¡Atrévete… ya! El cielo es el límite
In this volume, you will learn about the prodigious qualities of the brain, the powerhouse that governs who we are and, above all, how much we can become. Right now, millions of neurons are working for you, flashing, sending out a constant electrical flow. These tiny cells transmit sensations, desires, feelings, but also orders, attitudes, dispositions. Learning to wield that prodigious force to your advantage is at your fingertips. You can do it.
Also, the brain can give answers that no computer has. It is proven that this amazing quality can be educated and increased. Whoever trains his ability to think, who knows how to encourage it and use his wealth of intelligence to the fullest, will have that tool available to geniuses, whose brain is potentially similar to everyone's. To achieve this, here you will find exercises and small challenges that will allow you to face the greatest challenges, those that will undoubtedly lead you to the goal.