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Albin Michel Jeunesse
Albin Michel Jeunesse publishes a variety of books, attracting a broad fan base. Pre-readers love characters such as Mouk and Pomelo, early readers adore Geronimo Stilton, and teens devour our top notch Middle Age and YA series. Our catalogue showcases talents as varied as Marion Bataille, Blexbolex, Marc Boutavant, Janik Coat, Benjamin Chaud and Benjamin Lacombe, to name but a few. All of our publications, be they pop-up books, novelty books, picture books, novels or non-fiction titles, are brought to life with imagination and affection.
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Promoted ContentApril 2005
Bono über Bono
Gespräche mit Michka Assayas
by Assayas, Michka; Bono / Englisch Lutze, Kristian; Vorwort von Bono
My Lovely Room
by Farzaneh Rahmani
I am the queen. I have an amazing palace in my room. Sometimes, I get on the train withmy kite. The train passes into my room. But these happen only when the doors are closed. This fun, imaginary charming story takes children to the wonderlands of their imagination. The story is fascinating for children as it gets along with their own imaginations and imaginary plays. The illustrations leave the children breathless. This story is all about the children›s play with their stuff as they do imaginary play in different roles and travel to different places. The book can be used interactively for children of 7-3 and the pictures are suitable for younger children.
It wasn’t me
by Farzaneh Rahmani
Someone scribbled on the wall with a red pen, and some jelly is on the floor, but I don›t know about these things…… The charming story of the child who did things but does not like to confess is all about telling the truth and hiding the truth. It is also about the things the child knows it is bad and still does because of her inner curiosity. Children of 7-3 will relate to the story and get mesmerized by the fantastic illustration and the interactive narrative.
An umbrella for Haniyeh
by Marjan Zarifi
Haniyeh had a shirt with many colorful umbrellas on it. she liked this shirt very much and wanted to show it to the kindergarten children the next day. When she put it, all the umbrellas laughed except the red umbrella. An umbrella for Haniyeh is a fantasy story that teaches children it is better to seek new experiences. Because it makes them to grow up. Just like the umbrella of this story.
Where did Mr.lion go?
by Jafar Touzandejani
Samane had a lion in the house. One morning, when she wanted to go to school, she saw Mr. Lion is sleeping. she woke him up and said, "Get up, you lazy, it's late." Mr. Lion jumped on Samane and said, "Ahh, the school." I like the school very much" then they walked together.The point of the story is that It is better not to judge others when angry. Slandering others when we are angry is the worst possible thing. When we realize this mistake, it is too late and it is impossible to make up for it.
by Hamid Abdolahian
The book is a fictional account of Abu Nasr Farabi's life. He was born in 259 in Farab, which is a city in the present Republic of Kazakhstan, and died in 339 in Bilād al-Shām. The biographies of the great men of science, literature, art and knowledge of this land can be a guide for our generation today. I think that when a teenager reads the biographies of the great men, he can get a correct understanding of his life. Those who were able to acquire the knowledge of time and go beyond it with difficulty. In the era when you had to go a long way to find a book, just like what Abu Nasr did. This is how he suffered a difficult journey to read Aristotle's books.
My Amazing Grandma
by Rezvan Khorramian
My grandma lives far away. The grandma›s house has a very big yard, two gardens full oftrees, and one blue pool. We share secrets nobody knows…This charming granny storybook is about the joyful experience of children and grandmas aswell as real-life knowledge, stories, and know-how. The story surprises you and your child withhow grandma turns daily life experiences into fun and magical doings saying Abracadabra.Like all granny books, this book is also about how fantastic is to spend time with granniesand also is about recycling, reusing the old stuff creatively to make new ones. The story ismagical and provides a creative and fairy-like encounter for children of 9-6 while little onescould enjoy the perfect illustrations.
The Fish Skeleton
by Tahereh Ibed
One day, the fisherman wakes up in the morning, feeling fresh and almost young. Nothingwas the same. The sea was not the same, too. Everything seems a little strange. He goesfishing but all he could get is the fish skeletons. ...The children of 12-9 will be amazed at how the story turns and the fisherman got aware of anastonishing change. Through sensitive descriptions and beautiful illustrations, the book offersa step-by-step, delicate understanding of death as a concept and coping with emotions.This fascinating story about «death» takes the burden of talking about death and replacesit with a charming, tangible, imaginary yet real narration. The story helps children perceivedeath as the continuation of life in its complete and perfect form where there is no illness,sadness and all is beauty. This story could present the perfect encounter of children with«death» as the concept for the first time, the book that your child enjoys reading again andagain.
Listen To Your Heart
by Farhad Hasanzadeh
the Author about the cage that flies in the sky. The cage searches for its bird. That›sright, this cage flies…!This flying cage is the interesting, incredible, and even meaningful theme of this story asthe cage is not only the spiritless object rather it is alive and searching for its bird, searchingfor the bird who can fit in and stay with it. The cage files and this is what makes the storyspecial. It is all about love and friendship, and the quest for love.
The Little King
by Jabar Shafei Zadeh
The little boy wishes to have a crown and throne, with a sword. Now, he is the king and kingsdon›t go to school. So, who gets the chocolate cake for the ants? By the way, Kings cannotplay with others in the street. Now, what would be the little boy›s decision?!The book is a fun story that illuminates all the delicate parts of a child›s imagination andhis wants and the real world. The story starts with the child›s imagination and step by stepthe children discover the prerequisites of their desires and the real world demands. Thestory starts charmingly with the boy who is provided with his wants and gradually he learnsthat for having something, he must let other things go, and each decision he makes has itsconsequences. This is the kind of story that makes your 7-4 years old child reflect on his/herwants and desires and get to learn how to balance them or let them go.
Poddy’s Workshop in a Spaghetti Ship
by Noushin Shabani
Poddy is a forester. poddy and their friends go to the south pole with a ship to collect trashand clean the place. Poddy is very brave and ends his mission with success.This adventurous story takes children to a world of surprises and fun experiences. As Spaghetti’sship moves forwards in the sea, unexpected events will surprise your child and easily will takeyour child along the story. Benefiting from the funny narratives, the story provides first-handknowledge of the ways we can act as environment lovers and how we protect our nature
Detective Poddy in Oak Forest
by Noushin Shabani
Detective Poddy is a special eco-warrior appointed by the king of the jungle to preserve theenvironment. He is a relaxed, gluttonous detective who uses amusing tricks on his ecologicalmissions to save the day. Detective Poddy set off on an adventurous mission to save the oakforest and fight against the squirrel hunters. Finally, he teaches the wild boars of Mashuanto be friendly with their environment. Reading this series, the children get to know thedangerous tasks of park rangers and other eco-warriors and hopefully grow to care aboutthe environmental issues.
Detective Poddy and black demon
by Noushin Shabani
It’s reported that the ancient city of Susan’s captive city has been captured by a demon,and this black demon has been able to beat the people of this city. A fire is shouting at themeadow , the machines call wildly . Even the Specters don’t live in the ruins of this city. buthe must be able to reach the town.