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      • Madeleine Editions

        An independent, online children’s book publisher, Madeleine Editions merges traditional storytelling and digital technology to create a collection of children’s digital books that provide a multi-lingual, multi-sensory, and multi-cultural reading experience for children ages 3~8.   Most editions are available in English, French, and Chinese. Each story is an original collaboration between artists from all over the world: award-winning writers, world renown musicians, the classical music label Deutsche Grammophon, + the newest generation of illustrators from Paris.

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      • Walker Books Ltd.

        The Walker Books Group is one of the world’s leading creatively-led, independent publishers of books and content for children. This vibrant international group includes Walker Books UK, London; Candlewick Press, Somerville, Massachusetts; and Walker Books Australia, based in Sydney and Auckland. Renowned for its truly original publishing and outstanding quality, the Walker Books Group is home to books for readers of all ages.Award-winning authors and illustrators for the group include National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature emerita, Kate DiCamillo, M. T. Anderson, Patrick Ness, and Jon Klassen, and major brands for the group are Maisy, Guess How Much I Love You, Tilly and Friends, the widely acclaimed Judy Moody and the bestselling Where’s Wally/Waldo?

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016

        Der Kinogeher

        by Walker Percy, Peter Handke

        Die Filmbesuche des Kinogehers lassen sich nicht als triviale Zerstreuung verstehen, sie offenbaren ihm die Einsamkeit und Hilflosigkeit seiner Suche. Doch jene Suchen, von denen die Filme erzählen, sind verfälscht: Der Held und Außenseiter endet glücklich als Konformist in der Menge. Die Mutter des Kinogehers, die ihr Kind der vornehmen Verwandtschaft überließ, als sie den einfachen zweiten Mann heiratete, eine Schafferin, die das hier und jetzt Notwendige ohne viel Worte tut, gibt dem Sohn einen Hinweis, als sie in ihrer unsentimentalen Art ihm von der Unrast und den Depressionen seines Vaters, des Arztes, berichtet. Schließlich findet der Kinogeher einen Weg, auf dem er zu suchen beginnen kann. Der Weg führt fort von leicht verdientem Geld und schönen Mädchen, fort auch von spektakulärer Leistung ... »Eine seltene wahre Geschichte« nennt der Üersetzer Peter Handke den Roman, den ersten des Autors, der 1961 mit dem National Book Award ausgezeichnet wurde und Walker Percy sofort bekannt machte.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        April 2017

        Rural Tourism and Enterprise

        Management, Marketing and Sustainability

        by Ade Oriade, Peter Robinson

        Marketing and management processes across industries can be very similar, but contexts vary where political intervention, public interest and local sustainability are involved. The rural business setting is especially intricate due to the assortment of different business opportunities, ranging from traditional agriculture, to tourism enterprise and even high-tech business. This important new textbook on the subject: - Examines key issues affecting rural enterprise and tourism - Explores the breadth of rural enterprise management and marketing across both developed and developing economies - Discusses strategies for business growth within a rural setting, such as knowledge development, proper planning and innovation - Uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content specifically selected to appeal to both student and practitioner readers Including pedagogical features and full colour throughout, this new textbook provides an engaging and thought-provoking resource for students and practitioners of tourism, rural business and related industries. ; Marketing and management processes are especially intricate for the rural business setting due to the assortment of different business opportunities. This important new textbook examines key issues, discusses strategies for growth and uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content across developed and developing countries. ; Introduction: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) Part 1: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise in developed economies 1: Rural enterprise business development: the developed world context (Peter Robinson & Alison Murray) 2: Selling to consumers (Sammy Li, Roya Rahimi & Nikolaos Stylos) 3: Sustainability, CSR and Ethics: Developed economies perspective (Caroline Wiscombe) 4: Community engagement and rural tourism enterprise (Peter Wiltshier) 5: Social enterprise and the rural landscape (Caroline Wiscombe, Liz Heyworth, Sandy Ryder, Lucy Maynard & Charles Dobson) Part 2: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise: developing world context 6: The rural business environment in developing economies (Solomon Olorunfemi Olubiyo & Ade Oriade) 7: Marketing and Communications and Rural Business in developing countries (Abiodun Elijah Obayelu & Nikolaos Stylos) 8: Consumers and Rural Tourism in developing Economies (Vivienne Saverimuttu and Maria Estela Varua) 9: Sustainability and Ethics in rural business and tourism in the Developing World (Weng Marc Lim and Sine Heitman) 10: Community engagement, rural institutions and rural tourism business in developing countries (Anahita Malek, Fabio Carbone & Asia Alder) Part 3: Strategies for rural business management and growth 11: Challenges and Strategies for rural business operations in developed and developing Economies (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) 12: Developing and Growing Knowledge within rural tourism enterprises (Tony Greenwood and Jo Tate) 13: Collaborate to Innovate: Challenges and Strategies for rural business to innovate (Ainurul Rosli, Jane Chang and Maria L. Granados) 14: Strategies for rural business growth (Crispin Dale, Neil Robinson and Mike Evans) 15: Opportunities for growth: The rural tourism policy and planning perspective (Caroline Wiscombe and Steve Gelder) Conclusion: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2023

        Die Schule der kleinen Götter

        Tauche ein in die Sagenwelt der griechischen Götter und erlebe ein rasantes Abenteuer ab 9 Jahren

        by Lucy K. Walker

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Die Tintenjäger: Löse das Rätsel der magischen Bibliothek

        Ein interaktives Abenteuer zum Mitraten für Escape-Fans ab 9

        by Lucy K. Walker

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2014

        Die Schweiz für die Hosentasche

        Was Reiseführer verschweigen

        by Walker, Martin; Jonas, Anica

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        All die unbewohnten Zimmer

        by Friedrich Ani

        Eine Bibliothekarin wird in einem Park in München erschossen, ein Polizist verletzt. Ein Streifenpolizist wird erschlagen am Rande einer rechtsradikalen Demonstration. Zur Aufklärung bietet Friedrich Ani gleich vier Ermittler auf, man kennt sie aus seinen anderen Büchern: Polonius Fischer, Jakob Franck, Tabor Süden sowie Fariza Nasri. Ohne sie wären die Fälle nicht aufzuklären, denn die Vier sehen sich mit einem Kaleidoskop von menschlichem Leid, Rache- und Machtgelüsten, privaten Vorlieben, politischen Umtrieben und gesellschaftlichen Spaltungen konfrontiert, kurz mit einem Kosmos, der die gesamte Situation nicht nur Deutschlands in nuce widerspiegelt. All die unbewohnten Zimmer schlägt eine Schneise durch das Gestrüpp der politischen und individuellen Verfasstheit unserer Zeit. Friedrich Ani legt einen ebenso überraschungsreichen Krimi wie abgrundtief bösen Gesellschaftsroman vor. Er lässt uns das Böse und (das nie zu erreichende) Gute neu begreifen.

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        The Arts
        May 2011

        Performing Herself

        Autobiography and Fanny Kelly's Dramatic Recollections

        by Gilli Bush-Bailey, Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This unique book contains the never before published script of the first ever one-woman show, written by Fanny Kelly. The script was performed in Britain in the 1830s and 40s, based on Kelly's own experiences and offers a picture of the exuberant and often bizarre Georgian entertainment world. The performance text is introduced, edited and explained by Gilli Bush-Bailey, who focuses 21st-century revisionist scholarship on Kelly's story. It is an innovative contribution to the modern debate on biographical and autobiographical writing, whilst also being a valuable text for those who wish to study comedy and women's performance. The materials and methods of the modern stand-up routine are already to be seen in this unusual text. This book will appeal to students and scholars who are involved in performance, theatre history, or biography. It is also an accessible text for the interested general reader. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1973

        Robinson Crusoe

        by Daniel Defoe, Hannelore Novak, Ludwig Richter

        Daniel Defoe, geboren 1660 in London, arbeitete als Kaufmann, Journalist und Publizist. Mit seinem Roman Robinson Crusoe wurde er weltberühmt. Er gilt als Begründer des modernen englischen Romans. Defoe starb 1731 in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1980

        Robinson Crusoe

        Oder kleine, für die Jugend äußerst anziehende und nützliche Auszüge aus dessen merkwürdigen Reisen mit 24 kolorierten Bildern

        by Friedrich C. Heller

        »Defoe hat mit seinem Robinson eines der schönsten Bücher der Welt geschrieben.« Hermann Hesse Illustrierte Ausgabe mit gekürzten Auszügen aus Daniel Defoes weltberühmtem Roman über einen Schiffbrüchigen, der sich auf einer Insel gegen die Natur behaupten muss.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2004

        A history of the Ulster Unionist Party

        Protest, pragmatism and pessimism

        by Graham Walker

        This is the first substantial history to trace the political development of the Ulster Unionist Party through the years of protest and opposition to Irish Home Rule to the half-century as a governing party within Northern Ireland, and beyond to the current attempts to bring peace to the Province. It demonstrates why the Party is so central to efforts to reach a political settlement, and explains why it has for so long been the main political voice of the pro-Union electorate in Northern Ireland. An important and scholarly work based on extensive primary source research, it brings to light forgotten historical episodes of contemporary political significance, and provides new angles on old controversies and debates. The book discusses the evolution of the Ulster Unionist Party with reference to competing ideological currents, class and social tensions within the Unionist movement, and the role of leadership figures and maverick personalities. This is a book that maps the party's historical journey from the dramatic days of Carson to the current predicaments of Trimble. ;

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        Geography & the Environment
        March 2019

        Finding Resilience

        Change and Uncertainty in Nature and Society

        by Brian Walker

        Floods, fires, famines, epidemics and disasters of all kinds are on the increase, and as their frequency rises so does the call for greater resilience. But what does that mean? The word is used differently in psychology, ecology, economics and engineering and runs the risk of becoming meaningless jargon. This would be most unfortunate because, if we are to successfully navigate very real and dangerous global trends, it is resilience that needs to be understood and fostered. Finding Resilience is international in scope and unravels how ecosystems, societies and people cope with disturbance and adversity. Written for a general readership and based on the experiences of researchers, the fascinating stories from around the world reveal what resilience is, how it works in different kinds of systems, how it is expressed, and how it can be gained and lost.

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