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Michael O'Mara Books Ltd.
The Michael O’Mara imprint has illustrated and non- illustrated non-fiction titles for adults on history, sciences, marketing and management, biographies, humour and gift. The Buster imprint develops activity and reference titles for kids. The innovative range of this list develops the curiosity, knowledge and artistic fibre of our little ones. Finally, LOM Art includes a carefully curated list of artist-led titles. We have collaborated with talented illustrators from around the globe to create exquisite titles on drawing, painting, colouring, dot to dot, stickers and so much more!
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Promoted ContentAgronomy & crop productionOctober 1994
Grass Genera of the World
by Leslie Watson, Michael J Dallwitz
Modern taxonomic treatments of the grass family (Poaceae, Gramineae) recognize about 10,000 species and as many as 785 genera. This book provides detailed descriptions of these genera, in alphabetical sequence, the descriptions having been generated by computer from a taxonomic data bank. One of the authors has been engaged for some twenty years in compiling data and observations on grass genera, in order to investigate classificatory questions and to explore taxonomic applications of computer methods. The other has worked for a similar time on computer key-making, and has developed the DELTA system for comprehensive representation and manipulation of taxonomic descriptions. They have devised a grass generic character list to cover all aspects of variation in glasses. In this book this list comprises 496 characters, dealing with nomenclature, general morphology, leaf anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, haploid and 2cDNA values, fruit and embryo structure, seeding form, cytology, intergeneric hybrids, phytogeography and distribution, ecology, pathogens, classification and economic aspects. The work is undoubtedly a definitive work, essential for all those with a serious research interest in grasses.
Promoted ContentBotany & plant sciencesMarch 1996
Viruses of Plants
by Alan A Brunt, Karen Crabtree, Michael J Dallwitz, Adrian Gibbs, Leslie Watson
This book is a product of the international VIDE (Virus Identification Data Exchange) project, which uses the DELTA (Description Language for Taxonomy) database system to collect diagnostic information on all plant viruses. Information on over 500 characters has been sought for each virus and stored in the VIDE database. Over two-thirds of these characters record the susceptibility, or otherwise, of a range of commonly used test plant species; the remainder represent the great range of other characters used for virus identification. Information on the known natural host range of each virus is also presented. The book covers more than 900 viruses, which represents the entire database of plant viruses from around the world. It includes all viruses of plants, not only those whose virions have been described, but also those such as umbraviruses that have no virion protein genes of their own, and use the virion proteins of their symbiotic helper viruses. Viroids and the many transmissible agents that cause virus-like diseases, but whose infectious particles have not yet been characterized, are excluded. However, the database accession numbers of the genomic sequences of satellite RNAs are included. The book also contains summaries of data for all the viruses that are definitive or tentative members of the 50 or so accepted genera or "groups". Overall, the book is a standard reference work that will prove indispensable for virologists ad plant pathologists.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJune 2002
Negotiating cultures
Eugenio Barba and the intercultural debate
by Maria M. Delgado, Ian Watson, Maggie B. Gale, Peter Lichtenfels
Eugenio Barba is one of the world's leading theatre artists and theorists working across cultures. Examines three major strands of Barba's work; his research at the International School of Theatre Anthropology, his use of performance as a means of exchange, and his ongoing relationship with Latin America. The artists who write and are interviewed in the book provide an invaluable insight into Barba's work methods, his relationship with performers from different cultures, and the ramifications of his research in a variety of performance forms. Concludes with a dialogue between Barba and Ian Watson. ;
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Trusted PartnerSeptember 2012
Das Spiel hat begonnen, Watson!
Das Sherlock-Holmes-Notizbuch
by Lutz-W. Wolff, Lutz-W. Wolff
Für alle Liebhaber und Fans des Großmeisters der Verbrecherjagd gibt es jetzt das Notizbuch – in dem man sich nicht nur von Sherlock Holmes’ messerscharfen Gedanken und spitzzüngigen Kommentaren inspirieren lassen, sondern auch seine eigenen genialen Ideen zu Papier bringen kann!
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawJanuary 2018
Special Interest Tourism
Concepts, Contexts and Cases
by Carol Southall, Lynn Minnaert, Nazia Ali, Ade Oriade, Allan Watson, Glen Croy, Ralf C Buckley, Dallen J Timothy, Steven Rhoden, Alison Caffyn, Richard Benfield, Cheng-Fei Lee, Sheela Agarwal, Graham Busby, Rong Huang
Special interest tourism is growing rapidly due to a discerning and heterogeneous travel market and the demand for more focused activity or interest-based tourism experiences. This book approaches the topic from the perspective of both supply and demand, and addresses the complexities now inherent in this area of tourism. It presents a contextualised overview of contemporary academic research, concepts, principles and industry-based practice insights, and also considers the future of special interest tourism in light of the emergence of ethical consumerism. With a clear, user-friendly structure, the book: -Links theoretical frameworks to clear practical applications. -Reviews key emerging issues for tourism relating to families and faith, the performing arts, active and passive pursuits, therapeutic leisure and travelling. -Includes contributions and case studies from international academics and practitioners to give a truly global overview. Sometimes referred to as niche or contemporary tourism, this book provides a complete introduction to the study of special interest tourism for students.
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Trusted PartnerNovember 2021
Poster Clemens J. Setz (A1)
plano, nicht gefaltet | Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person
by Clemens J. Setz
»Wer den Chor der Mäuse nicht hört, braucht nicht mit mir befreundet zu sein.« Clemens J. Setz ist der Autor bahnbrechender Romane wie Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre, aufregender Erzählungsbände wie Der Trost runder Dinge, von Gedichten, Theaterstücken, Drehbüchern, Nacherzählungen und Essays. Er ist Übersetzer, ein Freund der Plansprachen, des Obertongesanges, der Ziegen und der Hasen. Er ist Träger des Georg-Büchner-Preises, des Kleist-Preises, des Berliner Literaturpreises. Außerdem ist er ein Poet der Kurznachrichtendienste und noch einiges mehr. In seiner radikalen Vielfältigkeit und vielfältigen Radikalität ist er eine herausragende Figur der Gegenwartsliteratur. Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person ist dieses hochwertige Plakat mit einem Porträt des Dichters gedacht, aufgenommen vom Berliner Fotografen Max Zerrahn. Poster auf stabilem GalaxyArt-Papier im DIN-A1-Format
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2019
Detektivbüro Eulenauge / Detektivbüro Eulenauge (2). Willi Watson und der Mitternachtsdieb
Eine Detektivgeschichte zum Mitraten. Der Bücherbär: Eine Geschichte für Erstleser
by Kaup, Ulrike
Zertrampelte Blumen, zermatschte Törtchen und allerlei seltsame Diebstähle. Wer treibt da nur nachts sein Unwesen im Wald? Ein Gespenst? Aber welches Gespenst trägt denn pinkfarbene Puschen? Eines ist sicher: Das ist ein neuer Fall für das Detektivbüro Eulenauge!
Trusted PartnerNovember 2007
Das Zeichen der Vier
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Leslie Giger
Endlich ein neuer Fall für Sherlock Holmes! Sieben Jahre sind seit seinem Zusammentreffen mit Dr. Watson und ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Fall vergangen. In dieser Zeit schienen die Verbrechen zu pausieren. Doch nun erreicht Holmes das verzweifelte Hilfegesuch einer jungen Frau, und Watson knüpft amouröse Bande…
Trusted PartnerMay 1997
Die Schriften der Anna Freud
Ausgabe in 10 Bänden
by Freud, Anna / Herausgegeben von Watson, Helga; Herausgegeben von Schröter, Michael
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Trusted PartnerMarch 2010
Onkel J.
by Andreas Maier
Seit seinem Debüterfolg mit dem Roman Wäldchestag im Jahr 2000 ist Andreas Maier häufig unterwegs, um aus seinen Romanen zu lesen. Nur daß er in den letzten ein, zwei Jahren meist, wenn er eingeladen war, auch immer wieder schon aus dem kommenden Onkel J. las. Jedesmal hatte er damit das Publikum im Handumdrehen auf seiner Seite. Umstandslos fand man sich angeschlossen an Maiers Welt aus Wetterau, Familie, Fußball, Apfelwein, aus Thomas Bernhard und dem Evangelium nach Matthäus, aus Ängsten, Kneipenfreuden und -nöten, eingepackt in absurde Vorkommnisse und komische Erlebnisse. Jede Kolumne beginnt mit einem »Neulich«-Satz, die erste so: »Neulich war ich in Berlin. Das wird jetzt niemand weiter ungewöhnlich finden, aber ich bin Hesse, und mir ging in Berlin ein Wunsch in Erfüllung.« Dennoch handelt es sich um alles andere als ein Kolumnenbuch. Vielmehr nimmt Onkel J. – im Übergang von den ersten vier Romanen zu Maiers Projekt »Ortsumgehung« – eine zentrale Stelle ein. »Alles gehört zusammen, und für alles ist das Kolumnenbuch der Kern.«
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1985
Möglichkeiten, Macht und Missbrauch der Militärpsychologie
by Watson, Peter
Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJanuary 2019
Michael Winterbottom
by Brian McFarlane, Deane Williams, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard
This is the first book-length study of the most prolific and most critically acclaimed director working in British cinema today. Michael Winterbottom has also established himself, and his company, Revolution Films, as a dynamic force in world cinema. No other British director can claim such an impressive body of work in such a variety of genres, from road movie to literary adaptation, from musical to sex film, to stories of contemporary political significance. The authors of this book use a range of critical approaches to analyse the filmmaker's eclectic interests in cinema and the world at large. With this in mind, the realist elements of such films as Welcome to Sarajevo are examined in the light of a long history of cinema's dealings with realism, as far back as post-war Italian neo-realist filmmaking; whereas Jude and The claim are approached as both literary adaptations (a continuing strand in British cinema history) and examples of other reworked genres (the road movie, the western). This lively study of his work, written in a wholly accessible style, will engage all those who have followed his career as well as those with a wide-ranging interest in British cinema.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesNovember 2024
Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry
by Tom Docherty
The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?
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