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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMay 2013
The origins of the First World War
by Harry Bennett, Rebecca Mortimer
Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2007
Women's rights
by Fiona Montgomery, Harry Bennett, Rebecca Mortimer, Karen Howatson
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2009The American civil rights movement
by Robert Green, Harry Bennett, Harold Cheatham, Rebecca Mortimer
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Humanities & Social SciencesAugust 2006History matters
Patriarchy and the challenge of Feminism
by Judith Bennett
Written for everyone interested in women's and gender history, History matters reaffirms the importance to feminist theory and activism of long-term historical perspectives. Judith M. Bennett takes as her central problem the growing chasm between feminism and history which, although closely allied in the 1970s, have now moved away from one another. Seeking to narrow this gap, Bennett proposes that feminist historians turn their attention to the intellectual challenges posed by the persistence of patriarchy. She posits a 'patriarchal equilibrium' whereby, despite many changes in women's experiences over past centuries, women's status vis-à-vis men has remained remarkably unchanged. Bennett argues that the theoretical challenge posed by this 'patriarchal equilibrium' will be best met by long-term historical perspectives that reach back well before the modern era. A new manifesto, History matters engages forthrightly with the challenges faced by feminist historians today. It argues for the radical potential of a history that is focused on feminist issues, aware of the distant past, attentive to continuities over time, and alert to the workings of patriarchal power. ;
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June 2021Neurowissenschaft und Philosophie
Gehirn, Geist und Sprache
by Maxwell Bennett, Daniel C. Dennett, Peter Hacker, John R. Searle, Joachim Schulte, Daniel Robinson
Als der Neurowissenschaftler Maxwell Bennett und der Philosoph Peter Hacker den Klassiker Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience veröffentlichten, war dies die erste systematische Untersuchung der begrifflichen Grundlagen der Neurowissenschaften und der Startschuss für den bis heute intensiv geführten Kampf um die Deutungsmacht über den menschlichen Geist. Besonders kritisch fiel seinerzeit die Auseinandersetzung mit den einflussreichen Arbeiten von Daniel Dennett und John Searle aus – also mit jenen beiden Denkern, die von der neurowissenschaftlichen Seite gerne als philosophische Gewährsmänner herangezogen werden. In Neurowissenschaft und Philosophie diskutieren die vier kongenialen »Streithähne« miteinander.
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Humanities & Social SciencesOctober 2004Roosevelt's peacetime administrations, 1933–41
A documentary history
by G. Bennett, Harry Bennett
Over a half-century after the death of Roosevelt the debate on his presidency and the New Deal remains vibrant, for in many ways he created the modern presidency and he remains a giant of American political history. This book, specifically designed for sixth-form and undergraduate use, serves as an essential introduction to his domestic policy during his tenure from the struggles of the Depression to the outbreak of the Second World War. Incorporating archival discoveries at the Roosevelt Presidential Library, this documentary collection focuses on the debates and controversies surrounding the implementation and practice of New Deal policies. It highlights the meanings, flaws and outcomes of Roosevelt's attempts to refashion American society. With an extensive contextualising introduction, the book reproduces extracts from a variety of sources including Government records, public addresses and speeches and the private papers of Roosevelt and some of his closest associates. ;
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Literature & Literary StudiesAugust 2009Michael Ondaatje
by Lee Spinks, John Thieme, Rebecca Mortimer
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Science & MathematicsFebruary 2020The freedom of scientific research
by Simona Giordano, John Harris, Lucio Piccirillo, Rebecca Bennett
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2016The end of the Irish Poor Law?
by Donnacha Lucey, Rebecca Mortimer
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2016Protest and the politics of space and place, 1789–1848
by Katrina Navickas, Rebecca Mortimer