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      • Anness Publishing

        At Anness Publishing we have just celebrated our 30th anniversary and we are one of the largest independent book publishers in the UK having produced over 3000 titles, many of which have sold a million copies. In total we have sold in excess of 225,000,000 heavily-illustrated books, with subjects spanning cooking and crafts, gardening, new age, reference, hobbies and transport as well as a lively and successful list of pre-school activity and home study reference books for children. LORENZ BOOKS, our trade sales imprint for hardback non-fiction titles, has justifiably forged a reputation as one of the foremost imprints in illustrated publishing worldwide, with award-winning titles that cover the widest range of practical and reference subjects. SOUTHWATER is our trade sales paperback imprint, renowned for its extremely competitive pricing policy, fantastic packaging and quality, and the depth of its list. ARMADILLO is our trade imprint for illustrated children's fiction and non-fiction titles. We publish a wide range of traditional children's story books, pre-school and novelty books, as well as highly illustrated information books in the areas of science, history and natural history, and practical and creative project and activity books.

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        September 2021

        Spices, Scents and Silk

        Catalysts of World Trade

        by James Hancock

        Spices, scents and silks were at the centre of world trade for millennia. Through their international trade, humans were pushed to explore and then travel to the far corners of the earth. Almost from their inception, the earliest great civilizations - Egypt, Sumer and Harappa - became addicted to the luxury products of far-off lands and established long-reaching trade networks. Over time, great powers fought mightily for the kingdoms where silk, spices and scents were produced. The New World was accidentally discovered by Columbus in his quest for spices. What made trade in these products so remarkable was that the plants producing them grew in very restricted areas of the world, distant from the wealthy civilizations of northern Africa, Greece and Europe. These luxuries could be carried from mysterious locations on the backs of camels or in the holds of ships for months on end, and arrived at their final destination in nearly perfect condition. Once the western world discovered the intoxicating properties of these products, their procurement became a dominant force in the world economy. Nothing else compared with their possible profit returns. In this book, eminent horticulturist and author James Hancock examines the origins and early domestication and culture of spices, scents and silks and the central role these exotic luxuries played in the lives of the ancients. The book also traces the development of the great international trade networks and explores how struggles for trade dominance and demand for such luxuries shaped the world. Recommended for academics, students and general readers with an interest in crop and agricultural development, world trade, economic botany, history of food, and global economics and public policy, Spices, Scents and Silk offers a fascinating and insightful history.

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        September 2021

        Spices, Scents and Silk

        Catalysts of World Trade

        by James F Hancock

        Spices, scents and silks were at the center of world trade for millennia. Through their international trade, humans were pushed to explore and then travel to the far corners of the earth. Almost from their inception, the earliest great civilizations - Egypt, Sumer and Harappa - became addicted to the luxury products of far off lands and established long-reaching trade networks. Over time, great powers fought mightily for the kingdoms where silk, spices and scents were produced. The New World was accidentally discovered by Columbus in his quest for spices. What made trade in these products so remarkable was that the plants producing them grew in very restricted areas of the world, distant from the wealthy civilizations of northern Africa, Greece and Europe. These luxuries could be carried from mysterious locations on the backs of camels or in the holds of ships for months on end, and arrived at their final destination in nearly perfect condition. Once the western world discovered the intoxicating properties of these products, their procurement became a dominant force in the world economy. Nothing else compared with their possible profit returns. In this book, eminent horticulturist and author James Hancock examines the origins and early domestication and culture of spices, scents and silks and the central role these exotic luxuries played in the lives of the ancients. The book traces the development of the great international trade networks and explores how struggles for trade dominance and demand for such luxuries shaped the world.

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        August 2008

        Kasimir und Karoline


        by Ödön Horváth, Traugott Krischke, Susanna Foral-Krischke

        Als einen »Abend auf dem Oktoberfest« kündigte die Ernst-Josef-Aufricht-Produktion am 18.11.1932 in Leipzig die Uraufführung von ödön von Horváths Volksstück Kasimir und Karoline an, dessen ursprünglicher Untertitel »Siebzehn Szenen von der Liebe, Not und Leid, und unserer schlechten Zeit« lautete. Die »Ballade vom arbeitslosen Chauffeur Kasimir und seiner Braut (...), eine Ballade voll stiller Trauer gemildert durch Humor, das heißt durch die alltägliche Erkenntnis : ›Sterben müssen wir alle‹.« (ödön von Horváth) Alfred Polgar schrieb: »Dieser Dichter hat eine besondere Kunst, an seinen Gestalten das, was uns alle bindet: das Gemeine, sichtbar, beziehungsweise das, wmit dieses All-Bindende zugedeckt ist, transparent zu machen.«

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        September 2021

        Tolerating Democracy!

        About arguing in a society of indignation

        by Karoline M. Preisler

        Are we all still only moving around in our bubbles, unwilling and unprepared to engage in the positions of "the others"? Will only someone be heard who polarises and defames loudly enough, who ignores facts, denies them, twists them, who even calls for violence? The debate over the corona measures has given a new urgency as we address the question of how democracy can be lived and protected in times of an erosion of the centre and social cohesion. Karoline M. Preisler asks herself these questions and, as a passionate democrat, advocates creating new tools and meeting places for the necessary dialogue on controversial topics such as the limits of freedom, religion, climate crisis, immigration and the family.

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        Good Evening, Good Night

        The cultural history of sleep

        by Karoline Walter

        What we associate with sleep is shaped by the culture we live in. Whereas the God of the Bible never sleeps, the sinful human falls asleep every night and is thus marked as an inferior being. In the Age of Enlightenment, (too much) sleep was considered a waste of strength, which could otherwise be used to change the world. These days, sleep seems to be subject to the same tenets of usefulness as everything else and is seen to assist with the optimization of one’s self. However, culture and technology also influence how we sleep: for example, the constant availability of light, the modern conditions of work and all sorts of distractions have meant that we no longer follow our natural rhythm – a first sleep before midnight and a second sleep after a longer period of wakefulness, during which we may be active. In “Good Evening, Good Night”, Karoline Walter uses numerous examples from history, literature and research to illustrate how sleep and sleeping have changed across cultures and eras – an entertaining read, certainly nothing to put you to sleep.

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        February 1988

        Anne Elliot

        by Jane Austen, Hugh Thomson, Margarete Rauchenberger

        Ein Jahr nach ihrem Tod im Jahre 1817 erschien Jane Austens letzter Roman Persuasion. Anne Elliot, die Hauptfigur, wird in einem sozialen Umfeld dargestellt, das auch Jane Austen bekannt war und das in der Beschreibung für ihre übrigen Romane typisch ist.

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        July 2010

        Anne Elliot

        oder die Kraft der Überredung

        by Austen, Jane; Roth, Sabine

        Bitte überprüfen Sie bei Ihrer Anfrage, ob die gewählte Übersetzung von dem/der hier genannten Übersetzer/in erstellt worden ist.

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        September 2020

        Der kleine Buchsalon am anderen Ende der Welt


        by Frida Skybäck, Karoline Hippe, Nora Pröfrock

        Patricias Schwester ist während eines Praktikums in Schweden spurlos verschwunden. Jetzt, dreißig Jahre später, erhält sie einen anonymen Brief mit Madeleines Kette darin. Kurzentschlossen verlässt Patricia ihre Farm in Amerika und reist nach Schweden.Im kleinen Strandort angekommen, mietet sie sich in einer gemütlichen Pension ein. Bald lernt sie auch die Frauen eines Buchsalons kennen, die die begeisterte Leserin prompt in ihren Kreis aufnehmen. Bei Kaffee und Kuchen, bei Gesprächen über Literatur, Liebe und alltägliche Probleme fühlt Patricia sich rundum wohl. Doch einige Frauen scheinen mehr über ihre Schwester zu wissen, als sie zugeben – und um Frieden zu finden, ist Patricia entschlossen, die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen. Frida Skybäck erzählt charmant, mit Humor und Hoffnung von begeisterten Leserinnen, von alten Wunden und neuen Anfängen.

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