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      • Dar Al Farabi

        Dar Al Farabi Publishing and Distribution Company was founded in 1956. We publish books in a variety of subjects including sciences, humanities and literature whether written in Arabic or translated. Ever since its inception Dar ALFARABI has been committed to the defense of democratic freedoms liberation and progress. We participate in all Arabic book events. We also provide various printing services for those looking to publish a book or author at his own expense, according to an equivalent format between the two parties, in the event that there is no opportunity to publish at the expense of the house.

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        October 2021

        Hard to say I love you

        by Julie Chapel, Moon Notes

        Layla beginnt ihr Englischstudium an der University of Michigan mit der Hoffnung, endlich aus dem Schatten ihrer übermächtigen Zwillingsbrüder heraustreten zu können. Ihre Reise zur Selbstfindung nimmt eine unerwartete Wendung, als sie sich widerwillig auf Drängen ihrer besten Freundin Stella bei einem Creative-Writing-Workshop einschreibt. Was zunächst als ein Zugeständnis an ihre Freundin beginnt, entwickelt sich schnell zu einer tiefgreifenden Herausforderung, die Layla nicht nur mit den Grenzen ihrer kreativen Ausdrucksfähigkeit konfrontiert, sondern auch mit den verborgenen Tiefen ihrer eigenen Seele. In diesem Workshop trifft Layla auf Jordan, ihren jungen und attraktiven Schreibcoach, der eine besondere Fähigkeit besitzt, Layla aus der Reserve zu locken und sie dazu zu bringen, ihre wahren Gefühle und Gedanken zu offenbaren. Ihre anfängliche Abneigung gegenüber Jordan weicht nach und nach einer faszinierenden Anziehungskraft, die Layla dazu zwingt, sich ihren Ängsten zu stellen und über sich hinauszuwachsen. Durch die Auseinandersetzung mit ihrer Vergangenheit, ihren Unsicherheiten und der Entdeckung ihrer eigenen Stimme findet Layla nicht nur zu einer neuen kreativen Freiheit, sondern auch zu einer unerwarteten Liebe, die ihr Leben für immer verändert. Begleite Layla, wie sie an der University of Michigan nicht nur ihr Englischstudium, sondern auch sich selbst neu entdeckt. Erlebe die Transformation einer jungen Frau, die durch einen Creative-Writing-Workshop lernt, ihre Worte und Gefühle kraftvoll zum Ausdruck zu bringen. Fiebere mit bei der sich langsam entfaltenden Romanze zwischen Layla und ihrem charismatischen, aber herausfordernden Schreibcoach Jordan - ideal geeignet für Fans von Slow-Burn New Adult-Liebesgeschichten. Tauche ein in die Geschichte einer jungen Frau, die lernt, aus dem Schatten ihrer dominanten Zwillingsbrüder herauszutreten und ihre eigene Stimme zu finden. Beobachte Laylas beeindruckende und inspirierende Charakterentwicklung, während sie ihre innere Stärke entdeckt und lernt, sich ihren Ängsten zu stellen. Genieße das lebendige Bild des amerikanischen Campuslebens und der tiefen Freundschaft, die Layla auf ihrem Weg unterstützt. Authentische emotionale Reise, die die Emotionen, persönliche Herausforderungen und süßen Siege des Erwachsenwerdens einfängt. Perfekte Mischung aus Romantik und Selbstfindung: Ideal für Leserinnen und Leser, die sowohl herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichten als auch inspirierende Geschichten über persönliches Wachstum schätzen.

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        October 2021


        by Colleen Hoover

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2009

        Intertextuality in modern Arabic literature since 1967

        by Luc Deheuvels, Mike Thompson, Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, Paul Starkey

        This volume of essays is the first to be dedicated to the subject of intertextuality in modern Arabic literature. Beginning with a general overview of the topic by Roger Allen, it brings together essays on a range of writers from all parts of the Arab world, including, among others, Edwar al-Kharrat, Sa'd Allah Wannus, Najib Mahfuz, Rabi' Jabir, Salim Matar and the recently deceased Sudanese writer al-Tayyib Salih, whose seminal work Season of Migration to the North heralded a new phase in the modern Arabic literary tradition. The volume, which also includes two essays on aspects of intertextuality in Gulf literature, also discusses transformations of popular medieval literature such as the Alf Layla wa-Layla (the Thousand and One Nights) in modern Arabic literature. ;

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        August 2020

        The Papaya

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra

        Papaya (Carica papaya) is an important and widely-cultivated tropical fruit, grown in more than 70 countries of the world. Global papaya production has grown significantly over the last few years, mainly as a result of increased production in India. Papaya has become an important agricultural export for developing countries where export revenues of the fruit provide a livelihood for thousands of people, especially in Asia and Latin America. There have been a number of recent research developments with the potential to improve crop yields and quality. New research has contributed to our understanding of the crop environment, plant growth and physiology of tree and fruit development with implications for both breeding and cultivation. Analysis of the papaya genome promises new, faster breeding techniques to improved cultivars. These and other advances are helping to tackle disease like papaya ring spot viruses and major pests which still cause significant losses. With contributions from international experts, the book presents the current state of knowledge concerning the history, physiology, culture and marketing of papaya throughout the world. It is an essential resource for researchers, growers and all those involved in the papaya industry.

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        Children's & YA
        December 2018

        The Tree Boy

        by Srididhya Venkat and Nayantara Surendranath

        Sid is a lonely boy who detests idle, lonely trees. He has good reasons though. At least he likes to think so. He does not notice the friendship between the dangling leaves, dancing to the song of the wind. He ignores countless birds returning to the safety of their comfy homes, nestled in the soft spots of rough branches, after a long day of collecting worms. So when he is called a brainless tree for missing a save in soccer at school, it is easy for him to decide he never wants to be a tree, until one morning he wakes up to have transformed into one. Srividhya Venkat spins a delectable fantasy around thinking twice about what you wish for, or not and depicts the transformation of Sid’s lonely life after he embraces the excitable voices of kids twisted in his vines and the ecosystem hovering above him. Nayantara Surendranath’s eccentric combination of art collage and digital creation expresses the refreshing quirks that breathe life into the tale.

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        Livres pour les enfants et la jeunesse

        by Israël (Poochoo) Wiesler

        C’est l’histoire d’un garçon fluet qui au début n’aimait pas manger et il était très maigre, mais ensuite, quand il a finalement commencé à manger – il n’arrêtait plus. C’était terrible: quand il était maigre, son pantalon tombait, et lorsqu’il a gagné du poids, alors les coutures craquaient. Que peut-on faire? Demandez à sa mère qui a une solution pour chaque problème. Ce livre, qui s’est vendu extrêmement bien en Israël pendant les dix dernières années, est devenu récemment encore plus populaire lorsque parents et enfants sont devenus plus conscients du problème de l’obésité chez les enfants. Bien que cette histoire ait une morale, son grand succès (12 éditions ont été publiées à ce jour!) découle principalement de l’amusement que les jeunes lecteurs éprouvent à lire cette histoire. L’auteur, Israël Wiesler (surnommé “Poochoo”), est né à Tel-Aviv et a publié son premier livre, “Quelle bande,” à l’âge de 26 ans. “Quelle bande” a gagné un prix littéraire important, est devenu un best-seller et a été adapté en film qui a eu du succès. Depuis, Wiesler a écrit plus de trente livres et des douzaines de scripts pour des séries de télévisions dirigées pour les enfants et les jeunes adultes. Les ouvrages de Wiesler, écrits avec un sens de l’humour chaleureux et particulier, a gagné six prix littéraires en Israël. Dans le fameux “Lexique Ofek” de la littérature enfantine en hébreu, Wiesler est décrit comme “le meilleur écrivain humoristique pour enfants et jeunes adultes en Israël.” Poochoo est l’un des trois seuls écrivains israéliens à avoir été honorés l’an dernier par l’impression d’un timbre-poste représentant la couverture de l’un de ses livres.

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        Biology, life sciences
        January 2022

        Concepts for Understanding Fruit Trees

        by Theodore M. DeJong

        Anyone who observes fruit trees may wonder how or why they behave in specific ways. Some trees grow upright whilst others are more spreading in habit. Some produce many flowers and small immature fruit only to drop most of the fruit later on; others grow more on their sunny side than their shady side. It is common to ascribe such behavior to the tree as a whole and state that trees preferentially "allocate" resources to specific organs. However, this is the wrong approach to understanding tree functioning and behavior. Trees are not in control of what they do. What trees do and how they function is shaped by the individual organs that make up the tree, not by the tree as a whole. The genetic code only indirectly determines the habit, structure and behavior of a tree by defining the behavioral and functional limits of the component organs, tissues and cells. Unlike animals that have a mechanism for collective control of the whole organism - a central nervous system - trees (and plants in general) are more appropriately considered as collections of semi-autonomous organs. These organs are dependent on one another for resources, such as water, energy and nutrients, but control their own destiny. This book presents a clear set of integrative concepts for understanding the overall physiology and growth of temperate deciduous fruit trees. The emphasis is on overarching principles rather than detailed descriptions of tree physiology or differences among the numerous species of fruit trees. Although the focus is on deciduous fruit trees many aspects apply to evergreen fruit trees and trees that grow naturally in unmanaged situations. Highly relevant for students and researchers in pomology, horticulture and plant sciences, the book is also suitable for practitioners, extension staff, and novice fruit tree growers.

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        December 2024

        The Avocado

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Daniel Carrillo, Bruce Schaffer, B Nigel Wolstenholme, Anthony W Whiley, Martín Aluja, Mary Lu Arpaia, Carlos F Balerdi, Araceli Barceló-Muñoz, Alejandro F Barrientos Priego, Gary S Bender, Jay Bost, John Bower, Andre S Chanderbali, Jonathan H Crane, Ben Faber, E.D. Focht, R. Folgado, C. Fuentealba, M.E. Galindo-Tovar, M. García-Rojas, F.J. Gardiazabal, Lauren Garner, R. Gazis, Pilar M Gil, Mark S Hoddle, Peter J Hofmann, Jose Ignacio Hormaza, Emanuel Lahav, Uri Lavi, Richard E Litz, Rodrigo López-Gómez, Carol J Lovatt, I. Hernández, P. Manosalva, F.J. Mena, José A Mercado, Michael V Mickelbart, Isabel Narváez, Elena Palomo-Ríos, F. Meza, D. Olivares, Jorge E Peña, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Clara Pliego, J.G. Ramirez-Gil, Douglas E Soltis, Pamela S Soltis, Allan B Woolf, T. Cantuarias-Avilés

        The avocado industry is evolving rapidly. Avocado production has almost doubled recently, with significant expansion in areas planted, especially in Latin America, but also in Africa and Asia. Moreover, the global demand for avocado keeps on growing. The Avocado, 3rd edition is a unique and comprehensive source of information for avocado researchers, and covers everything from the history and distribution, novel agronomic practices, ecological and climatic requirements, and emerging diseases and pest problems. It compiles state-of-the-art information to promote more sustainable production systems and better preparedness to face the challenges that will shape the future of avocado production. This fully updated third edition includes many new international contributors especially from those regions with active and expanding avocado industries. Considering the expansion in avocado consumption, it also includes a new chapter on avocado uses and human nutrition. This is a valuable resource for avocado researchers, academicians and students of horticulture and botany, advisers, professional growers and practitioners in the industry.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2023

        The Olive

        Botany and Production

        by Andrea Fabbri, Luciana Baldoni, Tiziano Caruso, Franco Famiani, Giovanni Agosteo, Barbera Giuseppe, Angjelina Belaj, Antonio Belcari, Karim Barkaoui, Giora Ben-Ari, Alon Ben-Gal, Giovanni Benelli, Rita Biasi, Iris Biton, Konstantinos Blazakis, Aureliano Bombarely, Antonio Brunori, Santa Olga Cacciola, Angelo Canale, Giovanni Caruso, Tiziano Caruso, Nicola Cinosi, Arnon Dag, Ran Erel, Daniela Farinelli, Louise Ferguson, Tommaso Ganino, Jesus A Gil-Ribes, Calero José Alfonso Gómez, Riccardo Gucci, Consolación Guerrero, Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Maurizio Lambardi, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Lorenzo León, Bianco Riccardo Lo, Enrico Maria Lodolini, Francisco Luque, Hanene Mairech, Picchi Malayka, Giulia Marino, Roberto Mariotti, Francesco Paolo Marra, G Medina-Alonso, José A Mercado, Maurizio Micheli, Soraya Mousavi, Monji Msallem, Dvora Namdar, Isabel Narváez, Elena Palomo-Ríos, Ruggero Petacchi, Pierluigi Pierantozzi, Malayka Samantha Picchi, Amalia Rosa Maria Piscopo, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Primo P

        The European or Mediterranean cultivated olive (Olea europaea L., subsp. europaea, var. europaea) is one of the most ancient cultivated fruit tree crops. Today, hundreds of olive varieties are grown to produce high-quality fruit for oil and for table olives consumption. The olive industry has undergone profound innovations in the past 30 years, due to scientific and technical advances, particularly in genomics, breeding, orchard management, mechanization and agro-ecology, although not all these developments are yet available to smaller producers. Olive cultivation has also spread to many countries outside the Mediterranean Basin, where it ihas been traditionally present for over 6,000 years. These new olive-growing countries are experiencing further expansion of the industry, due to increased awareness of the nutritional and health properties of extra virgin olive oil. This book is a much-needed update on olive biology and cultivation, with contributions from leading international experts, and includes: Biology Genetics and breeding Olive propagation and nursery Planting new olive orchards Horticultural management of olive orchards Plant protection Olive by-products (wood, leaves) Multifunctionality of olive groves and ecosystem services The Olive: Botany and Production is invaluable for researchers and students in horticulture and agriculture, as well as producers involved in olive orchard management.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Sisir Mitra, A Aytekin Polat, Manuel Agustí, Josep Armengol, Maria Luisa Badenes, Manuel Blasco, Julián Cuevas González, Vittorio Farina, Elisa González-Dominguez, Qigao Guo, Liang Guolu, Juan José Hueso, Yuanyuan Jiang, Francisco Legaz, Hailan Lin, Shoukai Lin, Dahe Lin, Shunquan Lin, Shiwei Ma, Belén Martínez-Alcántara, Amparo Martínez-Fuentes, Carlos Mesejo, Julia Morales, Ana Quiñones, Carmina Reig, Esteban Soler, Jincheng Wu, Bisha Wu, Xianghui Yang, Peng Ze, Lifen Zhang

        Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) is a subtropical evergreen fruit tree indigenous to China. Records show it has been cultivated in China for over 2000 years. From this beginning, loquat has spread to more than 30 countries around the world. Grown in various regions of Asia, the Mediterranean and across the Americas, loquats suit both temperate and subtropical areas, sharing the same environmental conditions as citrus. Loquat is an increasingly commercial crop in some Asian and European countries with a good amount of international trade. Recent research has focused on improving crop yields and quality. Over 100 different varieties have been developed to meet both growers' and consumers' demands. These developments have contributed to a better understanding of the crop environment, plant growth and physiology of tree and fruit development with implications for both breeding and cultivation. This book is to be the first to provide a comprehensive coverage of the history, physiology, culture and marketing of loquat throughout the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement

        by Emlyn Williams, Chris Harwood, Colin Matheson

        This third edition of Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement provides a set of practical procedures to follow when planning, designing and analysing tree improvement trials. Using many fully worked examples, it outlines how to: design field, glasshouse and laboratory trials; efficiently collect and construct electronic data files; pre-process data, screening for data quality and outliers; analyse data from single and across-site trials; and interpret the results from statistical analyses. The authors address the many practical issues often faced in forest tree improvement trials and describe techniques that will efficiently give conclusive results. The techniques provided are applicable to the improvement of not only trees, but to crops in general. Building on the success of the second edition, this new edition has been fully revised to include the construction of p-rep and spatial designs using the commercially available software package for design generation (CycDesigN). For analysis of the examples, it provides online Genstat and SAS programs and a link to R programs.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2020

        The Pomegranate

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Ali Sarkhosh, Alimohammad Yavari, Zabihollah Zamani

        The pomegranate, Punica granatum L., is one of the oldest known edible fruits and is associated with ancient civilizations of the Middle East. This is the first comprehensive book covering the botany, production, processing, health, and industrial uses of pomegranate. The cultivation of this fruit for fresh consumption, juice production and medicinal purposes has expanded more than tenfold over the past twenty years. Presenting a review of pomegranate growing from a scientific and horticultural perspective, the book provides information to increase yields and improve short- and medium-term grower profitability and sustainability. It covers: practices to mitigate pests, diseases and abiotic stresses yield based nutrition management cultural practices for cultivars with horticultural traits such as earliness, high yield, improved taste, soft seeds, disease resistance, and low splitting and sunscald rates increasing crop diversity to aid crop security composition, food uses and medicinal uses This book is essential literature for researchers in horticulture, growers, and those involved in the pomegranate industry.

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        October 2022

        All die Farben, die ich dir versprach

        by Zoulfa Katouh, Rasha Khayat, Frauke Schneider

        Die junge Salama lebt inmitten der syrischen Revolution in Homs. Sie hilft im Krankenhaus aus, muss dort aber oft hilflos zusehen, wie Menschen sterben. Während ihr Land zerbricht, sucht sie fieberhaft nach Möglichkeiten, Syrien zu verlassen. Auch um ihre schwangere Schwägerin Layla, die einzige Überlebende ihrer Familie, in Sicherheit zu bringen. Im Krankenhaus lernt Salama den jungen furchtlosen Kenan kennen. Die beiden verlieben sich, doch Kenan will bleiben und mit Internetvideos auf das Leid in seinem Land aufmerksam machen. Salama muss sich entscheiden: zwischen Sicherheit und ihrer großen Liebe. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Salon5-Jugendbuchpreis. Hochtalentierte junge Autorin mit einzigartiger Stimme. Thematisiert das Thema Flucht berührend, schonungslos offen und voller Hoffnung.

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        July 2021

        Molecular Breeding in Wheat, Maize and Sorghum

        Strategies for Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Yield

        by Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Mobashwer Alam, Saman Seneweera, Sujay Rakshit, Robert Henry

        The global population is projected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, and food and feed production will need to increase by 70%. Wheat, maize and sorghum are three key cereals which provide nutrition for the majority of the world's population. Their production is affected by various abiotic stresses which cause significant yield losses. The effects of climate change also increase the frequency and severity of such abiotic stresses. Molecular breeding technologies offer real hope for improving crop yields. Although significant progress has been made over the last few years, there is still a need to bridge the large gap between yields in the most favorable and most stressful conditions. This book: - Provides a valuable resource for wheat, maize and sorghum scientists working on breeding and molecular biology, physiology and biotechnology. - Presents the latest in-depth research in the area of abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvements. - Contains the necessary information to allow plant breeders to apply this research to effectively breed new varieties of these crops. It provides a consolidated reference for plant breeders and crop scientists working on the challenges of enhanced crop productivity and climate change adaptability.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        April 2022

        The Fig

        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Ali Sarkhosh, Alimohammad Yavari, Louise Ferguson

        The common fig Ficus carica L. is an ancient fruit native to the Mediterranean. Dried figs have been successfully produced and processed in arid regions with little sophisticated infrastructure for centuries. Figs are rich in fibre, trace minerals, polyphenols and vitamins, with higher nutrient levels than most fruits. Advances in agricultural production and postharvest technologies have not only improved the efficiency of dried fig production but have facilitated the development of both local and export high value fresh fig industries. The result is high quality fresh figs marketed internationally throughout the year. This book provides a comprehensive summary of fig growing, processing and marketing from a scientific and horticultural perspective. The nineteen chapters include in-depth discussions of: · History · Physiology · Breeding and Cultivars · Propagation · Site Selection and Orchard Establishment · Nutrition and Irrigation Management · Pollination Management · Integrated Pest Management · Greenhouse Production · Harvesting, Dried and Fresh Fig Processing · The Medicinal Uses of Figs · World Fig Markets The Fig: Botany, Production and Uses is a comprehensive applied resource for academic researchers, also producers, processors, and marketers of dried and fresh figs.

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