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      • Ellermann Verlag im Dressler Verlag GmbH

        A test company Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In venenatis iaculis leo, et ornare sapien. Praesent euismod ante libero, sodales feugiat nisi rutrum ac. Vestibulum ut tortor leo. Donec a lobortis elit. Nam elit ante, auctor non ante quis, viverra dapibus ipsum. Maecenas id facilisis orci, sed maximus urna. Vestibulum euismod vel orci finibus viverra. Suspendisse gravida rutrum erat, non ultrices dui sagittis vel. Etiam bibendum lacus vestibulum nisi fringilla blandit. Etiam ut ultrices mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer in dapibus leo, vel blandit urna. Vestibulum gravida mollis mattis. Fusce a maximus urna. Donec pretium dolor fermentum nunc commodo sollicitudin. Cras ac magna rutrum, ullamcorper enim in, condimentum lorem. Fusce sodales, nunc nec vestibulum ornare, ligula tellus mollis purus, fermentum fringilla nisl nibh sed mauris. Nullam auctor est euismod nibh pellentesque ultrices. Integer at arcu felis. Fusce condimentum suscipit ex faucibus viverra. Vivamus mauris ligula, ullamcorper id lectus eu, vestibulum iaculis mauris. Sed a libero vel nisl tincidunt sagittis sed a libero. Sed sit amet congue leo, non blandit risus. Duis aliquam, justo vitae tincidunt auctor, augue nunc pellentesque nibh, eu commodo erat tellus non risus. Ut elit turpis, fringilla et purus quis, suscipit lacinia velit. Etiam quis nunc nec mauris vulputate efficitur eget eget ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi cursus, lacus at tincidunt condimentum, leo tortor gravida lacus, ac faucibus nisi lorem ac velit.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

        Specialist books in the fields of pharmacy - drug information - medicine.

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      • Trusted Partner

        The Nobel Laureate Who Met a Polite Raccoon in the Woods

        When the brain goes mad: 30 rare and unusual mental syndromes

        by Monika Niehaus

        The human brain is a highly complex and highly functional structure consisting of almost 90 billion nerve cells. But it can go out of sync, due to genetic factors, hormonal effects, trauma or other causes. In extreme cases, our control centre then creates bizarre delusions – brilliant narratives that are completely convincing to the person concerned. In her second book on such phenomena, Monika Niehaus has compiled 30 rare psychological disorders – from a conviction to have been abducted by aliens, to being sexually attracted to criminals, to the hyperthymestical syndrome where people can remember every detail of their past life. Narrated in an interesting, humorous and sensitive way, the author relates a variety of cases, some of them famous, others less so, while introducing us to the history of art and literature and presenting scientific explanations. This fascinating book shows the genius that resides in our brain – and how madness can often be explained.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Woman Who Thought Her Husband Was a Doppelganger

        When the brain goes haywire: 36 rare and unusual psychiatric syndromes

        by Monika Niehaus

        The human brain is a wondrous thing, highly complex and highly functional. However, the control centre of our feelings, thoughts and actions can sometimes go out of sync. Some reasons for this are known, such as genetic factors, hormonal effects or trauma. In other cases, we are still in the dark. In an extreme case scenario, the brain may create bizarre delusions – masterful narrations that the people affected fi nd completely conclusive and reasonable. Monika Niehaus has compiled 36 such disorders ranging from love madness and the gourmand syndrome – where gourmet food becomes the purpose of life – to people who desire nothing more than to have their limbs amputated. She tells gripping tales of famous and not so famous cases. With sensitivity and a considerable dose of humour she takes us into the history of art and literature, and presents scientifi c explanations. This fascinating book shows that our brain is a genius – and madness is quite often NOT inexplicable.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        Watching the Brain Think

        Facets of neuroscience: short thought provoking texts for the curious

        by Monika Niehaus/Martin Osterloh

        — An exciting and entertaining explanation of neuroscience — In the diverting and humorous style for which the author is known – learning has never been this much fun What processes in the brain are responsible for intelligence, free will, empathy or reason? Can memories be falsified? And what does actually happen in the brain when we reach puberty? Monika Niehaus and Martin Osterloh answer these and many other neuroscientific questions in their book – a fundamental work on brain research, and easy to understand, exciting and entertaining.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        Der Geist aus der Flasche

        Neue Episoden vom Leben auf Molekülbasis

        by Schwarcz, Joe / Deutsch Niehaus, Monika

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2012


        Die Wiederkehr der Seuchen

        by Wolfe, Nathan / Deutsch Niehaus, Monika

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Warum krümeln Kekse?

        Neues vom Leben auf Molekülbasis

        by Schwarcz, Joe / Deutsch Niehaus, Monika

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2006

        Die Zukunft der Intelligenz

        Wie das Gehirn funktioniert und was Computer davon lernen können

        by Hawkins, Jeff / Deutsch Niehaus, Monika

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        February 2003


        Als Chirurg in den Krisengebieten dieser Welt

        by Kaplan, Jonathan

      • Trusted Partner

        Brooklyn Bridge

        Knotenpunkte. Roman

        by Kaplan, Leslie

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 1986

        Das Buch der hundert Rätsel

        by Monika Beisner, Monika Beisner

        Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London. Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1994

        Mein buntes Adreßbuch

        Mit vielen Bildern und ausgewählten Geschichten, Gedichten und Rätseln. Zusammengestellt und illustriert von Monika Beisner

        by Monika Beisner, Monika Beisner

        Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London. Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1979

        Sechs Sternbilder. Die schöne Insel-Karte. _

        Sechs Doppelkarten im Geschenketui

        by Monika Beisner, Monika Beisner

        Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London. Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 1996

        Analysing performance

        A critical reader

        by Patrick Campbell

        Each chapter in this important critical reader tackles the theory and practice of modern performance work, and enables students and teachers to see what is at stake in analysing dance, drama, music and videos using contemporary critical theories. Including Elizabeth Wright on psychoanalysis, Baz Kershaw on the politics of performance, Jatinder Verma on multiculturalism, E. Ann Kaplan on MTV and video, Lizabeth Goodman on feminism and AIDS, Stephen Connor on postmodernism and many others. ;

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