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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Industrial Revolution

        by Zhang Wushen

        The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        Vernunft und Revolution

        Hegel und die Entstehung der Gesellschaftstheorie

        by Herbert Marcuse, Alfred Schmidt

        Herbert Marcuses Vernunft und Revolution bietet eine durch ihre Klarheit und Werkkenntnis immer noch bestechende Einführung in das philosophische System Hegels und spürt zugleich dessen bahnbrechendem Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der Gesellschaftstheorie nach. Marcuse rekonstruiert das maßgeblich durch Hegel geprägte sozialphilosophische und sozialwissenschaftliche Denken des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts und widerlegt dabei die immer wieder geäußerte These, Hegel sei ein Theoretiker der Restauration und ein Ideologe des Obrigkeitsstaats totalitärer Prägung gewesen. Für Marcuse ist er vielmehr ein Denker der Vernunft, des Fortschritts und der Freiheit. Ein Klassiker der Hegel-Literatur!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1989

        Die Russische Revolution. 1905–1921

        by Manfred Hildermeier, Hans-Ulrich Wehler

        Zu den Problemen, denen die vorliegende Darstellung besondere Aufmerksamkeit schenkt, gehören der wirtschaftliche und soziale Wandel des Zarenreichs im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert, die schwere Krise des alten Regimes 1905/07, der Zusammenhang von Krieg und Revolution, die Gründe für das Scheitern des einzigen demokratischen Regimes der russischen Geschichte sowie die Ursachen und inneren Folgen der Behauptung der Sowjetmacht im Bürgerkrieg.

      • Fiction

        The Murmur of Bees

        by Sofía Segovia

        From the day that old Nana Reja found a baby abandoned under a bridge, the life of a small Mexican town forever changed. Disfigured and covered in a blanket of bees, little Simonopio is for some locals the stuff of superstition, a child kissed by the devil. But he is welcomed by landowners Francisco and Beatriz Morales, who adopt him and care for him as if he were their own. As he grows up, Simonopio becomes a cause for wonder to the Morales family, because when the uncannily gifted child closes his eyes, he can see what no one else can, visions of all that’s yet to come, both beautiful and dangerous. Followed by his protective swarm of bees and living to deliver his adoptive family from threats, both human and those of nature; Simonopio’s purpose in Linares will, in time, be divined.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2018

        Disability in the Industrial Revolution

        Physical impairment in British coalmining, 1780–1880

        by David M. Turner, Daniel Blackie, Julie Anderson

        An electronic version of this book is also available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) license, thanks to the support of the Wellcome Trust. The Industrial Revolution produced injury, illness and disablement on a large scale and nowhere was this more visible than in coalmining. Disability in the Industrial Revolution sheds new light on the human cost of industrialisation by examining the lives and experiences of those disabled in an industry that was vital to Britain's economic growth. Although it is commonly assumed that industrialisation led to increasing marginalisation of people with impairments from the workforce, disabled mineworkers were expected to return to work wherever possible, and new medical services developed to assist in this endeavour. This book explores the working lives of disabled miners and analyses the medical, welfare and community responses to disablement in the coalfields. It shows how disability affected industrial relations and shaped the class identity of mineworkers. The book will appeal to students and academics interested in disability, occupational health and social history.

      • Fiction

        All That We Don´t Know

        by María de Alva

        Four children have to deal with the killing of their father in violent, 1970's Northern Mexico. Grief does not stop because nobody in the family wants to talk about the murder for fear of disrupting family unity. The story is written from the perspective of four narrators. The first is a woman who tries to find the truth using her own recollection, photographs and a USB. A second narrator is a police detective who was the lead investigator of the killing and keeps a detailed file and realizes something doesn´t quite add up. A third narrator is a middle-aged woman, facing a cancer diagnosis and who, in the middle of treatment, starts remembering things about her father. The novel takes us deep into the dark wolrd of the 23 September Communist guerrilla in Mexico, weaving elements of historical fact and fiction, and trying desperately to answer questions about the need to for the truth.

      • Trusted Partner
        History & the past: general interest (Children's/YA)

        Lotería fotográfica Mexicana

        by Jill Hartley

        How to play Mexican Bingo and other random entertainments gives an account of the text. It portrays the Mexican everyday universe: landscapes, people, customs ... The Mexican Photographic Lottery is a lesson in ethnography and art.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        New Mexican Chiles

        by Dave DeWitt

        As the foods and recipes of Mexico have blended over the years into New Mexico's own distinctive cuisine, the chile pepper has become its defining element and single most important ingredient. Though many types were initially cultivated there, the long green variety that turned red in the fall adapted so well to the local soil and climate that it has now become the official state vegetable.To help chefs and diners get the most from this unique chile's great taste–without an overpowering pungency–Dave DeWitt, the noted Pope of Peppers, has compiled a complete guide to growing, harvesting, preserving and much more–topped off with dozens of delicious recipes for dishes, courses, and meals of every kind.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2010

        Photography and memory in Mexico

        Icons of Revolution

        by Andrea Noble

        Photography and memory in Mexico traces the 'life stories' of some of the famous photographic images made during the 1910 revolution, which have been repeatedly reproduced across a range of media in its aftermath. Which photographs have become icons of the revolution and why these particular images and not others? What is the relationship between photography and memory of the conflict? How do we construct a critical framework for addressing the issues raised by iconic photographs? Placing an emphasis on the life, afterlife and also the pre-life of those iconic photographs that haunt the post-revolutionary landscape, Andrea Noble approaches them as dynamic objects, where their rhetorical power is derived from a combination of their visual eloquence and their ability to coordinate patterns of identification with the memory of the revolution as a foundational event in Mexican history. Richly-illustrated, this book will be of interest to all those interested in photography, memory studies, and Mexican cultural history. ;

      • Fiction

        The Countess and the Organ Player

        by Cesia Hirshbein

        In the historical context of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the height of the Romantic era, the 19th century, Anton Bruckner, the famous Austrian composer and organist, falls in love with the imposing Countess Henriette. She had been appointed lady-in-waiting to Princess Charlotte of Belgium, the wife of Prince Maximilian of Habsburg, to attend to her during the couple's Mexican endeavor. They had been named Emperor and Empress of Mexico and would embark on a journey to America for this mission. Bruckner meets the countess by chance at the funeral of Maximilian, who had been assassinated in Querétaro in 1867, during the so-called Second Mexican Empire. On the recommendation of a musician friend of Henriette's, who sees him at the funeral, she takes piano lessons with Bruckner. When she tells him that she had accompanied the empress to Mexico, the composer becomes enchanted. He admired Maximilian and was passionate about Mexico; he had even wanted to accompany the emperor. Ultimately, the only trips he made were to give organ concerts in London and another at Notre Dame in Paris. Between classes, the countess tells him of the Atlantic crossing, the arrival in Veracruz, and the entrance to Mexico City. Gradually, they grow closer. In one of his concerts, Bruckner meets Franz Liszt, who was a patron of Maximilian's empire in Mexico. Meanwhile, the countess and the organist plan a Requiem, which will be the turning point between them.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        A savage song

        Racist violence and armed resistance in the early twentieth-century U.S.–Mexico Borderlands

        by Margarita Aragon

        This book examines key moments in which collective and state violence invigorated racialized social boundaries around Mexican and African Americans in the United States, and in which they violently contested them. Bringing anti-Mexican violence into a common analytical framework with anti-black violence, A savage song examines several focal points in this oft-ignored history, including the 1915 rebellion of ethnic Mexicans in South Texas, and its brutal repression by the Texas Rangers and the 1917 mutiny of black soldiers of the 24th Infantry Regiment in Houston, Texas, in response to police brutality. Aragon considers both the continuities and stark contrasts across these different moments: how were racialized constructions of masculinity differently employed? How did African and Mexican American men, including those in uniform, respond to the violence of racism? And how was their resistance, including their claims to manhood and nation, understood by law enforcement, politicians, and the press? Building on extensive archival research, the book examines how African and Mexican American men have been constructed as 'racial problems', investigating, in particular, their relationship with law enforcement and ideas about black and Mexican criminality.

      • Trusted Partner
        Traditional stories (Children's/YA)

        Bestiario azteca (Aztec bestiary)

        by Ianna Andréadis, Élisabeth Foch

        Eagle, grasshopper, jaguar, butterfly, dog, monkey, feathered serpent, all these animals, real or mythological, tiny or majestic, carry a message. Forty works drawn with pen or brush have a dialogue with the texts of Elisabeth Foch, By taking us to a journey through the museums of Anthropology, the Templo Mayor in Mexico and the collections of the musée du quai Branly in Paris, this book takes us into the world of an ancient Mexico.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2024

        Mexican muralist, international Marxist

        David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1941–74

        by Curtis Swope

        David Alfaro Siqueiros was perhaps the most important communist painter of the twentieth century. This book, the first sustained engagement with Siqueiros's work in the English language, focuses on the artist's late murals, which are both aesthetically innovative and politically provocative. It places Siqueiros in an international context, revealing that the dogmatism he has been charged with was in reality a complex phenomenon. It provided a foundation for - rather than an obstacle to - his efforts to create an art embedded in the day-to-day concerns and theoretical debates of the world-wide mass movement he saw himself as a part of.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1990

        Die nachholende Revolution

        Kleine Politische Schriften VII

        by Jürgen Habermas

        Der Haupttitel deutet an, worum es Jürgen Habermas in diesem Buch vor allem geht: um die Frage, wie denn auf die Revolution in der damaligen DDR zu reagieren sei. Es versteht sieh von seihst, daß er der Euphorie von 1989/90, wonach sich die Bundesrepublik historisch als die »beste aller Welten« erwiesen habe, kritisch gegenübersteht. Dennoch verkennt er nicht, daß in der DDR eine Revolution stattgefunden hat, die nachholend genannt werden kann, wenn man sie an den Verfassungsgrundsätzen der westlichen Demokratien mißt.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1989

        Folgen der Französischen Revolution

        Herausgegeben von Henning Krauß

        by Henning Krauß

        Die Französische Revolution hat zum ersten Mal praktisch, auch gewalttätig, gezeigt, daß die Menschheit sich als vernünftiges Gattungssubjekt konstituieren kann, das sich selber – mit dem Anspruch auf Universalität – die Grundverfassung der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte gibt. Die Revolution ist der handgreifliche Gründungsakt der »Moderne«. Jede Debatte über die Folgen der Französischen Revolution ist zugleich eine Verhandlung über die »Moderne« selber und umgekehrt. Ist das hochgemute Versprechen der Errichtung einer Welt »aus Vernunft«, die stets zum Besseren fortschreitet, eingelöst worden? Oder befindet sich das »Projekt Moderne« nicht noch immer im Projektstatus, rühren die aktuellen Übel nicht eher als vom revolutionären Fortschritt von der weitgehenden Abwesenheit der Revolutionswerte Freiheit, Gleichheit, gar Brüderlichkeit her? Das von den Autoren eingebrachte historische, philosophische, politologische, juristische, ökonomische, theologische und ästhetische Fachwissen ist geeignet, zentrale Probleme der Modernität in den für sie relevanten Zusammenhang zu rücken.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1985

        Die Amerikanische Revolution 1763–1787

        by Horst Dippel, Hans-Ulrich Wehler

        In der vorliegenden Studie werden die ökonomischen, sozialen und politischen Bedingungen und Abläufe im Vorfeld der Amerikanischen Revolution sowohl im englischen Mutterland als auch in den amerikanischen Kolonien untersucht, die Entwicklung in deren Beziehungen dargestellt sowie die Stationen des politischen, des Sozial- und des Verfassungskonflikts auf dem Höhepunkt der Revolution analysiert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Revolution and empire

        by Robert Bliss

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 1998

        The debate on the English Revolution

        by R Richardson, Roger Richardson

        The debate on the English Revolution is firmly established as an essential guide to the literature in its field and appears here in a much revised third edition. Three new chapters are included on twentieth-century historians' treatments of social complexities, politics, political culture and revisionism, and on the Revolution's unstoppable reverberations. All the other chapters have been amended and recast to take account of recent publications. The book provides a searching re-examination of why the English Revolution remains such a provocatively controversial subject and analyses the different ways in which historians over the last three centuries have tried to explain its causes, course and consequences. Claredon, Hume, Macaulay, Gardiner, Tawney, Hill, and the present-day revisionists are given extended treatment, while discussion of the work of numerous other historians is integrated into a coherent, informative readable survey. ;

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