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Art of Crow
ART OF CROW is a brand that specializes in creating, featuring and publishing the Art of Books by the artist and writer CROW, and his curator and publisher Susanne M. Matz. The books are precious editions of prose or lyrics illustrated by artworks of paintings and photographic art. Titles are available as limited hardcover-editions, eBooks, and Audiobooks, designed by combining the spoken word and music. Order at
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Joe wird's schon schaffen
by Aviva Lipstein
Joe wird's schon schaffen – eine faszinierende Geschichte für Kinder von Aviva Lipstein Die Geschichte handelt von dem manchmal schwierigen Wechsel vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule. Ein kleiner Junge aus London verläßt die behagliche Atmosphäre des Kindergartens und wird mit den Herausforderungen der „großen“ Schule konfrontiert. Die Handlung spielt in England, kann aber auch sehr leicht dem kulturellen Hintergrund eines anderen Landes angepaßt werden. Das illustrierte Buch ist gebunden und hat 40 Seiten. Die Autorin wuchs in Frankreich auf, wurde von Dominikanischen Nonnen während des zweiten Weltkriegs versteckt und ausgebildet und kam nach dem Krieg nach Israel. Sie studierte Sozialwissenschaften in Jerusalem und arbeitete in Tel Aviv mit Kindern bis zu ihrer Pensionierung. 1994 ist Aviva Lipstein in Tel Aviv gestorben. Rechte in deutscher und anderen Sprachen noch erhältlich!
Trusted PartnerNovember 2021
Joe Biden's America
Introduction to a divided country
by Roland Benedikter
— "A precise, analytical insight into the phenomenon Trump." (Anton Pelinka, Central European University Budapest) — "An introduction to the contemporary US." (Heinrich Neisser, Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration, University of Innsbruck) — "Refreshingly different." (Herbert Dorfmann, Member of the European Parliament) Joe Biden's America is deeply divided. Donald Trump's term in office made many problems of modern US society visible, which Biden now has to solve. What do American politics look like under Joe Biden? What legacy did Donald Trump leave behind, and what kind of impact does it have? How can the deeper causes, factors and drivers of current US developments be put in a historical context? Roland Benedikter provides a thorough insight into a complex country. In a compact and comprehensible way, he explains the background, challenges and perspectives of the Biden era, while also providing an overview of the current state of US society and culture in general. His analysis is suitable for teaching, decision-makers and civil society as an introduction to today's USA.
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Joe lo puede arreglar
by Aviva Lipstein
Joe lo puede arreglar por Aviva Lipstein Un fascinante relato infantil que tiene como escenario a Londres y que tiene como objetivo facilitar la transición de la guardería infantil a la escuela primaria, que a que a veces está acompañada de miedos y preocupaciones por parte de los padres y de los niños. Fue traducido al inglés por Ora Cummings, que es natural del reino Unido. El libro está adaptado a la vida contemporánea de Inglaterra (pero puede también referirse a otros países) dentro del marco universal que supone el paso del niño del ambiente protector de la guardería infantil a la atmósfera mas exigente de la “gran” escuela. El libro cuenta con 40 páginas en su forma final, con portada de tapa dura en color y con ilustraciones a dos colores en su interior. La autora, Aviva Lipstein , que falleció en 1994, creció en Francia, en Paris y Niza en la riviera francesa. Durante la segunda guerra mundial, fue protegida y educada por monjas dominicanas, y después de la guerra se asentó en el nuevo estado de Israel. La señora Lipstein se graduó en trabajo social en la universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén y hasta su jubilación trabajó con niños pequeños. Vivió en Tel Aviv, se casó y tuvo dos hijos y una hija, como también un nieto – todos ellos fueron evocados en sus cuentos.
Trusted PartnerMay 2024
A psychological Thriller. Dr. Evelin Wolf and Alex Gutenberg 1
by Roxann Hill, Paul Wagle, Rebecca Steinberg, John Julian, Nicholas Mockridge, LiveLive Media GmbH, Torsten Schwiemann, Alexios Saskalidis
Some deserve to live. Others deserve to die. A lunar eclipse hovers above Hamburg and bathes houses and streets in an unearthly light. In the exclusive district of Blankenese, four men are brutally murdered in the basement of a villa. Only the granddaughter of the owner survives the bloody massacre. Severely traumatized and completely listless, she is found sitting in the middle of the corpses. She cannot remember anything. Assistant District Attorney Alex Gutenberg, who has to struggle with a number of personal issues himself, asks the criminal psychologist Dr. Evelin Wolf for support. When Evelin succeeds in penetrating the buried memories of the key witness piece by piece, she and Alex begin to disclose not only the motives for the massacre, but also the unimaginable extent of cruelty and depravity behind it. And Alex suddenly finds himself confronted with his own guilt-ridden past...
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Logik – ein Anfängerkurs
by Alex Blum
Logik – ein Anfängerkurs - von Alex Blum Ein umfassender Anfängerkurs in Logik für Studenten der Philosophie. Der Autor will eine natürliche Deduktionstechnik und ein eingehendes und intuitives Verständnis der Metatheorie der elementaren Logik vermitteln. Professor Dr. Alex Blum ist einer der führenden Logiker Israels und hat bereits zahlreiche Artikel in internationalen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht. Er ist Professor Emeritus der Philosophie, Bar-Ilan Universität bei Tel Aviv. Rechte für die deutsche Ausgabe und andere Sprachen sind noch erhältlich!
Trusted PartnerAgriculture & related industriesJuly 2005
Agriculture as a Producer and Consumer of Energy
by Edited by Joe Outlaw, Keith Collins, James Duffield
Recent concerns about energy security in the US have drawn greater attention to agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy. Agriculturally-derived energy sources such as ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, and windpower presently supply between 0.3% and 0.5% of the energy consumed in the US. Organized into two parts, the first section of this book examines agriculture's role as a producer and consumer of energy, the integration of biomass energy into the US energy systems, a policy overview, and outlooks for energy production and consumption. The second section is a compendium of current research including the economic viability of ethanol and biodiesel; energy conservation and efficiency in agriculture; new methods and technologies; and environmental impacts and considerations.
Trusted PartnerOctober 2020
Joe Biden
Ein Porträt
by Evan Osnos, Ulrike Bischoff, Stephan Gebauer
Das erste deutschsprachige Buch über Joe Biden »Joe Biden ist zugleich der unglücklichste und der glücklichste Mensch, den ich kenne.« Das sagt ein Weggefährte über den 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigen Staaten. Der vielfach ausgezeichnete Journalist Evan Osnos begleitet den Politiker aus Delaware seit Jahren und hat ihn immer wieder interviewt, zuletzt im Sommer 2020. Diese und weitere Gespräche mit Angehörigen und Weggefährten wie Barack Obama bilden die Grundlage dieser brillanten Nahaufnahme des 1942 geborenen Biden, in dessen Werdegang sich die Veränderungen der politischen Kultur der USA spiegeln. Mit gerade einmal 29 Jahren wurde der Sohn eines Autohändlers in den US-Senat gewählt. Seinen Amtseid legte er ab, nachdem er nur wenige Wochen zuvor seine erste Frau und seine Tochter bei einem Autounfall verloren hatte. Nach Höhen und Tiefen führte ihn seine Karriere schließlich als Vizepräsident ins Weiße Haus. Joe Biden hat dramatische Schicksalsschläge und überraschende Wendungen erlebt. Vielleicht versetzt ihn gerade das in die Lage, eine zerrissene Nation zu einen, die Wunden der Trump-Ära zu heilen und einen neuen politischen Aufbruch zu ermöglichen.
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2013
Crime, Law and Society in the Later Middle Ages
by Anthony Musson, Edward Powell
This book provides an accessible collection of translated legal sources through which the exploits of criminals and developments in the English criminal justice system (c.1215-1485) can be studied. Drawing on the wealth of archival material and an array of contemporary literary texts, it guides readers towards an understanding of prevailing notions of law and justice and expectations of the law and legal institutions. Tensions are shown emerging between theoretical ideals of justice and the practical realities of administering the law during an era profoundly affected by periodic bouts of war, political in-fighting, social dislocation and economic disaster. Introductions and notes provide both the specific and wider legal, social and political contexts in addition to offering an overview of the existing secondary literature and historiographical trends. This collection affords a valuable insight into the character of medieval governance as well as revealing the complex nexus of interests, attitudes and relationships prevailing in society during the later Middle Ages.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1996
Hege die Äse, um die Wurzlen zu schützen
Die Unterweisungen von Meister Sheng-Yen über Kraft und Tiefe der Zen-Erfahrungen
by Sheng-Yen / Beiträge von Crook, John; Übersetzt von Cologna, Günter
Trusted PartnerMarch 2024
Mayfair House
Oben lädt Madam zum Ball der Saison, unten planen die Dienstmädchen den Raub des Jahrhunderts
by Alex Hay
London, Mayfair 1905: Die Villa der Familie de Vries ist die prachtvollste auf der Park Lane, außen weißer Marmor, innen kostbare Möbel, funkelnde Kronleuchter, Kristallschalen und edle Kunstgegenstände, Silber und Gold glänzen um die Wette. Es ist Mrs Kings ganzer Stolz, für die exzellente Haushaltsführung der noblen Residenz zu sorgen – bis sie beim Tod des Hausherrn nach Jahren treuer Dienste kurzerhand entlassen wird. Doch Mrs King denkt gar nicht daran, sich der Willkür der Erbin de Vries zu fügen. Sie will nur eins – Gerechtigkeit. Mit einer bunten Truppe von Komplizinnen plant sie den Coup ihres Lebens: In der Nacht des großen Kostümballs werden sie unter den Augen der vornehmen Gäste das Haus bis auf den letzten Silberlöffel ausräumen. Und während sich im Obergeschoss die High Society amüsiert, beginnt ein Stockwerk tiefer der kühnste Raubüberfall, den London je gesehen hat … Alex Hay erzählt in diesem Heist-Roman voller Eleganz und Esprit die Geschichte eines atemberaubenden Rachefeldzugs und einer schillernden Gruppe Frauen, die sich nehmen, was ihnen zusteht.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2015
Corporate and white-collar crime in Ireland
A new architecture of regulatory enforcement
by Joe McGrath, Rob Kitchin
This book explores the emergence of a new architecture of corporate enforcement in Ireland. It is demonstrated that the State has transitioned from one contradictory model of corporate enforcement to another. Traditionally, the State invoked its most powerful weapon of state censure, the criminal law, but was remarkably lenient in practice because the law was not enforced. The contemporary model is much more reliant on cooperative measures and civil orders, but also contains remarkably punitive and instrumental measures to surmount the difficulties of proving guilt in criminal cases. Though corporate and financial regulation has become an area of significant interest for academics, researchers and those with an interest in corporate affairs, this sudden surge of interest lacks a tradition of scholarship or any deep empirical and contextual analysis in Ireland. This book provides that foundation. It is likely to stimulate an extensive conversation on corporate regulation and governance in Ireland. It is also likely to provide a platform for researchers further afield with an interest in comparative study with Ireland. ;
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La Logique
by Pr. Alex Blum
La Logique, par le Pr. Alex Blum Un cours systématique de logique de premier niveau (2 volumes) pour les étudiants en philosophie. Ce livre présente une technique de déduction naturelle, et donne une compréhension intuitive et minutieuse de la métathéorie de logique élémentaire. Professeur Blum, l’un des plus éminents logiciens philosophiques, enseigne au département de philosophie de l’Université Bar-Ilan, en Israël.
Trusted PartnerJune 2024
Dark Scar
A psychological Thriller. Dr. Evelin Wolf and Alex Gutenberg 2
by Roxann Hill, Paul Wagle, Rebecca Steinberg, John Julian, Nicholas Mockridge, Alexios Saskalidis
Death lurks in the shadows Who are you? Hamburg Criminal Psychologist Dr. Evelin Wolf wonders as she examines the severely disturbed homeless man with the conspicuous scar across his face. The extremely aggressive man with no memory or identity is alleged to have committed a brutal murder. But Evelin and Assistant District Attorney Alex Gutenberg doubt his guilt and suspect there is something more behind the supposedly crystal-clear case. Shortly thereafter, Hamburg is shaken by a series of murders unparalleled in cruelty and sadism. The perverted killer draws a bloody trail across the Hanseatic city and links it with a clear message to Alex and Evelin: Revenge. Alex and Evelin work feverishly to solve both cases. In the process, they make a fatal mistake. And the killer exploits it mercilessly…
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Trusted PartnerJuly 2024
Tainted Mind
A psychological Thriller. Dr. Evelin Wolf and Alex Gutenberg 3
by Roxann Hill, Paul Wagle, Rebecca Steinberg, John Julian, Nicholas Mockridge, Marty Sander, Alexios Saskalidis
The most dangerous people are those you trust. The dismembered body of a young woman is discovered in a forest near Hamburg. Her remains give a terrifyingly vivid account of the unimaginably cruel torture she suffered before her death. She won't be the only victim. Within a very short period of time, more women are discovered. Assistant District Attorney Alex Gutenberg and criminal psychologist Dr. Evelin Wolf feverishly try everything to bring down the serial killer before he takes his next victim. A clue leads them to a severely mentally disturbed inmate of an asylum for the criminally insane. He seems to be the key to solving the current crimes. But the interned remains silent. Evelin has only one chance: She must succeed in penetrating the inmate's tainted mind. But the price is high. Evelin tracks down a terrible secret and suddenly finds her own life at stake…
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawJanuary 2009
Understanding criminal law
by Stephen Buckley, Caroline Buckley
A complete understanding of criminal law is essential to pass the A2 in law, and this book provides that - for the first time linking all the elements of criminal law together to form a coherent whole. Written by two practising teachers, the book is accessible and user-friendly, featuring summary boxes and tables, clear introductions and references to key cases, as well as study skills and sample examination questions. The book provides a complete overview of criminal law and skilfully links all the elements together. It stresses the practical application of modern criminal law as it is currently used in the English judicial system and establishes the key roles of prosecution, the Crown Prosecution Service, the defence and the judiciary. It goes on to examine how the prosecution build up a case, looking in depth at the offences of murder and manslaughter and how they interrelate, and examining theft, assault and regulatory offences in detail, before looking at the role and nature of the defence. A vitally important final chapter concentrates on study skills relevant to criminal law, including note-taking, file organisation, essay and problem questions, revision strategy and the use of legal sources.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YA
My Father and I Turn Into Mice
by Mei Zihan
The naughty little boy, Dai Doudou, is often told to keep quiet by his mother when he's being too noisy. He's told to keep quiet while eating, while walking, and even when bouncing a ball...and so it was that Dai Doudou decided to become a gentle, quiet little mouse, free to roam around wherever he pleased. His father agreed to the idea, and himself decided to turn into a mouse. In the end, even his mother, who wanted everyone to “keep quiet”, turns into a mouse. The book employs gentle humour to describe a child's escape from a stifling family life into the realm of imagination; looking at modern, everyday problems through a lens of fantasy and illusion.