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      • Christine Heimannsberg

        Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Die Funkelponys / Die Funkelponys (2). Geheimnis um Stella

        by Palmer, Emily

        Willkommen auf dem Ponyhof Funkelwiese, wo magische Ponys ein besonderes Geheimnis hüten! Fiona und ihre Freundinnen Leni, Jana und Aurelia sind ratlos. Warum gefällt es Stella, dem neuen Pony, so ganz und gar nicht auf dem Reiterhof Funkelwiese? Vermisst Stella jemanden? Oder ist sie womöglich krank? Auch Sunny und ihre Ponyfreunde mit den magischen Glitzersteinen in der Mähne kommen nicht an Stella heran. Die Freundinnen müssen einige Verwirrung in Kauf nehmen, bevor sie der Lösung näher kommen. „Geheimnis um Stella“ ist der zweite Band der neuen, zauberhaft-magischen Pferde-Kinderbuchreihe für Mädchen und Ponyfans ab 8 Jahren. Mit vielen Schwarz-Weiß-Illustrationen von Josephine Llobet. Die Reihe ist auf gelistet. In der Reihe „Funkelponys“ sind im Arena Verlag erschienen: Funkelponys. Eine Freundin für Sunny (Band 1) Funkelponys. Geheimnis um Stella (Band 2) Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2009

        Food, risk and politics

        Scare, scandal and crisis - insights into the risk politics of food safety

        by Ed Randall

        This is a book about the risk politics of food safety. Food-related risks regularly grab the headlines in ways that threaten reasoned debate and obstruct sensible policy making. In this book, Ed Randall explains why this is the case. He goes on to make the case for a properly informed and fully open public debate about food safety issues. He argues that this is the true antidote to the politics of scare, scandal and crisis. The book skilfully weaves together the many different threads of food safety and risk politics and offers a particularly rewarding read for academics and students in the fields of politics and media studies. It will also appeal to scholars from other disciplines, particularly social psychology and the food sciences. The book is a lively and exceptionally readable account of food safety and risk politics that will engage policy makers and the general reader. It promises to help us all manage food safety issues more intelligently and successfully. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Weiße Nächte

        Eine der schönsten Liebesgeschichten der Weltliteratur in neuer Übersetzung

        by Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Stella Dreis, Christiane Körner

        Es sind die Weißen Nächte, wenn es nicht dunkel wird in Sankt Petersburg. Durch die sommerleeren Abende flaniert der Erzähler, ein junger Mann und einsamer Träumer. Da begegnet er einem verzweifelten Mädchen, der 17-jährigen Nastenka. Sie kommen ins Gespräch, das sich an vier Abenden fortsetzt, erzählen sich von ihrem Leben, von Träumen, Hoffnungen und Kummer. Aus der zufälligen Begegnung entwickelt sich eine zarte Liebe. Doch Nastenkas Herz gehört einem anderen. Dostojewskis Novelle, die zu den berühmtesten Liebesgeschichten der Weltliteratur zählt, wurde von Christiane Körner einfühlsam neu übersetzt. Stella Dreis hat den Band mit unverwechselbaren Illustrationen versehen.

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        March 2021

        Columbus, the Discarded Explorer

        Disaster of the legendary sailor

        by Wolfgang Wissler

        There he stands, the man the whole of Spain cheered, before whom the most catholic regents Isabella and Ferdinand rose to their feet, his eyes on his ship Capitana, devoured by shipworm, stranded off Jamaica. Some of the crew mutiny, the locals can no longer be fobbed off with glass beads, the Spanish on the nearby island of Hispaniola do not help, the world doesn‘t want anything to do with him, the demanding whinger. He, Christopher Columbus, is a John Lackland, a king without land, a conqueror without conquest. Between fiction and historical truth, Wolfgang Wissler recounts the legendary sailor‘s last expedition in an entirely new way – and what a story it is!

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        Why ADHD is Not a Disease

        A polemic

        by Amrei Wittwer

        In some European countries, one in four children is now diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) due to their socially disruptive behaviour. The treatment usually consists of suppressing the symptoms with psychostimulants such as Ritalin. This treatment does not improve school performance, but it curbs the children’s creativity and may stigmatise them for their entire lives. Taking an opposing viewpoint, ADHD expert Dr. Amrei Wittwer focuses on the physical and psychological well-being of the affected children. Because almost all “ADHD patients“ are facing difficulties in relationships with adults, she considers that a solution begins with the children’s domestic and school environments, instruction of parents and teachers, and by using therapeutic approaches rather than simply sedating the children. “Children are our future”, is a common theme in Sunday speeches. Anyone who takes this point seriously, whether or not they themselves are immediately affected, should think about this important topic.

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        Health & Personal Development
        June 2016

        Studying Successfully with ADHD

        A Pratical Guide for Parents

        by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund

        For children with ADHD and their parents, the school years are often difficult. Children may avoid homework they dislike, involve their parents in endless discussions of the point or pointlessness of particular exercises, dawdle and daydream their time away, or explode with frustration if they get something wrong or cannot do something.   This book provides parents with concrete and practical help. It shows you how you can:   • improve your child’s concentration and stamina• increase your child’s motivation to learn and study• reduce frustration, arguments, and tears over homework• control chaos and forgetfulness• help your child succeed by using smart learning methods• develop your child’s strengths• help your child cope with failure and maintain self-confidence• establish a good relationship with the school.     For: • parents / relatives of children with ADHD• therapists• learning coaches• teachers

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