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Promoted ContentJanuary 1998
Zwanghaft zerstreut
ADD - die Unfähigkeit, aufmerksam zu sein
by Hallowell, Edward M; Ratey, John / Übersetzt von Hunzinger, Sibylle
Promoted ContentJuly 1999
Zwanghaft zerstreut
oder Die Unfähigkeit, aufmerksam zu sein
by Hallowell, Edward M.; Ratey, John / Übersetzt von Hunzinger, Sibylle
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Literature & Literary StudiesOctober 2024The Legacy of John Polidori
The Romantic Vampire and its Progeny
by Sam George, Bill Hughes
John Polidori's novella The Vampyre (1819) is perhaps 'the most influential horror story of all time' (Frayling). Polidori's story transformed the shambling, mindless monster of folklore into a sophisticated, seductive aristocrat that stalked London society rather than being confined to the hinterlands of Eastern Europe. Polidori's Lord Ruthven was thus the ancestor of the vampire as we know it. This collection explores the genesis of Polidori's vampire. It then tracks his bloodsucking progeny across the centuries and maps his disquieting legacy. Texts discussed range from the Romantic period, including the fascinating and little-known The Black Vampyre (1819), through the melodramatic vampire theatricals in the 1820s, to contemporary vampire film, paranormal romance, and science fiction. They emphasise the background of colonial revolution and racial oppression in the early nineteenth century and the cultural shifts of postmodernity.
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Humanities & Social SciencesDecember 2024Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/2
Higher Learning and Civic Cultures of Knowledge: Manchester 1824–2024
by Stuart Jones
The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia, have a global reach and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections.
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ADHS ist kein Makel
Hilfreiche Strategien für Kinder und Erwachsene
by Hallowell, Edward M. Ratey, John J.
1. Auflage
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Literature & Literary StudiesDecember 2023Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 99/2
by Stephen Mossman, Cordelia Warr
The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections. The editors invite the submission of articles in these fields and welcome discussion of in-progress projects.
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Literature & Literary StudiesApril 2021John Derricke's The Image of Irelande: with a Discoverie of Woodkarne
by Thomas Herron, Denna Iammarino, Maryclaire Moroney, Joshua Samuel Reid
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Humanities & Social SciencesOctober 2024Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/1
by Fred Schurink, Rachel Winchcombe
The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia, have a global reach and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017The Arctic in the British imagination 1818–1914
by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Rob David
The Arctic region has been the subject of much popular writing. This book considers nineteenth-century representations of the Arctic, and draws upon an extensive range of evidence that will allow the 'widest connections' to emerge from a 'cross-disciplinary analysis' using different methodologies and subject matter. It positions the Arctic alongside more thoroughly investigated theatres of Victorian enterprise. In the nineteenth century, most images were in the form of paintings, travel narratives, lectures given by the explorers themselves and photographs. The book explores key themes in Arctic images which impacted on subsequent representations through text, painting and photography. For much of the nineteenth century, national and regional geographical societies promoted exploration, and rewarded heroic endeavor. The book discusses images of the Arctic which originated in the activities of the geographical societies. The Times provided very low-key reporting of Arctic expeditions, as evidenced by its coverage of the missions of Sir John Franklin and James Clark Ross. However, the illustrated weekly became one of the main sources of popular representations of the Arctic. The book looks at the exhibitions of Arctic peoples, Arctic exploration and Arctic fauna in Britain. Late nineteenth-century exhibitions which featured the Arctic were essentially nostalgic in tone. The Golliwogg's Polar Adventures, published in 1900, drew on adult representations of the Arctic and will have confirmed and reinforced children's perceptions of the region. Text books, board games and novels helped to keep the subject alive among the young.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2025A grand strategy of peace
Britain and the creation of the United Nations Organization, 1939-1945
by Andrew Ehrhardt
A grand strategy of peace is the first detailed account of Britain's role in the creation of the United Nations Organization during the Second World War. As a work of traditional diplomatic history that brings in elements of intellectual history, the book describes how British officials, diplomats, politicians, and writers - previously seen to be secondary actors to the United States in this period - thought about, planned for, and helped to establish a future international order. While in the present day, many scholars and analysts have returned to the origins of the post- 1945 international system, this book offers an exhaustive account of how the statesmen and more importantly, the officials working below the statesmen, actually conceived of and worked to establish a post-war world order.
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November 2016Die Staatslehre John C. Calhouns.
(Staats- und völkerrechtliche Abhandlungen IV.2).
by Elliott, Edward G.
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The ArtsOctober 20174 saints in 3 acts
A snapshot of the American avant-garde in the 1930s
by Patricia Allmer, John Sears
Four Saints in Three Acts by Gertrude Stein and Virgil Thomson was a major avant-garde phenomenon of the 1930s, an experimental opera that nonetheless achieved remarkable popular success. Photography was a key element of that success, but its complex roles in the construction, representation and dissemination of the opera have hitherto received little critical attention. The photographic recording of the all-African American cast in particular affords a unique insight into the complexities of Four Saints in relation to the Harlem Renaissance and the New York avant-gardes of the time. This book, published in collaboration with The Photographers' Gallery, London, presents a wide selection of photographs of the cast, performances, and other material - many images reproduced for the first time - alongside essays by an international range of scholars exploring different aspects of the opera, including dance, fashion, music, and avant-garde writing, as well as photography.
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Literature & Literary StudiesMay 2009The First and Second Parts of King Edward the Fourth
By Thomas Heywood
by David Bevington, Richard Rowland, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich
'Edward IV' (1599) was printed no less than six times up to 1626, and was one of the best loved plays of the early modern period, but this edition is the first since the 1870s. The play premiered at a moment when the representation of medieval history in any format was coming under the hostile scrutiny of the Elizabethan government. Yet the playwright produced a text which was at once generically complex (the play blurs the distinction between chronicle history and 'domestic' tragedy), brilliantly assured in its dramatic craftsmanship, and politically explosive. The text of this new paperback edition has already been used by the actors at Shakespeare's Globe when they gave the first London performance of 'Edward IV' for more than four centuries. By demonstrating the playwright's dextrous marshalling of a remarkable range of sources, and by examining afresh the dramatist's singular theatrical technique, this volume reopens an exciting if difficult play to a new generation of scholars and performers. ;
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October 1973Die See
Eine Komödie
by Edward Bond, Harald Mueller
Edward Bond wurde 1934 in der Londoner Vorstadt Holloway geboren. 1956 schrieb er erste Gedichte und Stückentwürfe und trat 1960 einer Dramatikergruppe um John Osborne, Arnold Wesker und John Arden bei. 1962 wurde Bonds erstes Stück, The Pope's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Papstes), in London uraufgeführt. Sein zweites Theaterstück, Saved (Gerettet), provozierte einen der größten Skandale der britischen Theatergeschichte: Das Stück wurde kurz nach seiner Premiere im November 1965 im Royal Court Theatre aufgrund von expliziter Gewaltdarstellung von der Zensur verboten. Die sich anschließende Diskussion um Freiheit der Kunst bewirkte 1968 das Ende der britischen Theaterzensur. Große Erfolge wurden Anfang der 1970er Jahre seine Lear-Bearbeitung und das Stück The Sea (Die See). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Stücke, Opernlibretti für Hans Werner Henze, Arbeit an Theatern, für den Film (u.a. Mitarbeit am Drehbuch zu Antonionis Film Blow up) und das Fernsehen. Edward Bond lebt in der Nähe von Cambridge. Harald Mueller, geb. am 18. Mai 1934 in Memel, war u. a. Theaterautor und Dramaturg. Für den Suhrkamp Verlag übersetzte er Werke von Bernard Shaw ins Deutsche. Er starb am 27. Dezember 2021.
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June 1994Die See, Gerettet und andere Stücke
by Edward Bond, Harald Mueller, Klaus Reichert, Christian Enzensberger
Edward Bond wurde 1934 in der Londoner Vorstadt Holloway geboren. 1956 schrieb er erste Gedichte und Stückentwürfe und trat 1960 einer Dramatikergruppe um John Osborne, Arnold Wesker und John Arden bei. 1962 wurde Bonds erstes Stück, The Pope's Wedding (Die Hochzeit des Papstes), in London uraufgeführt. Sein zweites Theaterstück, Saved (Gerettet), provozierte einen der größten Skandale der britischen Theatergeschichte: Das Stück wurde kurz nach seiner Premiere im November 1965 im Royal Court Theatre aufgrund von expliziter Gewaltdarstellung von der Zensur verboten. Die sich anschließende Diskussion um Freiheit der Kunst bewirkte 1968 das Ende der britischen Theaterzensur. Große Erfolge wurden Anfang der 1970er Jahre seine Lear-Bearbeitung und das Stück The Sea (Die See). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten zahlreiche Stücke, Opernlibretti für Hans Werner Henze, Arbeit an Theatern, für den Film (u.a. Mitarbeit am Drehbuch zu Antonionis Film Blow up) und das Fernsehen. Edward Bond lebt in der Nähe von Cambridge. Harald Mueller, geb. am 18. Mai 1934 in Memel, war u. a. Theaterautor und Dramaturg. Für den Suhrkamp Verlag übersetzte er Werke von Bernard Shaw ins Deutsche. Er starb am 27. Dezember 2021. Klaus Reichert, geboren 1938, emeritierter Professor für Anglistik an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1964-1968 Lektor in den Verlagen Suhrkamp und Insel, 2002-2011 Präsident der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung in Darmstadt. Autor, Übersetzer und Herausgeber (u. a. der Joyce-Ausgabe des Suhrkamp Verlages). Christian Enzensberger, geboren 1931 in Nürnberg und verstorben 2009 in München, war Professor für Englische Literaturgeschichte an der Universität München. Er übersetzte zahlreiche Werke aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche.
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May 1991Intentionalität
Eine Abhandlung zur Philosophie des Geistes
by Harvey P. Gavagai, John R. Searle
Nach seinen sprachphilosophischen Arbeiten ('Sprechakte', stw 458; 'Ausdruck und Bedeutung', stw 349) hat John R. Searle mit 'Intentionalität' eine Untersuchung zu einem Kernstück der Philosophie des Geistes vorgelegt, die in einem engen thematischen Zusammenhang mit den früheren Arbeiten steht. Intentionalität ist nach Searles Auffassung die Basis sprachlicher Bedeutung. In seiner Theorie der Intentionalität geht es um die begrifflichen Eigenschaften intentionaler Zustände (auf die Frage nach ihrem ontologischen Status geht er ausführlicher ein in 'Geist, Hirn und Wissenschaft', stw 591). Zwei Aspekte stehen dabei im Vordergrund der Untersuchung: die Logik der Repräsentation und der Kausalität intentionaler Zustände. Doch Searle entwickelt in dieser Arbeit nicht nur eine Theorie der Intentionalität und des Zusammenhangs zwischen sprachlichem und geistigem Inhalt. In einem vornehmlich kritischen Teil setzt er sich ausführlich mit konkurrierenden Auffassungen aus dem Bereich der analytischen Philosophie auseinander, insbesondere mit derzeit sehr einflußreichen 'nicht-deskriptivistischen' Theorien des Bezugs, wie sie von S. Kripke, H. Putnam, K. Donnellan, T. Burge und D. Kaplan vertreten und angeregt wurden.
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Literature & Literary StudiesJune 2016The Troublesome Reign of John, King of England
By George Peele
by David Bevington, Charles Forker, Charles R. Forker, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich
Forker's critical edition fills the need for a fully annotated, historically contextualised and modernised text of the most important Elizabethan chronicle play apart from Shakespeare and Marlowe's Edward II. Now attributed definitely to George Peele, this drama helped to establish a major theatrical genre, raising contemporary political and religious issues through the dramatisation of medieval history in a compelling and popular fashion. A major source for Shakespeare, it throws new light on the bard's adaptation of earlier drama and helps to illustrate his working methods. With the full introduction and generous notes this Revels Plays edition will be the first port of call for students and enthusiasts of Elizabethan and early modern drama. ;
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Literature & Literary StudiesMay 2024David, Donne and Thirsty Deer
Selected Essays of Anne Lake Prescott
by Anne Lake Prescott, Roger Kuin, William A. Oram
For nearly half a century Anne Lake Prescott has been a force and an inspiration in Renaissance studies. A force, because of her unique blend of learning and wit and an inspiration through her tireless encouragement of younger scholars and students. Her passion has always been the invisible bridge across the Channel: the complex of relations, literary and political, between Britain and France. The essays in this long-awaited collection range from Edmund Spenser to John Donne, from Clément Marot to Pierre de Ronsard. Prescott has a particular fondness for King David, who appears several times; and the reader will encounter chessmen, bishops, male lesbian voices and Roman whores. Always Prescott's immense erudition is accompanied by a sly and gentle wit that invites readers to share her amusement. Reading her is a joyful education.
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August 2009Ich, John
by Peter Murphy, Karsten Kredel
John Devine würde am liebsten abhauen. Raus aus Kilcody, dem irischen Provinznest, weg von seiner ewig besorgten, kettenrauchenden Mutter Lily, die ihn mit morbiden Bibelsprüchen erzieht. Doch dann tritt Jamey Corboy in sein Leben, ein Jahr älter, mehr Stil als ganz Kilcody zusammen, Rimbaud in der Manteltasche und gute Beziehungen zu finsteren lokalen Gangstern. Mit einem Mal ist Johns Leben voller Möglichkeiten – und voller Abgründe. Ich, John kombiniert einen hypnotischen Erzählstrom mit der unheimlichen Stimmung eines Tim-Burton-Films. - Coming of Age in der märchenhaften Atmosphäre der irischen Landschaft - Lesereise von Peter Murphy in Deutschland - „So erfrischend und originell, so aufwühlend und mutig! Ein absolut wunderbares Buch.“ Colm Tóibín