Editions Denoël
Founded in 1930, Editions Denoël publish quality fiction and non fiction, as well as graphic novels and illustrated books.
View Rights PortalFounded in 1930, Editions Denoël publish quality fiction and non fiction, as well as graphic novels and illustrated books.
View Rights PortalSpanish literary fiction. House founded in 2015 in Valparaíso (Chile). We want to provide a haven for readers in times of storm. Now that the arrival of new titles is overwhelming, at Kindberg we are committed to a detailed rhythm, to slow-publishing instead of disposable titles. The books we choose are the ones we like and that is why we believe in them and we want other readers to like them. And yes, we only publish fiction, because "poetry, beauty, art, love are the things that keep us alive".
View Rights PortalPaper on the Foot rot disease of Piper nigrum. L
The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.
Die Zuschreibung von Verantwortung für unsere Handlungen ist ein zentraler Bestandteil unserer moralischen Praxis. Aber sie wirft schwierige philosophische Fragen auf. Müssen wir beispielsweise über einen freien Willen verfügen, um für unsere Handlungen verantwortlich zu sein? Ist Verantwortung ein einheitliches Phänomen oder gibt es verschiedene Arten von Verantwortung? Und können wir nur für unsere Taten verantwortlich sein oder beispielsweise auch für unsere Überzeugungen? Der Band versammelt – zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung – die zentralen Texte der philosophischen Debatte über Verantwortung, u. a. von Stephen Darwall, Harry G. Frankfurt, H. L. H. Hart, Thomas Nagel, Peter Strawson, Susan Wolf und Iris Marion Young.
Tracing the McKenna brothers’ childhood in western Colorado during the 1950s and ’60s, Dennis chronicles their adolescent adventures and formative encounters with mind-altering substances, along with the people and ideas that shaped them both. Dennis, now world-renowned for this ethnobotanical work, describes his early interests in cosmology and astrology, his sometimes rocky relationship with his older brother, how their paths diverged later in life, and his mother’s and Terence’s battles with cancer. In his account of what has become known as “The Experiment at La Chorrera”—which Terence documented in his own 1989 book, True Hallucinations— Dennis describes visions of merging mushroom and human DNA, the brothers’ predictions for the future, and their evolving ideas about society and consciousness. In this updated edition, Dennis also reflects on scientific revelations, climate change, and the social and political crises of our time.
Islands are special places; they can be havens for unique plants and animals and refuges for wildlife. This book investigates the biogeography of butterfly species over the British islands, particularly the factors that influence their presence on the islands and that have made each island's butterfly fauna distinctive. The book contains a full log of records of species on the islands and much supporting information. The first three chapters set the scene, illustrating the basics of island biogeography theory, their changing circumstances during the current Holocene interglacial, and studies of natural history of British butterflies that mark the islands as the most intensively studied region for wildlife in the world. The book advances by increasing resolution downscale from a European continental perspective, through patterns and changes on the British mainland, a comparison of the two dominant islands of Britain and Ireland, to a close inspection of the dynamics of species on the multitude of offshore islands. Detailed investigations include contrasts in species' richness on the islands and then of the incidences of each species. Case studies highlight the continual turnover of species on islands. Attention is then given to evolutionary changes since the time that glaciers enveloped Europe. A powerful message is conveyed for the maintenance of butterfly species on the smaller British islands now experiencing population losses at a rate unprecedented since the spread of the last ice sheets: the incontrovertible importance of maintaining populations of species on nearby mainland sources for islands as pools for future migrants. This book is enhanced with supporting material. To access the Online Supplementary Appendices below, please visit: http://www.cabi.org/openresources/95061. Supplementary Appendices Chapter 3 3.1a A copy of Dennis and Shreeve (1996) Butterflies on British and Irish Offshore Islands: Ecology and Biogeography. Gem Publishing Company, Wallingford, Oxon 3.1b The main data file for British and Irish offshore islands 3.2 Basic ecological and life history data used to build the indices for migration capacity and colonization ability Supplementary Appendices Chapter 4 4.1 Contemporary Geography Study of British Butterflies: Data 4.2 Contemporary Geography Study of British Butterflies: Analyses Supplementary Appendices Chapter 5 5.1a The European Islands Data File: Recent Sources 5.1b The European Islands Data File: Butterfly Records 5.1c The European Islands Data File: Geographical Data 5.2 Comparison of British and Irish Species Distributions Supplementary Appendices Chapter 6 6.1a Species Incidences on Offshore Islands: Logit Regression Analyses 6.1b Species Incidences on Offshore Islands: Discriminant Function Analyses 6.2 Species Richness and Incidences on Offshore Islands: Predictions Supplementary Appendix Chapter 7 7.1 Records and Data for the Isle of Man
The pomegranate, Punica granatum L., is one of the oldest known edible fruits and is associated with ancient civilizations of the Middle East. This is the first comprehensive book covering the botany, production, processing, health, and industrial uses of pomegranate. The cultivation of this fruit for fresh consumption, juice production and medicinal purposes has expanded more than tenfold over the past twenty years. Presenting a review of pomegranate growing from a scientific and horticultural perspective, the book provides information to increase yields and improve short- and medium-term grower profitability and sustainability. It covers: practices to mitigate pests, diseases and abiotic stresses yield based nutrition management cultural practices for cultivars with horticultural traits such as earliness, high yield, improved taste, soft seeds, disease resistance, and low splitting and sunscald rates increasing crop diversity to aid crop security composition, food uses and medicinal uses This book is essential literature for researchers in horticulture, growers, and those involved in the pomegranate industry.
Essays that honor the path-forging lifework of Stani-slav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., the world’s leading researcher in psychedelic-assisted therapy, breath-work, and the exploration of non-ordinary states.
For many years, doctors blamed painful stomach ulcers on stress or spicy foods. More recently, however, scientists have determined that many ulcers are actually caused by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. H. pylori affects more than half of the world's population, causing gastritis and ulcers, and increasing the risk for gastric cancer and mucosal-associated-lymphoid-type (MALT) lymphoma. Fortunately, the bacterium is treatable through antibiotics. This informative guide covers everything from the history of the organism's discovery by Nobel Prize–winning scientists Dr. Robbin Warren and Dr. Barry Marshall, to how H. pylori functions, to how it is diagnosed and treated. Chapters include: Discovery of Helicobacter Pylori Digestion How Helicobacter Pylori Survives in the Stomach Epidemiology of Helicobacter Pylori Infection Helicobacter Pylori and Ulcers Helicobacter Pylori and the Immune System Helicobacter Pylori in Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases Diagnosis and Treatment of Helicobacter Pylori Infections
Von den mythologischen Genealogien bis zu historischen Augenzeugenberichten, von der rein geographischen Reiseleitung über die archäologische Rekonstruktion bis hin zur politischen Geschichte hat Diana L. Eck eine Liebeserklärung und zugleich ein Standardwerk geschaffen.
"Wie so oft schon in diesem Sommer, sie und er, beide bummeln sie über die Kais von Quillebeuf, später Nachmittag, Kirche, Hafeneinfahrt, Wald, das andere Ufer, der Ölhafen, in der Ferne die hohen Klippen von Le Havre, das rote Fährschiff, das den Fluß überquert, hier ist das Ende des Seinetals. Dann setzen sie sich auf die Terrasse des Hotel de la Marine, Mittelpunkt des Ortes, gegenüber der Anlegestelle des Fährschiffs. Sie betrachten einander, die Umgebung, den Sommer, die Touristen. Sie sieht »Koreaner«, die näher kommen, ihre Angst wird offenkundig; es ist das Lächeln, das ihr Angst macht. Sie gehen ins Cafe hinein, junge Leute vom Ort, Touristen, und an der Seite der Bar, die den Touristen vorbehalten ist, sitzt ein Paar »verschmolzen zu einer einzigen Farbe, einer einzigen Gestalt. Einem einzigen Alter«. Zusammengesunken, bewegungslos, müde. Aus England kommend. Das Schiff hat Motorschaden. Das ist aus dem Gespräch, das sie führen, zu entnehmen. Die Frau des Engländers ist merklich älter als er. Sie kommen wohl von weit her, von unermeßlich weit her. Sie scheinen am Ende der letzten Reise angelangt, am Ende des Lebens. »Da sind sie, in der dem Tod vorausgehenden Ergebenheit, diese uns ausgelieferten Reisenden.« Diese Nachmittagsstunden sind erfüllt von drei Liebesgeschichten. Die Frau, die erzählt, und ihr Begleiter befinden sich am Ende ihrer beider Geschichte. Sie, die ihn auf beängstigende Weise liebte, weiß, daß er sie längst verlassen wollte. Es geht in dieser kurzen Zeitspanne allenfalls noch um die bedächtige Frage, ob er sie denn, jemals, geliebt habe. Und er prophezeit, daß dieser Nachmittag und ihrer beider Geschichte in ein Buch eingehen werden, das sie schreiben werde."
Fungi are much more than moldy creatures that decompose old food. In fact, infectious fungi are among the most common disease-causing agents in the world. Whether afflicted with ringworm or thrush, nearly all people will contract a fungus at least once. While most cases produce only annoying consequences, some can be quite deadly. Millions in the tropics die each year from this disease, and the problem is becoming more and more common in the United States. In Infectious Fungi, Second Edition students will learn about the symptoms, ailments, and treatment options of a variety of infectious fungi, as well as the challenges now facing the treatment of this disease and the growing threat to public health.
The Annals of St-Bertin, covering the years 830 to 882, are the main narrative source for the Carolingian world in the ninth century. This richly-annotated translation by a leading British specialist makes these Carolingian histories accessible in English for the first time, encouraging readers to reassess and evaluate a crucially formative period of European history. Produced in the 830s in the imperial palace of Louis the Pious, The Annals of St-Bertin were continued away from the Court, first by Bishop Prudentius of Troyes, then by the great scholar-politician Archbishop Hinemar of Rheims. The authors' distinctive voices and interests give the work a personal tone rarely found in medieval annals. They also contain uniquely detailed information on Carolingian politics, especially the reign of the West Frankish king, Charles the Bald (840-877). No other source offers so much evidence on the Continental activities of the Vikings. Janet L. Nelson offers in this volume both an entrée to a crucial Carolingian source and an introduction to the historical setting of teh Annals and possible ways of reading the evidence. The Annals of St-Bertin will be valuable reading for academics, research students and undergraduates in medieval history, archaeology and medieval languages. It will also fascinate any general reader with an interest in the development of European culture and society.
Dennis Kelly's award-winning plays have been translated into over thirty languages and produced on six continents. His endlessly inventive vision has produced a diverse body of work for a variety of audiences across a range of forms, genres, and media, from the Olivier and Tony Award-winning Matilda the Musical (2010), to the Channel Four cult-classic series Utopia. His 2008 play DNA, written for National Theatre Connections, is a set text on the AQA GCSE English Literature syllabus. This collection of essays written by leading scholars, teachers, and practitioners of theatre provides the first multi-authored study of Kelly's critically acclaimed oeuvre. Featuring an original interview with Kelly himself, this volume captures the full range and scope of his writing for stage and screen, from the quirky fringe debut Debris (2003) to the globally-distributed film adaptation of Matilda the Musical (2022).
Der wichtigste Mann im Leben eines Mädchens ist – häufig genug – ihr Vater. Schwierig, wenn es sich dabei um einen launischen Patriarchen handelt, der auch vor Prügeln nicht zurückschreckt. Noch schwieriger, wenn man erst neun Jahre alt ist und sein erklärter Liebling. Wie weit würde man gehen, um die Familie – die älteren Geschwister, die strenge, aber fürsorgliche Mutter – vor dem eigenen Vater in Schutz zu nehmen? Ruthie Zimmer meistert ihre Kindheit in einem der weniger glamourösen Viertel Manhattans mit Intelligenz und wacher Neugierde. Zwanzig Jahre später, als erwachsene Frau, kehrt sie dorthin zurück und wagt sich an die Auseinandersetzung mit den alten Erinnerungen und mit ihrem schwierigen, geliebten Vater. Temperamentvoll und mit warmherzigem Humor erzählt Carole L. Glickfeld, die Autorin des Erfolgsromans Herzweh, von einer Familie im New York der fünfziger Jahre, vor allem aber von einer Beziehung zwischen Tochter und Vater, die trotz aller dramatischen Spannungen unauflöslich scheint.