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      • Self-help & personal development
        March 2020

        O legado das deusas (com baralho) Vol 2

        by Balieiro, Cristina

        In this second volume, the author Cristina Balieiro compiles 22 more goddesses from traditionally oral cultures, updating the myths for the reality of contemporary women from a Jungian perspective always critical to the reality imposed by patriarchy. Jungian psychologist and mythology scholar, Cristina Balieiro delves into the search for a current definition of what it means to be a woman and analyzes these ancestral constructions to propose new perspectives for the expression of the feminine. As in the first volume, the book features images of the goddesses drawn by the author herself in a deck of 22 cards.

      • September 2017

        Every food has a history

        by Joana Monteleone

        A delicious piece of work. Several essays, all of them told with pleasure of a historian who, at this moment, is not making History, but telling stories. Such storytelling, however, demands culture and talent, and Joana has extra talent and culture: she is a cook, that is, a first-rate storyeller, who moves through several times and through several dishes. The book, indicated for readers of any age, shows how much eacha meal we make is full of stories to be told and to tell us.

      • May 2022


        dai liquorosi del Settecento il vino profumato che inebria il mondo


        Il Vermouth di Torino è per eccellenza un simbolo dell’aperitivo in tutto il mondo. Nasce nel 1700 dalla maestria dei liquoristi torinesi, poi diventa un prodotto esportato ovunque. Immagini indimenticabili sono state create da importanti artisti per la sua réclame. Stupende etichette con la loro speciale grafica ne hanno portato e ne portano il nome in mille Paesi. Questo vino sta vivendo un’epoca di grande apprezzamento, tanto da aver ottenuto dall’Unione Europea il riconoscimento dell’Indicazione Geografica che identifica e sancisce il legame con una terra, una tradizione, un “saper fare” unico. Bevuto puro o in celeberrimi cocktail, il Vermouth di Torino è protagonista di un racconto avvincente che parte dalla mondana “ora del Vermouth” tipica di Torino, per giungere al moderno rito sociale dell’“happy hour".

      • Etica dell'acquario

        by Ilaria Gaspari

        Gaia is beautiful, self-centred and unhappy. One day in November she returns to the city where she studied, after an absence of ten years. Nothing seems to have changed in Pisa, but everything has. Gaia meets up again with her old friends and the love of her university days, but now they are divided by the years they spent apart and the loss of a fellow student, Virginia, who died in obscure circumstances. The investigation into the mysterious suicide winds its way through the streets of the city and the colleges of the Scuola Normale, amidst buried memories and obsessions that come to light.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

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