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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1996

        Contribution to the Systematics of Cladosporium. c

        by Edited by J C David

        Mycological paper discussing a contribution to the systematics of Cladosporium.

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        by Ronny Reich

        EXCAVANDO LA CIUDAD DE DAVID – El lugar en el que comenzף la historia de Jerusalיn Las investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en los 150 últimos años han identificado a la colina sudoriental de Jerusalén, fuera de las murallas de la Ciudad Vieja, como la Ciudad de David bíblica. El reconocimiento cada vez mayor de que esta colina es efectivamente la parte más antigua de Jerusalén ha llevado a muchos estudiosos a excavarla. Desde las primeras excavaciones hechas por Charles Warren en 1867 hasta el presente, catorce expediciones arqueológicas han trabajado allí, lo que ha hecho que la Ciudad de David sea uno de los sitios más excavados de Israel. Equipos británicos, alemanes, franceses e israelíes han excavado en el lugar bajo cuatro autoridades diferentes: el gobierno otomano, el mandato británico, el gobierno jordano y el israelí y han producido una asombrosa cantidad de información. Algunos de estos restos son de importancia única, entre ellos el túnel de Ezequías, el sistema de túneles conocido como el pozo de Warren, la inscripción del túnel de Siloé, la inscripción de Teodoto, y el estanque de Siloé. Excavaciones recientes efectuadas en la Ciudad de David han revelado vestigios impresionantes de fortificaciones de la Edad de Bronce Medio alrededor de la fuente de Gihón y restos del estanque de Siloé, que datan del período del Segundo Templo. El túnel de Siloé ha sido ahora ampliamente documentado y estudiado. Este libro comienza por una reseña cronológica de un siglo y medio de excavaciones y de estudio de la colina de la Ciudad de David. Dicha reseña resume la historia de la colina, desde épocas prehistóricas hasta el final del período otomano. Presenta un resumen actualizado de hallazgos arqueológicos pasados y recientes, muchos de los cuales, que se presentan aquí por primera vez, han cambiado drásticamente lo que pensábamos acerca de la historia antigua de Jerusalén. Ronny Reich excava y estudia las antigüedades de Jerusalén hace ya más de cuarenta años. De 1969 a 1978 tomó parte en las excavaciones dirigidas por el catedrático Nahman Avigad en el Barrio Judío de Jerusalén. Desde 1995 ha sido co-director de las excavaciones en la Ciudad de David. El profesor Reich es egresado de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, donde escribió su tesis de doctorado acerca de los baños rituales judíos en la época del Segundo Templo. Desde 1995 es catedrático de Arqueología en la Universidad de Haifa. En 2000 se le otorgó el Premio Jerusalén de Investigación Arqueológica. 27×22 cm, 382 páginas, edición en tapas duras, numerosas ilustraciones en blanco y negro y en color . por Ronny Reich

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        David, Donne and Thirsty Deer

        Selected Essays of Anne Lake Prescott

        by Anne Lake Prescott, Roger Kuin, William A. Oram

        For nearly half a century Anne Lake Prescott has been a force and an inspiration in Renaissance studies. A force, because of her unique blend of learning and wit and an inspiration through her tireless encouragement of younger scholars and students. Her passion has always been the invisible bridge across the Channel: the complex of relations, literary and political, between Britain and France. The essays in this long-awaited collection range from Edmund Spenser to John Donne, from Clément Marot to Pierre de Ronsard. Prescott has a particular fondness for King David, who appears several times; and the reader will encounter chessmen, bishops, male lesbian voices and Roman whores. Always Prescott's immense erudition is accompanied by a sly and gentle wit that invites readers to share her amusement. Reading her is a joyful education.

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        Forestry & related industries
        May 1999

        Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition

        by William Linnard, David Darrah-Morgan

        Russia and the other republics of the former USSR are now more accessible than at any other time in history. In the future, the forest resource of Russia, easily the greatest of any country in the world, will become even more globally important both environmentally and commercially.This new dictionary incorporates an updated and enlarged version of the first Russian-English edition, published in 1966, plus an entirely new English-Russian section of similar size. It contains many new terms, species names, acronyms and abbreviations to account for the great changes which have taken place in Russian forestry in terms of mechanization, woodworking technology, forest management and economics, environmental pollution and conservation. A list of the botanical names of trees and shrubs, with their Russian and English equivalents has also been included.The book has been compiled by Dr William Linnard, former Assistant Director of the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, with over forty years’ experience of abstracting and translating forestry literature and David Darrah-Morgan, M.A. (Translation), a full-time translator, specializing in forestry and related fields.

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        July 2003

        Basic Training

        Der ultimative Fitness-Guide für den Mann

        by Giswold, Jon; Morgan, David

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2022


        by Lorena De Vita, J. Simon Rofe, Giles Scott-Smith

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        Science & Mathematics
        July 2015

        Improving Animal Welfare

        A Practical Approach

        by Anne Marie de Passillé, Temple Grandin, Temple Grandin, Lily Nowell Edwards, Camie R Heleski, Jeff Hill, David C J Main, Amy K McLean, David J Mellor, Bernard Rollin, Jeffrey Rushen, Jan K Shearer, Kevin J Stafford, Janice C Swanson, Helen R (Becky) Whay, Tina Widowski, Jennifer Woods

        By taking an entirely practical approach, this textbook aims to help those working with animals to apply methods for improving welfare, bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. This book provides a guide to practical evaluation and auditing of welfare problems for farmed animals, emphasizing the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare such as lameness, or the use of electric goads. This second edition is fully updated with new literature, new, up to date coverage of pain management, and the addition of a new chapter on animal welfare in organic farming systems. ; Taking a practical approach, this textbook helps those working with animals to apply methods for improving welfare, bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application. It provides a guide to practical evaluation and auditing of welfare for farm animals, emphasizing the importance of measuring conditions that compromise welfare. ; 1: An Introduction to Implementing an Effective Animal Welfare Program2: The Importance of Measurement to Improve the Welfare of Livestock, Poultry, and Fish3: Why is Agricultural Animal Welfare Important? The Social and Ethical Context4: Implementing Effective Standards and Scoring Systems for Assessing Animal Welfare on Farms and Slaughter Plants5: How to Improve Livestock Handling and Reduce Stress6: Painful Husbandry Procedures in Livestock and Poultry7: The Importance of Good Stockmanship and Its Benefits to Animals8: Animal Well-being and Behavioural Needs on the Farm9: Improving Livestock, Poultry, and Fish Welfare in Slaughter Plants with Auditing Programs10: Recommended On-farm Euthanasia Practices11: Welfare During Transport of Livestock and Poultry12: Why Are Behavioral Needs Important?13: Animal Well-being on Organic Farms14: The Effect of Economic Factors on the Welfare of Livestock and Poultry15: Improving Animal Care and Welfare: Practical Approaches for Achieving Change16: Successful Technology Transfer of Behavioral and Animal Welfare Research to the Farm and Slaughter Plant17: Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys, Mules, and Other Working Draft Animals in Developing Areas

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        Agricultural science
        August 2007

        Seed Dispersal

        Theory and its Application in a Changing World

        by Edited by Andrew J Dennis, Ronda J Green, Eugene W Schupp, David A Westcott

        Fresh concepts in the study of seed dispersal are spurring a host of exciting new questions, new answers to old questions, new methods and approaches, and a reinvigoration of the field.Seed Dispersal: Theory and its Application in a Changing World presents both recent advances and reviews of current knowledge demonstrating the vigour and vibrancy of the field. It provides new perspectives and directions at a time when efforts to meet growing environmental challenges threatening natural systems are of utmost importance.

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        History of religion
        July 2013

        Black Bartholomew's Day

        by David J. Appleby

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        British & Irish history
        July 2012

        Black Bartholomew’s Day

        Preaching, polemic and Restoration nonconformity

        by David J. Appleby

        Black Bartholomew's Day explores the religious, political and cultural implications of a collision of highly-charged polemic prompted by the mass ejection of Puritan ministers from the Church of England in 1662. It is the first in-depth study of this heated exchange, centres centring on the departing ministers' farewell sermons. Many of these valedictions, delivered by hundreds of dissenting preachers in the weeks before Bartholomew's Day, would be illegally printed and widely distributed, provoking a furious response from government officials, magistrates and bishops. Black Bartholomew's Day re-interprets the political significance of ostensibly moderate Puritan clergy, arguing that their preaching posed a credible threat to the restored political order This book is aimed at readers interested in historicism, religion, nonconformity, print culture and the political potential of preaching in Restoration England.

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