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View Rights Portal- International Copyright, Licensing, and Literary Agency - International Illustrator Agency and Management Services - Creative Content Development Services
View Rights PortalVom Einwanderersohn zum Millionär, vom Grafiker zum Künstler, vom schüchternen Studenten zum Star der New Yorker Partyszene – das Leben von Andy Warhol ist eine Erfolgsgeschichte. Zu Recht gilt dieses Genie der Eigenvermarktung als einer der bedeutendsten Pop-Art-Künstler, dessen größtes Kunstwerk er selbst war: Andy Warhol ist Pop, und Pop ist Andy Warhol.
Mit acht Jahren wurde Andy Warhol, der schon immer etwas bleicher aussah als alle anderen, sehr krank. Die lange Zeit im Bett vertrieb er sich mit Comicheften und er begann zu malen, aus Zeitungen schnitt er Fotos von Hollywoodstars und Gebrauchsgegenständen aus. Seine Kunstwerke zeigten häufig die alltäglichsten Dinge. Nicht allen gefiel das. Was für ein Künstler soll das sein, der die Dose einer Tomatensuppe gleich 32-mal auf dieselbe Leinwand malt. Heute ist Andy Warhol der erfolgreichste und bekannteste Pop-Art-Künstler seiner Zeit, weil er aus Alltäglichem Kunst gemacht hat. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Philosophin, Forscherin oder Sportler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.
Andro, Top Secret! - Error: School (Vol. 1) 0% human and 100% android At first glance, Andro Newman seems like a normal boy - but Andro is a robot who is secretly smuggled into a school class as a human boy. Mission: to explore the humans and not to be exposed under any circumstances. Easier said than done, because these terribly illogical beings called humans and their strange habits have to be understood first. But the AI android 3.0-m, correction, Andro Neumann, has to get through it now: his builders have given him a clear goal! • Situational comedy meets a great narrative voice • Varied layout with different fonts, vignettes and illustrations • Special hook: a robot goes undercover at school
How can we talk to children about problems relating to ecology and the environment? And how can we teach them to be merciful and kind to one another and to all creatures great and small? Psychologists and teachers advise us to discuss such important topics since childhood. The brave and determined Andy the Bunny and his cheerful friends embark on a difficult path, striving for a clear sky without smog , for ponds without filth and plastics, for organic fruit and vegetables without preservatives and chemicals, and much more. How will they do it? Through little steps every day to clean the planet and the minds of its inhabitants. And if you are interesting in reading this book, remember that Blueberries for Andy is not just about ecology: it is also a story of small and brave animals filled with fascinating discoveries and adventures. From 6 to 8 years, 7783 words Rightsholders: Yulia Lyubka yuliapelepchuk@gmail.com
Andro, Top Secret! - Emotions and other Disruptive Factors (Vol. 2) Battery full and go! At first glance, Andro Newman seems like a normal boy - but Andro is a robot who is secretly smuggled into a school class as a human boy. Mission: to explore the humans and not to be exposed under any circumstances. Andro's undercover spy mission continues: visit the fifth grade of the Konrad Zuse School, gather information about the complicated species called "humans" and find true friends. However, one peculiarity of these humans remains a mystery to Andro: their illogical feelings. This costs the android a lot of friendship points. He installs an emotion module to connect with humans better - but secretly, of course. The ‘emotion’ module works and Andro earns a lot of friendship points! It even works too well and Andro is no longer master of his senses - sorry - of his cables and screws: Andro has to let Lilli in on it, and together they absolutely have to turn off the module. • Situational comedy meets a great narrative voice • Varied layout with different fonts, vignettes and illustrations • Special hook: a robot goes undercover at school
Andro, Top Secret! - Short Circuit on Class Trip (Vol. 3) Update: Class Trip - The Big Unmasking At first glance, Andro Newman seems like a normal boy - but Andro is a robot who is secretly smuggled into a school class as a human boy. Mission: to explore the humans and not to be exposed under any circumstances. An innovative hook meets a scribble-like layout that transports the joke from the text to the picture. The topic of "artificial intelligence" is taken up in a playful way and embedded in a setting at school. What happens in Volume 3:Andro's first challenge for the upcoming class trip is to pack his suitcase. Meanwhile, his "parents" want to take him apart and build a better robot from the parts, since Andro's friendship score is so bad. Andro wants to give up the silly point collecting and enjoy the trip, but technical disturbances and lack of energy supply create new problems. Fellow student Marko is annoying and Julius constantly wants to prove that he is better at everything. Mr. Lembke is still convinced that Andro is a robot and wants to prove his suspicions on the class trip.• Dynamic layout with lots of fonts, vignettes and illustrations• Situational comedy meets a great narrative voice• Special hook: a robot goes undercover at school• The narrative perspective from the point of view of an artificial intelligence offers a lot of humor potential