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      • Založba Malinc

        At Malinc Publishing House we have been publishing quality children's literature since 2012 and have strived for bigger literary diversity throughout. We are concentrated on publishing authors from the Spanish speaking countries and minority literatures' representatives connected with the Spanish culture such as Basque, Catalan and Galician writers. Books of less known literatures from Europe and elsewhere have also been published by Malinc Publishing House. Through the reading promotion projects we put academic knowledge into practice. Besides, we carry out courses for the mentors of reading and organize literary readings and visits of foreign authors. It is in this way that we raise general reading literacy, intercultural and linguistic competences and include vulnerable groups, especially people with dyslexia.

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        by Taisen Deshimaru

        A story of bravery and false starts, Autobiography of a Zen Monk candidly recounts the author’s development from a highly mischievous Japanese boy into a world-renowned Sensei (Teacher) of Zen. While countless memoirs exist written by Zen students and teachers, few are as engaging and as tantalizing as Taisen Deshimaru’s. Looking back at his early life, growing up in Japan, from the viewpoint of his status as a Zen teacher in Paris, the author reflects on his earliest misadventures—from defacing a valuable painting of Bodhidharma as a child, to turning the “Zen stick” on a young monk during a retreat. Adventures abound with stories about alcohol and women, during his student years, and his activities during World War II in working for the arms industry in Malaysia, where he was sympathetic to the underground freedom movement. This first English-language translation of Taisen Deshimaru’s autobiography will be prized for its clear and honest documentation of this great master’s life. Many people all over the world have been influenced by Deshimaru’s Zen teachings, especially his book on Zen and the martial arts. This memoir fills an important gap in our knowledge of his teacher, Kodo Sawaki’s influence on the world of Zen. The story of how Deshimaru met Sawaki as a boy, even slept in the same room with him, and later received monastic ordination is the story of a lifelong friendship of two extraordinary characters in the history of modern Zen. Deshimaru’s influence extends beyond Zen practitioners, though, especially in those interested in the martial arts, as he touches on his martial arts experience as a young man and offers a look into the master’s early training. Additional interest extends to historians who recount the supposed “scandals” of Zen masters’ participation in the war effort. Although Deshimaru’s viewpoint is decidedly subjective, he was intimately acquainted with priests and generals alike, and approaches the difficult subject with a refreshing lack of judgmental disdain which counterbalances many other more lopsided works. Translator, Richard Collins, a longtime Zen practitioner, and currently the Abbot of the New Orleans Zen Temple, is a literature scholar and author of several books including No Fear Zen, Hohm Press, 2014. His knowledge of the subject matter and his finesse with language combine to make this book a delightful read for those who appreciate wellwritten memoir.

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        Micronutrient Depleters: Acid Blockers

        Things to know about medicines and micronutrients

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        This guide provides patients with important medical information about interactions of their drug products with vitamins and minerals. These interactions are not always listed in the accompanying package inserts. Those who take acid blockers such as omeprazole or pantoprazole may not only develop disorders relating to calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and bone metabolism in the long term, but above all become deficient in vitamin B12. This way, patients can improve their treatment, reduce the side effects of their medication and increase their quality of life!

      • Trusted Partner

        Death of a Zen Master

        by Cornelia Feye

        Private security specialist, Greg Stern, is a reluctant guest at a remote and inaccessible Zen monastery. His wife, Vega, sent him there after a marital transgression to ponder and improve his interaction with women.  When a dead boy is found in the meditation hall, the group of eclectic guests and monastics find themselves trapped in an enchanted valley with a murderer in their midst and no way out.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 1996

        Lucy Peale


        by Colby Rodowsky, Ingrid Westerhoff

        Ingrid Westerhoff arbeitete von 1974 bis 1981 im Suhrkamp Verlag für Elisabeth Borchers und Siegfried Unseld. Sie übertrug diverse Bücher – vornehmlich Kinderbücher – aus dem Englischen. Nach einem anschließenden Studium der Kunstgeschichte arbeitete sie in der Landesdenkmalpflege von Rheinland-Pfalz.

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        August 2012

        Lucy ohne Jana

        Freundinnen-Stress - und jetzt?

        by Einwohlt, Ilona

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        April 2020

        BookLess 1. Wörter durchfluten die Zeit

        by Marah Woolf, Merete Brettschneider, Jonatan Frieden, Carolin Liepins

        Never without a book: Das magische Flüstern! Sie trägt ein mysteriöses Mal in Form eines Buches am Handgelenk und kann hören, was die Bücher ihr zuflüstern. Als die 17-jährige Lucy ein Praktikum in der Londoner Nationalbibliothek beginnt, entdeckt sie Bücher, deren Texte verschwunden sind und an die sich niemand mehr zu erinnern scheint. Als die Bücher sie immer eindringlicher um Hilfe bitten, versucht Lucy dem Geheimnis auf die Spur zu kommen. Und Nathan, von dem sich Lucy unwiderstehlich angezogen fühlt, scheint darin verwickelt zu sein. Unglaublich spannende Geschichte mit bibliophilem Thema! Gelesen von Merete Brettschneider.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 1987

        George Sand

        Leben und Werk in Texten und Bildern

        by Gisela Schlientz

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        August 2008

        Lucy in the Sky

        „Ich liebe es – ich konnte nicht aufhören zu lesen“ Marian Keyes

        by Toon, Paige / Deutsch Strüh, Christine

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