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Rowohlt Verlag GmbH with the imprints Rowohlt BERLIN, rowohlt HUNDERT AUGEN, rowohlt POLARIS, WUNDERLICH, KINDLER, rororo, rowohlt rotfuchs, rowohlt e-Book, rowohlt repertoire, rowohlt rotation
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Promoted ContentThe ArtsNovember 2013
After Dada
Marta Hegemann and the Cologne avant-garde
by Dorothy Rowe
What happened in 1920s Cologne 'after Dada'? Whilst most standard accounts of Cologne Dada simply stop with Max Ernst's departure from the city for a new life as a surrealist in Paris, this book reveals the untold stories of the Cologne avant-garde that prospered after Dada but whose legacies have been largely forgotten or neglected. It focuses on the little-known Magical Realist painter Marta Hegemann (1894-1970). By re-inserting her into the histories of avant-garde modernism, a fuller picture of the gendered networks of artistic and cultural exchange within Weimar Germany can be revealed. This book embeds her activities as an artist within a gendered network of artistic exchange and influence in which Ernst continues to play a vital role amongst many others including his first wife, art critic Lou Straus-Ernst; photographers August Sander and Hannes Flach; artists Angelika Fick, Heinrich Hoerle, Willy Fick and the Cologne Progressives and visitors such as Kurt Schwitters and Katherine Dreier. The book offers a significant addition to research on Weimar visual culture and will be invaluable to students and specialists in the field. ;
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The ArtsMarch 2013Women, the arts and globalization
Eccentric experience
by Marsha Meskimmon, Amelia Jones, Dorothy C. Rowe, Dorothy Rowe, Marsha Meskimmon
Women, the arts and globalization: Eccentric experience is the first anthology to bring transnational feminist theory and criticism together with women's art practices to discuss the connections between aesthetics, gender and identity in a global world. The essays in Women, the Arts and Globalization demonstrate that women in the arts are rarely positioned at the centre of the art market, and the movement of women globally (as travelers or migrants, empowered artists/scholars or exiled practitioners), rarely corresponds with the dominant models of global exchange. Rather, contemporary women's art practices provide a fascinating instance of women's eccentric experiences of the myriad effects of globalization. Bringing scholarly essays on gender, art and globalization together with interviews and autobiographical accounts of personal experiences, the diversity of the book is relevant to artists, art historians, feminist theorists and humanities scholars interested in the impact of globalization on culture in the broadest sense. ;
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History of Art / Art & Design StylesJanuary 2015Women, the arts and globalization
by Marsha Meskimmon, Dorothy C. Rowe
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February 2018Stunde der Dunkelheit
Ein Kapstadt-Thriller
by Rowe, Michèle / Übersetzt von Baisch, Alexandra
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September 2021Die kleine Wortschmiede
Jeden Tag ein neues Wort entdecken | Spielerisch den Wortschatz erweitern | Von einer Expertin für frühkindliches Lernen | Ab 4 Jahre
by Meredith L. Rowe, Monika Forsberg, Marieke Heimburger
Ein großer Wortschatz ist der Schlüssel für erfolgreiches Lernen. Mit thematisch gestalteten Seiten ist dieses Buch an die Erlebniswelt der Kinder angepasst, bietet aber auch viele Möglichkeiten, Neues zu entdecken, und regt dazu an, eigene Geschichten zu entwickeln. Mit knallig bunten Bildern, niedlichen Tieren und verständlichen Erklärungen erweitert dieses Buch ganz spielerisch den Wortschatz. Entwickelt von einer Expertin für frühkindliches Lernen ist es ideal zum gemeinsamen Entdecken, Staunen und Vorlesen. Empfohlen ab 4 Jahren
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April 2022Die kleine Wortschmiede
365 erste Wörter
by Meredith L. Rowe, Monika Forsberg, Felicia Bomhoff
In der Welt gibt es so viel zu entdecken – und zu benennen: die Spielsachen, die Kleidung, die Farben und Formen. Dieses Buch begleitet und unterstützt Kinder beim aufregenden Erlernen der ersten Wörter. Die doppelseitigen leuchtend bunten Bilder laden dazu ein, sich beim gemeinsamen Lesen Geschichten auszudenken und die liebevoll gezeichneten Tiere durch das Jahr zu begleiten. Für Übersichtlichkeit sorgt eine thematische Gliederung. So macht das Erkunden der spannenden Welt der Wörter Spaß!
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June 2021Words Kill
by David Myles Robinson
Famed reporter Russell Blaze is dead. It may have been an accident, but then again, it may have been murder. Russ' son Cody finds Russ's unfinished memoir for clues as to what may have happened. The opening words are: On the night of October 16, 1968, I uttered a sentence that would haunt me for the rest of my life. The sentence was, "Someone should kill that motherf***er.As Cody delves into the memoir, a window opens into a tragic past and thrusts the still-burning embers of another time's radical violence into the political reality of the present. History that once seemed far away becomes a deeply personal immersion for Cody into the storied heyday of Haight-Ashbury: drugs, sex, war protesters, right-wing militias, ground-breaking journalism-and the mysterious Gloria, who wanders into Russ' pad one day just to "crash here for a while until things calm down."Cody discovers aspects of his father's life he never knew, and slowly begins to understand the significance of those words his father spoke in 1968.Words Kill is a story of loss, violence, and racism; love, hate, and discovery. It is a story of then . . . and now.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2016Imagining Caribbean womanhood
by Rochelle Rowe, Pamela Sharpe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2020Imagining Caribbean womanhood
Race, nation and beauty competitions, 1929–70
by Pamela Sharpe, Rochelle Rowe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie
Over fifty years after Jamaican and Trinidadian independence, Imagining Caribbean womanhood examines the links between beauty and politics in the Anglophone Caribbean, providing a first cultural history of Caribbean beauty competitions, spanning from Kingston to London. It traces the origins and transformation of female beauty contests in the British Caribbean from 1929 to 1970, through the development of cultural nationalism, race-conscious politics and decolonisation. The beauty contest, a seemingly marginal phenomenon, is used to illuminate the persistence of racial supremacy, the advance of consumer culture and the negotiation of race and nation through the idealised performance of cultured, modern beauty. Modern Caribbean femininity was intended to be politically functional but also commercially viable and subtly eroticised.
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Biography & True StoriesAugust 2013Resounding Words
by Jin Xing
The author Jin Xing is an outstanding artist in modern dance. After the transsexual operation in 1995, she has been leading a female life which is totally different from that of the former 28 years. She got married, adopted three children and currently is hosting many popular TV programs. She wins respects and lots of fans. The book, written in incisive words, is about her living principles with challenging thoughts.
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LOGIC – A First Course
by Prof. A. Blum
LOGIC – A First Course Prof. A. Blum A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm
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July 2021Confucius' Family Words
by Huang Dunbin
This book records the thoughts and words of Confucius and his disciples, and much of its content concerns major historical and cultural events, such as Confucius' travels around the world, his questioning of Laozi, his replies to the ruler of his country, and his discussions on the rituals and music system and history and nature. The Confucius Family Sayings has long been questioned as an apocryphal book, but unearthed documents from the 20th century prove that the book is not apocryphal, although there are traces of later collation and reorganisation. In the study of Confucius' disciples and Confucian family studies, the book has more obvious advantages than the Historical Records; in presenting an overall image of early Confucianism and interpreting the history of the three generations, the book has irreplaceable value. Some scholars believe that the Confucian Family Sayings is of higher value than the Analects of Confucius and is the "first book of Confucianism".
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Children's & YA2018The Magic Bird
by Ken Spillman and Malavika PC
A lone bird hungry for magic pecks at alphabet shapes. It looks through glass windows of book stores and glances at the t-shirts of pedestrians with the hope of solving the mystery hidden behind those letters. Soon, the words become familiar and the bird determinedly starts collecting scraps of paper to build a nest, wanting to hatch its ideas with warmth and nurture them through potential and free imagination. The unusual combination of Ken Spillman’s simple yet eloquent prose and Malavika PC’s inspired images combine in perfect harmony to express the powerful story of The Magic Bird. The bird reminds the reader of the extraordinary components which create something as ordinary as language, and the value of spreading our wings to take stories to others.
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LOGIC – A First Course
by Prof. A. Blum
A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm
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Children's & YAA Paper Tale
by Takla Oubada
The white paper felt sad for being left blank. But its feelings changed when it saw the writer’s hand waking the sleeping pen up, and drawing letters and words on its white page.
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