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      • Royal Collection Trust

        The publishing programme at Royal Collection Trust aims to create the highest-quality books, exhibition catalogues, guides and children's books to celebrate the royal residences and the works of art found within them. Our list includes beautifully produced printed books, apps and online catalogues and symposia. We also publish scholarly catalogues raisonnés, which demonstrate the highest standards of academic research.

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      • Global Collective Publishers

        Global Collective Publishers, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an independent publisher whose mission is to provide a platform for voices from around the world, crossing the borders of language, culture, religion, and gender, and to create a space where diverse communities can share and exchange stories that express their individual and shared sense of humanity through a variety of literary genres in fiction and non-fiction. In a world that feels increasingly more alienating, it is our aim to work towards dispelling the fear of the other and stand against literature of hatred, embracing the shared human experience in its myriad textures and voices through a curiosity-driven life. Global Collective is committed to publishing across a diverse landscape of fiction and non-fiction, in the areas of religion and spirituality, personal growth and self-transformation, gender and LGBT+ studies, social awareness, art and cinema. Global Collective takes to heart Booker Prize winner Ben Okri’s assertion that “stories can conquer fear… they can make the heart bigger.”Global Collective Publishers seeks unique and extraordinary literature that satiates our desire to gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and to discover points of commonality amongst our differences where words have no borders.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Zwerg Nase

        by Wilhelm Hauff, Adriana Coll

        Zwerg Nase ist eines der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Märchen von Wilhelm Hauff. Es erzählt die Geschichte vom hübschen Knaben Jakob, der von einer Hexe sieben Jahre als Diener gefangen gehalten wird und als hässlicher Zwerg zurückkehrt, so dass ihn nicht einmal die eigene Mutter wiedererkennt. Doch die Kochkunst, die er im Haus der Hexe erlernte, und die Freundschaft zu einer verzauberten Gans helfen ihm am Ende der Geschichte, sich und seine Freundin Mimi vom bösen Zauber zu befreien. Die Illustrationen von Adriana Coll bezaubern in der Anlehnung an japanische Holzschnittmeister durch ihre besondere Farbigkeit und Ausstrahlung. »›So, Söhnchen, so‹, sprach die Alte, ›iß nur dieses Süppchen, dann hast du alles, was dir an mir so gefallen! Sollst auch ein geschickter Koch werden, daß du doch etwas bist; aber Kräutlein, nein, das Kräutlein sollst du nimmer finden.‹«

      • Trusted Partner

        Searching for community

        ways of critical thinking in global south

        by Fabricio Pereira da Silva

        As a response to the widespread social, economic and ecological malaise that is a consequence of the expansion of modernity, Fabricio Pereira da Silva gives voice to a quest that has long been a banner of the left: the yearning for a fairer, more equitable way of life, free from the modern values of individualism, exploitation and inconsequential and disproportionate economic growth, based on the recovery and re-reading of pre-capitalist ways of life. This book is driven by the urgency of a utopia that recovers the ideas of communality gestated in the global periphery to inspire another kind of future. In Search of Community presents a list of theoretical perspectives created in the so-called Global South, with the aim of overcoming a “monoculture of knowledge”. Fabricio Pereira da Silva analyzes Mariátegui's Indo-American socialism, the concepts of negritude and ubuntu, 20th century African socialisms, the idea of Good Living (sumak kawsay/suma qamaña) and Bhutan's gross internal happiness. By “illustrating the richness of proposals from the periphery”, the author offers us other theoretical resources, capable of dealing with the “crisis of modernity, the crisis of Western Marxism and socialist projects in a modernist key”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Jacopo da Varagine's Chronicle of the city of Genoa

        by C. E. Beneš

        This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        Jacopo da Varagine's Chronicle of the city of Genoa

        by Carrie Beneš, Rosemary Horrox

        This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        Jacopo da Varagine's Chronicle of the city of Genoa

        by C. E. Beneš, Rosemary Horrox

        This book offers the first English translation of the Chronicle of the city of Genoa by the thirteenth-century Dominican Jacopo da Varagine, an author best known for his monumental book of saints' lives, the Golden legend. Jacopo's Chronicle presents a coherent vision of Genoa's place in history, the cosmos and Creation as written by the city's own archbishop - mixing eyewitness accounts with scholarly research about the city's origins and didactic reflections on the proper conduct of public and private life. Accompanied by an extensive introduction, this complete translation provides a unique perspective on a dynamic medieval city-state from one of its most important officials, broadening the available literature in English on medieval Italian urban life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books
        May 2017

        Over the Hill Together

        by Da Chuzhe

        From the fifth year of their marriage, Sumiko had to receive treatment in hospital for the acute pain caused by multiple rheumatoid arthritis. From that time on the disease had seized her. From 1982, Sumiko had to lie in the bed or rely on a wheelchair for the significant dysfunction of the upper limbs and the paralysis of the lower limbs, so she had to let her husband see to her daily life. And Oochuje took care of her basically all by himself unless he had a business trip and he would hire a care worker. This illustrated book elaborately depicts the story between them, including how they met and fell in love with each other during childhood, their daily conversations, their poems as well as their relentless fighting against disease. At the final part of the book, it mainly records the last thirty-three days from December 1997 to January 1998 during which the couple spent together until Sumiko had passed away. The words of the book is selected and the drawings simple yet profound through which one will be deeply touched for the deep and unchangeable love. “Over the hill” in common sense is an expression for death, but it means a whole new world for Oochuje and Sumiko where they would also walk side by side. Their love and cherish for each other was well beyond life and death for they never ceased to bring happiness for each other. And their love story has also enriched the world with pure beauty and wonder of love.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2004

        Die Farben des Berges

        Eine Kindheit in China

        by Chen, Da

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Heiße Küsse

        Erotischer Roman

        by Costa, Portia Da

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2023

        Wer feiert da im tiefen Wald?

        Im Bärenwald

        by Rachel Piercey, Freya Hartas, Kathrin Köller

        Mit ihrem knorrigen Stamm, den mächtigen Ästen und den glänzenden Blättern ist Eiche der Lieblingsbaum von Bär. Als der erfährt, dass Eiche schon fünfhundert Jahre alt wird, beschließt er, seinen Baumfreund mit einer ganz besonderen Feier zu überraschen: einem großen Geburtstagsball. Da gibt es viel vorzubereiten: Einladungen müssen verschickt, Girlanden gebastelt und Geschenke verpackt werden. Auch das Waldorchester möchte unbedingt auftreten. An Eiches großem Tag sind alle Waldbewohner da: Frau Eule, Großmama und Großpapa Fledermaus, Familie Taube und viele mehr. Kannst du alle Gäste entdecken? Enthält spannende Zusatzinfos über Laubbäume im Laufe der Jahreszeiten Mit vielen Tipps für deine eigene Party Suchspaß mit vielen Wimmelbildern Empfohlen ab 4 Jahren

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2020

        Mommy Has Power

        by Xiao Tu Da Chengzi

        By reading this book, mom can effectively solve more than 40 core pain points in life and relieve anxiety and helplessness caused by childcare, couples, and workplace. This book consists of seven chapters, which mainly includes how to objectively "define" yourself; how to easily manage the daily routine of parenting; how to give children a truly high-quality early education enlightenment; how to communicate so that parent-child relationships can be harmonious and intimate; "How not to let work and family" tear "you; how to find your 100 points status.

      • Trusted Partner

        Rare Animals in China: Fly, the Tern Xiaoyi

        by Qiu Qiu, Su Da

        The book Rare Animals in China - Fly, the Tern Xiaoyi is an original popular science picture book. In the form of a diary, it vividly depicts the process of the critically endangered animal, the Chinese crested tern, from breaking out of its shell to spreading its wings and flying, revealing from one side the living conditions of rare animals in China and the various efforts made by scientists with the purpose of protecting them. By reading this book, children will not only acquire knowledge about the Chinese crested tern, and gain perspective on Earth’s biodiversity, but also establish an awareness of protecting endangered species and the environment, and build a modern outlook on life in which man and nature live in harmony.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2002

        by Coll, Susan

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2007

        Da: Das Meer!

        Das maritime Oeuvre der Neuen Frankfurter Schule

        by Zehrer, Klaus C

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Wann sind wir endlich da, Papa?

        by Carla Felgentreff, Meike Töpperwien

        "Wann sind wir endlich da, Papa?" von Carla Felgentreff ist ein charmantes Pappbilderbuch, das die Aufregung und Ungeduld kleiner Kinder auf langen Reisen in den Sommerurlaub einfängt. Die Geschichte folgt einer Familie auf ihrer Fahrt ans Meer – ein Abenteuer, das vielen Familien bekannt vorkommt. Mit lebendigen Farben und in unterhaltsamen Reimen erzählt, spiegelt dieses Buch die Freude und die kleinen Herausforderungen wider, die eine solche Reise mit sich bringt. Die detailreichen Illustrationen laden zum Entdecken und Verweilen ein und machen die Wartezeit bis zur Ankunft am Urlaubsort für die jungen Leserinnen und Leser kurzweilig und vergnüglich. Das Buch bietet nicht nur eine Geschichte, die Kinder und Eltern gleichermaßen begeistern wird, sondern dient auch als perfekte Einstimmung oder Begleitung für den eigenen Urlaub. Es ist speziell für lange Zug- und Autofahrten konzipiert und verspricht, die oft ungeduldig gestellte Frage "Wann sind wir endlich da?" mit Spaß und Spiel zu überbrücken. Die Empfehlung von der Stiftung Lesen unterstreicht den pädagogischen Wert des Buches, das zum gemeinsamen Lesen und Erzählen anregt und somit die Sprachentwicklung der Kinder fördert. Ideal für Reisen: Speziell für lange Autofahrten und Zugreisen konzipiert, um die Zeit bis zur Ankunft zu verkürzen. Fördert die Vorfreude: Eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, Kinder auf den Urlaub einzustimmen und die Reise selbst zu einem Abenteuer zu machen. Interaktive Reime: Die lustigen und einprägsamen Reime fördern die sprachliche Entwicklung und regen zum Mitmachen an. Detailreiche Illustrationen: Bieten viel zu entdecken und halten die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder aufrecht. Empfohlen von Stiftung Lesen: Unterstreicht den pädagogischen Wert und die Qualität des Buches. Für Kinder ab 24 Monaten: Spricht die jüngsten Leserinnen und Leser an und begleitet sie auf ihren Reisen. Perfektes Geschenk: Ideal als Geschenk für kleine Reisende, Bulli- und Campingfans. Stärkt die Bindung: Fördert wertvolle gemeinsame Lesezeit und schafft schöne Erinnerungen.

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