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Albin Michel Jeunesse
Albin Michel Jeunesse publishes a variety of books, attracting a broad fan base. Pre-readers love characters such as Mouk and Pomelo, early readers adore Geronimo Stilton, and teens devour our top notch Middle Age and YA series. Our catalogue showcases talents as varied as Marion Bataille, Blexbolex, Marc Boutavant, Janik Coat, Benjamin Chaud and Benjamin Lacombe, to name but a few. All of our publications, be they pop-up books, novelty books, picture books, novels or non-fiction titles, are brought to life with imagination and affection.
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Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawSeptember 2020
Tourism, Tradition and Culture
A Reflection on their Role in Development
by David Harrison
David Harrison has contributed to the academic study of tourism over the last thirty years. This book brings together a collection of his published material that reflects the role played by tourism in 'development,' both in societies emerging from Western colonialism and in societies previously part of the Soviet system. The overarching theme looks at how promoted as a tool for development, tourism can lead to conflict between competing elites, but can also empower groups previously subject to constraint by traditional authorities. Tradition is intensely manipulatable and always reflects power relations. Such pressure on tradition is but one aspect of tourism's wider social impacts, which include changes in economic and social structure which, for many, constitute social problems which need to be addressed. At the same time, 'sustainability,' though apparently a worthy aim, can be a problematic concept, especially when applied to 'traditional' cultures, and may conflict with such ideals as egalitarianism.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2009
Elfenseele – Hinter dem Augenblick
Band 1
by Harrison, Michelle / Übersetzt von Baresch, Martin
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Trusted PartnerOctober 1984
Die Akte Harrison
"The Documents in the Case"
by Sayers, Dorothy L. / Deutsch Bayer, Otto
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesNovember 2024
Women and madness in the early Romantic novel
Injured minds, ruined lives
by Deborah Weiss
Women and madness in the early Romantic novel returns madness to a central role in feminist literary criticism through an updated exploration of hysteria, melancholia, and love-madness in novels by Mary Wollstonecraft, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Maria Edgeworth, and Amelia Opie. This book argues that these early Romantic-period novelists revised medical and popular sentimental models for female madness that made inherent female weakness and the aberrant female body responsible for women's mental afflictions. The book explores how the more radical authors-Wollstonecraft, Fenwick and Hays-blamed men and patriarchal structures of control for their characters' hysteria and melancholia, while the more mainstream writers-Edgeworth and Opie-located causality in less gendered and less victimized accounts. Taken as a whole, the book makes a powerful case for focusing on women's mental health in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literary criticism.
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Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawMay 2017
Mass Tourism in a Small World
by David Harrison, Richard Sharpley, Hazel Andrews, Julio Aramberri, Gregory Ashworth, Raoul Bianchi, Sue Bleasdale, Kelly Bricker, Jim Butcher, Erik Cohen, David T. Duvall, Martin Farr, John Heeley, Andrew Holden, Stanislav Ivanov, Heather Jeffrey, Gabriele Manella, Chris Ryan, Asterio Savelli, Hongdi Shen, John E Tunbridge, David Weaver, Paul F Wilkinson
This new book reviews all aspects of the phenomenon of mass tourism. It covers theoretical perspectives (including political economy, ethics, sustainability and environmentalism), the historical context, and the current challenges to domestic, intra-regional and international mass tourism. As tourism and tourist numbers continue to grow around the world, it becomes increasingly important that this subject is studied in depth and best practice applied in real-life situations. This book: - Is the first to address a range of theoretical issues relating to mass tourism; - Uses a wide selection of case studies to translate theory into practice, covering the historical rise and fall of UK seaside resorts, the increase in Chinese tourism, conflict between different mass tourism groups, destination transformation from mass to niche tourism, and specific problems facing cruise ships; - Is written by a range of international, established authors to give a global perspective on the subject. Finishing with a speculative chapter identifying potential future trends and challenges, this book forms an essential resource for all researchers and students within tourism studies. ; Section 1: Introduction1: Introduction: Mass Tourism in a Small WorldSection 2: Theoretical Approaches to Mass Tourism2: Mass Tourism Does Not Need Defending3: The Morality of Mass Tourism4: The Political Economy of Mass Tourism and its Contradictions5: A Theoretical Approach to Mass Tourism in Italy6: Sustainability and Mass Tourism: A Contradiction in Terms?7: Mass Tourism and the Environment: Issues and DilemmasSection 3: Historical Studies of Tourism Development8: The Dynamics of Tourism Development in Britain: The Profit Motive and that ‘Curious’ Alliance of Private Capital and the Local State9: From Holiday Camps to the All-inclusive: the ‘Butlinization’ of Tourism10: Decline Beside the Seaside: British Seaside Resorts and Declinism11: Mass Tourism and the US National Park Service System12: Transport and Tourism: The Perpetual LinkSection 4: Case Studies in Modern Mass Tourism13: Mass Tourism and China14: Mass Tourism in Thailand: The Chinese and Russians15: Mass Tourism in Bulgaria: The Force Awakens16: Mass Tourism in Mallorca: Examples from Calivià17: Tunisia: Mass Tourism in Crisis?18: From Blue to Grey? Malta’s Quest from Mass Beach to Niche Heritage Tourism19: Cruise Ship Tourism in the Caribbean: The Mess of Mass TourismSection 5: The Future20: Conclusion: Mass Tourism in the Future
Trusted PartnerDecember 2009
Walter Benjamin
Lumpensammler, Engel und bucklicht Männlein Ästhetik und Politik bei Walter Benjamin
by Jean-Michel Palmier, Florent Perrier, Horst Brühmann
Jean-Michel Palmiers monumentale Studie über Walter Benjamin ist das Lebenswerk eines Gelehrten, der den zahlreichen Benjamin-Interpretationen nicht eine neue hinzufügt, sondern schlicht den Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieses enigmatischen Autors liefert. Minutiös zeichnet Palmier den philosophischen, politischen und ästhetischen Denkweg Benjamins nach und beseitigt zahlreiche Mißverständnisse und Klischees, etwa das des »marxistischen Rabbiners«, der die Alternative zwischen historischem Materialismus und Theologie in ein unauflösliches Dilemma verwandelt. Vor allem aber schließt Palmier die Lücken einer oft simplifizierenden und immer wieder um dieselben Themen kreisenden Rezeption. Der Lumpensammler, der Engel und das »bucklicht Männlein« werden so zu Grundfiguren einer philosophischen Erzählung, die nicht hagiographisch, sondern systematisch die Komplexität von Benjamins Denken erschließt. Ein Standardwerk.
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Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesMay 1999
Russian-English, English-Russian Forestry and Wood Dictionary, 2nd Edition
by William Linnard, David Darrah-Morgan
Russia and the other republics of the former USSR are now more accessible than at any other time in history. In the future, the forest resource of Russia, easily the greatest of any country in the world, will become even more globally important both environmentally and commercially.This new dictionary incorporates an updated and enlarged version of the first Russian-English edition, published in 1966, plus an entirely new English-Russian section of similar size. It contains many new terms, species names, acronyms and abbreviations to account for the great changes which have taken place in Russian forestry in terms of mechanization, woodworking technology, forest management and economics, environmental pollution and conservation. A list of the botanical names of trees and shrubs, with their Russian and English equivalents has also been included.The book has been compiled by Dr William Linnard, former Assistant Director of the Commonwealth Forestry Bureau, with over forty years’ experience of abstracting and translating forestry literature and David Darrah-Morgan, M.A. (Translation), a full-time translator, specializing in forestry and related fields.
Trusted PartnerAugust 2011
Ein Versuch über das Wesen der Menschen
by Harrison, Robert / Übersetzt von Pfeiffer, Martin
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