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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Loose Connection

        by Fe Strack, Xiaying Lin, Martina Schlegl

        Jojo and his best friend Charly’s class often do silly things, and then something goes wrong. But nobody would have thought that things could also go wrong in someone’s head. However, everything suddenly changes when Jojo falls over in phys ed and has to go to the hospital. Jojo seems to be afraid of school and then the others make fun of him. Jojo explains to Charly that he has an illness called epilepsy. This means that lots of nerve cells in the brain are silly in the same way all at once – so that, for a short time, some things don’t work for him like they should. Their classmates must be able to understand that, Charly thinks. And then Charly and Jojo have a brilliant idea. This story aims to help children affected by epilepsy to understand their condition better, and should help accompanying adults to explain the different forms of epilepsy in a way that is appropriate for children. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who sufferfrom epilepsy• parents and relatives• therapists

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        September 1976

        Referenz und Intersubjektivität

        Beitrag zur philosophischen Sprachpragmatik

        by F. Grant Johnson

        Johnson befaßt sich in dieser Arbeit sowohl mit dem philosophischen Problem der Referenz (des Redens über Gegenstände) als auch mit der Struktur der philosophischen Kommunikation über dieses Problem. Er faßt zwei kommunikative Vorgänge, nämlich denjenigen, über den wissenschaftlich kommuniziert wird, in dem Referenz vollzogen wird, und die philosophische Kommunikation über Referenz als zwei zu rekonstruierende Texte auf.

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        July 2005

        Die Erste

        Angela Merkels Weg zur Macht

        by Roll, Evelyn

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        September 2001

        Das Mädchen und die Macht

        Angela Merkels demokratischer Aufbruch

        by Roll, Evelyn

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        July 2003

        Zugang zu Umweltinformationen und Freedom of Information.

        Überschießende Tendenzen des europäischen Rechts am Beispiel der Umsetzung der EG-Umweltinformationsrichtlinie in das englische und deutsche Recht.

        by Roll, Sebastian

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        September 2023


        Eine deutsche Erinnerung

        by Roll, Evelyn

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        April 1983

        Vermögensverwaltung durch Kreditinstitute.

        Zur rechtssystematischen Erfassung anhand von standardisierten Vertragsmustern.

        by Roll, Hans-Achim

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        Botany & plant sciences
        December 2000

        Ganoderma Diseases of Perennial Crops

        by Edited by Julie Flood, Paul Dennis Bridge, Mark Holderness

        Diseases caused by Ganoderma species cause major losses of palms and other perennial crops throughout the world, and these are particularly significant in Asia. Successive replanting of crop monocultures can be rapidly exploited by soil borne fungi such as Ganoderma, and the problem will become more serious in the 21st century, as more areas become due for second or even third replanting. Environmental considerations will reduce exploitation of new forest areas, making further replanting of these crops inevitable. Thus, appropriate, integrated management systems for these diseases are vital. However, the development of such control measures has been hampered in the past by a limited knowledge of the nature and inter-relationships of populations of different hosts and the mechanisms of disease establishment and spread.This book aims to address these limitations through enhanced knowledge of the biology and taxonomy of Ganoderma species. The use of molecular and biochemical methods can be used to provide a greater understanding of the spread of the pathogen, and consequently, the improved management of disease.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        Aristocratic families in republican France, 1870–1940

        by Maire Cross, Elizabeth C. Macknight, David Hopkin

        This is a study of the daily life, concerns, and dynamics of aristocratic families in the France of the Third Republic. Elizabeth Macknight draws on a vast range of material from private archives to contest assumptions about the irrelevancy of the nobility under the republican regime. Within a challenging political and economic environment nobles were determined to protect their interests and conserve the integrity of the aristocratic way of life. The convictions that underpinned nobles' responses to government initiatives emerge from the sources with freshness and clarity. Macknight interweaves male and female perspectives to provide a very full account of familial activities and decision-making with attention to all stages of the human lifecycle. Nobles' experiences of parenting and grandparenting, sibling and cousin relations, marriage, property negotiations, and interaction with servants are brought to light in a vivid and engaging narrative. ;

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        March 2004

        Weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist ...

        Johannes Rau im Gespräch mit Evelyn Roll

        by Rau, Johannes; Roll, Evelyn

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        March 2011


        Poetik und Politik des Staunens im 20. Jahrhundert

        by Alexander C. T. Geppert, Till Kössler

        Mehr Wunder als im 20. Jahrhundert gab es nie, denn überkommene Wundervorstellungen bestanden fort, während sich in Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Politik und Wirtschaft gänzlich neue Wunderwelten eröffneten. Als Erklärungen ungewöhnlicher Ereignisse und Erfahrungen reduzierten Wunderzuschreibungen Komplexität, entfalteten aber auch ihre ganz eigenen Dynamiken. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes analysieren den Umgang mit einer Vielzahl wunderhafter Begebenheiten der Zeitgeschichte und knüpfen aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven an Debatten über die Wiederverzauberung der Welt, die Grenzen menschlicher Erkenntnis und die Epistemologien des Übersinnlichen an. Entfaltet wird ein ungewöhnliches Panorama der unmittelbaren Vorgeschichte unserer wundersamen Gegenwart.

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        20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
        December 2016

        The stadium century

        Sport, spectatorship and mass society in modern France

        by Robert W. Lewis. Series edited by Maire Cross, David Hopkin

        The stadium century traces the history of stadia and mass spectatorship in modern France from the vélodromes of the late nineteenth century to the construction of the Stade de France before the 1998 soccer World Cup. As the book demonstrates, the stadium was at the centre of debates over public health and urban development and proved to be a key space for mobilising the urban crowd for political rallies and spectator sporting events alike. After 1945, the transformed French stadium constituted part of the process of postwar modernisation but also was increasingly connected to global transformations to the spaces and practices of sport. Drawing from a wide range of sources, the stadium century links the histories of French urbanism, mass politics and sport through the stadium in an innovative work that will appeal to historians, students of French history and the history of sport, and general readers alike.

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