American Diabetes Association
The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
View Rights PortalThe American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.
View Rights PortalDiametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.
View Rights PortalAs human and machine agency become increasingly intermingled and digital media is overlaid onto the urban landscape, The machinic city argues that performance art can help us to understand contemporary urban living. Dias analyses interventions from performance artists such as Blast Theory, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Rimini Protokoll, which draw from a rich history of avant-garde art movements to create spaces for deliberation and reflection on urban life, and speculation on its future. While cities are increasingly controlled by autonomous processes mediated by technical machines, Dias analyses the performative potential of the aesthetic machine, as it assembles with media, capitalist, human and urban machines. The aesthetic machine of performance art in urban space is examined through its different components - design, city and technology actants. This unveils the unpredictable nature and emerging potential of performance art as it unfolds in the machinic city.
Mit seinem Cthulu-Mythos wollte H. P. Lovecraft eine Atmosphäre kosmischen Grauens schaffen, die Archaisches mit den modernen Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaft verbindet und unserer Zeit angemessen ist. Die Angst hielt er für das älteste und stärkste Gefühl, mit dem er in seinen Erzählungen gerne spielte. Die besten Erzählungen von H. P. Lovecraft sind in diesem Rand zusammengefaßt.
Mineral nutrition of livestock is an area of significant importance due to its contribution to farm animal economics and health. With a focus on macromineral utilization in farm animals, this book brings together quantitative aspects of phosphorus and calcium metabolism in farm animals in chapters written by leading researchers worldwide. It covers isotope dilution technique, phosphorus and calcium utilization in ruminants (sheep, goats and cattle) and non-ruminants (swine, horses) and recommended value of phosphorus and calcium inclusion in feed. It is an essential resource for researchers and students in animal sciences and nutrition.
This book object, composed of 30 cards, invites the reader to stop in the poetry that surrounds us.
The metabolomics and systems biology approach to research can be applied to many disciplines. This book provides a solid introduction to medical metabolomics and systems biology, and demonstrates how they have been applied to studies in medicine and human health, including nutrition and pathogenic microorganisms. Following core themes of diagnosis, pathology and aetiology of disease, this book provides a reference for health care professionals interested in how to use metabolomics for medical research.
The purpose of this book is to analyze the effects of developed countries' agricultural policies on developing countries. The main focus is on food security, poverty and other topics such as multifunctionality, biotechnology and regional agreements, as an input to policy reform within the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations. The book arises from a joint project between the Food and Resource Economics Institute in Denmark and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.
Meurtre par la Cabale Un Thriller ésotérique fondé sur les secrets de la cabale Nathan Erez et Dorith Ginzburg-Silberman Un thriller israélien qui associe deux éléments apparemment sans rapport l’un avec l’autre : une série de meurtres étranges et le déchiffrage d’anciens textes cabalistiques, avec leur sens caché et mystique. Un professeur de Jérusalem, expert dans le déchiffrage d’anciens manuscrits hébraïques, est chargé d’une mystérieuse mission, qui l’envoie sur trois continents. Il devient mêlé à une série de meurtres, qui le dépassent complètement. Mais il découvre rapidement que s’il ne parvient pas à déchiffrer les manuscrits énigmatiques à l’aide de ses connaissances de la cabale, beaucoup de vies, y compris celles des membres de sa propre famille, seront menacées. Entremêlés avec ce récit passionnant se trouvent de curieux passages rappelant les nombreuses conquêtes qu’a subies la ville de Jérusalem au cours de sa longue histoire ; leur connexion et leur signification ne se révéleront qu’à la fin du livre. Meurtre par la Cabale est une aventure passionnante et au rythme soutenu. Grâce à sa structure remarquable et son sujet captivant (la cabale), vous ne pourrez simplement pas le poser avant d'en connaître la fin. La solution surprenante de ce drame intègre des éléments cabalistiques et entoure le récit de magie, laissant le lecteur presque à bout de souffle. Ce livre a été écrit par Dorith Ginzburg-Silberman, en coopération avec le mystérieux cabaliste Nathan Erez, qui refuse obstinément de révéler son identité. Le Dr Silberman a écrit 17 livres jusqu’à ce jour, parmi lesquels une collection d'histoires courtes, des romans et deux livres pour enfants, ainsi que des recherches et des publications académiques. Le Dr. Silberman est conférencière de littérature dans les meilleures universités israéliennes et son travail lui a valu plusieurs prix. Elle a participé à de nombreux congrès internationaux. L’auteur est mère de trois enfants. L'édition italienne a été publiée en fin 2005 par Barbera Editore et a été chaleureusement acclamée par les médias ; celle en espagnol est sortie en mi- 2006, et l'édition portugaise en octobre 2006. L'édition tchèque est parue en Mars 2008.
Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and its input has long been recognised as necessary to maintain profitable crop production. However, phosphorus inputs can also increase the biological activity of surface waters and this can lead to the destruction of such aquatic ecosystems. Advanced eutrophication of surface water leads to problems with its use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking, due to the increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds, and oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the causes and mode of phosphorus loss from soil to water, to enable the problems to be controlled and managed. This book has been developed from an international workshop held in Ireland in late 1995. It is the first comprehensive consideration of the topic, and many leading researchers in the area have contributed to it. It is essential reading for all soil scientists and freshwater biologists, as well as for environmentalists, ecologists and agriculturalists concerned with sustainable land management and pollution. The book is also recommended to fisheries managers, fertilizer manufacturers and biologists working for water utilities.
This book examines what will happen to global invasive species, including plants, animals and pathogens with current and expected man-made climate change. The effects on distribution, success, spread and impact of invasive species are considered for a series of case studies from a number of countries. This book will be of great value to researchers, policymakers and industry in responding to changing management needs.