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        Science & Mathematics

        Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation

        A Practical Guide

        by Lynette Morgan

        A comprehensive, practical text which covers a diverse range of hydroponic and protected cropping techniques, systems, greenhouse types and environments. It also details the use of indoor plant factories, vertical systems, organic hydroponics and aquaponics.Worldwide hydroponic cropping operations can vary from large, corporate producers running many hectares of greenhouse systems particularly for crops such as tomato, cucumber, capsicum and lettuce, to smaller-scale growers growing fresh produce for local markets.Included in this book:Detailed technical information to help growers and students to design and run their own hydroponic operations.In-depth research to explain the factors that influence plant growth, produce quality, post-harvest life and hydroponic plant nutrition.New advances such as the use of organic nutrients and substrates, completely enclosed indoor plant factories and the growing number of small-scale, non-commercial applications.Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation is fully illustrated with colour images and photographs to illustrate key topics and help identify problem areas. It is suitable for growers, researchers and students in horticulture. Table of contents 1: Background and History of Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation 2: Greenhouses and Protected Cropping Structures 3: The Greenhouse Environment and Energy Use 4: Greenhouse Operation and Management 5: Hydroponic Systems – Solution Culture 6: Substrate-based Hydroponic Systems 7: Organic Soilless Greenhouse Systems 8: Propagation and Transplant Production 9: Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Formulation 10: Plant Health, Plant Protection and Abiotic Factors 11: Hydroponic Production of Selected Crops 12: Plant Factories – Closed Plant Production Systems 13: Greenhouse Produce Quality and Assessment 14: Harvest and Postharvest Factors

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Stunde um Stunde

        Thriller | Die Suche nach ihrer verschwundenen Tochter wurde auf Eis gelegt – jetzt machen sie der Polizei die Hölle heiß …

        by Candice Fox, Thomas Wörtche, Andrea O’Brien

        Die junge Tilly Delaney ist vor zwei Jahren auf mysteriöse Weise verschwunden. Die Polizei von Los Angeles hat ihren Fall inzwischen längst zu den Akten gelegt und stuft sie als ertrunken ein. Aus Verzweiflung über die Untätigkeit des LAPD dringen ihre Eltern, Ryan und Elsie Delaney, in das forensische Labor der Strafverfolgungsbehörden ein und stellen ein Ultimatum: Findet endlich unsere Tochter, oder wir werden Stunde um Stunde alle Beweise für andere ungeklärte Fälle vernichten. Detective Charlie Hoskins ist seit fünf Jahren undercover in einer mörderischen Motorradgang tätig. Als seine Tarnung auffliegt, hat er keine andere Wahl, als Tilly selbst zu finden, oder er verliert alles, wofür er gearbeitet hat, sollte das Labor brennen. Lynette Lamb war Polizeibeamtin ‒ bis gestern, als sie vor ihrem ersten Einsatz in Los Angeles gefeuert wurde. Herauszufinden, was mit Tilly passiert ist, ist ihre einzige Chance, wieder in den Beruf einzusteigen, auf den sie sich ihr ganzes Leben lang vorbereitet hat. Hoskins und Lamb müssen sich zusammentun, um diesen cold case zu lösen, und sie müssen schnell handeln ‒ bevor die Situation völlig außer Kontrolle gerät.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        The Endocrine System, Third Edition

        by Salvatore Blair, Ph.D. and Lynette Rushton

        Much like the nervous system, the endocrine system relays important communication signals throughout the body. The endocrine system uses chemical signals known as hormones, which are produced and stored in special glands in the body. Different glands produce specialized hormones and release them into the bloodstream. From there, these hormones can travel directly to the tissues and organs and help regulate bodily functions. In The Endocrine System, Third Edition, learn how this chemical messaging system is vital to the body’s growth, metabolism, and sexual development. Packed with full-color photographs and illustrations, this absorbing book provides students with sufficient background information through references, websites, and a bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2007

        Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 01

        by K.V. Peter

        Underutilized and underexploited horticultural crops form an integral part of health food green parks, neutraceutical industry, home decorations, renewable sources of green energy and above all food reserves during calamities. Leaf vegetables like agathi, chekkurmanis, waterleaf, drumstick leaf, basella and colacasia leaf are rich in fibre, minerals and beta carotenes. Cucurbits like ash gourd, pointed gourd, ivy gourd, kekrol, snap melons and chow-chow are rich in iron and amino acids. Fruits like karonda, aonla and cherries are highly nutritious and are suited to less moisture soils. Noni is a fruit for health. Noni juice is recommended against diabetes, obesity and sleeplessness. Among spices, long pepper, mint, celery, fenugreek and garcenia possess medicinal properties. There are a large number of underexploited medicinal plants like tulsi and peppermint with considerable economic value. Underutilized crops like in Tripura, Orissa and Kerala are specially mentioned. There is need to broaden the food basket with lesser know crops. There is a shift from Health Care to Wellness Industry. Prevention is always better then cure. The present volume deals with underexploited and underutilized horticultural crops in its totality. The contributors of each are working scientists in the specific crop.

      • Memoirs
        January 2013

        Where the Rainbow Fell Down

        A raw and deeply moving memoir beginning in mid century New Zealand, Lynette Robinson battles to survive an upbringing profoundly impacted by poverty, family dysfunction and the Catholic Church.

        by Lynette Robinson

        WHERE THE RAINBOW FELL DOWN           Synopsis A memoir in two parts. The first half details the author’s life growing up in post-war New Zealand. Born into a dysfunctional NZ Catholic family with a disturbed mother, controlling father, and abusive step father, political and historical events help influence and shape her.  After leaving home to work at the age of 15, Robinson was coerced into marriage at 18 to a calculating, older man. She experiences years of marital unhappiness until she begins a career as a Marriage Guidance Counsellor, and finds unexpected love, joy and escape with a Catholic Priest.  During the second half of the story the priest’s tale unfolds. Brian is the only child of an introverted mother preoccupied with concealing her deformity, and a passive father who ‘went with the flow.’ As a young naïve man he was easily coerced into the priesthood and spent years of training in the Seminary where young men were conditioned and shaped for their role, their sexual natures suppressed, attitudes to women distorted, and their loyalty to the Church made absolute. Brian questioned all of this but continued. He then forms a relationship that challenges his Catholic conditioning and he determines to leave the priesthood. His struggle to escape the Church and the pressures placed on him to remain, test this relationship fully, but both remain firm.

      • Mystery

        Murder in the Middle

        A Susan Wiles Schoolhouse Mystery

        by Diane Weiner

        An urgent phone call from a principal/friend sends retired music teacher Susan Wiles rushing through the doors of Westbrook Middle School, where she discovers a ransacked office and a missing bookkeeper. Eager to keep the break-in quiet, Principal Antonio Petrocelli enlists her help. Susan had already proven her sleuthing expertise by solving murder cases at Westbrook Elementary and Westbrook High. Too bad Susan’s detective daughter Lynette doesn’t appreciate her mother’s interference in police business. That won’t stop Susan, however. What clues does she have this time? A missing bookkeeper, two brothers, a waterfall, and a suspicious death. What’s the relationship? It’s all very murky and Susan must solve the mystery while in the middle of coping with an acute family crisis that may forever change the life of someone she loves.

      • Fiction
        November 2015

        Sombras tras los cristales

        by Mario J. Les

        Late in the summer of 2002, Alex Astrain and Maialen Galdeano, beset by circumstance, decide to get married, reuniting some of their loved ones in a hilarious ceremony marked by an unjustifiable absence. After the wedding, the bride and groom and their closest friends, Fran Dalmau and Lynette Kosgei, depart for their honeymoon trip to the southern cone of Africa, while Simeon and David, the millionaire veteran patrons of their audiovisual society, will take advantage to visit the former Flossenbürg concentration camp in search of answers about Eyal Bérkowitz. There they will bear witness of the confidences of the Krauss brothers, a couple of survivors of the Nazi horror, who long, behind the barbed wire of Flossenbürg, for the last hopes of finding a family treasure that disappeared in November 1938, during the ill-fated Night of the Broken Glass. Together with the Krauss we will live the bitterness and pain of a nightmarish childhood, but we will also witness their fortitude and their desires, in an ambitious staging full of sensitivity and mystery in large doses, where history and fiction meet in a plot of unappealable addictive effects. * * * Avanzado el verano de 2002, Alex Astrain y Maialen Galdeano, acuciados por las circunstancias, deciden casarse, reuniendo a algunos de sus seres queridos en una ceremonia hilarante y marcada por una injustificable ausencia. Tras la boda, los novios y sus amigos más íntimos, Fran Dalmau y Lynette Kosgei, emprenden viaje de luna de miel hacia el cono sur de África, en tanto que Simeón y David, los veteranos millonarios mecenas de su sociedad audiovisual, aprovecharán la semana entrante para visitar el antiguo campo de concentración de Flossenbürg en busca de respuestas sobre Eyal Bérkowitz. Allí serán testigos de las confidencias de los hermanos Krauss, una pareja de supervivientes del horror nazi que alimenta entre las alambradas de Flossenbürg las últimas esperanzas de encontrar un tesoro familiar desaparecido en noviembre de 1938, durante la infausta Noche de Los Cristales Rotos. Viviremos junto a los Krauss la amargura y el dolor de una infancia de pesadilla, pero también seremos testigos de su entereza y de sus anhelos, en una ambiciosa puesta en escena que supura sensibilidad y misterio en grandes dosis, y en la que personajes históricos y ficticios se dan cita en una trama de inapelables efectos adictivos.

      • Mystery

        Murder Is Elementary

        A Susan Wiles Schoolhouse Mystery

        by Diane Weiner

        Susan Wiles is blissfully retired from her teaching position at Westbrook Elementary School.  What a joy to be able to attend the holiday concert without worrying about how her student chorus will perform.  But, wait a minute.  Where’s the principal, Vicki Rogers?  The concert can’t begin before she greets the parents and guests.  Susan offers to go check the main office, only to find the missing administrator lying dead on the office floor.  My goodness!  Nothing like this ever happened when Susan had worked here.  Of course, now that she’s retired she has time to help the local police (one of whom is her daughter Lynette) investigate the mysterious crime.  Did the principal die of natural causes?  The bruises on her face don’t seem severe enough to be fatal.  But what about that cupcake sitting on her desk.  Could she have been poisoned?  Susan has just found the perfect retirement activity––much to her daughter’s chagrin.  And when the dead woman’s teenage daughter and one of Susan’s former top students, begs for Susan’s help––how can she say no?  Little does Susan realize that this crime will take her far from the schoolhouse doors, as she investigates a mystery that extends back into one family’s painful past.

      • Computer security
        February 2006

        Summary of a Workshop on the Technology, Policy, and Cultural Dimensions of Biometric Systems

        by Kristen Batch, Lynette I. Millett, Joseph N. Pato, Editors, Whither Biometrics Committee, National Research Council

        Biometricsâ€"the use of physiological and behavioral characteristics for identification purposesâ€"has been promoted as a way to enhance security and identification efficiency. There are questions, however, about, among other issues, the effectiveness of biometric security measures, usability, and the social impacts of biometric technologies. To address these and other important questions, the NRC was asked by DARPA, the DHS, and the CIA to undertake a comprehensive assessment of biometrics that examines current capabilities, future possibilities, and the role of the government in their developments. As a first step, a workshop was held at which a variety of views about biometric technologies and systems were presented. This report presents a summary of the workshop’s five panels: scientific and technical challenges; measurement, statistics, testing, and evaluation; legislative, policy, human, and cultural factors; scenarios and applications; and technical and policy aspects of information sharing. The results of this workshop coupled with other information will form the basis of the study’s final report.

      • Computing & IT
        August 2007

        Summary of a Workshop for Software-Intensive Systems and Uncertainty at Scale

        by Joan D. Winston and Lynette I. Millett, Editors, Committee on Advancing Software-Intensive Systems Producibility, National Research Council

        The growing scale and complexity of software-intensive systems are introducing fundamental new challenges of uncertainty and scale that are particularly demanding for defense systems. To assist in meeting these challenges, the Department of Defense asked the NRC to assess the nature of U.S. national investment in software research. As part of this study, a workshop was held to examine uncertainty at scale in current and future software-intensive systems. This report presents a summary of the workshop discussions that centered on process, architecture, and the grand scale; DoD software challenges for future systems; agility at scale; quality and assurance with scale and uncertainty; and enterprise scale and beyond. The report also offers a summary of key themes emerging from the workshop: architectural challenges in large-scale systems; the need for software engineering capability; and open questions and research opportunities.

      • Computer networking & communications
        October 2003

        Who Goes There?

        Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy

        by Stephen T. Kent and Lynette I. Millett, Editors, Committee on Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications, National Research Council

        Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy explores authentication technologies (passwords, PKI, biometrics, etc.) and their implications for the privacy of the individuals being authenticated. As authentication becomes ever more ubiquitous, understanding its interplay with privacy is vital. The report examines numerous concepts, including authentication, authorization, identification, privacy, and security. It provides a framework to guide thinking about these issues when deciding whether and how to use authentication in a particular context. The book explains how privacy is affected by system design decisions. It also describes government’s unique role in authentication and what this means for how government can use authentication with minimal invasions of privacy. In addition, Who Goes There? outlines usability and security considerations and provides a primer on privacy law and policy.

      • Computing & IT
        August 2007

        Software for Dependable Systems

        Sufficient Evidence?

        by Daniel Jackson, Martyn Thomas, and Lynette I. Millett, Editors, Committee on Certifiably Dependable Software Systems, National Research Council

        The focus of Software for Dependable Systems is a set of fundamental principles that underlie software system dependability and that suggest a different approach to the development and assessment of dependable software. Unfortunately, it is difficult to assess the dependability of software. The field of software engineering suffers from a pervasive lack of evidence about the incidence and severity of software failures; about the dependability of existing software systems; about the efficacy of existing and proposed development methods; about the benefits of certification schemes; and so on. There are many anecdotal reports, which-although often useful for indicating areas of concern or highlighting promising avenues of research-do little to establish a sound and complete basis for making policy decisions regarding dependability. The committee regards claims of extraordinary dependability that are sometimes made on this basis for the most critical of systems as unsubstantiated, and perhaps irresponsible. This difficulty regarding the lack of evidence for system dependability leads to two conclusions: (1) that better evidence is needed, so that approaches aimed at improving the dependability of software can be objectively assessed, and (2) that, for now, the pursuit of dependability in software systems should focus on the construction and evaluation of evidence. The committee also recognized the importance of adopting the practices that are already known and used by the best developers; this report gives a sample of such practices. Some of these (such as systematic configuration management and automated regression testing) are relatively easy to adopt; others (such as constructing hazard analyses and threat models, exploiting formal notations when appropriate, and applying static analysis to code) will require new training for many developers. However valuable, though, these practices are in themselves no silver bullet, and new techniques and methods will be required in order to build future software systems to the level of dependability that will be required.

      • Computer security
        June 2007

        Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age

        by James Waldo, Herbert S. Lin, and Lynette I. Millett, Editors, Committee on Privacy in the Information Age, National Research Council

        Privacy is a growing concern in the United States and around the world. The spread of the Internet and the seemingly boundaryless options for collecting, saving, sharing, and comparing information trigger consumer worries. Online practices of business and government agencies may present new ways to compromise privacy, and e-commerce and technologies that make a wide range of personal information available to anyone with a Web browser only begin to hint at the possibilities for inappropriate or unwarranted intrusion into our personal lives. Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age presents a comprehensive and multidisciplinary examination of privacy in the information age. It explores such important concepts as how the threats to privacy evolving, how can privacy be protected and how society can balance the interests of individuals, businesses and government in ways that promote privacy reasonably and effectively? This book seeks to raise awareness of the web of connectedness among the actions one takes and the privacy policies that are enacted, and provides a variety of tools and concepts with which debates over privacy can be more fruitfully engaged. Engaging Privacy and Information Technology in a Digital Age focuses on three major components affecting notions, perceptions, and expectations of privacy: technological change, societal shifts, and circumstantial discontinuities. This book will be of special interest to anyone interested in understanding why privacy issues are often so intractable.

      • Fiction
        November 2015

        El plan Bérkowitz

        by Mario J. Les

        The autumn of 2001 has barely begun. An elderly prisoner wakes up in his cell like every morning since an eternity. Tired of the endless confinement, he awaits for his own death as the only way out from the nightmare that haunts him. During the summer of that same year, three young men, partners in a modest audiovisual company, are hired by an eccentric millionaire to make some nature documentaries in Kenya. Excited, they face the opportunity of their lives: a dream job and the possibility of refloating his battered economy. However, they will soon discover that not all that glitters around their patron is gold. In the troubled Germany of 1938, Eyal Bérkowitz was one among hundred Jewish prisoners who were transferred from the Dachau concentration camp to the newly opened Flossenbürg. There they will work from sunrise to sunset in the neighboring quarry, extracting the granite necessary for the constructions that Albert Speer has designed for Hitler's imperialist Germany. The Jewish group, with Bérkowitz leading, will suffer in their flesh the abuse of power by the head of their barracks, Ludwig von Häussler, captain of the SS. With the background of World War II, the attack on Reinhard Heydrich and Operation Valkyrie, Eyal Bérkowitz will devise a risky plan that can save his own life ... and mortgage that of others. * * *  Apenas comenzado el otoño de 2001, un anciano prisionero despierta en su celda como cada mañana desde hace una eternidad. Hastiado de ese interminable encierro, aguarda su propia muerte como única salida a la pesadilla que le atormenta. Durante el verano de ese mismo año, tres jóvenes, socios de una modesta empresa audiovisual, son contratados por un excéntrico millonario para realizar unos documentales de naturaleza en Kenia. Entusiasmados, se ven ante la oportunidad de sus vidas; un trabajo soñado y la posibilidad de reflotar su maltrecha economía. Sin embargo, pronto descubrirán que no es oro todo lo que reluce en torno a su mecenas. En la convulsa Alemania de 1938, Eyal Bérkowitz forma parte del centenar de presos judíos que son trasladados del campo de concentración de Dachau al recién inaugurado Flossenbürg. Allí trabajarán de sol a sol en la cantera vecina extrayendo el granito necesario para las construcciones que Albert Speer ha proyectado para la Alemania imperialista de Hitler. El grupo judío, con Bérkowitz a la cabeza, sufrirá en sus carnes el abuso de poder por parte del jefe de su barracón, Ludwig von Häussler, capitán de las SS. Con el trasfondo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el atentado contra Reinhard Heydrich y la Operación Valkiria, Eyal Bérkowitz ideará un arriesgado plan que puede salvar su propia vida… e hipotecar la de otros.

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