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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2015
Corporate and white-collar crime in Ireland
A new architecture of regulatory enforcement
by Joe McGrath, Rob Kitchin
This book explores the emergence of a new architecture of corporate enforcement in Ireland. It is demonstrated that the State has transitioned from one contradictory model of corporate enforcement to another. Traditionally, the State invoked its most powerful weapon of state censure, the criminal law, but was remarkably lenient in practice because the law was not enforced. The contemporary model is much more reliant on cooperative measures and civil orders, but also contains remarkably punitive and instrumental measures to surmount the difficulties of proving guilt in criminal cases. Though corporate and financial regulation has become an area of significant interest for academics, researchers and those with an interest in corporate affairs, this sudden surge of interest lacks a tradition of scholarship or any deep empirical and contextual analysis in Ireland. This book provides that foundation. It is likely to stimulate an extensive conversation on corporate regulation and governance in Ireland. It is also likely to provide a platform for researchers further afield with an interest in comparative study with Ireland. ;
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Joe wird's schon schaffen
by Aviva Lipstein
Joe wird's schon schaffen – eine faszinierende Geschichte für Kinder von Aviva Lipstein Die Geschichte handelt von dem manchmal schwierigen Wechsel vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule. Ein kleiner Junge aus London verläßt die behagliche Atmosphäre des Kindergartens und wird mit den Herausforderungen der „großen“ Schule konfrontiert. Die Handlung spielt in England, kann aber auch sehr leicht dem kulturellen Hintergrund eines anderen Landes angepaßt werden. Das illustrierte Buch ist gebunden und hat 40 Seiten. Die Autorin wuchs in Frankreich auf, wurde von Dominikanischen Nonnen während des zweiten Weltkriegs versteckt und ausgebildet und kam nach dem Krieg nach Israel. Sie studierte Sozialwissenschaften in Jerusalem und arbeitete in Tel Aviv mit Kindern bis zu ihrer Pensionierung. 1994 ist Aviva Lipstein in Tel Aviv gestorben. Rechte in deutscher und anderen Sprachen noch erhältlich!
Trusted PartnerNovember 2021
Joe Biden's America
Introduction to a divided country
by Roland Benedikter
— "A precise, analytical insight into the phenomenon Trump." (Anton Pelinka, Central European University Budapest) — "An introduction to the contemporary US." (Heinrich Neisser, Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration, University of Innsbruck) — "Refreshingly different." (Herbert Dorfmann, Member of the European Parliament) Joe Biden's America is deeply divided. Donald Trump's term in office made many problems of modern US society visible, which Biden now has to solve. What do American politics look like under Joe Biden? What legacy did Donald Trump leave behind, and what kind of impact does it have? How can the deeper causes, factors and drivers of current US developments be put in a historical context? Roland Benedikter provides a thorough insight into a complex country. In a compact and comprehensible way, he explains the background, challenges and perspectives of the Biden era, while also providing an overview of the current state of US society and culture in general. His analysis is suitable for teaching, decision-makers and civil society as an introduction to today's USA.
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Joe lo puede arreglar
by Aviva Lipstein
Joe lo puede arreglar por Aviva Lipstein Un fascinante relato infantil que tiene como escenario a Londres y que tiene como objetivo facilitar la transición de la guardería infantil a la escuela primaria, que a que a veces está acompañada de miedos y preocupaciones por parte de los padres y de los niños. Fue traducido al inglés por Ora Cummings, que es natural del reino Unido. El libro está adaptado a la vida contemporánea de Inglaterra (pero puede también referirse a otros países) dentro del marco universal que supone el paso del niño del ambiente protector de la guardería infantil a la atmósfera mas exigente de la “gran” escuela. El libro cuenta con 40 páginas en su forma final, con portada de tapa dura en color y con ilustraciones a dos colores en su interior. La autora, Aviva Lipstein , que falleció en 1994, creció en Francia, en Paris y Niza en la riviera francesa. Durante la segunda guerra mundial, fue protegida y educada por monjas dominicanas, y después de la guerra se asentó en el nuevo estado de Israel. La señora Lipstein se graduó en trabajo social en la universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén y hasta su jubilación trabajó con niños pequeños. Vivió en Tel Aviv, se casó y tuvo dos hijos y una hija, como también un nieto – todos ellos fueron evocados en sus cuentos.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2014
Challenging times, challenging administration
by Chris McInerney, Rob Kitchin
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2014
Management and gender in higher education
by Pat O'Connor, Rob Kitchin
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2011
Public Private Partnerships in Ireland
Failed experiment or the way forward?
by Rory Hearne, Rob Kitchin
Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have come to public attention in recent years in Ireland with the impact of toll roads, the collapse of social-housing projects and their use in the provision of courts buildings, schools, water/waste water treatment plants, hospitals, light rail and other public infrastructure and services. This book provides a ground breaking and unique analysis of the development of such PPPs internationally, with a detailed focus on the rationale behind their introduction and outcomes in Ireland. The detailed evidence outlined from the author's extensive research (including interviews with senior central and government officials, private sector, community and trade union representatives and the Irish Minister for Environment) highlights the important role PPPs are playing in the implementation of privatisation and neoliberalism. The book also provides considerable practical lessons from individual PPP projects. It is therefore an essential read for students, academics of politics, economics, sociology, geography and policy practitioners in Ireland, and further afield. It is of considerable interest to anyone concerned with the progress of Irish society, its economy and, indeed public services and governance internationally. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2016
Changing gender roles and attitudes to family formation in Ireland
by Rob Kitchin, Margret Fine-Davis
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2015
Ireland and the Freedom of Information Act
by Rob Kitchin, Maura Adshead, Tom Felle
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2014
The domestic, moral and political economies of post-Celtic Tiger Ireland
What rough beast?
by Kieran Keohane, Rob Kitchin, Carmen Kuhling
This book provides an analysis of neo-liberal political economics implemented in Ireland and the deleterious consequences of that model in terms of polarised social inequalities, impoverished public services and fiscal vulnerability as they appear in central social policy domains - health, housing and education in particular. Tracing the argument into the domains where the institutions are sustained and reproduced, this book examines the movement of modern economics away from its original concern with the household and anthropologically universal deep human needs to care for the vulnerable - the sick, children and the elderly - and to maintain inter-generational solidarity. The authors argue that the financialisation of social relations undermines the foundations of civilisation and opens up a marketised barbarism. Civic catastrophes of violent conflict and authoritarian liberalism are here illustrated as aspects of the 'rough beast' that slouches in when things are falling apart and people become prey to new forms of domination. ;
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Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawFebruary 2016
Ethical and legal debates in Irish healthcare
by Mary Donnelly, Rob Kitchin, Claire Murray
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2016
The economics of disability
by Rob Kitchin, John Cullinan, Seán Lyons, Brian Nolan
Trusted PartnerSociology: family & relationshipsJuly 2016
Changing gender roles and attitudes to family formation in Ireland
by Series edited by Rob Kitchin, Margret Fine-Davis
Recent decades have witnessed major changes in gender roles and family patterns, as well as a falling birth rate in Ireland and the rest of Europe. While the traditional family is now being replaced in many cases by new family forms, we do not know the reasons why people are making the choices they are and whether or not these choices are leading to greater well-being. While demographic research has attempted to explain the new trends in family formation and fertility, there has been little research on people's attitudes to family formation and having children. This book presents the results of the first major study to examine people's attitudes to family formation and childbearing in Ireland. Based on a nationwide representative sample of 1,404 men and women in the childbearing age group, the study was carried out against a backdrop of changing gender role attitudes and behaviour as well as significant demographic change.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2020
Joe Biden
Ein Porträt
by Evan Osnos, Ulrike Bischoff, Stephan Gebauer
Das erste deutschsprachige Buch über Joe Biden »Joe Biden ist zugleich der unglücklichste und der glücklichste Mensch, den ich kenne.« Das sagt ein Weggefährte über den 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigen Staaten. Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Journalist Evan Osnos begleitet den Politiker aus Delaware seit Jahren und hat ihn immer wieder interviewt, zuletzt im Sommer 2020. Diese und weitere Gespräche mit Angehörigen und Weggefährten wie Barack Obama bilden die Grundlage dieser brillanten Nahaufnahme des 1942 geborenen Biden, in dessen Werdegang sich die Veränderungen der politischen Kultur der USA spiegeln. Mit gerade einmal 29 Jahren wurde der Sohn eines Autohändlers in den US-Senat gewählt. Seinen Amtseid legte er ab, nachdem er nur wenige Wochen zuvor seine erste Frau und seine Tochter bei einem Autounfall verloren hatte. Nach Höhen und Tiefen führte ihn seine Karriere schließlich als Vizepräsident ins Weiße Haus. Joe Biden hat dramatische Schicksalsschläge und überraschende Wendungen erlebt. Vielleicht versetzt ihn gerade das in die Lage, eine zerrissene Nation zu einen, die Wunden der Trump-Ära zu heilen und einen neuen politischen Aufbruch zu ermöglichen.
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Trusted PartnerNovember 2023
This damn superiority
by Ulla Steuernagel
Lucifer and Icarus are the best-known figures in the ancestral gallery of the arrogant. Pride, the original sin, or hubris, also known as class conceit, arrogance, vanity, haughtiness and narcissism, is widespread in many facets. We find celebrities from the past and present, fiction and reality, in this Cabinet of Sinners.
Trusted Partner2017
Everyone Can Draw Comics
by Jia Cejin
Everyone can Draw Comics and Create Comic Characters: Starting with the creation of comic characters, it's not only helpful for learners to understand the methods of creating comic characters, but also an effective comic course for teaching. We try to provide some tips for character creation, try to let comic learners find an effective comic character creation method by analyzing excellent Chinese and foreign comic characters. Everyone can Draw Comics and Create Comic Stories: Starting with the creation of comic scripts, it's not only helpful for learners to master the principles of comic story creation, but also an effective comic course for teaching. This book provides detailed interpretation in two aspects of comic characters and comic stories, uses excellent comics as a reference to teach comic learners to create comics based on their creations, which are cleverly integrated into the studying of comics skills and all kinds of practices.
Trusted PartnerAugust 2015
Blutiges Echo
by Joe R. Lansdale, Heide Franck
Zuerst die Geräuschexplosion. Dann das gleißende Licht. Dann die Hitze. Harry Wilkes ist kein normaler Junge. Immer dann, wenn er an den Ort eines Verbrechens gelangt, geschieht es: der Lärm, das Licht, die Wärme. Und die unerträglichen Bilder der Gewalt. Harry kann seit einer Krankheit im Kindesalter sehen, wie Morde verübt wurden, doch anstatt seine Gabe zu nutzen, empfindet er sie als Fluch. Denn um die Schreckensszenarien aus seinem Gedächtnis zu verbannen, betäubt er sich mit Alkohol. Eines Tages taucht Harrys Jugendschwarm Kayla auf und bittet ihn, mithilfe seines besonderen Talents den Mord an ihrem Vater aufzuklären. Harrys Schicksal scheint sich zu wenden … Ein unheimlicher Thriller, die bewegende Geschichte einer geplagten Seele und ein weiteres literarisches Meisterstück im facettenreichen Werk von Joe R. Lansdale, der auch hier wieder alle Genregrenzen sprengt.