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      • Robert Lecker Agency

        Robert Lecker Agency is a dynamic literary management and consulting firm devoted to securing and advancing the careers of its client authors. The Agency draws on 30 years of publishing experience to obtain profitable and fair contracts with North America’s fastest growing publishers. Robert Lecker has worked extensively in trade publishing and has an established track record as an editor, coordinator, and subsidiary rights manager. RLA specializes in books about entertainment, music, popular culture, popular science, intellectual and cultural history, food, and travel. However, we are open to any idea that is original and well presented. We are also receptive to books written by academics that can attract a broad range of readers.

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      • Editions Robert Laffont S.A.

        Founded in 1941, Éditions Robert Laffont publish works of all genres, from fiction to non-fiction.   Several collections are known by bookshops and readers alike and feature in Laffont's repertoire: "Bouquins", the library of the honest man; "Pavillons", which - since its creation - has been bringing the best of nternational literature to French shores; "Réponses" (health, psychologie, family life); "R", our collection for young adults; and "La Bête Noire" (thriller, detective and crime fiction). Countless novels, political, topical and historical documents, as well as biographies, memoires and essays make up the rest of our work. Robert Laffont publishes well-reputed French and foreign writers. Robert Laffont's objective has not changed: to remain open-minded, to surprise, to inform, to move, to entertain, and to provoke!

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Robert Bresson

        by Keith Reader

        This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema.. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-seen early short Affaires publiques and his short treatise Notes on cinematography.. The films are considered in chronological order, using a perspective that draws variously on spectator theory, Catholic mysticism, gender theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis.. The major critical responses to his work, from the adulatory to the dismissive, are summarized and analyzed.. The work includes a full filmography and a critical bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Clive Barker

        Dark imaginer

        by Sorcha Ní Fhlainn

        Clive Barker: Dark imaginer explores the diverse literary, film and visionary creations of the polymathic and influential British artist Clive Barker. In this necessary and timely collection, innovative essays by leading scholars in the fields of literature, film and popular culture explore Barker's contribution to gothic, fantasy and horror studies, interrogating his creative legacy. The volume consists of an extensive introduction and twelve groundbreaking essays that critically reevaluate Barker's oeuvre. These include in-depth analyses of his celebrated and lesser known novels, short stories, theme park designs, screen and comic book adaptations, film direction and production, sketches and book illustrations, as well as responses to his material from critics and fan communities. Clive Barker: Dark imaginer reveals the breadth and depth of Barker's distinctive dark vision, which continues to fascinate and flourish.

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        March 2003

        Das Leben Robert Walsers

        Eine dokumentarische Biographie

        by Robert Mächler, Robert Mächler

        »Robert Mächler hat die flüchtigen Spuren von Robert Walsers Leben so sorgfältig und verläßlich wie überhaupt gesichert. Wer Robert Walser kennen lernen will, kann sich Mächler anvertrauen. Er findet einen zuverlässigen, umsichtigen Führer und er wird angesichts dieser sachlichen Dichtervita, dieses Bildnisses eines so armen wie reichen Mannes vielleicht von Erschütterung, gewiß aber von Zuneigung und Bewunderung angerührt werden.« Jochen Greven »Mächler hat geschildert und erfaßt, was es zu erfassen gab. Peinlich und aufregend genau wird vom Biographen Kombination, Möglichkeit und Faktum nebeneinandergestellt. Es wird nichts verschwiegen aus dem verschwiegenen Leben, aus diesem lebenslangen Lebensversteck.« Karl Krolow Robert Mächler wurde 1909 in Baden/ Aargau geboren. Nach humanistischen Studien an der Universität Bern war er als Journalist und Schriftsteller tätig. Er starb 1997.

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        Film theory & criticism
        April 2017

        Robert Guédiguian

        by Series edited by Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram, Joseph Mai

        Intervening at the crossroads of philosophy, politics, and cinema, this book argues that the career of Robert Guédiguian, director of Marius et Jeannette (1997) and other popular auteurist films, can be read as an original and coherent project: to make a committed, historically-conscious cinema with friends, in a local space, and over a long period of time. Illustrated with comprehensive readings of all of Guédiguian's films.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2006

        Robert Gernhardts Katzenbuch

        by Robert Gernhardt, Almut Gernhardt

        Von frechen, vorwitzigen, neugierigen, abenteuerlustigen, schüchternen und nachdenklichen Katzen handelt Robert Gernhardts Katzenbuch. Mit Humor und Wortwitz erzählt er von großen und kleinen Sorgen im Katzenalltag und von Abenteuern auf Samtpfoten: von Pumpis anstrengender Woche und ihrer Reise in den Süden, von ihrer Freundin Missu und deren Entdeckungstouren und von der besonderen Verantwortung des Katzenpräsidenten. Illustriert wurden diese Geschichten und Gedichte von Almut Gernhardt.

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        March 1980

        Robert Walser-Sprechplatte

        »Robert Walsers Lebenslauf, von ihm selbst erzählt«. Simon Tanners Kündigung aus dem Roman »Geschwister Tanner«. Die Erzählung »Gerner«, »Welt«, »Basta«, »Theaterbrand«, »Schneien«, »Phantasieren«. Sprecher: Gert Westphal. Zusammengestellt von Volker Mich

        by Robert Walser

        Robert Walser wurde am 15. April 1878 in Biel geboren. Er starb am 25. Dezember 1956 auf einem Spaziergang im Schnee. Nach seiner Schulzeit absolvierte er eine Banklehre und arbeitete als Commis in verschiedenen Banken und Versicherungen in Zürich. Seine ersten Gedichte, die 1898 erschienen, ließen ihn rasch zu einem Geheimtip werden und verschafften ihm den Zugang zu literarischen Kreisen. Nach Erscheinen seines ersten Buches Fritz Kochers Aufsätze folgte er 1905 seinem Bruder Karl nach Berlin, der dort als Maler und Bühnenbildner den Durchbruch erzielt hatte. In rascher Folge publizierte Walser nun seine drei Romane Geschwister Tanner (1907), Der Gehülfe (1908) und Jakob von Gunten (1909). Infolge einer psychischen Krise geriet Walser Anfang 1929 gegen seinen Willen in die Psychiatrie, deren Rahmen er nie mehr verlassen konnte. 1933 von der Berner Klinik Waldau nach Herisau verlegt, gab er das Schreiben vollständig auf und lebte dort noch 24 Jahre als vergessener anonymer Patient.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2009

        Robert Walser für Müßiggänger

        by Robert Walser, Susanne Schaber

        »Menschen, die Phantasie haben und Gebrauch davon machen, gelten leicht als Spitzbuben.« Robert Walsers Bonmots sind immer hintergründig wie hinreißend. Der Schweizer Dichter ist einmalig als Erscheinung, kaum ein anderer Schriftsteller hat sich zu so vielen Lebensbereichen ähnlich pointiert geäußert wie er. Diese Sammlung von Texten und Aphorismen, ausgewählt von Susanne Schaber, stellt diesen außerordentlichen Autor als Flaneur und genauen Borbachter vor, als Miniaturist par excellence.

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        May 2008

        Gesammelte Gedichte

        1954 - 2006

        by Gernhardt, Robert

        Wir vergeben die meisten Genehmigungen zu Robert Gernhardt über den Band "Gesammelte Gedichte". Das Inhaltsverzeichnis findet sich im Punkt "Supporting Information." An den Gedichten auf den Seiten 1 bis 68 aus diesem Band hat S. Fischer keine Rechte!

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        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2016

        Europe's Changing Woods and Forests

        From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes

        by Tibor Hartel, Keith Kirby, Thomas Ranius, Charles Watkins, Peter Buckley, Peter S Savill, Chris Quine, Matthias Bürgi, John Fletcher, Robert Hearn, Martin Hermy, Diego Moreno, Tomasz Samojlik, George Peterken, Xavier Rochel, Per Angelstam, Jim Latham, Emma Goldberg, Roberta Cevasco, Clive Potter, Juha Siitonen, Robert Fuller

        Our understanding of the historical ecology of European forests has been transformed in the last twenty years. Bringing together key findings from across the continent, Europe's Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes provides a comprehensive account of recent research and the relevance of historical studies to our current conservation and management of forests. Combining theory with a series of regional case studies, this book shows how different aspects of forestry play out according to the landscape and historical context of the local area, with broad implications for woodland history, policy and management. Beginning with an overview of Europe's woods and forests, the book reviews a variety of management techniques (including wood-pastures, coppicing, close-to-nature forestry and the impact of hunting), describes how plants and animals respond to changes in woodland and forest cover, and includes case histories from around the continent. It concludes with a discussion of how lessons learned from the past can help in the future. This book is both a vital resource and an interesting read for foresters, conservationists, landscape historians, geographers and ecologists. ; This book provides a comprehensive account of the relevance of historical studies to current conservation and management of forests. It combines theory with a series of regional case studies to show how different aspects of forestry play out according to the landscape and historical context of the local area. ; I: ContributorsII: PrefaceIII: AcknowledgementsPART 1: Introduction and Overview1.0: Overview of Europe’s woods and forests1.1: Introduction1.2: The current state and composition of European woods and forests1.2.1: European forests in a global context1.2.2: Variation in forest cover across the continent1.2.3: Variation in forest composition1.3: Forestry policy and cooperation at a European level 01.3.1: Forestry policy1.3.2: Conservation measures1.3.3: Landscape and amenity conservation.1.3.4: Certification as an approach to sustainable forestry management1.3.5: Forest research cooperation across Europe1.4: Conclusion1.5: References2.0: Methods and approaches in the study of woodland history2.1: Introduction2.2: Oral history2.3: Photographs and drawings2.4: Biological indicators2.5: Historical records2.6: Preserved wood and dendrochronology2.7: Lidar and GIS2.8: Applying archaeological insights to ecological issues2.9: Pollen and charcoal analysis2.10: Conclusion2.11: References3.0: The forest landscape before farming3.1: Where to begin?3.2: A cold open continent3.3: Trees spread back after the ice3.3.1: Forming a canopy 53.3.2: The wood beneath the trees3.3.3: Molecular markers for re-colonisation routes.3.4: A holey blanket of trees3.5: The role of large herbivores, particularly bison, wild horse and aurochs3.6: People in the landscape: the trees in retreat3.7: References4.0: Evolution of modern landscapes4.1: Introduction4.2: The emergence of woodland management4.3: Changes in forest extent and distribution4.3.1: Reductions in forest cover4.3.2: Increases as well as decreases4.3.3: Patterns of clearance and survival4.3.4: The ecological consequences of a patchy landscape4.4: Changes in structure and composition through management4.5: Deliberate modification of the tree and shrub composition of forests4.6: Other species gains and losses4.7: Changes to the fire regime4.8: Changes to the forest soil4.9: Forests and atmospheric pollution4.10: Climate change4.11: Conclusion4.12: ReferencesPART 2: The variety of management across European woods and forests5.0: Wood-pastures in Europe5.1: Introduction5.2: Wood-pasture: a multi-purpose system5.3: Historical development of wood-pastures in Europe5.3.1: Forest grazing and pasturing in ancient times5.3.2: Driving the livestock out of the forest (18th-19th centuries)5.3.4: New recognition for wood-pastures?5.4: National inventories of wood-pastures5.5: Wood-pastures as multi-functional landscape elements: past and present5.6: Threats to wood-pastures5.6.1: Management changes5.6.2: Policy mismatch5.6.3: Decline of old, hollowing or dying trees5.6.4: Lack of regeneration5.7: Conclusions5.8: Acknowledgements5.9: References6.0: Coppice silviculture: from the Mesolithic to the 21st century6.1: Introduction6.2: The physiological and evolutionary significance of coppice6.3: Historic development of coppice silviculture6.4: The rise and fall of coppice as an industrial resource6.5: Surviving and neglected coppice in Europe: the extent of the forest estate6.6: Coppice silviculture6.6.1: Cutting methods6.6.2: Time of cutting6.7: Conversion to high forest6.7.1: Coppice versus high forest yields6.8: Reinstating coppice management6.9: Future drivers of change6.10: References7.0: High forest management and the rise of even-aged stands7.1: Introduction7.2: Changing from coppice to high forest systems7.3: The need for new administrative tools7.4: Silvicultural systems7.5: The rise of plantations7.6: Increased use of conifers and introduced species7.7: How forestry is changing7.8: Future high forest and natural forest structures7.9: References8.0: Close-to-nature forestry8.1: Introduction8.2: Roots and pre-requisites8.3: Developments in the 20th century8.4: Ecological implications8.5: Conclusion8.6: References9.0: The impact of hunting on European woodland from medieval to modern9.1: Introduction9.2: Early impacts of hunting9.3: Meat or merit?9.4: Medieval hunting reserves9.5: Early modern hunting parks in Europe9.6: Hunting and the wider landscape9.7: Modern hunting9.7.1: The influence of driven pheasant shoots on British woodland9.7.2: The influence of modern hunting enclosures on Spanish woodland9.8: Conclusion9.9: ReferencesPART 3: How plants and animals have responded to the changing woodland and forest cover.10.0: The flora and fauna of coppice woods: winners and losers of active management or neglect10.1: Introduction10.2: The diversity of coppice10.2.1: Plants10.2.2: Birds10.2.3: Invertebrates10.2.4: Deadwood and associated species10.2.5: Mammals10.3: Impacts of deer browsing on flora and fauna in coppice10.4: Conservation strategies10.5: Short Rotation Coppice10.6: Conclusion10.7: References11.0: The importance of veteran trees for saproxylic insects11.1: Introduction11.2: What are saproxylic species11.3: Veteran trees in past and present landscapes11.4: Important structures and associated species in old trees11.4.1: Microhabitat diversity11.4.2: Tree cavities and their invertebrates11.4.3: Other microhabitats11.5: Effects of environmental factors on the invertebrate fauna11.5.1: Effects of tree characteristics on species assemblages11.5.2: Effects of surrounding landscape on species assemblages11.5.3: Catering for the needs of the adult as well as the larvae11.5.4: Survey methods11.6: Current situation in Europe11.7: How to preserve the specialized saproxylic species?11.7.1: Management for increasing habitat amount and quality11.7.2: Management for securing spatio-temporal continuity11.8: Future prospects11.9: References12.0: The changing fortunes of woodland birds in temperate Europe12.1: Introduction12.2: The birds of the early Holocene12.3: The birds of the wildwood: alternative models of forest dynamics12.3.1: Largely closed forest – ‘closed canopy’ scenario12.3.2: Open mosaic landscape – ‘wood pasture’ scenario12.3.3: Forest-dominated, but more varied – ‘closed but varied’ scenario12.4: Fragmentation of the wildwood12.5: Effects of the historical emergence of management12.6: The age of managed pasture woods and coppice12.7: The shift towards high forest12.8: Woodland birds today12.8.1: Population trends12.8.2: Influences of agriculture12.8.3: Forestry intensification12.8.4: Birds and afforestation12.9: Recent trends12.10: Conclusions12.11: References13.0: Evolution and changes in the understorey of deciduous forests: lagging behind drivers of change13.1: Introduction13.2: Background13.3: What sorts of plants occur in forests?13.4: Comparing ancient and recent forests13.5: Colonization of new forests13.6: Dispersal and recruitment limitation13.7: Changing ancient forests13.7.1: Management effects13.7.2: Effects of environmental changes13.7.3: Effects of grazing13.7.4: Effects of invasive non-native species13.8: Conserving and expanding forests: does it work?13.9: References14.0: Gains and losses in the European mammal fauna14.1: Introduction14.2: Aurochs14.3: The carnivores14.3.1: Wolf14.3.2: Brown bear14.3.3: Lynx14.4: The Beaver14.5: A species that has done too well14.6: The decline and rise of wild boar and deer14.6.1: Wild boar14.6.2: Deer14.7: Conclusion14.8: References15.0: The curious case of the even-aged plantation: wretched, funereal or misunderstood?15.1: Introduction15.2: What is an even-aged plantation?15.3: A brief historical overview of Atlantic spruce forests15.3.1: The dominance of Sitka spruce15.3.2: Breaking up the conifer blanket15.4: Species composition of spruce plantations15.5: Ecological implications of stand dynamics15.5.1: Precursors - the creation of woodland through afforestation (Stage 0)15.5.2: Stand initiation (Stage 1)15.5.3: The impact of stand development – canopy closure and mortality (Stages 2 and 3)15.5.4: Prolonging the rotation and developing multiple storeys (Stage 4)15.5.5: Resetting the woodland through disturbance15.6: Forest design15.7: The landscape setting15.8: Where next?15.9: Conclusions15.10: ReferencesPART 4: A variety of woodland histories.16.0: Historical ecology in modern conservation in Italy16.1: Introduction16.2: Background16.3: The spread of an historical ecological approach in European conservation thinking16.3.1: Forestry versus Woodmanship16.3.2: Woodland or land-bearing-trees16.3.3: The need for an inter-disciplinary approach16.3.4: The role of historical ecology16.4: Integrating Historical and Local Knowledge into Management Strategies16.4.1: An introduction to the case studies16.4.2: Trees and Woodlands Producing Leaf Fodder16.4.3: Trees, woodland and soil fertility16.4.4: The collection of litter16.4.5: Trees invading bogs: an experiment in applied historical ecology16.5: Conclusion16.6: References17.0: Bialowieza Primeval Forest: a 2000-year interplay of environmental and cultural forces in Europe’s best preserved temperate woodland17.1: Introduction17.2: Previous studies17.3: A new palaeo-ecological record for Bialowieza Primeval Forest17.3.1: Methods17.3.2: Results17.4: Archaeological evidence17.5: Archival studies17.5.1: Royal forest of Polish kings17.5.2: Under Russian rule17.5.3: World War I to the present17.5.4: Changes in land use extent and character17.6: Dendro-chronological analyses of fire dynamics17.7: Interplay of natural and cultural forces17.7.1: The Iron Age17.7.2: The Migration Period, mediaeval and early modern times17.7.3: The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries17.7.4: The nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries17.7.5: The recent decades17.8: The role of large herbivores in shaping BNP17.9: Conclusions17.10: Acknowledgements17.11: References18.0: Woodland history in the British Isles - an interaction of environmental and cultural forces.18.1: Introduction18.2: Outline of British woodland history18.3: Historical stages and processes of change18.4: Regions18.4.1: Pre-Neolithic wildwood18.4.2: Exploited wildwood18.4.3: Traditional woodland management18.4.4: Parks, Forests and wooded commons18.4.5: Improved traditional management18.4.6: Plantations18.4.7: Revival and restoration of native woodland18.5: Some consequences of differences in regional history18.6: References19.0: Forest management and species composition: an historical approach in Lorraine, France19.1: Introduction19.2: The study of forest history in France19.3: Historical forest uses and their consequences on forest management19.4: The making of the technical and legislative framework19.5: The consequences of forestry policies on forest composition in woodlands of Lorraine19.6: The modern forest - conclusion19.7: References20.0: Barriers and bridges for sustainable forest management: the role of landscape history in Swedish Bergslagen20.1: Introduction20.2: The European scale20.3: The regional scale20.4: Bergslagen – an introduction20.5: Forests, forest ownership and land use dynamics20.6: Barriers to sustainability20.6.1: Ecological sustainability20.6.2: Economic sustainability20. 6.3: Social and cultural sustainability20.7: Bridges towards sustainable forest management20.8: Discussion20.8.1: From forest history to history of forest landscapes20.8.2: Landscapes with different histories: using space for time substitution20.9: ReferencesPART 5: Lessons from the past for the future?21.0: The development of forest conservation in Europe21.1: Introduction21.2: Why conserve forests?21.2.1: As a spiritual place21.2.2: As a place for the Chase21.2.3: As a source of raw materials and a barrier against the elements21.2.4: For a new form of communing with the forests21.3: Type and extent of Protected Forest Areas21.4: Selection of protected areas21.5: Developing a European perspective21.6: Forest protection and conservation as part of land-use practice.21.7: Rewilding and forest conservation21.8: From the past to the future21.8.1: Conservation for people?21.8.2: What sorts of woods and forests will be conserved in future?21.9: References22.0: The UK’s Ancient Woodland Inventory and its Use22.1: Introduction22.2: Developing the ancient woodland concept22.3: The creation of the ancient woodland inventory22.4: Developing and using the inventories22.4.1: England: the ‘Red Queen’ dilemma22.4.2: Wales22.4.3: Scotland22.4.4: Northern Ireland22.5: Testing the limits of the English inventories22.5.1: Uncertain evidence22.5.2: What is a wood?22.5.3: How small can an ancient wood be?22.6: Conclusion22.7: References23.0: Tree and forest pests and diseases: learning from the past to prepare for the future23.1: Introduction23.2: Background23.2.1: Dutch Elm Disease, Ramorum blight and Ash Dieback23.3: The Dutch Elm Disease outbreak23.4: ‘Sudden Oak Death’ (ramorum blight) in the UK23.5: A landscape without ash?23.6: The lessons from history23.7: References24.0: Reflections24.1: Introduction24.2: Ways of exploring and understanding woodland histories24.3: Issues for the future historian24.4: From cultural landscapes back to wildwood?24.5: Europe’s woods and forests: the future?

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        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2006

        »Schlage nur eine Weltsaite an«

        Briefe 1828–1855

        by Robert Schumann, Karin Sousa, Karin Sousa, Rüdiger Görner, Karin Sousa

        Ach ja – von den Schmerzen und Freuden, die die Zeit bewegen, der Musik zu erzählen, dies, fühl ich, ist mir vor vielen Andern zuerteilt worden.« Robert Schumanns Lieder und Klavierstücke, seine Orchesterwerke und Kammermusik zählen zu den bedeutendsten Werken der musikalischen Romantik. Seine Liebe zu Clara Wieck ist ein Stoff, aus dem Filme gemacht wurden. Aber neben Mendelssohn ist Schumann wohl auch der gebildetste und wortgewandteste aller romantischen Komponisten. Die Musikkritiken, die er, der nach einer Fingerlähmung die Pianistenkarriere aufgeben mußte, in seiner Neuen Zeitschrift für Musik schrieb, zeugen von seinem avancierten musikalischen ebenso wie literarischen Geschmack. Seine Briefe verfügen über ein breites Spektrum an Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten: von der lyrischen Emphase bis zur analytischen Schärfe. Der Band enthält ausführliche Anmerkungen, ein Namenregister sowie Verzeichnisse der Briefe und der Werke Robert Schumanns. Diese Briefausgabe ist die einzige derzeit lieferbare Auswahlausgabe. Sie dokumentiert alle wichtigen Stationen in Schumanns Leben und Schaffen – die Entscheidung für den Musikerberuf, erste Erfolge, den Kampf um die Liebe seines Lebens – in Briefen an die Familie, an Freunde und Musikerkollegen und natürlich an Clara.

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        September 2019

        Conga Line on the Amazon

        by David Myles Robinson

        David Myles Robinson was eight years old when he first got hooked on travel. Since then, he’s seen most of the world—all its continents plus, he laments, “far too many places where travel is now off-limits.”After a lifetime of visiting near and far, in heat and in cold, in comfort and in danger, Robinson has put it all together now in this unique collection of the varied travel adventures he’s found—and the lessons he’s learned from them. A Fellini-esque view of the Amazon, a Mercedes caravan to Istanbul, Jane Goodall's amazing chimps—just part of a travel trunk full of experiences guaranteed to keep you seesawing from “Boy, I'd love to do that" to “Sure glad it was him, not me.”In Conga Line on the Amazon, Robinson brings to his first travel book the same gift for intriguing narrative and sharp characterization that has won praise for his six highly successful novels. Some of his tales may be for the strong of heart, but they’re all for the reader with a yen to be entertained by one intrepid man’s adventures and misadventures exploring the strange and wonderful world we live in.

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        Geography & the Environment
        February 2023

        The power of pragmatism

        by Jane Wills, Robert Lake

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