All Things Women
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View Rights PortalHookline Books is our fiction imprint - all authors have attended writing classes to post-graduate university level. All manuscripts are approved by book groups before being accepted for publication. Non-fiction publisher specialising in self-help, travel and social history.
View Rights PortalA little mouse who loves watching the sunset comes across a snake on its way one day. Scared for his life, the mouse tries his best to come up with anything that would create a friendship between him and the snake. Would his efforts work? “First Things First” is a sweet story in the appreciation of friendship. It helps children understand that sometimes the unlikeliest friendships could be built with enough effort, passion, and care.
»Der Ausgangspunkt dieses Buches war eine Elegie für meine Großmutter, die vor drei Jahren starb und die sich weder für den Talmud noch das Internet besonders interessierte. Dennoch weckten ihr Leben und ihr Tod Gedanken in mir, die weit in die dunkle Vergangenheit des Talmuds zurückführen wie auch hinein in die schwer zu fassende technologische Zukunft.« Jonathan Rosens bewegende »Geschichte von zwei Welten« verbindet Reflexionen und persönliche Erinnerungen; sie wird zu einer intellektuellen Reise, die überraschende Parallelen zwischen Talmud und Internet zutage bringt.Die unerschöpfliche Fülle der rabbinischen überlieferung, die Seiten des Talmud, wie auch das World Wide Web machen die Chance eines Diskurses sichtbar, zu dessen Wesen es gehört, mit Ungewißheiten und Paradoxien zu leben, anstatt sie mit autoritären Sinnstiftungen aufzuheben. Der Talmud mit seinen die Grenzen von Zeit und Ort übergreifenden Debatten sicherte das überleben des Judentums nach der Zerstörung des Tempels. Die Exilsituation, die über Jahrhunderte jüdische Existenz geprägt hat, wird in Rosens Deutung transparent für eine hoffnungsvolle Wahrnehmung der Gegenwart. Indem er die Geschichte der eigenen Familie erzählt, gelingt ihm eine exemplarische Positionsbestimmung jüdischen Lebens in unserer Zeit.
Die USA sind die älteste (Medien-)Demokratie der Welt. Franklin D. Roosevelt unterhielt sich in den dreißiger Jahren bei den »Fireside Chats« per Radio mit den Wählern, John F. Kennedy war der erste Präsident des TV-Zeitalters, 2008 kommt die nächste Medienrevolution: Barack Obama und John McCain kämpfen vor allem im Internet um Stimmen, werben auf MySpace und sammeln so Millionen an Spendengeldern und rekrutieren eine Armee von Graswurzelaktivisten. Tobias Moorstedt erkundet in seiner Reportage, wie die politische Software den demokratischen Prozeß verändert. Er trifft junge Texaner, die durch das Netz mit liberalen Gedanken in Kontakt kommen, begleitet Bürgerjournalisten und spricht mit Internetstrategen und Bloggern – den Meinungsführern des 21. Jahrhunderts.
The soviet realia are not entirely clear to modern adolescents. Childhood in the late Soviet Union was not like it is now. Back in those days, everything was different and even scary to some point: a premonition of the nuclear war, propaganda, shortages, and confusing household items. The main characters of the book, a teenage Matvii and his father Petro, go to Lviv to visit their grandmother. There are still heaps of Soviet things in her ceiling cabinet and they are good at telling stories. Paretns are good at this as well, if you ask them well. The book gives a reason to talk about feelings of nostalgia and values.
Internet use is an integral part of our daily lives, but at what point does it become problematic? What are the different kinds of internet addiction? And how can professionals best help clients? This accessible, evidence-based book by leading experts answers these questions by outlining the current assessment and treatment methods for internet addiction. The title includes a 12–15 session treatment plan using group CBT, the method and setting with the best evidence, and printable tools for assessment and treatment.
The very smallest children can identify and name objects from their homes in this award-winning, large-format board book. Magdalena Skala’s fantastic illustrations use bright colours and clear forms to depict the most important objects from the nursery, kitchen, garden, lounge, bathroom – in short from children’s everyday worlds: a great start into the world of words – and books! Magdalena Skala was awarded the 2019 Meefisch Prize and the Marktheidenfeld Prize for picture book illustration for THINGS. MY 200-PICTURE BOOK.
Sammy verbringt sehr viel Zeit mit seinem Tablet. Er liebt Katzenvideos, Onlinespiele und Selfies. Doch plötzlich, eines Tages, passiert auf seinem Tablet gar nichts mehr. Der Bildschirm friert einfach ein. Sammy wird ziemlich nervös. Doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass auch das Handy seiner Mutter und der Computer seines Vaters nicht mehr online sind. Die ganze Familie gerät regelrecht in Panik und weiß mit dieser Situation nicht umzugehen. Sie versuchen alles mögliche, um endlich wieder online zu sein, aber niemand kann helfen. Die Situation zieht sich über Stunden, Tage und Wochen hin. Und plötzlich beginnt die Familie, das zwischenmenschliche Miteinander wiederzuentdecken. Sie fangen an, gemeinsam zu spielen - auch mit ihrem Haustier, das in der Vergangenheit etwas vernachlässigt wurde. Ihr Leben bekommt eine neue Qualität zurück. Und dann, eines Tages, ist das Internet plötzlich wieder da! Sammy fängt sofort wieder an, Katzenvideos zu schauen, Onlinespiele zu spielen und Selfis zu machen. Er ist sehr glücklich, wieder online zu sein. Doch nach kurzer Zeit stellt er fest, dass auch die Dingen, die er mit seiner Familie und dem Hund gemacht hat, Spaß machen und legt sein Tablet häufiger zur Seite, um wieder mehr am realen Leben teilzunehmen.
Cyberspace becomes a major threat to national security, while promoting the progress of human science and technology civilization. Guided by the overall national security concept, this book focuses on the hotspot events of world cyberspace security, analyzes the causes of cyberspace security threats, interprets world power’s cyberspace security strategy, explores national cyberspace security rules, and provides systematic and in-depth theoretic decision references.
The museum keeps not just objects and things but also their past and their memories of the past. That is how it keeps its inhabitants alive.
Is modern digital technology changing our social behavior, communication, and the way we see ourselves? How do we cope with the increasing flood of information pouring over us? Does this flood have an effect on our work and personal life? Based on the premise that in the course of evolution humans have developed into social beings for whom communication with group members is of paramount importance, the author demonstrates how not only our communication but also our entire social behavior is suffering as a result of modern digital technology. In the truest sense of the word, we are being inundated with information that we are no longer able to manage. The volume and constant availability of interesting and attention- sapping news and information overload our brains. Are our brains capable of adapting to the modern internet world? Are we already overloaded? How will the future pan out? For:• anyone who is interested in the digital world• wider audience
The Blackest Thing in Slavery Was Not the Black Man: The Last Testament of Eric Williams represents the final instalment of research and analysis by one of the Caribbean’s foremost historians. In this volume, Eric Williams reflects on the institution of slavery from the ancient period in Europe down to New World African slavery and considers, too, other forms of bondage that followed slavery, including of Japanese, Chinese, Indians and Pacific peoples in many locations worldwide. Williams points ways in which this bondage led to European and American prosperity and the manner in which bonded peoples created their own spaces. This they did through the preservation and revival of the transported culture to the new locations. The Blackest Thing in Slavery makes a significant contribution in that it moves beyond African slavery. It continues the narrative after abolition by showing how the capitalist impulse enabled Europe and the United States to devise other (non-slavery) ways of further exploiting of non-African people in developing countries. These nations fought this further exploitation in banding together to create the south-to-south nonaligned movement, which gave mutual assistance in a number of areas. Most other works tend to separate these issues or deal with them on a regional basis. Eric Williams offers a comprehensive view, tying together many themes in a vast compendium.
Become an explorer! Go with Lias on an exciting mission and solve the puzzles that will lead you to your goal. Eventually you must decide: how will the adventure continue? 3 paths – 3 adventures – which of them is for YOU? Join Lias, Mojo and Cookie on a mission to the Himalayas: together they must find out what has happened to Lias’s father. He disappeared six months ago and the only thing he left behind was his expedition diary, which is full of strange clues and puzzles. The reader will be able to move onto the next stage only if you can decipher them. A great adventure awaits you! And you decide In the end, you must decide: How should the adventure continue for you and the Explorer Team? Hunt with Lias through the forgotten world. Go with Tashi to discover the eternal ice or follow Cookie and Mojo through fire and lava. You will have to choose which of the Explorers you want to accompany on the next adventure.
Praise for the previous edition: "...aided by clear diagrams and photographs, as well as sidebars that cover historical background, notable scientists, and practical applications of the chemistry concepts."—The Horn Book Guide Without the different states of matter—the solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas that make up our universe—the world would be a very boring place. States of matter are constantly changing form all around us: hot showers steam up the bathroom mirror, gaseous water falls to the ground as snow, liquid escapes from our skin to cool the body, and plasma moves from the atmosphere to the surface of the Earth via lightning strikes. But, as readers of this insightful eBook will learn, these things don't happen by accident. States of Matter: Gases, Liquids, Solids, and Plasmas, Third Edition deciphers the science behind these chemical states to present an engaging and eye-opening reference enhanced by full-color photographs and illustrations.
Do you know how stars are born and what dark matter that is still considered one of the greatest mysteries in the universe is made of? These questions are worth discussing if you are from a family of astrophysicists as our protagonist and have a real telescope at home. Then it is not hard to imagine that your room is open space. But you are not alone there, because suddenly an amazing girl appears out of nowhere assuring that she comes from... dark matter. Get ready for exciting adventures, and a strong friendship that inspires, motivates you to make new scientific discoveries, and will, after all, last forever.