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Promoted ContentPlays, playscriptsNovember 2016
The Tragedy of Antigone, The Theban Princesse
by Thomas May
by Edited by Matteo Pangallo. Series edited by Paul Dean
Thomas May's The Tragedy of Antigone (1631), edited by Matteo Pangallo, is the first English treatment of the story made famous by Sophocles. This edition contains a facsimile of the copy held at the Beinecke Library of Yale University, making the play commercially available for the first time since its original publication. The extensive introduction discusses, among other things, the ownership history of existing copies and their marginal annotations, and of the play's topical political implications in the light of May's wavering between royalist and republican sympathies. Writing during the contentious early years of Charles I's reign, May used Sophocles' Antigone to explore the problems of just rule and justified rebellion. He also went beyond the scope of the original, adding content from a wide range of other classical and contemporary plays, poems and other sources, including Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. This volume will be essential reading for advanced students, researchers and teachers of early English drama and seventeenth-century political history.
Promoted Content
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2013
Freier Markt und zwingendes Vertragsrecht.
Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Recht der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.
by Fornasier, Matteo
Trusted PartnerAugust 2024
Franz von Firlefinanz. Das Gespenst aus der Steuerkiste
Steuererklärungen für Kinder leicht erklärt!
by Christian Tielmann, Mandy Jensen
Franz von Firlefinanz erklärt Kindern die Welt der Steuern Was macht man, wenn man in der neuen Wohnung auf ein echtes Gespenst trifft? Die Freunde Hanna und Matteo ziehen mit ihren Familien in umgebaute Wohnungen im ehemaligen Finanzamt. Dort lebt Franz von Firlefinanz, der eigenwillige Geist des alten Finanzamts. Er ist überzeugt, dass die neuen Bewohner*innen nur seinen Schatz stehlen wollen. Zwischen Steuererklärungen und verschwundenen Belegen lernt er, dass es im Finanzamt etwas ganz Wertvolles zu entdecken gibt: Die Erkenntnis, wie wichtig Steuern für unser tägliches Leben sind. Das unterhaltsame und spannende Kindersachbuch erzählt eine lustige Spukgeschichte, die Kindern ab 8 Jahren auf empathische und leicht verständliche Weise die Welt der Finanzen näher bringt. Gemeinsam mit Franz von Firlefinanz lernen sie die Bedeutung von Steuern im Alltag und dass die Steuererklärung keine lästige Pflicht ist. Eine unterhaltsame Lektüre für die ganze Familie über die Bedeutung und Funktion von Steuergeldern. Franz von Firlefinanz. Das Gespenst aus der Steuerkiste: Unser Steuersystem – kinderleicht und verständlich erklärt Wer bezahlt Feuerwehr, Straßen und Müllabfuhr? Spannendes Kindersachbuch über die Welt der Steuern für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Das Steuersystem kindgerecht erklärt: Komplexe Finanzthemen werden leicht verständlich und unterhaltsam dargestellt. Geniale Kombination: Hanna und Matteo versuchen, den Geist Franz von Firlefinanz zu besänftigen und erfahren nebenbei alles Wichtige über die Steuererklärung ihrer Eltern. Expertenwissen für Kinder: Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Wolters Kluwer Steuertipps GmbH, einem unabhängigen Informationsdienstleister im Bereich Steuern & Finanzen.
Trusted PartnerNovember 2018
Großes Kino in 5 Sekunden
70 Filmklassiker von Metropolis bis La La Land
by Civaschi, Matteo; Pavesi, Matteo / Übersetzt von Ammann, Christine
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2017
Blue Bird Short Story Collection
by Li Jingze
Blue Bird Short Story Collection is a collection of proses and reviews, a verification and analysis of history and also an imaginary fction. Li Jingze explored into the historical texts like an archaeologist, collecting their traces and fragments and composed a picture of China’s complicated past. He looked for people hidden in history who bridged communications between Eastern and Western civilizations. With “Sinking, dragon Saliva and roses”, he draws our eyes to the ancient past; we are likely to be fascinated with “silver trees in Buxie district” or go on a long journey with “Eight Beats of Ganzhou Song” in our mind; most probably, we would pay attention to Matteo Ricci, the Christian missionary. In imagination, the past things vividly present themselves before our eyes and the ancient people fly across like blue birds, their routes and gestures deeply engraved in our minds.
Trusted PartnerFebruary 2013
Das Leben in 5 Sekunden
200 Biographien von Gott bis Pippi Langstrumpf
by Civaschi, Matteo; Milesi, Gianmarco
Trusted PartnerNovember 2015
Das italienische Desaster
by Perry Anderson
Auch im sechsten Jahr der großen Krise ist Italien noch nicht wieder auf die Beine gekommen. Die Kennzahlen sind alarmierend: 44 Prozent der Italiener unter 25 Jahren haben keine Arbeit; nach 2012 und 2013 schrumpft die italienische Wirtschaft 2014 erneut. Die ökonomische fällt mit einer fundamentalen Krise der staatlichen Institutionen zusammen. Das Vertrauen in Politik und Parteien ist auf einem historischen Tiefstand, die Protestbewegung des Kabarettisten Beppe Grillo wurde bei den Parlamentswahlen zur zweitstärksten Partei; Matteo Renzi, von den Medien als Hoffnungsträger gefeiert, kungelt mit seinem skandalumwitterten Vorgänger Berlusconi und feiert den ehemaligen englischen Premierminister Tony Blair als Vorbild, obwohl dieser in seiner Heimat längst zur persona non grata geworden ist. In seinem vielbeachteten Essay präsentiert der Historiker Perry Anderson eine Chronologie des italienischen Desasters. Italien betrachtet er dabei nicht als »Anomalie innerhalb Europas, sondern als eine Art Konzentrat« der Probleme eines Kontinents, der zunehmend von Entdemokratisierung, Korruption und Wachstumsschwäche gekennzeichnet ist.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2014
Der ganze Film in 5 Sekunden
150 große Kinomomente von Psycho bis Avatar
by Civaschi, Matteo; Milesi, Gianmarco / Englisch Herber, Klaus
Trusted PartnerPlant pathology & diseasesJune 2013
Infectious Forest Diseases
by J Stenlid, Robert L Edmonds, Lilja Arija, Helen M Griffiths, Robert L Mathiasen, Naoto Kamata, Jean Jacques Guillaumin, Kathy J Lewis, Caroline Mohammed, Rimvydas Vasaitis, Thomas C Harrington, Thomas Kirisits, William J Otrosina, Bernard Slippers, Daniel Rigling, Marieka Gryzenhout, Roberto Danti, Thomas L Cech, Michael E Ostry, Paolo Capretti, Rosie Bradshaw, Libor Jankovsk, Tadeusz Kowalski, Matteo Garbelotto, Richard Hamelin, Michael J Wingfield. Edited by Paolo Gonthier, Giovanni Nicolotti.
Today, forest health and the management of threats towards it are attracting more and more attention on a global scale. This book covers the most recent advances in the management of forest diseases, including the epidemiology and infection biology of forest pathogens, and forest protection based on integrated pest and disease management approaches. A comprehensive range of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and other organisms are discussed in detail, making this book essential reading for forest managers and extension specialists. Written by recognised authorities in the subject of forest health, this book also provides a wealth of information useful for researchers and lecturers of forest pathology and ecology.
Achille e Odisseo (Achilles and Odysseus)
La ferocia e l’inganno (Ferocity and Deception)
by Matteo Nucci
What does it mean to be human? Throwing yourself headlong against obstacles at the cost of death, or planning every move wisely? Chasing the truth, or manipulating it? To be Achilles, or Odysseus? Since ancient times, Odysseus and Achilles have been considered the paradigms of two antithetical ways of facing life. On the one hand, a flexible intelligence, capable of adapting to circumstances to bypass obstacles. On the other hand, the ferocity of those who claim to shape reality. Odysseus knows how to wait, how to endure, just to save himself. Not Achilles: he consumes the moment, and devours his own existence. Because he is too frank, instinctive, choleric, at least as Odysseus is prudent, strategic and deceptive. The one facing the future, the other focused on the present, they are both unable to deal with the past. Unlike the invincible superheroes of our times, Homeric heroes are truly human, with their frailties and weaknesses. What is heroism, if not living fully your mortal condition? Through the gaze of Achilles and Odysseus, Nucci explores two different views of the present world. Is it acceptable to lie for a good cause? How can we prevent fear of failure from paralyzing us? When is it time to plan, and when to live to the fullest? The choice is yours: you can confront with the sea like Odysseus, who, as a sailor, observes it and tries to predict the weather and the currents; or instead, like Achilles, you can plunge into the sea and let the waves carry you, living in the moment. With an engaging narrative, Matteo Nucci reveals the eternal dimension of the two great Homeric heroes: opposite human models that go beyond the myth.
Graphic novels
by various authors
PROVIDENCE - NEONOMICON Alan Moore’s revolutionary view takes the concept of super-heroes and comic-books to a whole new level, to the universal language of Art. Two chilling tales of Lovecraftian horror with beautiful art by Jacen Burrows. PROVIDENCE, 3 volumes NEONOMICON 1 volume PANINI COMICS ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVELS A line of cutting-edge original titles from acclaimed Italian and international artists. Explore a universe of thrilling stories and amazing art that will leave you breathless. LOON by Giulia Zucca (1 volume) BOB 84 by Vincenzo Filosa, Paolo Bacilieri (1 volume) DHAKAJAAR by Matteo Casali, Federica Croci (3 volumes) SAETTA ROSSA (THE BOLT) by Marco B. Bucci, Riccardo Atzeni (1 volume) BOBBY SOMBRERO by Gianni Barbieri, Cristian “Cinci” Canfailla (1 volume) PETER’S SHOP by Bruno Enna, Maria Claudia Di Genova, Andrea Greppi (1 volume) GLI UOMINI DELLA SETTIMANA (Men Of The Week) by Alessandro Bilotta, Sergio Ponchione (3 volumes) Il Grosso by Daniele Daccò, Veronica Ciancarini (1 volume) MERCY by Mirka Andolfo (3 volumes) UNNATURAL by Mirka Andolfo (vol. 1-3), Mirka Andolfo and Ivan Bigarella (vol. 4-5) NOMEN OMEN/ARCADIA by Marco B. Bucci, Jacopo Camagni (2 seasons, 3 volumes each) F***ING SAKURA by Giulio Macaione (2 volumes) L’UOMO DELLE VALIGIE (Man of the Suitcases) by Marco Nucci, Lorenzo Zaghi (1 volume) SPACE OPERA by Jacopo Paliaga, Eleonora Bruni (4 volumes) CINQUE ALLEGRI RAGAZZI MORTI (Five Merry Dead Boys) by Davide Toffolo (3 volumes) CTRL-Z by Alessandra ‘Alyah’ Patanè (4 volumes) DJUNGLE by Tommaso Vitiello, Marco Itri (1 volume) LIFE ZERO by Stefano Vietti, Marco Checchetto (1 volume) SOMNIA by Liza E. Anzen, Federica Di Meo (2 series of 4 volumes each) UN’ESTATE ITALIANA (An Italian Summer) by Enrico Brizzi, Denis Medri (1 volume) GURT by Isaak Friedl, Oscarito (3 volumes) LILLI LA BIMBA UNICORNO (Lilli, the Unicorn Girl) by Alice Del Giudice (1 volume)
Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2020
Schleichend an die Macht
Wie die Neue Rechte Geschichte instrumentalisiert, um Deutungshoheit über unsere Zukunft zu erlangen
by Andreas Audretsch/Claudia Gatzka (Hg)
Slinking Into Power How the New Right is Instrumentalizing History to Gain Interpretational Sovereignty over Our Future The New Right’s culture war A European perspective from renowned experts Contributions from Andreas Audretsch, Claudia Gatzka, Paul Jürgensen, Jürgen Kocka, Markus Linden, Stephan Ozsváth, Hedwig Richter The New Right is striving for power within Europe. One of its strongest strategies: the instrumentalizing of history to secure its perspective in the minds of people. Myths about nations, their heroes and their struggles for independence are being leveraged to make nationalism and ethnocentric thinking socially acceptable again. What this indicates is that we need to battle for the past so that the liberal basis of our society can have a future. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany party evokes over a millenia of glorious German culture. Matteo Salvini in Italy is stylizing himself in the tradition of his country’s freedom fighters. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán wants to lead his nation back to its “historical greatness.” And even in the midst of the Corona crisis, the New Right is promoting the concept of a nationalistic renaissance as a solution. The populist illusion of “pure” homogenous societies is supposed to emerge as the future’s political consensus. This book analyzes the New Right’s strategies across Europe and also functions as a call to politicians and scholars, teachers and civil servants, to stand up to the misuse of the historical narrative.
Graphic novels
by Mark Millar and others
The most cutting-edge series from the most acclaimed writer of the decade, Mark Millar! Dive into the wildest imagination and hyper-action where unconventional super-heroes and super-villains stories are told in the unique ironic style that made Mark Millar famous worldwide. A whole library of titles is available from the early success of Wanted to the new Netflix productions, through the super-hits Kick-Ass and Hit Girl. Titles brought to screen: WANTED(Mark Millar, J.G. Jones) - MOVIE KICK-ASS(Mark Millar, John Romita Jr.) – MOVIE FRANCHISE HIT GIRL(Mark Millar, John Romita Jr., Jeff Lemire, Kevin Smith, Eduardo Risso, Goran Parlov) - MOVIE KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE(Mark Millar, Dave Gibbons) – MOVIE FRANCHISE JUPITER’S LEGACY(Mark Millar, Frank Quitely) – TV SERIES AMERICAN JESUS– THE CHOSEN ONE (Mark Millar, Peter Gross) – TV SERIES SUPERCROOKS(Mark Millar, Leinil Francis Yu) – ANIME SERIES More titles, including further Netflix adaptations: NEMESIS(Mark Millar, Steve McNiven) SUPERIOR(Mark Millar, Leinil Francis Yu) MPH(Mark Millar, Duncan Fegredo) CHRONONAUTS(Mark Millar, Sean Murphy - Eric Canete) STARLIGHT(Mark Millar, Goran Parlov) MAGIC ORDER(Mark Millar, Olivier Coipel) EMPRESS(Mark Millar, Stuart Immonen HUCK(Mark Millar, Rafael Albuquerque) SHARKEY THE BOUNTY HUNTER(Mark Millar, Simone Bianchi) REBORN(Mark Millar, Jonathan Glapion – Greg Capullo) PRODIGY(Mark Millar, Rafael Albuquerque) SPACE BANDITS(Mark Millar, Matteo Scalera) KING OF SPIES(Mark Millar, Matteo Scalera)
Peace studies & conflict resolutionMarch 2011
Making Peace After Genocide
Anatomy of the Burundi Process
by Howard Wolpe
This report distills the author’s experience as a presidential special envoy to Africa’s Great Lakes region from 1996 to 2001, and as the director of a Burundi leadership training initiative from 2003 to 2009. The report was written by the author in his personal capacity. The views expressed are his alone and do not represent the positions of any organization. Any errors or factual inaccuracies are solely his responsibility. The author would like to thank, in particular, Ambassador James Yellin, Fabien Nsengimana, Eugene Nindorera, Elizabeth McClintock, Alain Lempereur, Steve McDonald, Don Matteo Zuppi, Aldo Ajello, Carolyn McAskie, Youssef Mahmoud, Mamadou Bah, Nureldin Satti, Peter Uvin, and Rene Lemarchand for the numerous contributions they made along the way. Many others, too many to be identified by name, also offered important insights for which the author is extremely grateful.
FictionFebruary 2020
I Cacciatori dei sigilli perduti
by Angela Tabata Di Matteo
Cari lettori…! Noi Cacciatori dei sigilli perduti non vediamo l'ora di raccontarvi la nostra speciale storia; un concentrato di amicizia, suspense, adrenalina e molto altro… Siete pronti a conoscerci ea partire con noi in questa epica avventura?
HistoryApril 2016
The Calling
Stories of Jesuits in the 16th and 17th Centuries
by Adriano Prosperi
This book explains not who the Jesuits were, but how their awareness of having become Jesuits was constructed. It does so on the basis of a collection of documents which have often been referred to as ‘autobiographies’, in fact individual members’ accounts of how they received their calling. Each Jesuit had to describe in writing how the divine call had come to him, what signs had preceded it and how he had broken away from his ‘fleshly’ family to become a member of the Company. Their acute awareness of the definitive nature of the close pact they had established with God by becoming members of the army of the Lord, made the Jesuits new, unusual figures, unprecedented in the history of Christian religious orders: men trained to carry out arduous missions into the most distant countries of the world, in contact with unknown cultures, without any weakening of their ties with the Company; a classic case is Matteo Ricci. Accepting their calling meant adopting a special life, characterized by a modern form of asceticism: a total break with the past and their families, a readiness to go wherever they were sent, as new apostles.
Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
An illustrated history
by Serafino Ripamonti
The story of the mountaineering association Ragni di Lecco (the “spiders” of Lecco) from the Forties to our present day, with documents and eyewitness accounts on their accomplishments all around the world, from America to Patagonia. “Ragni di Lecco” is the oldest and most prestigious rock-climbing group in Italy. Its famed red jersey with its badge featuring a six-legged spider is linked to the most challenging ascents in the world – from Alpine peaks to the wuthering heights of Patagonia to the mindboggling altitudes of the Himalaya. Its famed bearers include Riccardo Cassin, Carlo Mauri, Casimiro Ferrari, along with many others who have left an indelible mark on the history of mountain climbing and daring deeds. This illustrated volume recounts the intertwined stories of brotherhood, love for the mountains and historical exploits, beginning with the first generation of “spiders”, who in 1946 sought to take back the youth they had been denied by the horrors of the World War, and following their footsteps from the local peaks of Grigna to the historical ascent of the Western face of Cerro Torre in 1974. And the tale continues today, with the adventures of a new generation of top climbers, like Matteo Della Bordella, adding their own chapters to the history of the association and keeping alive a love of adventure with a dash of romanticism.
Children's & YA2022
The Day of the Whale
by Rachel Delahaye
‘Follow Big Blue. Tell the Truth.’ That was the last thing Cam’s father said to him and it was important. Cam follows Big Blue - everybody does on the island of Cetacea. Their lives take place within his rules, delivered to them by enigmatic whale-talker, Byron Vos. Byron was once a marine scientist but is now organizing an epic clean-up operation to revive the ocean after centuries of human greed and neglect. And yet Cam wonders if there is a more complex truth he has not yet discovered. A truth that may be connected to his father’s disappearance. Cam’s quest to understand Big Blue leads him to new friends and shared adventures – but the truth, when he finds it, is more dangerous than ever he could have imagined.