Thekla Verlag
We are a publisher from Germany with a selected list of children's and young adult books.
View Rights PortalWe are a publisher from Germany with a selected list of children's and young adult books.
View Rights PortalTheart Press is a South African publisher specialisingin inspirational books - including poetry, children's books and biography.
View Rights PortalWer sich ein Bild machen will über das Leben am Hofe Ludwigs XIV., über die politischen Ereignisse, vor allem über die geistige und menschliche Bildung jener Zeit in ihrer reinsten und anmutigsten Form, der greift zu diesen Briefen.
European citizenship, identity and immigration are constitutive issues facing the European polity and have important consequences for domestic political systems. There has been a great deal published about citizenship within the setting of the nation-state and comparative immigration policies, but relatively little has been written on their theorisation in a post-national, post-statist context, such as the EU, and on alternative European institutional designs. Now available in paperback, this volume blends normative political theory with European integration, and develops an original theoretical framework for European Union citizenship, identity and immigration as well as a set of policy proposals for institutional reform. Challenging the conventionally held views in these areas, the author argues that a constructive model of European citizenship and identity is vital to the construction of a democratic, heterogeneous and inclusive European polity. The book will appeal to academics and political actors concerned with issues of European governance as well as to undergraduate and postgraduate students of European politics, European integration, European Union Law, political theory and sociology.
Sommer 1980. Die Geschichte »zwischen dem sehr jungen Yann Andréa Steiner und dieser Frau, die Bücher machte und die alt war und allein wie er« beginnt in Trouville. Behutsam skizziert Duras die aufkeimende Liebe, die den Tod von Anfang an in sich birgt. Parallel dazu erzählt sie von der unmöglichen Liebe zwischen dem kleinen Samuel Steiner und seiner Betreuerin Johanna Goldberg. Samuels Schwester wurde von den Nazis ermordet, seine Eltern deportiert. Yann Andréa wird zu Yann Andréa Steiner, und nicht allein der gemeinsame Name drückt die mythische Verwandtschaft zu Samuel, dem ebenfalls viel jüngeren Geliebten, aus. Duras' Erzählung von ihrer Liebe und der Angst darum schreitet mit dem Rhythmus der Wellen, des Windes und des Regens fort. Die Gespräche mit Yann führen zu einer weiteren Figur: Theodora Kats, eine in den Konzentrationslagern umgekommene junge Frau, deren Geschichte Duras nie hat aufschreiben können. Mir unbeschreiblicher Sogwirkung verknüpft die Duras Fiktion und Realität und macht aus »Yann Andréa Steiner« eine literarische Liebeserklärung an den langjährigen Gefährten.
This book argues that the welfare state cannot be understood purely as a set of social policy arrangements, but must be seen as a political institution, intended to achieve certain political objectives. The political dimension of the welfare state is essential for understanding its initial emergence as well as assessing its ability to deal with contemporary challenges. Governments use welfare transfers to decrease the risk of political instability that may be politically disruptive and threaten to undermine social cohesion. The success of welfare institutions stems from their ability to foster a redistribution of resources and political consensus that has enabled long-term political stability and economic development. The book develops a general model that looks at the interactive effects between welfare transfers, political instability and state capacity. It provides a unique theoretical contribution to the study of welfare spending in the context of globalisation and integration, analyses the key politial rationale for welfare programmes, namely their role in preserving social cohesion and governance and demonstrates clearly that welfare policies can be successfully adopted to meet new challenges and that retrenchment of the welfare state is not inevitable, using Scandinavia as a leading example of modern thinking policies. ;
Die Geschichte der Subjektivität von Montaigne bis Barthes (Peter Bürger) – Geschichten von Madame de Sévigné bis zu Batailles Freundin Colette Peignot (Christa Bürger). Die hier in einem Band publizierten Bücher nehmen aufeinander Bezug und könnten doch kaum unterschiedlicher sein.
Bereits zu Lebzeiten war Helena Petrowna Blavatsky (1831–1891) weltweit berühmt. Sie bereiste die entlegensten Winkel des Globus, gründete eine spirituelle Bewegung, inszenierte sich als Trägerin okkulten Urwissens und galt als 'Sphinx des 19. Jahrhunderts'. Nichts weniger als den Schlüssel zur Erklärung aller Welträtsel beanspruchte sie mit ihrer Lehre gefunden zu haben, die sie in ihren Hauptwerken 'Isis entschleiert' (1877) und 'Die Geheimlehre' (1888) darlegte. Ihre Philosophie bildete die Grundlage für Rudolf Steiners anthroposophische Lehre. Auch auf bedeutende Künstler hatten Blavatskys Ideen großen Einfluss, u. a. auf Hermann Hesse, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot, William Butler Yeats, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Paul Gauguin, Gustav Mahler und Jean Sibelius. Das Leben der „Madame Blavatsky” ist von zahlreichen Legenden umrankt. Bis heute wird die Begründerin der Theosophie von ihren Verehrern gefeiert, von den Gegnern indes als Betrügerin und Scharlatanin verteufelt. Die erfolgreichen Autorinnen Ursula Keller und Natalja Sharandak haben in Archiven die Briefe, Erinnerungen und Schriften Blavatskys gesichtet und zeichnen das Porträt der Frau, die bisher hinter dem Mythos um ihre Person verborgen blieb.
Lady Lv Fangshi is born in a family with many siblings. She was not a good-looking girl and no one in her family cared about her. All her family lived in two small and dark rooms with both warmness and horror. As a 21-year-old lady, Lv Fangshi had already met some guys. Zeng Laoliu, the carpet dealer, was quite mysterious to her though he was not the one that excited her most. Is the lifestyle of Lady Lv Fangshi ever possible? We could frequently be face with this kind of question in our daily life.
The Blue Mountains are calling! When Lilly’s grandma’s favourite cow falls ill, the Bear family immediately decide to pay them a visit – but without the Little Lady. Mother and Father Bear are worried that her chameleon-like behaviour might upset Grandma Annie. But Lilly, Charley and the Little Lady won’t accept such thinking. With a zip and a zoom the Little Lady opens her umbrella and up and away they go on the greatest mountain “salafari” of all time! But then something weird happens to the Little Lady: first her feet start to tickle, then her fine hiking boots start to pinch, and her jacket seems to be shrinking! She sees with horror that she is starting to grow. What can Lilly, Charley and she do to stop it?
The Little Lady makes all hearts sing! When Lilly and her family move into the old house with the golden pretzel, she has no idea that a magic neighbour lives in the mysterious backyard. The Little Lady keeps a chameleon that is 1000 years old; she can make herself invisible and masters all kinds of magic tricks – but most of all she loves to play pranks on others! So a summer filled with wonderful adventures begins for Lilly. Poetic, full of imagination and humour, the Little Lady is delighted by her ever-growing community of fans and enjoys huge success with young and old alike. A fantastically beautiful story to read aloud or alone, exquisitely illustrated by Nina Dulleck.