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      • BRUJA

        by Matías Argumánez

        Durante la función de la vida, no hay guión que no se improvise. Cuando se levanta el telón de las pasiones, cada cual se procura un palco de primera haciendo de su imaginación el único escenario factible, donde la ovación final se alce sobre las dificultades ... y sea posible.   No hay mayor blasfemia que la de mancillar las caderas cubriéndolas con telas de miedo, ni límite que pueda restringir la insolencia de quien se viste de conocimiento. No puede darse cuenta de belleza que en equilibrio con la verdad no haga de la sensualidad su método, ni existe peor pudor que el de permanecer ante la calidez, siendo hielo. No cabe sutileza más nítida que la de pasearse desnuda de prejuicios ante los rebuznos del pueblo, ni erotismo más elevado que el de insinuar la piel bajo la trama de la que se viste el deseo.     Creemos firmemente, como Gil de Biedma: Que la vida iba en serio .

      • Early learning: verse & rhymes

        On the Web of A Spider

        by Pilar Muñoz, Matías Acosta

        A toucan, a monkey, a lion, a crocodile and an elephant were swinging on the web of a spider but… Hoy many animals can it resist? Pilar Muñoz Lascano, author of multiple children’s books, is inspired by a popular children’ song to give life to this fun story whose characters are masterfully illustrated by the renowned Uruguayan illustrator Matías Acosta. “One elephant was swinging over the web of a spider, because he saw, that he didn’t fall another elephant was called Two elephants were swinging over the web of a spider…” —extract of The Elephant Song (nursery rhyme), source of inspiration for this book

      • Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's/YA)

        Matias and The Strawberry Pie

        by José Palomo

        That night Matias discovered something important: that to get to that strawberry cake he liked so much, he would need to cross impossible lands. An adventure filled with strange bugs trying to stop him from arriving at that delicious destination kept inside the house’s fridge.

      • Rosa-Blanche

        by Matias Jolliet

        Quelques jours en montagne. Seul. Loin du mouvement de la ville. C’est le récit d’une passion que raconte Matias Jolliet. Pas à pas, sur le sentier qui file vers les sommets, il décrit ce goût pour lespierriers et les pâturages, ce plaisir des matins où l’on s’élance avant l’aube, la dure ascension pour respirerl’air des cimes. Premier roman écrit pour s’expliquer à lui-même ce qui fait de la randonnée en montagne une forme de cheminement spirituel. Tout en lyrisme contenu, ce texte est le récit d’ne marche solitaire et lumineuse vers la joie.

      • Fiction

        L'ultimo marinaio (The Last Sailor)

        by Andrea Ricolfi

        Matias lives on the island of Noss, a desert rock in the Norwegian sea. That very ocean, which took his father away when he was just a child, means everything to him. His only inheritance is the Marlin, a hand-built wooden sailing boat. This is the origin of his dream: to create a sailing school, to shape sailors as they used to be. This is how Matias meets Tomas, a mysterious sailor who came to Noss to share with the students the ocean’s hard lesson: the sea is dangerous and no matter how many storms you have faced, the next one will still scare you to death. It is a cruel law, though never as cruel as the law of men.Tomas is a silent man, as hard to decipher as the words of a distant song that is fading away. But day after day Matias discovers in him a pure soul, capable of the most vigorous strength, as well as of the most unexpected tenderness. And while the dance of the Northern lights fills up the darkness of the polar sky, Tomas becomes not only a teacher, but a friend, too. Because being part of a crew means never having to face the winds alone. Andrea Ricolfi is a pure mathematician working as a postdoc fellow at SISSA, Trieste. In his astonishing debut novel he takes the readers to Norway among colorful houses, winds and storms. He takes us to the deck of a ship where true courage, commitment and friendship are learned. He takes us to a world where being a sailor means you’ll remain a sailor for the rest of your life.L’ultimo marinaio tells the story of a hidden world where the rarefied beauty of the nordic landscapes, as well as the actions of a handful of unordinary men, do not feel the urge to emerge or be noticed.Noss doesn’t exist. But it is a place for those who think beauty is the simplest of all things, to be found in the shape of an iceberg, or the color of the waves when a storm subsides.This is a book for those who would be happy just sitting on a rock by the sea and watching the snow fall on the fjord and on the surrounding mountains. It’s a book for those who, bravely enough today, choose nature over human beings, but still can’t help hoping in a better, more gracious humankind.

      • Children's & YA
        December 2017

        Four Seasons Of Love

        by Nacarid Portal

        In this book, the author leads us through a mirror of emotions, which shows us a path full of ups and downs, where the only option you have is to face the ghosts of the past and move on with life, that life which is filled with both pain and love. Four Seasons of Love is an inward journey that goes beyond the very limits we set ourselves. It is about getting to know your true self again, and be able to find the ability to love your scars. It is about accepting death as a part of life, and that love is not something that has to stay with us to be eternal. Christopher is a singer and a young music composer who is about to release an album with his band. His life revolved around parties, alcohol and luxuries after the death of his twin brother. He writes his feelings in a diary as a way to exorcise his pain. And that diary holds the key to the story of his Ijfe, and the way he lost Matias in a tragic accident, which ultimately led him to emotional isolation. It is a realistic novel that has captured the attention of thousands of people, as many could relate to the characters and the love story between Christopher and Charlotte. As he, who wasn't used to the feeling of romantic love, and whose life's motto was"Love me today, cuz III leave you tomorrow," fell in love with someone who was  involved with someone, and whose interest in him was rather for economic and emotional stability than true love.

      • January 2022

        The Falling Snow and Other Stories

        by José Maria Eça de Queirós, Robert M. Fedorchek, Maria Filomena Monica

        The great nineteenth-century Portuguese author José Maria Eça de Queirós (1845-1900) has long been known for his novels, especially The Crime of Father Amaro (1880) and The Maias (1888). However, he also wrote short stories, and a number of them, having stood the test of time, are now regarded as masterpieces. Although there is no question that Eça owes the lion’s share of his reputation to his long fiction, the tales in this collection tell us that we are reading the work of a writer in full control of both genres. The eleven selections range widely in theme and length and, except for “The Catastrophe”(which was published posthumously), are arranged in order of the year of publication. “The Falling Snow” and “Master Devil” contain elements of both the fantastic and realistic, a number of which call to mind Edgar Allan Poe, a writer whom Eça read and greatly admired. The power of love becomes the obsession of love in “The Peculiarities of a Blonde Girl” and “José Matias,” two of the stories that stand at the pinnacle of Eça’s reputation as a short story writer. “Civilization” will speak to nostalgia for a rustic life, while “Perfection” searches, through Ulysses and a special goddess, into a different kind of life, one without blemish. Other tales explore the nature of sacrifice (“The Wet Nurse”), greed and betrayal (“The Treasure”), jealousy and vengeance (“The Dead Man”), and faith in a young rabbi named Jesus (“The Gentle Miracle”). No one knows why Eça withheld publication of “The Catastrophe,” but this powerful story engages us with its naked intensity, its aroused passion, and its blunt honesty, for it amounts to a ringing endorsement of the exalted meaning of patriotism.

      • Sociology & anthropology
        March 2020

        Tetã Tekoha

        by Nhandewa, Alexandro; Yvoty, Ana Lúcia; Silva, Débora; Zamboni, Felipe; Sabino, Jaqueline; Tupã, Rodrigo; Pyntánh, Tiago; Matias, Uerique; Jacintho, Valéria; Queiroz, Yago

        Tetã Tekoha is a cry of resistance from ten young Guarani indigenous people, students at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Members of the Indigenous Word project, which sought to bring together and develop their authorship and their role, the students present first-person reports, with their own style - and a lot of emotion - in a search for affirmation of identity, ancestry and identification with both worlds: village and the city. From their experience at the university, where they study to deepen knowledge that may be useful to their people and question the invisibility and imposition of Western culture as unique, they want to show that they move between the worlds without abandoning their essence.

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