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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020


        Die schnellsten Liebesgeschichten der Welt

        by Clara Paul

        Manchmal geht es ganz schnell: ein Blick, ein Blitzeinschlag – man ist verliebt. Und schon beginnt: eine Liebes-Geschichte. Diese Anthologie versammelt die schönsten Sekundenstorys und Minutennovellen über die Liebe: romantische, heftige, überraschende, intensive, atemberaubende, tieftraurige und sehr, sehr lustige Lovestorys, die einem zum Lachen, Grübeln oder Seufzen bringen; manche sind nur sechs Worte lang, andere lassen sich mehr Zeit für den Blitzeinschlag der Liebe – und allem, was dann folgt ... Mit Geschichten von Margaret Atwood, Peter Bichsel, Julio Cortázar, Nora Ephron, Eduardo Galeano, Elke Heidenreich, A. L. Kennedy, Yasunari Kawabata, Haruki Murakami, Joyce Carol Oates, Dorothy Parker, Roger Willemsen und vielen, vielen anderen.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1993

        Johnny Shines oder Die Wiedererweckung der Toten


        by Patrick Roth

        Johnny Shines ist 37 Jahre alt. Der vom Christusbefehl (»Weckt Tote auf!«) Besessene folgt einer Mission: Immer wieder mischt Johnny sich bei Beerdigungen unter die Trauergesellschaften und drängt sich an den Sarg, um ihn mit einem eigens für diese Tat präparierten Stemmeisen aufzubrechen und dem im Sarg liegenden toten Körper zu befehlen: »Steh auf!« Am 21. Dezember 1992 aber bezichtigt sich Johnny Shines des Mordes an einer Frau. Hallie Doniphan soll sie geheißen haben. Eine Frau ist es nun auch, die, noch zur selben Nacht, in der Gefängniszelle das Verhör mit Johnny Shines beginnt. Hier, auf der Nachtmeerfahrt eines Gesprächs durch die Vergangenheit des Johnny Shines, findet ein überraschter Mörder sein Opfer: eine Frau, die vom Tod erlöst, ihm das »Neue Abendmahl« stiftet. Sieben Jahre später, also exakt zur zukünftigen Jahrtausendwende, wird bei Ausgrabungsarbeiten auf dem Friedhof in Blade ein Sarg aufgebrochen - und Johnny Shines zur Legende.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Potential Pulses

        Genetic and Genomic Resources

        by Rahul Chandora, T Basavaraja, Aditya Pratap, Daniel B. Adewale, Michael Abberton, Gopal Katna, Parul Sharma, Kanishka Chandora, Martial Nounagnon, Gautier Roko, Nadège Adoukè Agbodjato, Durand Dah-Nouvlessounon, Olubukola Oluranti Babalola, Lamine Baba-Moussa, Mithlesh Kumar, Kirti Rani, Shailesh Kumar Jain, Moti Lal Mehriya, Gayacharan, Swarup K. Parida, Amit Kumar Singh, Debashish Chattopadhyay, D. C. Joshi, P.S. Basavaraj, Ramya Rathod, Krishna Kumar Jangid, K.M. Boraiah, C.B. Harisha, H.M. Halli, Kuldeep Tripathi, K. Sammi Reddy, Carine Nono Temegne, Isabel Milagros Gavilan Figari, Esaïe Tsoata, Paul Agendia, Francis Ajebesone Ngome, Anupam Tripathi, S. Gurumurthy, C. Mahadevaiah, Devindrappa

        The fight against global hunger demands a fresh perspective. Lesser-known legumes, often called 'potential pulses', can play a pivotal role. These underutilized powerhouses, including adzuki bean, bambara groundnut, faba bean, cowpea, grass pea and horse gram, among others, are currently untapped resources. Their potential goes beyond their ability to thrive in harsh environments (caused by high temperature, drought, etc.) and fix nitrogen. With increased understanding of these legumes and their genetic and genomic potential, we can unlock a new world of sustainable and nutritious food sources. This book explores: The rich genetic diversity of potential pulses and its role in resilience. How advanced genomics can identify traits for improved yields, pest resistance, and climate adaptation. Strategies for conserving and utilizing these valuable genetic resources. Breeding programmes harnessing genetic potential to create next-generation pulse varieties. Focusing on the untapped genetic and genomic potential of these legumes, this book empowers researchers, breeders, and policymakers to unlock a new era of food and nutritional security. By leveraging the power of their genes, we can transform underutilized pulses into the nutritional heroes of tomorrow.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        July 1990

        The Heart's Haven

        by Jill Barnett

        Jill Barnett's very first title, The Heart's Haven, won the Persie Award for Best First Book. The lawless, gold-hungry town of San Francisco is no place to raise a family, but Hallie Fredriksen has little choice after her mother’s sudden death. Her father’s call to sea takes him away for months at a time, and there is no one but Hallie to raise her headstrong sisters and impish twin brothers. The young Fredriksen clan is a handful, but the last person Hallie needs involved is Kit Howland, the arrogant and handsome whaling agent who is her father’s good friend…and her own secret crush. But Kit has been burned by love and thought himself immune to feelings of the heart, until he is face to face with the most unlikely beauty, who captures his heart with her spirit and laughter. He refuses to trust his feelings, refuses to forget the past and step into the dangerous territory of love and desire. Then fate makes them an instant family, binds them as husband and wife in wild town full of danger, and where their battle of wills and love is as treacherous as the stormy sea and as thrilling as the rush for gold.

      • Romance

        Vrij Worden

        by Jan Prins

        A resident of the Rosa Spier house in Laren takes us through various stages of life. It will be shown including aspects that were previously hidden from us, but they have a major impact on our daily lives, such as the Skull & Bones and Freemasonry. The book is a hybrid of the description of a part of the personal life of the author and a description of his quest for the Beautiful in all its forms. ---------------- Een bewoner van het Rosa Spier Huis in Laren voert ons door allerlei fasen van het leven. Er worden o.a. aspecten getoond die eerder voor ons verborgen waren, maar die van grote invloed zijn op ons leven van alledag, zoals die van de Skull & Bones en van de Vrijmetselarij. Het boek is een mengvorm van de beschrijving van een deel van het persoonlijke leven van de auteur en een beschrijving van zijn zoektocht naar het Schone in al zijn vormen.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2015


        A Simplified Textbook

        by G. Kathiresan

        This is books covers the entire course contents as per the revised syllabus of ICAR for students of agrometeorology. Written in simple and understandable language; fully supported by figures, diagrams, equations and formulas to help the beginners. In short the book is a must for beginners in its field

      • Children's & YA
        April 2019

        What Do You Dream About?

        by Kadri Hinrikus, Anu Kalm

        Kids’ lives are nowhere as easy as grown-ups might think! For example, Eve’s father works far away in the capital, so the girl misses him all the time. Andreas, on the other hand, is worried that his parents are in over their heads with taking care of his baby sister – all it’s been since she was born is nothing but work and caring for her, with hardly any time left over for chatting and having fun. Helen, who is a city girl, finds herself afraid of everything when she attends her great-uncle’s birthday celebration in the countryside: frogs, worms, bees – you name it. Jake is certainly there to support her, but then, a surprising sense of unease creeps into his heart, too. It sure is nice when there are adults around who know to take kids’ worries seriously. And it sure is astounding when they’re able to offer a pretty good solution!

      • Biography & True Stories

        AND THEN THAT'S ENOUGH: Manifesto of a Black Italian Female

        by Espérance Hakuzwimana Ripanti

        After a life spent answering other people's questions and curiosities, about her origins, her skin, her opinions, Espérance Hakuzwimana Ripanti uses writing as a tool to regain her space and expose herself, reveal herself – in her own way, in her own terms, on her own conditions. "And Then Enough is the story of how I came out of my room making real everything I found in books and over the years. A hero's call to which I responded in my own way, never forgetting my story, which began in Rwanda, and the limits found on the streets of Italy. The story of myself, which I only wanted to read, and of a summer that instead changed my life." But it is also the story of her traveling companions, of the experiences that marked her the most, of the protagonists who shared the front lines with her. An essay, a biography, a ballad, a manifesto: the story of her struggle against prejudice, and finally the search for solutions.

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