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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Doppel-Galoppel 1. Zwei wie Sonne und Wind

        by Chantal Schreiber, , Anna Carlsson, Iris Hardt

        Um seine sich ständig zankenden Enkelkinder Fanndis und Jon zu bändigen, erzählt Opa Valdis eine Geschichte: die Geschichte zweier Islandpferde-Fohlen, Kappi und Skoppa. Die beiden Fohlen könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein und bewältigen trotzdem als beste Freunde spannende und lustige Abenteuer. Und siehe da: Auf einmal hört auch das Streiten zwischen Fanndis und Jon auf.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Doppel-Galoppel 2. Zwei und das Wassergespenst

        by Chantal Schreiber, Iris Hardt

        In "Doppel-Galoppel 2. Zwei und das Wassergespenst" von Chantal Schreiber finden die jungen Geschwister Fanndis und Jon durch die Erzählungen ihres Großvaters über die Abenteuer der Islandponys Kappi und Skoppa wieder zueinander. Das Buch dreht sich um die spannende Geschichte, wie Kappi und Skoppa ein Lämmchen vor einem isländischen Wassergespenst retten und dabei ihre Freundschaft und ihren Mut unter Beweis stellen. Diese Erzählung hilft Fanndis und Jon, ihren Streit beizulegen und zeigt auf unterhaltsame Weise, wie wichtig Zusammenhalt und Mut sind. Ideal für junge Pferdefans, bietet das Buch humorvolle und lehrreiche Unterhaltung. Ideal für junge Pferdefans: Gezielt für Kinder ab 4 Jahren entwickelt, die Pferde lieben. Fördert wichtige Werte: Stärkt das Verständnis für Freundschaft und Mut durch die Erlebnisse der Ponys. Spannende Handlung: Packende Geschichte mit einem Hauch von nordischer Mythologie. Humorvoll und lehrreich: Bietet eine lustige und spannende Lektüre, die zum Nachdenken anregt. Erfahrene Autorin: Geschrieben von Chantal Schreiber, bekannt für ihre fesselnden Pferdegeschichten. Leseförderung und -spaß: Perfekt zum Vorlesen und als Einstieg für junge Leserinnen und Leser.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2017

        Spur der Pferde

        Die Kraft, durch die ich mich selbst fand

        by Stroud, Clover / Übersetzt von usb bücherbüro

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        Politics & government
        April 2008

        Policing the peace in Northern Ireland

        by Jon Moran

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2008

        Policing the peace in Northern Ireland

        Politics, crime and security after the Belfast Agreement

        by Jon Moran

        This timely and controversial book shows how crime, and the authorities' response to crime, became central to the peace process in Northern Ireland. At times, paramilitary activity threatened to destabilise the peace in Northern Ireland after 1998, but crime was central to maintaining capacity should the groups return to war. Over time, the reduction of crime was central to these groups' own attempts to reform and official judgements as to whether they were genuinely demobilising. The state's response to crime added controversy. Police reform produced the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and the new Organised Crime Task Force signalled the importance of crime control, but the Assets Recovery Agency, supposedly the 'magic bullet' for organised crime, misfired. Law enforcement was also deeply affected by the British state's response to paramilitary crime. By 2007, peace was apparently secure and paramilitaries were 'de-criminalising', but this often chaotic process was marked with questions about the British state's adherence to the rule of law. Incorporating first-hand research in the PSNI, the book will be of interest to general readers and scholars of Irish Studies, criminology, and British and comparative politics. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Ich ist ein anderer

        Heptalogie III - V

        by Fosse, Jon

        1. Auflage

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Greta Thunberg

        Climate Change Activist

        by Jon Sterngass

        In August 2018, 15-year-old Swedish student Greta Thunberg decided not to go to school in order to protest the climate crisis, and demand government action to prevent global warming. Her school strike sparked a global movement, inspiring millions of students to strike. Before she was 18 years old, Greta had participated in protests in Europe and North America, created a TED talk viewed more than 10 million times, and addressed the United Nations, the U.S. Congress, the British Parliament, and the World Economic Forum. In 2019, she was named Time magazine's person of the year, the youngest person ever to receive this recognition. This is her story.

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        The Five Pillars of Healing

        by Jon Burras

        Return to Nature provides the reader with a profound new model with which to re-claim their lost body and mind. It is a road map to vibrant health and recovery from many modern ailments. This new and profound healing system is based on the laws of nature and five pillars. The Five Pillars of Healing: 1. Recovery of your Mind. 2. Recovery of your Breath. 3. Recovery through Bodywork. 4. Expansive Movement. 5. Natural Recovery from Addictions. Healing is not only possible but it is natural.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Der andere Name

        Heptalogie I - II

        by Jon Fosse

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Doppel-Galoppel 3. Zwei und der Pingu-Gei

        by Chantal Schreiber, Iris Hardt

        Bald ist es so weit! Fanndis und Jon sollen Kappi und Skoppa, die Helden von Opa Valdis Geschichten, treffen. Doch die Wartezeit birgt viele Möglichkeiten, sich zu streiten, und bevor es endlich losgeht, muss Opa Valdi ein besonders aufregendes Abenteuer erzählen: darüber, wie Kappi und Skoppa den Pingu-Gei kennenlernten und wie sie gemeinsam das Zweibeiner-Müllproblem lösten. Opas Streitmedizin wirkt wie immer Wunder und schon bald stehen die Geschwister Kappi und Skoppa gegenüber. Doch welches Kind gehört eigentlich zu welchem Pony? Das nächste Pferdeabenteuer von Chantal Schreiber zum Vorlesen für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. Humorvolle und kindgerechte Annäherung an das Thema Naturschutz. Eine fröhliche und doch tiefsinnige Geschichte trifft auf liebevolle Illustrationen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Fight back

        Punk, politics and resistance

        by Subcultures Network

        Fight back examines the different ways punk - as a youth/subculture - may provide space for political expression and action. Bringing together scholars from a range of academic disciplines (history, sociology, cultural studies, politics, English, music), it showcases innovative research into the diverse ways in which punk may be used and interpreted. The essays are concerned with three main themes: identity, locality and communication. These, in turn, cover subjects relating to questions of class, age and gender; the relationship between punk, locality and socio-political context; and the ways in which punk's meaning has been expressed from within the subculture and reflected by the media. Jon Savage, the foremost commentator and curator of punk's cultural legacy, provides an afterword on punk's impact and dissemination from the 1970s to the present day.

      • Trusted Partner
        Political activism
        November 2014

        Fight back

        Punk, politics and resistance

        by The Subcultures Network

        Fight back examines the different ways punk - as a youth/subculture - may provide space for political expression and action. Bringing together scholars from a range of academic disciplines (history, sociology, cultural studies, politics, English, music), it showcases innovative research into the diverse ways in which punk may be used and interpreted. The essays are concerned with three main themes: identity, locality and communication. These, in turn, cover subjects relating to questions of class, age and gender; the relationship between punk, locality and socio-political context; and the ways in which punk's meaning has been expressed from within the subculture and reflected by the media. Jon Savage, the foremost commentator and curator of punk's cultural legacy, provides an afterword on punk's impact and dissemination from the 1970s to the present day.

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