Ediciones del Lirio
In this version 2023 of Book Fair of Frankfurt, the Mexican editorial Ediciones del Lirio has wished to participate on these books and culture global encounter.
View Rights PortalIn this version 2023 of Book Fair of Frankfurt, the Mexican editorial Ediciones del Lirio has wished to participate on these books and culture global encounter.
View Rights PortalNational Prize for Publishing 2011 Spanish Ministry of Culture Bologna Prize Best Children's Publisher of the year 2015
View Rights PortalSince the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not only explores the evolutionary and ecologic bases of these dynamics, it translates this knowledge into practical research-based guidance for using bees to pollinate crops. It emphasizes conserving wild bee populations as well as culturing honey bees, bumble bees, and managed solitary bees. To cover such a range of biology, theory, and practice from the perspectives of both the pollinator and the crop, the book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 focuses on bees, their biology, coevolution with flowering plants, foraging ecology and management, and gives practical ways to increase bee abundance and pollinating performance on the farm. Volume 2 (this volume) focuses on crops, with chapters addressing crop-specific requirements and bee pollination management recommendations. Both volumes are essential reading for farmers, horticulturists and gardeners, researchers and professionals working in insect ecology and conservation, and students of entomology and crop protection.
The collapse of the ubiquitous honey bee population during the past 20 years has caused a pollination vacuum for many crops. Surveys and grower experience indicate that a crisis exists in pollinator populations. This book is an accessible, practical and authoritative research-based guide to using bees for crop pollination. It emphasizes conserving feral bee populations as well as more traditional methods of culturing honey bees and other bees. It addresses the biology of pollination, culturing and managing bees for optimum crop pollination. Individual pollination requirements and recommendations for the world’s main crops are covered in 36 short chapters that make up the second part of the book.
Since the second half of the 20th Century, our agricultural bee pollinators have faced mounting threats from ecological disturbance and pan-global movement of pathogens and parasites. At the same time, the area of pollinator-dependent crops is increasing globally with no end in sight. Never before has so much been asked of our finite pool of bee pollinators. This book not only explores the evolutionary and ecologic bases of these dynamics, it translates this knowledge into practical research-based guidance for using bees to pollinate crops. It emphasizes conserving wild bee populations as well as culturing honey bees, bumble bees, and managed solitary bees. To cover such a range of biology, theory, and practice from the perspectives of both the pollinator and the crop, the book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 focuses on bees, their biology, coevolution with plants, foraging ecology and management, and gives practical ways to increase bee abundance and pollinating performance on the farm. Volume 2 (also available from CABI) focuses on crops, with chapters addressing crop-specific requirements and bee pollination management recommendations. Both volumes will be essential reading for farmers, horticulturists and gardeners, researchers and professionals working in insect ecology and conservation, and students of entomology and crop protection.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton wurde am 29. Mai 1874 in London geboren. Er begann eine Ausbildung als Illustrator an der Slade School of Art und besuchte Literaturvorlesungen am Londoner King’s College. Als Kolumnist und Literaturkritiker schrieb er für verschiedene liberale Zeitungen. Von 1900 an erschienen von ihm über hundert Bücher, Gedichte, Kurzgeschichten und Theaterstücke, die durch ihre stilistische Brillanz schnell eine große Bekanntheit erlangten. In besonderem Maße setzte sich Chesterton, der 1922 zum Katholizismus konvertierte, in seinen Büchern und Aufsätzen mit seiner Beziehung zum Christentum auseinander, meistens allerdings – wie in der bekannten Gestalt des Priester-Detektivs Pater Brown – auf humoristische Weise. Er starb am 14. Juni 1936 in Beaconsfield.