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      • Michael O'Mara Books Ltd.

        The Michael O’Mara imprint has illustrated and non- illustrated non-fiction titles for adults on history, sciences, marketing and management, biographies, humour and gift. The Buster imprint develops activity and reference titles for kids. The innovative range of this list develops the curiosity, knowledge and artistic fibre of our little ones. Finally, LOM Art includes a carefully curated list of artist-led titles. We have collaborated with talented illustrators from around the globe to create exquisite titles on drawing, painting, colouring, dot to dot, stickers and so much more!

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        Revolutionary bodies

        by Michael G. Cronin

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        November 1973

        Bestellung und Abberufung der Regierungschefs und die funktionale Bedeutung für das parlamentarische Regierungssystem.

        Entwickelt am Beispiel des deutschen Bundeskanzlers und des britischen Premierministers.

        by Lippert, Michael R.

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        Heilende Punkte

        Akupressur zur Selbstbehandlung von Krankheiten

        by Gach, Michael R / Englisch Clemens, Wilhelm

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        Literature: history & criticism
        May 2013

        Impure thoughts

        by Michael G. Cronin

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        Intelligenz und Denken

        Perspektiven der Hochbegabungsforschung

        by Waldmann, Michael R; Weinert, Franz E

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Practical R for Biologists

        An Introduction

        by Donald Quicke, Buntika A Butcher, Rachel Kruft Welton

        R is a freely available, open-source statistical programming environment which provides powerful statistical analysis tools and graphics outputs. R is now used by a very wide range of people; biologists (the primary audience of this book), but also all other scientists and engineers, economists, market researchers and medical professionals. R users with expertise are constantly adding new associated packages, and the range already available is immense.This text works through a set of studies that collectively represent almost all the R operations that biology students need in order to analyse their own data. The material is designed to serve students from first year undergraduates through to those beginning post graduate levels. Chapters are organized around topics such as graphing, classical statistical tests, statistical modelling, mapping, and text parsing. Examples are based on real scientific studies, and each one covers the use of more R functions than those simply necessary to get a p-value or plot.The book walks the reader through the data analysis process, starting with very simple plots, and continuing through more complex analyses and programming. It shows how to deal with issues such as error messages that can be confronting for beginners, in order to set students up for a successful scientific career using R.Collectively the authors have a vast amount of teaching experience which they apply here to make the passage into R programming as gentle and easy as possible, whilst guiding the reader to tackle quite complicated programming. Table of contents 1: How to Use this Book 2: Installing and Running R 3: Very Basic R Syntax 4: First Simple Programs and Graphics 5: The Dataframe Concept 6: Plotting Biological Data in Various Ways 7: The Grammar of Graphics Family of Packages 8: Sets and Venn diagrams 9: Statistics: Choosing the Right Test 10: Commonly Used Measures and Statistical Tests 11: Regression and Correlation Analyses 12: Count Data as Response Variable 13: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 14: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) 15: More Generalised Linear Modelling 16: Monte Carlo Tests and Randomisation 17: Principal Components Analysis 18: Species Abundance, Accumulation and Diversity Data 19: Survivorship 20: Dates and Julian Dates 21: Mapping and Parsing Text Input for Data 22: More on Manipulating Text 23: Phylogenies and Trees 24: Working with DNA Sequences and other character data 25: Spacing in Two Dimensions 26: Population Modelling Including Spatially Explicit Models 27: More on “apply” Family of Functions – Avoid Loops to get More Speed 28: Food webs and simple graphics 29: Adding Photographs 30: Standard Distributions in R 31: Reading and Writing Data to and from Files

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        The Arts
        September 2022

        Love's Victory

        by Lady Mary Wroth

        by Alison Findlay, Philip Sidney, Michael G. Brennan

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        August 2016

        Nutrition Experiments in Pigs and Poultry

        A Practical Guide

        by Michael R Bedford, Mingan Choct, Helen Masey O'Neill

        This practical research text provides an invaluable resource for all animal and veterinary scientists designing, analysing and interpreting results from nutrition and feed experiments in pigs and poultry. The emphasis throughout is on practical aspects of designing nutrition experiments. The book builds on the basics and proceeds to describe the limitations of experiment design involving different ingredients. It goes on to describe the characterization of experimental diets including ingredient selection, composition and the minimum proximate analysis required. The text details measurements and the tools available for understanding diverse data sets, data analysis and eventual publication of the research. This fully balanced and extensively referenced, yet practical, text is an invaluable resource to all animal, veterinary and biomedical scientists involved in the designing of nutrition experiments in pigs and poultry, and the publication of their research. ; This text describes the limitations of experiment design involving different ingredients, and the characterization of experimental diets including ingredient selection, composition and the minimum proximate analysis required. It details measurements and the tools available for understanding data sets, data analysis and publication of research. ; -: Foreword1: General Principles of Designing a Nutrition Experiment1.1: Introduction1.2: Nutrient Requirements Research1.2.1: Environment1.2.2: Cage versus pen and stocking density1.2.3: Feed and water form and quality1.2.4: Energy – amino acids, carbohydrates and fat1.2.5: Fibre1.2.6: Other nutrients1.2.7: Age1.2.8: Breed and sex1.2.9: Disease status1.3: Ingredient Nutrient Contents Research1.3.1: Cereals1.3.2: Oilseed meals1.3.3: Fats1.3.4: Vitamins and minerals1.3.5: Additives1.3.6: Digestibility studies1.4: Summary2: Most Common Designs and Understanding Their Limits2.1: Introduction2.2: What is the Goal of Simple Research Trials?2.3: Typical Interpretations of Response Data2.4: Choosing an Adequate (or the Best) Model to Use2.5: How Much of a Good Thing is Too Much?2.6: Variation in Bird Growth and Morphology2.7: The Choice of an Experimental Unit2.8: Experimental Power2.9: More Complex Designs for More Complex Questions2.10: Summary3: Practical Relevance of Test Diets3.1: Introduction3.2: Commercially Relevant Animal Performance3.2.1: Indices for measuring animal performance3.2.2: Presentation of animal performance results3.3: Feed Formulation3.3.1: Nutritional considerations for feed formulation3.3.2: Health considerations for feed formulation3.3.3: Processing considerations for feed formulation3.4: Summary4: Characterization of the Experimental Diets4.1: Introduction4.2: Designing Diets: the Semi-synthetic Conundrum?4.2.1: Sugars and starch4.2.2: Fibres4.2.3: Non-feed ingredients and phytate4.3: Designing Diets: Describing Test Ingredients and an Appropriate Basal Diet4.3.1: Trial design to compare one additive with a control4.3.2: Trial design to compare two different additive products4.4: Summary5: Measurements of Nutrients and Nutritive Value5.1: Introduction5.2: In Vitro Measurements5.2.1: Proximate analyses5.2.2: Fibre and carbohydrates in feed5.2.3: Summary5.3: Determining Nutritive Value of Ingredients5.3.1: In vivo experiments5.3.2: Determining the digestibility of speci?c nutrients5.3.3: Indirect measurements of digestibility5.3.4: Summary6: Designing, Conducting and Reporting Swine and Poultry Nutrition Research6.1: Introduction6.2: Planning the Experiment6.2.1: De?ning objectives6.2.2: Written protocol6.2.3: Review of facility capabilities6.2.4: Statistical plan6.2.5: Animal care standards and pig management6.2.6: Data integrity6.3: Interpreting Experimental Outcomes6.4: The Experiment Report6.4.1: Introduction6.4.2: Materials and methods6.4.3: Results6.4.4: Discussion6.4.5: Conclusions6.4.6: Literature cited6.5: Summary7: Extending the Value of the Literature: Data Requirements for Holo-analysis and Interpretation of the Outputs7.1: Introduction7.2: Holo-analysis – Minimum Requirements7.2.1: Considerations in use of data for holo-analysis7.2.2: What makes a good model?7.2.3: Model types7.2.4: Modelling considerations7.2.5: Outputs and interpretation8: Presentation and Publication of Your Data8.1: Publication Is Not the End of Your Research8.2: Scienti?c Style – a Myth Laid Bare8.3: Telling a Scienti?c Story8.4: Structuring the Scienti?c Story8.4.1: The Title8.4.2: The Introduction8.4.3: The Materials and Methods8.4.4: The Results8.4.5: The Discussion8.4.6: The Summary8.5: Scienti?c and Political Correctness8.6: Which Journal Is Best for My Article?8.7: Scienti?c Publication in the Future8.8: Will New Forms of Publication Change the Way We Write?

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary nutrition
        November 2010

        Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition

        by Edited by Dr Michael R Bedford, Gary G Partridge.

        From alpha-galactosidases to xylanases, Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition, 2nd Edition provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects associated with enzyme supplemented animal feeds. Detailing economic, environmental and technological impacts, this new edition brings the reader up to date with the considerable advances of the last decade, providing a unique insight into the current market. Chapters cover a wide range of topics using a variety of evidence from both in vitro and in vivo studies, providing a better understanding of the complex links between feed enzyme function, digestive physiology and ultimately animal performance. Particular attention is paid to new methods for the evaluation of enzyme responses, including holo-analysis. The authors provide a detailed discussion of the various enzyme classes that have been introduced into the market, exploring current use in the global industry and assessing the likely future trends and practices.

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        Pest control
        March 2000

        Sampling and Monitoring in Crop Protection

        The Theoretical Basis for Designing Practical Decision Guides

        by Michael R Binns, Jan P Nyrop, Wopke van der Werf

        This book covers the statistical concepts of sampling in agricultural pest management. These can be summarised as how to obtain sample data from the field and how to use the data in decision-making. Options may include introducing natural enemies, spraying with pesticide, or adopting a wait-and-see approach. Some prior knowledge of pests and how they interact with crops is required of the reader, but only minimal mathematical background is assumed. Worked examples using the mathematical software program Mathcad are also included.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000

        Eine kleine Geschichte Polens

        by Rudolf Jaworski, Christian Lübke, Michael G. Müller

        Diese Monographie orientiert in knapper Form über wichtige Epochen, Ereignisse und Strukturen, wobei die besondere Aufmerksamkeit denjenigen Erscheinungen und Prozessen gilt, die die polnische Gesellschaft und Staatlichkeit geprägt haben - und von denen sich auch die wesentlichen Elemente eigener und fremder Bilder von der Geschichte Polens abgeleitet haben und ableiten. Überdies zeichnen die Autoren, allesamt Osteuropa-Spezialisten, die Verflechtungen der polnischen Geschichte mit derjenigen Europas nach und verweisen auf den Anteil der in sprachlich-kultureller Hinsicht nichtpolnischen Bevölkerungsgruppen an der Historie dieses Landes.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1990

        Die zwei Köpfe des Adlers


        by Władysław Terlecki, Karl Dedecius, Michael G. Müller, Monika Wrzosek-Müller

        Karl Dedecius, 1921 in Lodz geboren, galt als bedeutendster Mittler polnischer Literatur und Kultur in Deutschland. Als Übersetzer hunderter Bücher, Autor zahlloser Reden und Aufsätze, Herausgeber der Polnischen Bibliothek, Gründer des Deutschen Polen-Instituts in Darmstadt wurde er vielfach gewürdigt und ausgezeichnet, u.a. mit dem Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (1990), dem Orden des Weißen Adlers (1999) in Polen und dem Deutschen Nationalpreis (2010). Karl Dedecius starb am 26. Februar 2016 im Alter von 94 Jahren in Frankfurt am Main.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1997

        Dunkler Hafen


        by Mark Strand, Richard Weihe, Michael Krüger, Rainer G. Schmidt

        Michael Krüger wurde am 9. Dezember 1943 in Wittgendorf/Kreis Zeitz geboren. Nach dem Abitur an einem Berliner Gymnasium absolvierte er eine Verlagsbuchhändler- und Buchdruckerlehre. Daneben besuchte er Veranstaltungen der Philosophischen Fakultät als Gasthörer an der Freien Universität Berlin. In den Jahren von 1962-1965 lebte Michael Krüger als Buchhändler in London. 1966 begann seine Tätigkeit als Literaturkritiker. Zwei Jahre später, 1968, übernahm er die Aufgabe des Verlagslektors im Carl Hanser Verlag, dessen Leitung er im Jahre 1986 übernommen hat. Seit 1981 ist er Herausgeber der Literaturzeitschrift Akzente. Im Jahr 1972 veröffentlichte Michael Krüger erstmals seine Gedichte, und 1984 debütierte er als Erzähler mit dem Band Was tun? Eine altmodische Geschichte. Es folgten weitere zahlreiche Erzählbände, Romane, Editionen und Übersetzungen. Die Cellospielerin ist sein erster Roman im Suhrkamp Verlag. Michael Krüger lebt in München. Rainer G. Schmidt lebt in Berlin und übersetzte Werke von Herman Melville, Wallace Stevens, Joseph Conrad, Victor Hugo, Victor Segalen und Henri Michaux. Für seine Arbeit ist er vielfach ausgezeichnet worden.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2018

        Popular science and public opinion in eighteenth-century France

        by Michael Lynn, Joseph Bergin, Penny Roberts, Bill Naphy

        In this book, Michael R. Lynn analyses the popularisation of science in Enlightenment France. He examines the content of popular science, the methods of dissemination, the status of the popularisers and the audience, and the settings for dissemination and appropriation. Lynn introduces individuals like Jean-Antoine Nollet, who made a career out of applying electric shocks to people, and Perrin, who used his talented dog to lure customers to his physics show. He also examines scientifically oriented clubs like Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier's Musée de Monsieur which provided locations for people interested in science. Phenomena such as divining rods, used to find water and ores as well as to solve crimes; and balloons, the most spectacular of all types of popular science, demonstrate how people made use of their new knowledge. Lynn's study provides a clearer understanding of the role played by science in the Republic of Letters and the participation of the general population in the formation of public opinion on scientific matters.

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