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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2000

        Henry V

        by James Loehlin

        This study examines the profound changes that twentieth-century performance has wrought on Shakespeare's complex drama of war and politics. What was accepted at the turn of the century as a patriotic celebration of a national hero has emerged in the modern theatre as a dark and troubling analysis of the causes and costs of war. The book details the theatrical innovations and political insights that have turned one of Shakespeare's most traditional-bound plays into one of his most popular and provocative. Henry V gives details analyses of several important modern productions. Beginning with a consideration of the play's political significance in Elizabethan London, the book goes on the reveal its subsequent reinvention, both as patriotic pageant and anti-war manifesto. Individual chapters consider important productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company, and other British and North American companies, as well as the landmark film versions. A compelling account of the theatrical revolution that has transformed one of Shakespeare's most challenging plays. ;

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        April 2010

        West-östlicher Divan. Zwei Bände

        by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Hendrik Birus

        Mit dem West-östlichen Divan beginnt Goethes großes dichterisches Alterswerk. Mißverstanden und sogar abgelehnt wurde es in seiner Fremdartigkeit bis ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein. Und doch zählten schon früh Dichter wie Rückert, Platen, Heine und Gautier oder Philosophen wie Hegel und Marx zu seinen entschiedenen Bewunderern. Diese Ausgabe bietet den Divan erstmals in seinen verschiedenen Entstehungsphasen: als lückenlose Edition der Vorstufen und Vorabdrucke mit 160 aus den Handschriften herausgegebenen Nachlaßstücken. Auch heute noch gilt der West-östliche Divan als eines der schwierigsten Werke der neueren deutschen Literatur – obwohl die Forschung seit dem ersten Kommentar von 1834 immer wieder um sein Verständnis gerungen hat. In einem Kommentar von bisher unerreichter Akribie und Dichte nimmt Hendrik Birus die Erträge all dieser Bemühungen auf und führt sie auf dem aktuellen Stand der Diskussion zu verblüffenden Ergebnissen und einer neuen Synthese.

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        Classic fiction (pre c 1945)

        The Girl with a Teddy Bear. Doctor Seraficus

        by V. Domontovych

        This book contains two of the most famous works of V. Domontovych. One of them is an engaging and somewhat extravagant novel The Girl with a Teddy Bear that describes the love of a sagacious teacher and his rebellious student. The novel is also a brilliant example of intellectual prose about the changing cultural orientations and the tragic personal conflict of a person destined to live in the time of change. The second one is Doctor Seraficus. It is the story of a strange and infantile ascetic professor who preaches a peculiar sort of “Don Juanism in reverse”: the desire to love all women and denounce all of them simultaneously.

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        Thirst for Music

        by V. Domontovych

        A secret agent of Soviet intelligence and a bohemian modernist, a Berlin-based professor and theologian, a man in a German officer’s uniform, and a recluse archeologist studying Trypillian culture — should someone write a fictionalised biography of Viktor Petrov, such a book would be no less than a page-turning spy novel. But while the government archives refuse to provide information about this extraordinary person, a new edition of Domontovych’s works opens up his world for readers. The book reflects describes the dramatic contrast of the time he lived in, raging emotions and lurking passions. Vincent van Gogh and Goethe, Rainer Maria Rilke and Vaclav Rzhevsky come to life in this novel. V. Domontovych's literary texts are vivid examples of twentieth-century intellectual prose that fascinate readers today.

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        January 1992

        Gestapo V-Leute

        Tatsachen und Theorie des Geheimdienstes

        by Weyrauch, Walter O

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        October 1974

        Methode und Messung in der Soziologie

        by Aaron V. Cicourel, Frigga Haug

        Die Schwierigkeit in verschiedenen Bereichen sozilogischer Forschungstechnik, die Cicourel untersucht, beruht unter anderem darauf, daß der Sozialwissenschaftler bei der Anwendung seiner Methoden - Inhaltsanalyse, Befragung, teilnehmende Beobachtung usw. - »aus der Rolle des kommunizierenden Mitspielers nicht ganz heraustreten kann« (Habermas). Nach Habermas ist Cicourels Verdienst, die Probleme von Methode und Messung nicht auf die Ebene der Forschungstechnik abgeschoben, sondern erkenntnistheoretisch ins Bewußtsein gehoben zu haben.

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        Microbiology (non-medical)
        January 1972

        Microfungi, part I - V

        by S J Hughes

        Mycological papers parts 1 to 5 on microfungi.

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        January 1995

        In der Familie verwaist

        Behandlung affektiv gestörter Kinder

        by Siegel, Elaine V / Englisch Panske, Günter

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        May 2019

        Die Stellung des Steuerpflichtigen in der Außenprüfung.

        Reformbedarf im Lichte der spanischen Ley General Tributaria?

        by Hübner, Hendrik B.

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        Botany & plant sciences
        December 2014

        Plants as a Source of Natural Antioxidants

        by Sang-Uk Chon, Feng Chen, S E Atawodi, Nadia Rezende Barbosa Raposo, Emad A Shalaby, Shakti Vinay Shukla, Dimitrios Boskou, Sanath Hettiarachi, S Dutta, S C Sati, D K Jha, Dimitris P Makris, V N Pandey, Hua-Bin Li. Edited by Nawal Kishore Dubey.

        A comprehensive overview of both traditional and current knowledge on the health effects of plant based antioxidants, this book reviews medicinal and aromatic plants from around the world. It covers the different sources of antioxidants including essential oils, algae and marine microorganisms, as well as the role of abiotic and biotic stresses, endophytes, transgenic approaches in scavenging ROS and antioxidant plants used in different therapeutic systems.

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        July 1973

        Werke Band V


        by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim

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        February 2003

        Der 'Lebensborn e. V.'

        Ein Instrument nationalsozialistischer Rassenpolitik

        by Lilienthal, Georg

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