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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        January 2020

        Climate Change and Non-infectious Fish Disorders

        by Patrick T K Woo, George K Iwama

        This important new title on climate change, and its effects on selected non-infectious disorders of fish, contains contributions by internationally recognized experts who have contributed significantly to our knowledge in the area. Comprehensive and thought provoking, the text details abiotic and biotic environmental changes associated with climate change and their effects on fish in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters. It proceeds to cover in detail developmental, physiological and metabolic disorders of fish. Outlining both current and expected changes in aquaculture systems due to climate change, plus suggestions for further studies, this contemporary book is key reading for biologists, aquatic ecologists, fish health consultants, veterinarians, policy makers and all those involved in fish health and the environment.

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        August 2014

        Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner

        by Ulf K., Bertolt Brecht, Ulf K., Bertolt Brecht

        »›Woran arbeiten Sie?‹ wurde Herr K. gefragt. Herr K. antwortete: ›Ich habe viel Mühe, ich bereite meinen nächsten Irrtum vor.‹« Diese Situation ist typisch für die Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner: eine einfache, alltägliche Ausgangsfrage und die überraschende, unerwartete Antwort. Die dialogisch-dialektische Struktur dieser parabelhaften Prosaminiaturen und ihr subtiler Humor eignen sich eigentlich hervorragend für die Umsetzung als Comic. Dennoch kann es nicht verwundern, dass sich bislang noch niemand an sie herangetraut hat, denn: Wie lassen sich Denkbilder in gezeichnete Bilder umsetzen? Und wie lässt sich Bertolt Brechts Kunst- und Spielfigur Keuner, die durchaus autobiografische Züge trägt und dennoch als ein Mann ohne Eigenschaften gilt, überhaupt darstellen? Ulf K., einer der international renommiertesten deutschen ComicKünstler, hat es nun gewagt und überrascht mit einem Herrn K., der absolut zeitlos-modern ist und dennoch unser Zeitgenosse sein könnte. Diese schwungvoll-frische Adaption erweckt den Eindruck, Brecht habe die Geschichten soeben erst für unsere unmittelbare Gegenwart geschrieben und uns gemeinsam mit Ulf K. ein ebenso intellektuelles wie ästhetisches Vergnügen beschert.

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        Biology, life sciences
        July 2008

        Guide to Cultivated Plants

        by Edited by A T G Elzebroek, K Wind

        Representing almost 80 years of combined experience, Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full colour illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise 11 commodity groups ranging from vegetables, both horticulture and forages species, and arable crops to the major fruits and plantation crops. All major cultivated plants from temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climates are covered and the morphology, botany, ecology, agronomy and use of cultivated crops is fully discussed.

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        September 2021

        The Stranger Times

        Was, wenn die seltsamsten News die wirklich wahren wären

        by C. K. McDonnell

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        September 2022

        This Charming Man

        Sie sind hier. Sie haben Hunger. The Stranger Times fühlt ihnen auf den Zahn.

        by C. K. McDonnell

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        Medical ethics & professional conduct
        July 2016

        Global Health Research in an Unequal World

        Ethics Case Studies from Africa

        by G Aellah, T Chantler, P W Geissler

        This book is a collection of fictionalised case studies of everyday ethical dilemmas and challenges, encountered in the process of conducting global health research in places where the effects of global, political and economic inequality are particularly evident. It is a training tool to fill the gap between research ethics guidelines, and their implementation 'on the ground'. The case studies, therefore, focus on 'relational' ethics: ethical actions and ideas that emerge through relations with others, rather than in regulations.

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        Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents

        by Brian P. Daly, Aimee K. Hildenbrand, Ronald T. Brown

        Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood disorder that can have serious consequences for academic, emotional, social, and occupational functioning. When properly identified and diagnosed, however, there are many interventions for the disorder that have established benefits. This volume is both a compact “how to” reference, for use by professional clinicians in their daily work, and an ideal educational reference for practice-oriented students. The most important feature of this volume is that it is practical and “reader friendly”. It is a compact and easy to follow guide covering all aspects of practice that are relevant in real life in the assessment and management of ADHD across the life span. Tables, relevant case studies, and marginal notes assist orientation, while suggestions for further reading, support groups, and educational organizations are provided for individuals and professionals. Target Group: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, students.

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        September 2014

        Ich kannte kein Limit

        Mein Leben mit dem Alkohol

        by K., Sascha; Wegberg, T. A.

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        The environment
        May 1997

        Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water

        by Edited by H Tunney, P C Brookes, A E Johnston

        Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and its input has long been recognised as necessary to maintain profitable crop production. However, phosphorus inputs can also increase the biological activity of surface waters and this can lead to the destruction of such aquatic ecosystems. Advanced eutrophication of surface water leads to problems with its use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking, due to the increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds, and oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the causes and mode of phosphorus loss from soil to water, to enable the problems to be controlled and managed. This book has been developed from an international workshop held in Ireland in late 1995. It is the first comprehensive consideration of the topic, and many leading researchers in the area have contributed to it. It is essential reading for all soil scientists and freshwater biologists, as well as for environmentalists, ecologists and agriculturalists concerned with sustainable land management and pollution. The book is also recommended to fisheries managers, fertilizer manufacturers and biologists working for water utilities.

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        September 2023

        Managing Risk in Agriculture

        A Development Perspective

        by Ashok K. Mishra, Subal C. Kumbhakar, Gudbrand Lien

        The book addresses and documents farmers' risks in developing and emerging economies. It draws lessons from experimental economics on measuring risk preferences, attitudes, gender differences in managing risks, and risk management strategies in countries across Africa and Asia. It argues policy makers, especially in emerging economies, need a better understanding of farmers' attitudes toward risk and choices of risk management strategies when designing policies to support production agriculture. The book includes chapters on three themes: understanding risk attitudes and preferences; using experimental economics to measure risk, preferences, and risk management strategies; and understanding climate change, risk, and risk management. The book critically examines the currently held beliefs about risk preference, attitudes, and empirical estimation of risk management strategies, emphasizing developing and emerging economies (DEE). "The agricultural development space is an inherently risky one and this welcome collection belatedly helps to plug an important hole." Jock R. Anderson, Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia "Over time, agricultural production practices have evolved, as have the markets and value chains for food and agricultural products. A constant consideration, however, and one that continues to define agriculture worldwide, is risk. The risks that impinge on agriculture come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, production risks are ubiquitous. But so are market risks. And the same is true for macroeconomic and financial risks and the risks associated with an evolving climate. This book will be a valuable, comprehensive resource for any applied economist desiring to understand the risk management principles relevant to modern food and agricultural systems." Matthew Holt, Prof. and head of the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.

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        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1984

        Ustilaginales of the British Isles

        by J E M Mordue, G C Ainsworth

        Mycological paper on the Ustilaginales of the British Isles.

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        Veterinary medicine: large animals (domestic / farm)
        April 2008

        Mathematical Modelling in Animal Nutrition

        by Edited by James (Jim) France, Ermias Kebreab, A T G Elzebroek, K Wind.

        Mathematical modelling is increasingly applicable to the practical sciences. Here, mathematical approaches are applied to the study of mechanisms of digestion and metabolism in primary animal species. Farmed animals - ruminants, pigs, poultry and fish are comprehensively covered, as well as sections on companion animals. Common themes between species, such as energy and amino acid metabolism, are explored with a worldwide approach. Leading researchers from around the world have contributed to France and Kebreab's volume to provide an integrated approach to mathematical modelling in animal nutrition.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Health Benefits of Green Tea

        An Evidence-based Approach

        by Yukihiko Hara, Chung S Yang, Mamoru Isemura, Isao Tomita, R Agnihotri, Z Apostolides, T Asakawa, Z. M. Chen, S Gaur, Yukihiko Hara, M Inai, Mamoru Isemura, T Kakuda, T Kan, M. J. Lee, Z Lin, M Maeda-Yamamoto, S Masuda, S Meguro, T Minami, N Miyoshi, M Monobe, H Moriwaki, Y Nakamura, O Numata, K Saeki, K Sayama, Y Shimamura, M Shimizu, T Suzuki, H Tachibana, P. W. Taylor, I Tokimitsu, I Tomita, T. A. Tomita, K Unno, H Wang, H Yamada, C. S. Yang, H Yokogoshi

        This book provides evidence to support the health-promoting components of green tea for human health. It explores the significance of green tea and its catechins represented by epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), demonstrating their beneficial effects on diseases including cancer, obesity, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, hepatitis, and neurodegenerative diseases. The present status of human studies and avenues for future research are discussed. It is written by a team of experts from across the globe and makes significant Japanese findings available to international researchers. It is an essential resource for researchers interested in the biochemistry and pharmacology of green tea, and functional foods and beverages.

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