefragter Dozent über die Zeit des britischen Mandats. Er hat vier Bücher veröffentlicht – zwei über sein Leben als Geheimagent und zwei Romane. Weitere sind in Arbeit. David Shomron lebt mit seiner Frau in Jerusalem. Sie haben zwei Töchter, neun Enkel und neun Urenkel. Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 460 Seiten, 15 x 22 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        SKORZENY: Dancing with the Devil

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The tide of the War has turned against Hitler. Mussolini is deposed, imprisoned, and hidden.  1943: single commando leads gliders to the top of the highest peak in the Apennines to rescue the Duce.October 1944: Hungary’s Admiral Horthy is about to defect to the Soviets. Hitler’s man kidnaps Horthy’s son, and advises him it’s time to “retire” if he ever wants to see his son again .December 1944: The Battle of the Bulge. Hitler’s favorite soldier, using 2,000 stolen American Army uniforms, leads a group of English-speaking Germans behind enemy lines and wreaks havoc throughout the front.That same man helps former SS members get to South America; becomes Juan Péron’s security chief and Eva Péron’s secret lover; trains Arab forces and Yasser Arafat for the next Israeli war; sells arms to both sides of wars throughout Africa; and ultimately, as a Mossad agent, “takes out” the very group of nuclear scientists Egypt recruited to destroy Israel!The same man, Otto Skorzeny, did all these things and more. Unrepentant Nazi, this ultimate predator, the most dangerous man in the world, lived more lives than a dozen James Bonds.International best-selling author Hugo N. Gerstl, brings the life of this amazing hero/villain, now almost forgotten, back onto the world’s stage where, during the time he lived, he made the world a much more exciting – and scary – place. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group  354 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Eagle's Secret

        by Erez Aharoni

        The Eagle's Secret Ido Barnea, an Israeli combat pilot, is flying a routine night flight over the Negev desert when suddenly his reliable Skyhawk jet fighter starts to vibrate uncontrollably and finally crashes, forcing Ido to eject at the last possible second. At that exact moment a young girl in the heart of Brussels is kidnapped. What’s the connection between these two events? Who’s behind them? Accused of betrayal, Ido is forced into a dizzying chase to clear his name. Naama Sharon, a beautiful Mossad agent, is sent after him and the two encounter powerful arms dealers, cynical terrorists, and corrupt army officers. In their struggle, they discover that the two mysterious events hide a deplorable crime. The Eagle's Secret is an original, thrilling novel, full of jet-fighter-like twists and turns. Its fast pace will leave you breathless and wanting more.   Erez Aharoni completed his fighter pilot training course in the Israeli Air Force in 1978. He served as a pilot in the Hercules squadron and participated in various flights and missions, including the immigration of Ethiopian Jews. After his discharge, the author became one of Israel's foremost commercial lawyers and one of the founders and managing partner of the international law firm of Zysman, Aharoni, Gayer & Co., as well as a partner and an owner of the U.S. law firm ZAG/S&W. In 2004, the author's story “Cackling” won first prize in the prestigious Uriel Ofek short fiction competition. His first book, Half a Moustache, was published in Hebrew in 2006, followed by The Eagle's Secret, and then the novel Wildfire. 360 pages, 15X22 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Das Geheimnis des Adlers

        by Erez Aharoni

        Das Geheimnis des Adlers / Erez Aharoni   Ido Barnea, ein israelischer Kampfpilot, fliegt einen routinemäßigen Nachtflug über die Wüste Negev, als plötzlich sein zuverlässiger Skyhawk-Düsenjäger unkontrolliert zu vibrieren beginnt und schließlich abstürzt und Ido zum Absprung per Schleudersitz in der letzten Sekunde zwingt. Genau in diesem Moment wird ein junges Mädchen im Herzen von Brüssel entführt. Was ist der Zusammenhang zwischen diesen beiden Ereignissen? Wer steckt dahinter? Ido wird des Verrats beschuldigt und in eine schwindelerregende Verfolgungsjagd gezwungen, um seinen Namen zu klären. Naama Sharon, eine attraktive Mossad-Agentin, wird auf seine Spur gesetzt, und die beiden geraten in ein Netz aus Waffenhändlern, zynischen Terroristen und korrupten Armeeoffizieren. Auf ihrem Abenteuer entdecken sie, dass die beiden mysteriösen Ereignisse ein bedauerliches Verbrechen verbergen. Das Geheimnis des Adlers ist ein origineller, aufregender Roman voller temporeicher Wendungen. Sein schnelles Tempo wird Sie in Atem halten und Lust auf mehr machen.   Erez Aharoni absolvierte 1978 seine Ausbildung zum Jagdflieger bei der israelischen Luftwaffe. Er diente als Pilot in der Herkules-Staffel und nahm an verschiedenen Flügen und Missionen teil, unter anderem an der Einwanderung äthiopischer Juden. Nach seiner Entlassung wurde der Autor einer der führenden Wirtschaftsanwälte Israels und einer der Gründer und geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter der internationalen Anwaltskanzlei Zysman, Aharoni, Gayer & Co. sowie Partner und Inhaber der US-amerikanischen Anwaltskanzlei ZAG/S&W. 2004 gewann die Autorengeschichte „Cackling“ den ersten Preis im renommierten Kurzspielwettbewerb Uriel Ofek. Sein erstes Buch, Half a Moustache, erschien 2006 auf Hebräisch, gefolgt von The Eagle's Secret und dem Roman Wildfire. 360 Seiten, 15 x 22 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga – Selbstverteidigung gegen körperliche Angriffe

        by Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) und Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga – Selbstverteidigung gegen körperliche Angriffe Von Großmeister Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) und Chief Instructor Eyal Yanilov Zwei Bände in Vorbereitung werden die Bestseller-Serie über Krav Maga ergänzen. Sie basieren auf der berühmten israelischen unbewaffneten Selbstverteidigung, mit Schwerpunkt auf die Verteidigung gegen unbewaffnete Angriffe, z.B. alle Arten von Schlägen und Tritten, Klammergriffen usw. Erscheinungsdatum: 2009. Krav Maga ist eine von Großmeister Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) seit den 30er Jahren entwickelte Methode der unbewaffneten Verteidigung. Die Methode war anfangs streng auf Sicherheitsagenten und Mitglieder der Mossad und der Eliteeinheiten der israelischen Streitkräfte beschränkt. Die Methode wurde nun für den zivilen Gebrauch adaptiert, so dass jeder sie nutzen kann, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht und körperlicher Verfassung. Die Disziplin basiert auf natürlichen Reaktionen des menschlichen Körpers und ist leicht zu lernen und anzuwenden sowie sehr praxisorientiert. Krav Maga ist mittlerweile sehr populär und wird von Sicherheitsexperten in aller Welt anerkannt. In den USA, Südamerika, Europa, Australien und im Fernen Osten wird diese einzigartige Methode der Selbstverteidigung sowohl von staatlichen Sicherheitsbehörden als auch von vielen gewöhnlichen Zivilisten eingesetzt. Krav Maga – Selbstverteidigung gegen körperliche Angriffe ist der erste von zwei Bänden, in denen die Kernprinzipien und Trainingsmethoden für die unbewaffnete Verteidigung vorgestellt werden. Die Verfasser, Imi Sde-Or und sein Hauptschüler Eyal Yanilov, stellen in einem übersichtlichen Format Schritt für Schritt die Grundlagen vor: Sicherheit beim Training, Aufwärm-, Dehn- und Beweglichkeitsübungen bis zu Angreifmethoden, Stand- und Startpositionen. Die Autoren bieten Strategien für alle denkbaren Szenarien: Verteidigung gegen Tritte und Hiebe, Befreiung aus Klammergriffen, Griffe, Würfe und mehr. Ebenso werden die psychologischen Grundlagen der Disziplin vorgestellt. Abschnitte über mentales Training, Schwachpunkte, mehrfache Angreifer und Selbstverteidigung für Frauen ergänzen die Beschreibung des Systems.  Die Autoren Eyal Yanilov begann das Training mit Krav Maga mit Großmeister Sde-Or im Alter von 15 Jahren. Yanilov bildete als erster Krav Maga-Spezialist Trainer außerhalb von Israel aus. Er lehrte die Methode für Spezialeinheiten im militärischen und zivilen Bereich in über 18 Ländern. Großmeister Imi Sde-Or verstarb 1998 im Alter von 88 Jahren. Jeder Band hat etwa 240 Seiten mit zusammen über 800 Schwarzweißfotos und Illustrationen; 16,4 x 24 cm.   Eine englischsprachige Ausgabe für Nordamerika ist für Sommer 2012 geplant.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Magá: Cómo defenderse contra ataques físicos

        by Imi Sde-Or y el Instructor principal Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Magá: Cómo defenderse contra ataques físicos por el Gran maestro Imi Sde-Or y el Instructor principal Eyal Yanilov En 2009 se publicarán dos volúmenes de próxima aparición en esta serie de superventas, titulados Krav Magá, basada en el famoso método israelí de combate sin armas, que se centra ahora en cómo defenderse contra un ataque sin armas, como por ejemplo, todo tipo de golpes y puntapiés, calces, cogeduras, etc. Krav Magá, desarrollado desde la década de 1930 por el Gran maestro Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld), era antes un método de combate cuerpo a cuerpo estrictamente limitado a agentes de seguridad y a miembros del Mossad y de unidades de comando del ejército israelí. El método ha sido adaptado para civiles, de modo que cualquier persona de cualquier edad, sexo o capacidad física pueda utilizarlo. Esta disciplina, basada en reacciones naturales del cuerpo humano, es fácil de aprender y de ejecutar y es de uso práctico. Krav Magá goza actualmente de una popularidad creciente y de una cada vez mayor aceptación por parte de expertos de todo el mundo. En Estados Unidos y en varios países de Europa, este singular método de autodefensa ya se enseña y se utiliza tanto por parte de diversos organismos de seguridad como del ciudadano de a pie. Krav Magá: Cómo defenderse contra ataques físicos escrito por Imi Sde-Or y su principal discípulo Eyal Yanilov como parte de la serie del fundador, es el primero de dos volúmenes que presentan los principios clave y los métodos de entrenamiento para el combate sin armas. El libro, diseñado en un formato accesible y escalonado, cubre los fundamentos, desde seguridad en el entrenamiento, calentamiento, estiramiento y flexibilidad, hasta principios de ataques, posturas y posiciones iniciales. Los autores ofrecen estrategias para todo marco hipotético imaginable: puñetazos y puntapiés como medio de defensa, liberarse de calces, llaves de cabeza y llave nelson, agarres, puñetazos, derribamientos, etc. El libro, que también hace hincapié en los fundamentos psicológicos de la disciplina, amplía su utilidad con secciones sobre entrenamiento mental, puntos vulnerables, atacantes múltiples y autodefensa para mujeres.Acerca de los autoresEyal Yanilov comenzó a los 15 años a entrenarse en Krav Magá con el Gran maestro Imi Sde-Or. Yanilov fue la primera persona que comenzó a entrenar a instructores de Krav Magá fuera de Israel y ha enseñado a unidades especiales, a militares y a civiles en más de 18 países. El Gran maestro Imi Sde-Or, fundador de Krav Magá, falleció en 1998 a los 88 años. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés americano en el verano de 2010. Cada volumen contiene 240 páginas, y en ambos más de 800 fotos e ilustraciones en blanco y negro; 16,5 x 24 cm.

      • Fiction

        Andreaa Constantin

        by Esteban Torres Lana

        A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself against Physical Attack

        by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) & Chief Instructor Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga, developed by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) since the 1930s, was once a method of hand-to-hand combat strictly confined to security agents and members of the MOSSAD and elite IDF units. The method has been adapted for civilians so that anyone, of any age, sex, or physical ability, can utilize it. Based on natural reactions of the human body, the discipline is easy to learn and perform, and practical to use.  Krav Maga has rapidly gained in popularity and earned recognition by experts the world over. In the US, South America, Europe, Australia, and the Far East, this unique self-defense method has already been taught to and used by official law enforcement agencies, as well as many ordinary citizens.  Written by Imi Sde-Or and his senior disciple Eyal Yanilov as part of the Founder’s Series, Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself Against Physical Attack is the first of two volumes presenting the key principles and training methods for unarmed combat. Laid out an accessible, step-by-step format, the book covers the basics, from safety in training, warm-up, stretching, and flexibility to principles of attacks, stances, and starting positions. The authors offer strategies for every imaginable scenario: defending punches and kicks, releases from chokes, headlock and nelson, grabs, punches, throws, and more. Also emphasizing the psychological underpinnings of the discipline, the book expands its usefulness with sections on mental training, vulnerable points, multiple attackers, and women’s self-defense.  About the Authors Eyal Yanilov began training in Krav Maga with Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or when he was 15. Yanilov was the first person to begin training Krav Maga instructors outside of Israel, and he has taught special units, the military, and civilians in over 18 countries. Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or, Founder of Krav Maga, passed away in 1998 at age 88. An English-language North-American edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall  2024. Each volume contains 240 pages, altogether 800-plus b/w photos & illustrations; 16.5 x 24 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga : Les bases du Self-défense

        by Imi Sdé-Or (Lichtenfeld) et Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga : Les bases du Self-défense par le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or (Lichtenfeld) et le Chef Instructeur Eyal Yanilov Voici deux volumes dans cette série de best-sellers Krav Maga, fondée sur le système renommé de combat à mains nues israélien : ces volumes se concentrent sur la façon de se défendre contre un assaillant non-armé, par exemple contre toutes sortes de coups de poing, coups de pied, saisies, maintiens, etc.   Le Krav Maga, développé par le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or (Lichtenfeld) depuis les années 1930, était autrefois une méthode de combat à mains nues strictement réservée aux agents de sécurité et aux membres du MOSSAD ou des unités d’élite de l’armée israélienne. La méthode a été adaptée pour les civils, de sorte que quiconque, quelque soit son âge ou son sexe, ou même sa capacité physique, peut l'utiliser efficacement. Sur la base des réactions naturelles du corps humain, la discipline est facile à apprendre et à exécuter, et pratique à utiliser.   Le Krav Maga est rapidement devenu populaire et a obtenu la reconnaissance des experts du monde entier. Aux Etats-Unis, en Amérique du Sud, en Europe, en Australie et en Extrême-Orient, cette méthode unique d’autodéfense est déjà enseignée et utilisée par les forces de l’ordre, et aussi par de nombreux citoyens ordinaires.   Ecrit par Imi Sdé-Or et son disciple distingué Eyal Yanilov dans le cadre de la Série du Fondateur, Krav Maga : Les bases du Self-défense présente, en deux volumes, les grands principes et les méthodes d'entraînement au combat non-armé. Conçu dans un format accessible, étape par étape, le livre traite des principes de base, de la sécurité à l'entraînement, de l'échauffement, de l’assouplissement et la flexibilité jusqu’aux principes d'attaques, de posture et de positions de départ. Les auteurs proposent des stratégies pour chaque scénario imaginable : la défense à coups de poing et à coups de pied, comment se libérer d’un étranglement, d’une prise de tête et d’une prise nelson, de saisies, de coups de poing, de projections, et plus encore. Cet ouvrage, soulignant également les fondements psychologiques de la discipline, complète son utilité en consacrant des sections à l'entraînement mental, aux points vulnérables, aux cas de multiples agresseurs et les problèmes d'auto-défense particuliers aux femmes.   A propos des auteurs   Eyal Yanilov a commence à s’entraîner en Krav Maga avec le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or quand il avait 15 ans. Yanilov fur la première personne qui ait commencé à former des instructeurs de Krav Maga hors d’Israël, et il a entraîné des unités spéciales, des militaires et des civils dans plus de 18 pays. Le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or, qui a inventé le Krav Maga, est décédé à 88 ans en 1998. Une édition en anglais pour l’Amérique du Nord devrait paraître en 2011. Chaque volume comprend 240 pages, avec plus de 800 photos et illustrations en noir et blanc ; 16.5 x 24

      • Biography: general
        September 2020

        Head of the Mossad

        In Pursuit of a Safe and Secure Israel

        by Shabtai Shavit

        Shabtai Shavit, director of the Mossad from 1989–1996, is one of the most influential leaders to shape the recent history of the State of Israel. In this entertaining and engaging book, Shavit combines memoir with sober reflection to reveal what happened during the seven years he led what is widely recognized today as one of the most powerful and proficient intelligence agencies in the world. Shavit provides an inside account of his intelligence and geostrategic philosophy, the operations he directed, and anecdotes about his family, colleagues, and time spent in, among other places, the United States as a graduate student and at the CIA.   Shavit’s tenure occurred during many crucial junctures in the history of the Middle East, including the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War era; the first Gulf War and Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir’s navigation of the state and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) during the conflict; the peace agreement with Jordan, in which the Mossad played a central role; and the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Shavit offers a broad sweep of the integral importance of intelligence in these historical settings and reflects on the role that intelligence can and should play in Israel's future against Islamist terrorism and Iran’s eschatological vision.   Head of the Mossad is a compelling guide to the reach of and limits facing intelligence practitioners, government officials, and activists throughout Israel and the Middle East. This is an essential book for everyone who cares for Israel’s security and future, and everyone who is interested in intelligence gathering and covert action.

      • Espionage & spy thriller

        Mossad Agent Cobra

        An Espionage & Terrorism Thriller

        by Dov Nardimon

        Nisim Kobarsky, a high ranking Mossad agent named "Cobra", finishes a long and nerve-racking period of service in Syria. He is sent on an apparently low-key,low risk mission: he assumes the identity of Pedro Tariki, an Argentinean of Syrian origin and studies biology at the Sorbonne in Paris. His mission is to follow the roots of the revolutionary Muslim movements, which have flourished under the intellectual liberalism that France has always cherished. Cobra exceeds all expectations thanks to a friendship he develops with Sergey Ismailov, a Muslim, Tajikistan-born, Soviet officer, who proves to be an excellent source of intelligence. Even Cobra's French sweetheart, Denise is unaware of his true identity. Then the predator becomes the prey as the tables turn. A hostage of the Islamic revolution in Iran, Ismailov concocts a diabolical scheme in which the unsuspecting Cobra is involved. Should he succeed, Israel would face a national disaster. Mossad agent Cobra is the story of a head-on collision between two lone wolves, both captives of their principles and both highly trained professionals. The plot takes the reader across the globe, from the crumbling Soviet Republic, through Tehran, to Paris, Syria, Buenos Aires and Israel. Global Jihad serves as the inspiration for this fictional scenario that is chillingly probable.

      • Fiction
        April 2011

        Acts of Terror and Contrition

        a nuclear fable and eight stories

        by Daniel Melnick

        ACTS OF TERROR AND CONTRITION) is both a political novella about Israel and a literary thriller telling the unofficial story of Israeli responses to Saddam Hussein’s missile attacks during the 1990-1 Iraq War – and the possibility that his missiles might carry nuclear warheads “to burn Israel to the ground,” as Tarik Aziz said then. This “nuclear fable” presents the secret history of the Mossad Special Operations Chief’s covert threats to force world governments to face what is at stake should Iraq have launched a nuclear attack. Desperate and unyielding in the face of Saddam’s threat, the Chief, Arie Schneider, puts a renegade plan into place, even as he confronts the machinations of the deeply-divided Israeli government. Shadowing all this is the presence of the first Intifada, an Arab mother, and particularly her Islamist son, who plots his own act of terror. Enmeshed in the nuclear crisis, Arie must yet face his troubled wife, their two children, and above all his father, Rami, a holocaust survivor and retired diplomat. In opposition to the extremity of Arie’s plan, the old man summonses all his wisdom and his wily, struggling will to confront his son (in an echo of the biblical sacrifice of Isaac). Accompanying the novella are 8 STORIES OF THE EIGHTIES: In “Einstein’s Sorrow,” the first story after the novella, a wry secular Jewish owner of a New York toy company is visited one night in 1980 (the great physicist’s centennial year) by the spirit of the genius, and together the two Jews mourn the development of the nuclear bomb. In “Your Name is Hiroshima,” set in the mid-eighties, a young professor creates a haunted poem in response to the film “Hiroshima, Mon Amour,” as he faces the needs of wife, mentor, department chair, during a visit to campus by a famed Russian poet. The third and fourth stories are told by two elderly characters – an Armenian-American in “Taste of the Sun” and, in “Contrapuntal Piece,” the Greek widow of the eminent German-Jewish expatriate pianist from Hungry Generations; each character seeks the clarity to go on in the face of maddening infirmities and the incomprehension of others. In the fifth story “Before the Revolution,” a former political activist takes his family on a European vacation in 1984, and on an Italian train he faces his youthful double, a fiery student anarchist. The final three stories in Terror and Contrition chronicle the life of Joe Mubar, a Syrian-Italian American artist. “Triptych” tells his story over 30 years from his abused childhood, through his youthful wildness, to his struggle to find his balance in marriage. The second story – “Odalisque” – presents Joe, after divorce, in his sexual collision with a woman in the college town where he teaches art. “The Fall of the Berlin Wall” – the third story in the trilogy – portrays a last chance Mubar has to break the cycle of failed communication and to right himself as a father to his teen-aged son in the America of 1989.

      • Women's Fiction

        The Emerald Circle

        A Women's Adventure Novel

        by Liora Rosenman

        A five-year-old child is kidnapped near her home in a small town in northern Israel. The secret behind her disappearance forces her parents to face a terrible crisis. Mutually suspicious, they embark separately on an emotionally and physically life-changing quest to find their daughter. Will they ever find her? Embarking on a physically and emotionally jolting journey to find their lost daughter, they find themselves in a mysterious, far-away, life-threatening place, ruled by a leader who intends to purify the world with genetic engineering. International corporate leaders with dark motives and the Israeli Mossad all feature in the plot. They must brave a sinister state of altered reality in their search for her The Emerald Circle is an additional dimension, paralleling our reality, in which occurrences can be more clearly seen. It has vital influence on the protagonists. The solution for the chaos and the turbulent events of the plot can be resolved only on the level of reality itself. In this reality, each passing day increases the danger that the little girl will never be found.

      • Thriller / suspense

        The Ludlum Prediction

        by Quentin Cope

        The Ludlum Prediction It’s the year 2018.  North Platte, Lincoln County is a place noted for declining employment prospects at the once famous railroad depot ... and little else. For Ed Ludlum, he could reside anywhere and still earn a good living as a ‘Data Miner’ ... someone who cannot only tell you what you’ll shop for next Wednesday at three o’clock, but which shop you’ll use ... and what shelf you’ll find it on. However, a powerful, wealthy and well connected US based secretive religious sect, the Messianic Tribes of Yashoa, known by many simply as the MTY, wish to avail themselves of Ed Ludlum’s unique services ... and they are willing to pay well for it. They want to extract a date and a place from hundreds of terabytes of data, collected over many years from the darkest depths of some ancient sciences and leftover mysterious hieroglyphs, abandoned by long lost civilisations. But what is all this high tech computer based research for? The work of  Ed Ludlum soon comes to the attention of some of the most powerful Intelligence Agencies in the world, such as the CIA, the British SIS and the much feared Israeli Mossad, becoming known as ‘The Ludlum Prediction’ ... a prophesy that if fulfilled, could possibly change the world as we know it ... forever! Sitting on the sidelines, surrounded by Vatican based Cardinals whose common survival plan is based on ignorance and self serving edicts, is one man with the power and determination to thwart the best laid plans of highly professional State Intelligence Agents. He knows that if ‘The Ludlum Prediction’ is in any way linked to the expected appearance of a new prophet, or religious deity, then the Catholic Church could be led to the edge of a credibility precipice. Has Ed Ludlum got it right? With the surprise discovery of 3000 year old tablets linking two great civilisations and key religious beliefs together ... half a world apart ... he thinks he has. However, the very best of carefully executed plans can fail, as they did, so horrifically in the chilling final hours of what was to be the end game adventure, played out on a remote Tibetan plateau ... only miles from the militarily sensitive Chinese border. Will this bring an end to all the speculation and questions of legitimacy surrounding ‘The Ludlum Prediction’, or trigger a new series of events that could inevitably lead to the beginning of a new world crisis? Perhaps there is something even more sinister afoot, urging Ludlum down a path ... to a place ... from which there will be no possible return! Could The Ludlum Prediction in fact be reality? Is it about to happen ... or, more concerning ... could it have happened already? You decide..!

      • 30 Days with María

        by Esteban Torres Lana

        A young woman at the brink of death is admitted into a hospital in La Coruña, Galicia, Spain. Soon, her doctors realize this woman, María Sa, has been chemically poisoned. Through handwritten journals, we realize that María, who is the son of Palestinian father, is implicating Prime Minister Netanyahu in the attempt to assassinate her. But we also discover through the journals that María is a free, polyamorous, independent spirit, enamored with the Palestinian cause and always looking for justice. The journals come to an abrupt end, 30 days after María has been admitted into the hospital.

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