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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        The Jewish pedlar

        An untold criminal history

        by Tony Kushner

        An imaginative investigation into a historical crime that sheds new light on Jewish history. In 1734 a pedlar turned smuggler named Jacob Harris slit the throats of three people in a pub in Sussex. This triple-murder, for which he was hanged and gibbeted, remains the most violent crime ever committed by a British Jew. Yet today it is all but forgotten. In The Jewish pedlar, Tony Kushner goes in search of the enigmatic Harris. Digging into a remarkable range of sources, from law records and newspaper reports to ballads and folktales, he follows the traces of Harris's legend across three hundred years of British history. In doing so, he reconstructs the world of Jewish pedlars and criminals across many continents. The lives these figures eked out at the margins of society paint a picture of persistent antisemitism - but also of remarkable integration. Intellectually bold and deeply humane, The Jewish pedlar takes a new, grassroots approach to the history of Jews in the modern world, shedding light on everyday lives from the Enlightenment to the Holocaust and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism
        July 2012

        Ian McEwan

        by Dominic Head

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2007

        Ian McEwan

        by Dominic Head, Daniel Lea

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2007

        Ian McEwan

        by Dominic Head, Daniel Lea, Rebecca Mortimer

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2013

        Renaissance humanism and ethnicity before race

        The Irish and the English in the seventeenth century

        by Ian Campbell

        The modern ideology of race, so important in twentieth-century Europe, incorporates both a theory of human societies and a theory of human bodies. Ian Campbell's new study examines how the elite in early modern Ireland spoke about human societies and human bodies, and demonstrates that this elite discourse was grounded in a commitment to the languages and sciences of Renaissance Humanism. Emphasising the education of all of early modern Ireland's antagonistic ethnic groups in common European university and grammar school traditions, Campbell explains both the workings of the learned English critique of Irish society, and the no less learned Irish response. Then he turns to Irish debates on nobility, medicine and theology in order to illuminate the problem of human heredity. He concludes by demonstrating how the Enlightenment swept away these humanist theories of body and society, prior to the development of modern racial ideology in the late eighteenth century. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2019

        Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Activities Management

        A 21st Century Toolkit

        by Ian Jenkins

        An essential resource for those wishing to understand the key factors behind the operation of an adventure tourism company and how to be able to deliver a profitable as well as a sustainable product. It discusses important factors such as how the use of technologies and the current importance of environmental impacts and climate change are areas that are key to adventure tourism firms. To remain profitable companies need to address these issues along with the important elements of risk and safety. Key features include: Industry Perspective case studies Sustainable Adventure Tourism Developments Management of Products and Customers Created from the author's experience in delivering adventure tourism courses over the last 20 years, this long-awaited book is aimed at both university courses on adventure tourism and outdoor recreation as well as those working within the industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2007

        So exotic, so homemade

        Surrealism, Englishness and documentary photography

        by Ian Walker, John Taylor

        In his previous book City Gorged with Dreams (2002), Ian Walker challenged established ideas about Surrealist photography by emphasising the key role played by documentary photographs in Parisian Surrealism. Now Walker turns his attention to the arrival of Surrealism in England in 1936. Examining for the first time the surprising relationship between Surrealism and English documentary photography and film, the book shows that some of the most interesting work of the period was made in the ambiguous spaces between them. One of the key themes in this book is the relationship between the 'homely' and the 'exotic', in the innovative mix of poetry and ethnography in Mass-Observation for example, or the shadowed England constructed in the work of Bill Brandt. Based on extensive archival research, interviews and visits to sites where the photographs were made, this book is rich in detailed analysis yet written in an accessible and often witty style. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2001

        Railways and culture in Britain

        The epitome of modernity

        by Ian Carter, Jeffrey Richards

        The nineteenth-century's steam railway epitomised modernity's relentlessly onrushing advance. In Railways and culture in Britain Ian Carter delves into the cultural impact of train technology, and how this was represented in British society. Why, for example, did Britain possess no great railway novel? The book's first half tests that assertion by comparing fiction and images by some canonical British figures (Turner, Dickens, Arnold Bennett) with selected French and Russian competitors: Tolstoy, Zola, Monet, Manet. The second half proposes that if high cultural work on the British steam railway is thin, then this does not mean that all British culture ignored this revolutionary artefact. Detailed discussions of comic fiction, crime fiction and cartoons reveal a popular fascination with railways tumbling from vast (and hitherto unexplored) stores of critically overlooked genres. A final chapter contemplates cultural correlations of the steam railway's eclipse. If this was the epitome of modernity, then does the triumph of diesel and electric trains, of cars and planes, signal a decisive shift to postmodernity? ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2002

        Negotiating cultures

        Eugenio Barba and the intercultural debate

        by Maria M. Delgado, Ian Watson, Maggie B. Gale, Peter Lichtenfels

        Eugenio Barba is one of the world's leading theatre artists and theorists working across cultures. Examines three major strands of Barba's work; his research at the International School of Theatre Anthropology, his use of performance as a means of exchange, and his ongoing relationship with Latin America. The artists who write and are interviewed in the book provide an invaluable insight into Barba's work methods, his relationship with performers from different cultures, and the ramifications of his research in a variety of performance forms. Concludes with a dialogue between Barba and Ian Watson. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2012

        Poison, detection and the Victorian imagination

        by Ian Burney, Bertrand Taithe, Roger Cooter, Carolyn Steedman

        This fascinating book looks at the phenomenon of murder and poisoning in the nineteenth century. Focusing on the case of William Palmer, a medical doctor who in 1856 was convicted of murder by poisoning, it examines how his case baffled toxicologists, doctors, detectives and judges. The investigation commences with an overview of the practice of toxicology in the Victorian era, and goes on to explore the demands imposed by legal testimony on scientific work to convict criminals. In addressing Palmer's trial, Burney focuses on the testimony of Alfred Swaine Taylor, a leading expert on poisons, and integrates the medical, legal and literary evidence to make sense of the trial itself and the sinister place of poison in wider Victorian society. Ian Burney has produced an exemplary work of cultural history, mixing a keen understanding of the contemporary social and cultural landscape with the scientific and medical history of the period. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Transforming Travel

        Realising the potential of sustainable tourism

        by Jeremy Smith

        Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change. - A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world. - A vital presentation of the latest research and statistics on the positive impacts and potential of transformative, sustainable tourism, - A positive and realistic vision of the scope of tourism to promote sustainable development at a time when travel and interaction with foreign cultures is facing numerous existential challenges. Written in a highly engaging style Transforming Travel presents an urgent argument for transforming tourism so it might reach its potential to promote tolerance, restore communities and regenerate habitats, while providing a vital guide for anyone looking to develop the successful sustainable tourism enterprises and destinations needed to do so.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1994

        Mein buntes Adreßbuch

        Mit vielen Bildern und ausgewählten Geschichten, Gedichten und Rätseln. Zusammengestellt und illustriert von Monika Beisner

        by Monika Beisner, Monika Beisner

        Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London. Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1986

        Das Buch der hundert Rätsel

        by Monika Beisner, Monika Beisner

        Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London. Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1979

        Sechs Sternbilder. Die schöne Insel-Karte. _

        Sechs Doppelkarten im Geschenketui

        by Monika Beisner, Monika Beisner

        Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London. Monika Beisner studierte Malerei an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig, an der Slade School of Fine Art, London sowie an der Hochschule der Künste, Berlin. Beisners künstlerisches Hauptwerk ist die akribische Illustration aller 100 Gesänge (Cantos) der Göttlichen Komödie Dante Alighieris. Seit 1970 lebt sie als freie Künstlerin in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Neuer Antisemitismus?

        Fortsetzung einer globalen Debatte

        by Christian Heilbronn, Doron Rabinovici, Natan Sznaider

        Worauf lassen wir uns ein, wenn wir Antisemitismus begreifen wollen? Meinen wir ein Gefühl, ein Ressentiment, eine Haltung, ein Gerücht oder gar nur ein Vorurteil über eine bestimmte soziale und kulturelle Gruppe, die Juden genannt wird? Ressentiments gegen Juden kommen von Rechten, Linken, der Mitte, von Muslimen, sogar von anderen Juden. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Zeit, Bilanz zu ziehen, und eine erweiterte Fassung des mittlerweile zum Standardwerk avancierten Sammelbandes zur Frage des »neuen Antisemitismus« vorzulegen. Die bisherigen Beiträge werden ergänzt um neue Texte, unter anderem zur aktuellen Situation in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Polen sowie um Erörterungen zur Agitation im Netz und um eine Untersuchung zu antisemitischen Einstellungen unter Flüchtlingen. Die älteren Texte sind jeweils zudem durch ein Postskriptum der Autoren angereichert. So ist das Buch nun mehr als ein Diskussionsband, es ist eine Dokumentation und eine Fortsetzung der globalen Debatte über den »neuen Antisemitismus« zugleich. Mit Texten von Omer Bartov, Tony Judt, Judith Butler, Gerd Koenen, Sina Arnold, Michel Wieviorka, Matthias Küntzel, Katajun Amirpur, Ian Buruma, András Kovács, Rafał Pankowski, Jan T. Gross, Brian Klug, Anshel Pfeffer, Monika Schwarz-Friesel, Ingrid Brodnig, Moshe Zimmermann und Dan Diner.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Neuer Antisemitismus?

        Fortsetzung einer globalen Debatte

        by Doron Rabinovici, Natan Sznaider, Christian Heilbronn

        Worauf lassen wir uns ein, wenn wir Antisemitismus begreifen wollen? Meinen wir ein Gefühl, ein Ressentiment, eine Haltung, ein Gerücht oder gar nur ein Vorurteil über eine bestimmte soziale und kulturelle Gruppe, die Juden genannt wird? Ressentiments gegen Juden kommen von Rechten, Linken, der Mitte, von Muslimen, sogar von anderen Juden. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es Zeit, Bilanz zu ziehen, und eine erweiterte Fassung des mittlerweile zum Standardwerk avancierten Sammelbandes zur Frage des »neuen Antisemitismus« vorzulegen. Die bisherigen Beiträge werden ergänzt um neue Texte, unter anderem zur aktuellen Situation in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Polen sowie um Erörterungen zur Agitation im Netz und um eine Untersuchung zu antisemitischen Einstellungen unter Flüchtlingen. Die älteren Texte sind jeweils zudem durch ein Postskriptum der Autoren angereichert. So ist das Buch nun mehr als ein Diskussionsband, es ist eine Dokumentation und eine Fortsetzung der globalen Debatte über den »neuen Antisemitismus« zugleich. Mit Texten von Omer Bartov, Tony Judt, Judith Butler, Gerd Koenen, Sina Arnold, Michel Wieviorka, Matthias Küntzel, Katajun Amirpur, Ian Buruma, András Kovács, Rafał Pankowski, Jan T. Gross, Brian Klug, Anshel Pfeffer, Monika Schwarz-Friesel, Ingrid Brodnig, Moshe Zimmermann und Dan Diner.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Jessica Bosworth Smith

        From the illustrator of The Straw Giant & The Crow comes a new picture book, Liefie. Explore the wonders and worries of having a surprise new child with this heart-melting family of otters! 'Liefie' by Jessica Bosworth Smith is an incredibly heart-warming and humorous take on a family of otters, who have a surprise laat-lammetjie (Afrikaans term — "the late lamb" — which is a South African phrase for a surprise child born long after their siblings).

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2009

        Conservative thinkers

        The key contributors to the political thought of the modern Conservative Party

        by Mark Garnett, Kevin Hickson

        This book outlines and evaluates the political thought of the Conservative Party through a detailed examination of its principal thinkers from Harold Macmillan to the present. Traditionally, the Conservative Party has been regarded as a vote-gathering machine rather than a vehicle for ideas. This book redresses the balance through a series of biographical essays examining the thought of those who have contributed most to the development of ideas within the party. The chapters benefit from archival research and interviews with leading Conservatives. The recent revival of Conservative fortunes makes the book particularly timely. The book begins with an introductory chapter explaining the role of ideology in the Conservative Party. It then traces the political thought of the Conservative Party through its principal theorists since the 1930s. These are Harold Macmillan, R. A. Butler, Quintin Hogg, Enoch Powell, Angus Maude, Keith Joseph, the 'traditionalists' (Maurice Cowling, T. E. 'Peter' Utley, Peregrine Worsthorne, Shirley Letwin and Roger Scruton), Ian Gilmour, John Redwood and David Willetts. The book concludes with an overall assessment of the political thought of the Conservative Party and the relevance of past debates for contemporary Conservatism. The book will be of considerable interest to academics and non-academics alike; for those who have a special interest in the Conservative Party but also for any student of contemporary British Politics. ;

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