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      • Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press

        Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press) is a world-class publishing house founded on international best practices, excellence and innovation. It strives to be a cornerstone of Qatar’s knowledge-based economy by providing a unique local and international platform for literature, discovery and learning. Headquartered in Doha, Qatar, HBKU Press publishes a wide range of texts including fiction and non-fiction titles, children’s books, collections, and annual reports. In addition, HBKU Press publishes peer-reviewed, scholarly research in the natural and social sciences through academic books, open-access reference materials and conference proceedings. HBKU Press consistently follows international best practices in its publishing procedures, ethics and management, ensuring a steadfast quality of production and a dedication to excellence.

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      • Editora Jandaíra (Pólen Producao Editorial Ltda.)

        Jandaíra is an independent publisher of books by Brazilian authors who are thought-provoking and daring for children and adults.Originally Pólen Livros, it was born to explore new horizons, to establish partnerships, new ideas and to value voices. With a focus on women, contemplating the greatest diversity of feminine universes, she started her catalog with works written by and for women, to tell the feminine vision of stories, the world, society. And as a perspective for a new future, children came with themes to be discussed by people of all ages.In 2020, in partnership with the Sueli Carneiro seal, we achieved wide reach in bookstores throughout Brazil! With the seal coordinated by the philosopher and writer Djamila Ribeiro and with eight titles published initially; the diversity most present in our books, made us recognized as the publisher that embraces causes, from motherhood to self-knowledge, from feminism to anti-racism, from literature to non-fiction and children.

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        Geography & the Environment
        October 2024

        History and Future of Plants, Planet and People

        Towards a New Ecologically Sustainable Age in People’s Relationships With Plants

        by Alan Hamilton, Pei Shengji

        This fascinating book presents the experiences and pooled knowledge of two very different conservation scientists; Pei Shengji from Sichuan, China and Alan Hamilton from London, UK. They have been drawn together over many years through working on some of the same conservation projects and have discovered that they overlap in their ideas about the sorts of work that needs to be done and how it can best be carried out. The book describes some of their own experiences, set within the contexts of their varied careers and the development of their thinking. Plant conservation is crucial to the preservation of natural ecosystems, but conventional approaches have met with only limited success. The authors have concluded that plant conservationists need social allies - elements of society that have other primary concerns, but whose efforts, if successful, will bring benefits to plant conservation too. It is the state and condition of plants on the ground that ultimately matter in conserving ecosystems, and therefore it is the role of local people who interact directly with them which enables success. Ethnobotany is a key skill required of practical plant conservationists. Its techniques enable them to explore connections between people and plants, learn about local perspectives and establish relationships with the people upon whom conservation and sustainable development relies. This book: recommends how to advance plant conservation, based on real experiences. will inspire more people to become involved in plant conservation. demonstrates how the very different backgrounds of the authors have influenced the courses of their careers, but have enabled them to come to very similar conclusions about conservation practice. demonstrates the importance of geographically-based biocultural diversity, as a counterbalancing force to globalisation.

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        April 2024

        Schmerz Camp

        by Patty Kim Hamilton

        Sieben Frauen in einer renommierten, surrealen Schmerzklinik: Im ewigen Kreislauf von Therapien und Gesprächen mit den Ärzt:innen probieren die Patientinnen Medikamente aus, töpfern, meditieren, treiben Sport – der Schmerz aber bleibt. Scheinbar geschieht mit den Frauen in der Klinik nichts und doch ist alles in ständiger, minimaler Bewegung. Zeit vergeht hier anders. Dabei ist der alternde, weiblich gelesene Körper ein zentrales Motiv. Sprache und Dialoge basieren auf realen Gesprächen und Klinikfragebögen – werden bereichert von chorischen Passagen, Lyrik und performativen Naturbildern, die eine neue Dimension aufmachen: Wo finden wir Trost und wie kann ein Weg durch den Schmerz aussehen? Das Theaterstück Schmerz Camp ist ein Plädoyer für das ehrliche Zuhören, für mehr Achtsamkeit und eine solidarische Gemeinschaft. Patty Kim Hamilton sucht darin nach dem Alltäglichen, dem Humor, der Zärtlichkeit, dem Einfachen vor dem dunklen Abgrund und findet dabei eine virtuose Sprache für etwas, das sich mit Worten kaum fassen lässt.

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        20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
        July 2013

        The Crisis of Theory

        by Scott Hamilton

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2020

        Field Guide to the Forest Trees of Uganda

        For Identification and Conservation

        by James Kalema, Alan Hamilton

        This book is a guide for the identification of the indigenous forest trees of Uganda. It will be useful for those who wish to contribute towards the conservation of the forests or to plant indigenous trees. Information is provided on how to propagate and cultivate about 80 of the most valuable species. Indigenous trees provide numerous resources useful for welfare and development. They include many types of timber and non-timber forest products, such as craft materials, foods and medicines. The proximity of indigenous forest helps to moderate the local climate, making it more suitable for agriculture. Indigenous forests protect springs, therefore safeguarding water supplies more effectively than exotic trees such as pines and eucalyptus. All 450 known indigenous tree species from the forests are included. Both scientific and local names are provided, the latter in 21 languages. Local names facilitate access to knowledge and values traditionally attached to the species, useful when planning pathways of development firmly rooted in local culture. The book will be invaluable for botanists, foresters, rural development workers and members of the general public concerned about contributing to conservation and sustainable development in Uganda. Many of the species grow in neighbouring countries, so the book has relevance there too.

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        April 2016

        Dietrich Bonhoeffers Hermeneutik der Responsivität

        Ein Kapitel Schriftlehre im Anschluss an "Schöpfung und Fall“

        by Hamilton, Nadine

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