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      • David and Charles Ltd

        David and Charles is an independent publisher of non-fiction books, predominantly in art, craft and creative categories. Our titles feature industry-leading authors and award-winning editorial and design, commissioned for commercial success in all markets. Category focus on practical how-to books in art, crochet, knitting, general crafts, patchwork & quilting, sewing and wellbeing. Cornerstone titles which are highly illustrated, project, technique and trend orientated.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Ordering Africa

        Anthropology, European imperialism and the politics of knowledge

        by Helen Tilley, Robert Gordon

        African research played a major role in transforming the discipline of anthropology in the twentieth century. Ethnographic studies, in turn, had significant effects on the way imperial powers in Africa approached subject peoples. Ordering Africa provides the first comparative history of these processes. With essays exploring metropolitan research institutes, Africans as ethnographers, the transnational features of knowledge production, and the relationship between anthropology and colonial administration, this volume both consolidates and extends a range of new research questions focusing on the politics of imperial knowledge. Specific chapters examine French West Africa, the Belgian and French Congo, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, Italian Northeast Africa, Kenya, and Equatorial Africa (Gabon) as well as developments in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. A major collection of essays that will be welcomed by scholars interested in imperial history and the history of Africa.

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        Illustrated Guide to the Symbols of Spirit and Thought

        by M B Jackson

        Sigils are symbolic icons designed for a specific magical purpose. In modern times, Chaos magi-cians employ Sigils as Monograms of Thought, psychological symbols of intent and desire, created by the conjuror in their personal quest of mystical exploration. Fully illustrated guides to these magic symbols accompany full explanations from down through the millenia.

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        April 2020

        Mundane methods

        by Helen Holmes, Sarah Marie Hall

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2010

        Ordering Africa

        by Edited by Helen Tilley and Robert Gordon

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Conquering nature in Spain and its empire, 1750–1850

        by Helen Cowie, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        This book examines the study of natural history in the Spanish empire in the years 1750-1850. During this period, Spain made strenuous efforts to survey, inventory and exploit the natural productions of her overseas possessions, orchestrating a serries of scientific expeditions and cultivating and displaying American fauna and flora in metropolitan gardens and museums. This book assesses the cultural significance of natural history, emphasising the figurative and utilitarian value with which eighteenth-century Spaniards invested natural objects, from globetrotting elephants to three-legged chickens. It considers how the creation, legitimisation and dissemination of scientific knowledge reflected broader questions of imperial power and national identity. This book will be of particular interest to scholars and students of Spanish and Latin American History, the History of Science and Imperial Culture

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        Plant pathology & diseases
        June 2013

        Infectious Forest Diseases

        by J Stenlid, Robert L Edmonds, Lilja Arija, Helen M Griffiths, Robert L Mathiasen, Naoto Kamata, Jean Jacques Guillaumin, Kathy J Lewis, Caroline Mohammed, Rimvydas Vasaitis, Thomas C Harrington, Thomas Kirisits, William J Otrosina, Bernard Slippers, Daniel Rigling, Marieka Gryzenhout, Roberto Danti, Thomas L Cech, Michael E Ostry, Paolo Capretti, Rosie Bradshaw, Libor Jankovsk, Tadeusz Kowalski, Matteo Garbelotto, Richard Hamelin, Michael J Wingfield. Edited by Paolo Gonthier, Giovanni Nicolotti.

        Today, forest health and the management of threats towards it are attracting more and more attention on a global scale. This book covers the most recent advances in the management of forest diseases, including the epidemiology and infection biology of forest pathogens, and forest protection based on integrated pest and disease management approaches. A comprehensive range of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and other organisms are discussed in detail, making this book essential reading for forest managers and extension specialists. Written by recognised authorities in the subject of forest health, this book also provides a wealth of information useful for researchers and lecturers of forest pathology and ecology.

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        October 2024

        A Handbook for the Sheep Clinician

        by Agnes Winter, Dai Grove-White, Jennifer Duncan, Joseph Angell, Niall Connolly, Peers Davies, Emma Fishbourne, John Graham-Brown, Jo Oultram, Robert Smith, Helen Williams, Agnes Winter, Dai Grove-White

        An established favourite with veterinary and agricultural students and a valuable addition to the library of any veterinarian or sheep farmer, this handbook covers the basics of sheep medicine and production. Geared at being an easily accessed reference, it clearly conveys fundamental information on the care and treatment of sheep worldwide. This fully updated and revised eighth edition: - continues to cover all important aspects of sheep production and health, including reproduction, vaccination, pregnancy and newborns, lameness, internal and external parasites and flock health promotion; - reviews general developments and advancements in sheep veterinary medicine, as well as disease prevalence by geographical spread and in relation to changing climate; - considers topics of increasing importance such as vaccine availability and drug resistance. An emphasis on diagnosis and treatment combined with short, easily-digestible chapters and step-by-step diagrams makes this book an essential practical guide to recognizing, treating and preventing disease.

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        September 1979

        Reflexionen über die Universalgrammatik

        by Helen Leuninger

        Noam Chomskys Buch »Reflexionen über die Sprache« (= stw 185) stellt eine Zusammenfassung der sprachphilosophischen Kontroverse zwischen Empirismus und Rationalismus und zwischen Semantik und Pragmatik dar. Es präsentiert aber auch einen neuen Entwicklungsstand in der Kontroverse darum, ob die Syntax unabhängig von der Semantik operieren kann. Chomsky führt in diesem Buch die bereits 1973 in den »Conditions of Transformation« entwickelte Spurentheorie ein und motiviert diese sowohl aus empirischen Gründen der Sprachbeschreibung als auch mit kognitiven Argumenten sowie mit Beobachtungen aus dem Prozeß des Spracherwerbs. Diese Theorie stellt eine starke Revision der bekannten Annahmen Chomskys dar. In den »Reflexionen über die Sprache« liefert Chomsky sozusagen »nur« den konzeptuellen Rahmen der neuen Spurentheorie. Helen Leuningers Arbeit diskutiert nun die methodologischen und empirischen Fragen, die sich aus dieser neuen Theorie ergeben, und stellt sie in den forschungs- und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang, aus dem sie entstanden sind.

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        The Arts
        May 2005

        Andrew Davies

        by Sarah Cardwell, Jonathan Bignell, Sarah Cardwell, Steven Peacock

        One of Britain's foremost TV practitioners, Andrew Davies is the creator of programmes such as 'A Very Peculiar Practice', 'To Serve Them All My Days', 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Othello' and 'The Way We Live Now'. Although best known for his adaptations of the work of writers such as Jane Austen and George Eliot, he has written numerous original drama series, single plays, films, stage plays and books. This volume offers a critical appraisal of Davies's work, and assesses his contribution to British television. Cardwell also explores the conventional notions of authorship and auteurism which are challenged by Davies's work. Can we identify Davies as the author of the varied texts attributed to him? If so, does an awareness of his authorial role aid our interpretation and evaluation of those texts? How does the phenomenon of adaptation affect the issue of authorship? How important is 'the author' to television? This book will appeal to both an academic readership, and to the many people who have taken pleasure in Davies's work. ;

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        March 2019

        Der Ritter, der nicht kämpfen wollte

        by Helen Docherty, Thomas Docherty, Dorothee Haentjes-Holländer

        In "Der Ritter, der nicht kämpfen wollte" von Helen Docherty begleiten junge Zuhörer*innen ab 4 Jahren den mutigen kleinen Mäuseritter Leo auf eine abenteuerliche Reise voller überraschender Wendungen. Leo, der ein großes Herz für Bücher hat und Gewalt ablehnt, steht vor der Aufgabe, einen Drachen zu zähmen. Mit Geschichten als seine mächtigsten Waffen stellt er sich dieser Herausforderung und zeigt, dass Wissen und Verständnis die stärksten Werkzeuge sind, um Freunde zu gewinnen und Konflikte zu lösen. Dieses Bilderbuch bietet eine inspirierende Botschaft über die Kraft der Güte und des Lesens, verpackt in zauberhafte Verse und begleitet von fesselnden Illustrationen, die die Fantasie anregen und zum Träumen einladen. Fördert friedliche Konfliktlösungen: Das Buch vermittelt wichtige Werte wie Empathie und die Lösung von Problemen durch Kreativität statt Gewalt. Stärkt die Lesemotivation: Durch die Darstellung des Lesens als Heldentat regt die Geschichte Kinder dazu an, selbst zum Buch zu greifen. Qualitativ hochwertige Illustrationen und Reime: Die Kombination aus visuellen und sprachlichen Elementen macht das Vorlesen und Anschauen zu einem Vergnügen für Kinder und Erwachsene. Bietet eine alternative Heldenfigur: Leo, der Ritter, der nicht kämpfen wollte, bricht mit traditionellen Heldenbildern und erweitert das Verständnis von Mut. Garantiert langanhaltendes Interesse: Dank seiner zeitlosen Botschaft und ansprechenden Gestaltung wird dieses Buch über Jahre hinweg Freude bereiten. Erntet begeisterte Rückmeldungen: Positive Bewertungen von Familien bestätigen den Mehrwert und die Beliebtheit des Buches. Ideal für gemeinsame Leseerlebnisse: Perfekt geeignet für das Vorlesen im Familienkreis oder in Bildungseinrichtungen, unterstützt es die Entwicklung von Sprachgefühl und sozialen Kompetenzen.

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