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        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book III

        Gorgeous Stories and Myths

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   Gorgeous Stories and Myths is the third book of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series. It presents the extracts of myths in the Classic of Mountains and Rivers and the stories related to them, including "The Mythical Bird Jingwei Trying to Fill Up the Sea with Pebbles", "Houyi Shooting Down Nine Suns", and "Kuafu Racing with the Sun". In order to find what is behind the myths, the author probes into the history, nature, geography and culture of ancient China. It inspires the young readers, opens up their views and encourages them to explore the origin of China's myths and how they had grown.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Shi Ji for Teenagers

        by Zhang Jiahua

        Shi Ji (The Records of the Great Historian) is the first biographical historical book in China, compiled by Sima Qian from 104 BC to 90 BC. This book contains records from the Yellow Emperor (the forefather of Chinese in legend) to Han Emperor Wudi, covering the history of more than 3,000 years.   To help today's children better appreciate such a great work, the famous children's literature writer Zhang Jiahua created this set of books Shi Ji for Teenagers. In this book series, there are 60 pieces of writing, which have been composed based on outstanding figures selected from Shi Ji, including emperors, generals, sons of notable families, counselors, educators, warriors, philosophers, and assassins.   Upon publication, this book series has just captured reader's interest with vivid story telling. It has been sold for more than 5 millions of copies and won more than 10 awards, including the "China Excellent Publication Award."

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Five Heads of Garlic

        by Chang Xin'gang

        Five Heads of Garlic tells stories of five teenagers with different personalities. Close to the entrance exam to the junior high school, they got into trouble on all sides under the family and school pressure.   The book is focused on teenagers' problems in their growth. What reactions and countermeasures will different children have amid family conflicts and under the pressure of school work? Where is the big gap among parents, schools and children and how should they find the way to a settlement? Perhaps children, parents and schools may see themselves in the book and get some of the answers.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors

        Ein lässiger Generationenroman aus Indien

        by Aravind Jayan, Daniel Beskos

        Es ist mehr als nur ein neues Auto. Für Appa und Amma der indischen Kleinfamilie beglaubigt der weiße Honda Civic – »Weiß ist gut. Das wirkt sauber« – den Aufstieg. Mittelschicht, harter Arbeit Lohn, die Kinder werden es mal besser haben. Natürlich sollen die Nachbarn das sehen! Doch Sreenath, ihr Ältester, verhält sich seltsam, kommt nicht mal runter in die Einfahrt, und sehr bald wissen sie und ihr Jüngster sowieso: Ein Video ist aufgetaucht, eins von Sreenath und seiner Freundin, auf einer dieser Seiten. Seit Jahren sind sie ein Paar, trotzdem bedeutet dieses heimlich gefilmte Video eine unerhörte Schande, und eine sagenhafte Eskalation nimmt seinen Lauf … Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors ist ein beißender Generationenroman aus Indien. Aravind Jayan erzählt darin mit der Lässigkeit der Jungen von Scham, Repression und Tradition im Angesicht von Klasse, Sex, dem Internet. Und doch beschreibt er mit Zärtlichkeit eine Heimat, die fortwährend mit der eigenen Modernisierung kämpft.

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        A Civil Code Comic Book that Children Can Understand

        by Du Zili, Du Chang'en

        This book presents a selection of articles in the Civil Code that are relevant to teenagers, and it explains the Civil Code in a question-and-answer format through comic and specific cases. The combination of fun and knowledge in the format prevents readers from becoming intimidated by the legal language. Each case is closely related to social hot topics, and each issue is professionally explained by legal scholars to provide legal countermeasures, which not only facilitates teenagers' learning and understanding, but also makes it easy for them to apply their knowledge to solve legal problems in their lives. Through the youth-friendly ways to promote legal education, to help them better understand and use the law as a tool.

      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys

        by Le Fan, Duan Zhang Qu Yi

        There is a pervading idea, both in the east and west, that "big boys don't cry". To reach some cultural ideal of a "real man", boys are too often pushed to be tough and stoic and suppress their emotions. The Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys challenges this old tradition. Of course boys cry, and we should let them cry!   The series contains five books. I Want to Cry encourages boys to express their vulnerable feelings in appropriate ways. I Don't Want to Hit Back encourages boys to follow their hearts and stick up for themselves in the way they like. I am a Coward talks about self-acceptance. I Don't Want to be a Big Brother is for boys experiencing issues with new siblings. I Didn't Hear You talks about protecting boys' own little worlds.   All five stories came from author Le Fan's real experiences of raising two sons as a mother. While the books are certainly children's books, they could even be viewed as parent handbooks of sorts. The author has written their parents and other adults in little boys' eyes, and calls for parents and society to raise boys differently and understandingly so they can grow in positive, healthy ways.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010

        Training Program for Adolescents - Development of Work and Social Behavior

        Aufbau von Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten

        by Franz Petermann, Ulrike Petermann

        This training program helps teenagers between the ages of 13 and 20 years to practice competent work and social behavior in their daily routines, reducing aggressive, antisocial and unsafe behavior and raising the teenagers’ self-confidence. The training can be used both in school and therapeutic settings, and may also be used as an additional tool in centers for vocational training and juvenile detention. The book includes a CD-Rom that contains all materials needed in the training program. Target Group: For psychologists, educators, school psychologists, counselors, child and adolescent psychologists and psychotherapists, and pedagogues working with teenagers with social behavioral issues.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories


        by Volodymyr Arenev

        This is the world of the distant future – comfortable, bright and full of hopes and expectations. This is Kyiv, in which kids fly to school on jetpacks and study at the School of Space Travelling. And this is Mykhailo Neborak, an ordinary schoolboy who on one April day meets Oleksandr Nenarok, a new boy in his school. And this newbie knows a lot of strange and dangerous things about this beautiful and comfortable world of the future… ‘Sapiences’ is a sci-fi novel for teenagers set in Kyiv of 2178. One of the protagonists, Oleksandr Nenarok, has two moms, a necromant grandpa and an iron heart. Dangerous adventures, interplanetary voyages and fighting against galactic thugs – the readers will find all these in the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Born Hutsi

        by Fiston Mudacumura

        The author was raised in a family of only survivors from the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis. Even FARG (A survivors fund) allegedly paid for his school fees for some time. Through FARG reform, he learned that his father had associated with perpetrators even if he was also killed in 1994. Digesting that information as a teenager was not easy. In this book, you read about his other close-to-normal upbringing like infatuation, sex advice from fellow teenagers, getting conned in Paris and arrested on his first trip to France, his take from the "Ndi umunyarwanda" campaign, #PK saving him from getting expelled at the university, joining a political party at the university,...

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        by Kotryna Zylė

        Changeling is a rebellious novel about creativity, youth and the raging intensity of teenage emotional life. The gripping story plunges the reader into the depths of a mystical town, a haunting and haunted place, where boundaries between the real and the otherworldly become dangerously blurred. A strange and electrifying tale of teenage disenchantment, Changeling is a work of stunning emotional force that captures the twisted complexities of family relationships and friendships, first love, and the quest for self-definition. Guided by short introductions to Baltic mythology, readers will find themselves in an urban landscape steeped in pagan and post-Soviet history.

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        Children's & YA

        Strange book

        by Alexander Asatiani

        All books have either writing, pictures or both in it, but the book that Ellen got as a gift has neither. It does, however, have extraordinary recording powers. Like in so many of Sandro’s stories, in The Strange Book it is completely natural for dreams to merge with reality. Through the matter-of-fact occurrence of unlikely events, The Strange Book tells a story of growing up without abandoning the inner child.

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        Children's & YA

        Gou’er Drifting from a Boat

        by Huang Beijia

        Gou’er Drifting from a Boat is a novel about growth. In the small neighborhood with the name “The Yard of Phoenix Tree”, a group of children whose parents are middle school teachers and quite an ordinary girl become good friends and they try all the games under the sun. The reader may join the group, among which there is the clever Xiao’ai, the learned Fang Mingliang, the noble Bunny, the naughty Xiao Shan and Xiao Shui, the fairy-like Little Sister and the hero Gou’er, the very ordinary girl who has high aspiration but bad fortune. With this group the reader may go scooping for fish with a net, catching cicadas with something sticky, secretly taking books out of school libraries, reading the comic strips A Dream of Red Mansions without parents’ permission, writing letters directly to the Great Leader Mao Zedong, looking small before a beautiful coryphée, feeling nervous at the bodily changes at teenage, tasting the vague love between teenagers and lots of other things. Reading the novel is like viewing an ancient film, offering the reader not only great fun and joy but also melancholy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Girls

        by Le Fan, Liu Chanjuan, Liu Jiaxi

        While growing up, girls are more likely than boys to receive contradictory expectations from different aspects of their lives: parents, teachers, peers, society, and themselves. They could be rebellious but at the same time remain "good girls". They could express anger against bullies at school while simultaneously meeting teachers' expectations of nonaggressive behavior. They could be powerful and competitive at the same time that they worry about being considered "unfeminine". Girls struggle with these conflicting messages in their everyday lives, trying to please all these other people and losing track of themselves. Writer Le Fan, who has experienced the same contradictions as growing up, hopes that girls could love themselves, put themselves first a little more. So here comes the Picture Books about Emotion Management for Girls.   The series contains five stories of five courageous little girls who were experiencing confusion in their lives. Little Le Fan in I am not Just a Good Girl tried to find the balance between two sides of herself—a cool girl and a good girl. Xiaoxiao in I love myself learned to be more confident and accepted her new look after her baby teeth fell out. Jiang in I'm so Jealous learned to deal with jealousy towards her best friend. A timid girl Xiao in I can Say No strived to express herself and stop the little boy's bullies. Feng in I Really Want to Win embraced her inner "tomboy" with daddy's encouragement. All the five little girls, though struggling, broke out of cultural and societal stereotypes swirling around them and became their true selves.

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Super Agent 000. The Mystery of the Golden Kangaroo

        by Lesia Voronyna

        As any superhero, the invincible Super Agent 000 untangles the most mysterious crimes, defeats the most cunning enemies and saves the world from the otherwise inevitable destruction. The ironic detective story by the modern Ukrainian writer Lesya Voronyna has gone legendary. Full of jokes, irony and funny clues, the adventures of Hryts Mamay will be appealing to not only children and teenagers, but also their parents, if they happened to miss the first, now rare, editions of the book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Teenagers Reading Chinese Philosophy

        by Zhang Jiahua

        In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period of ancient China, the philosophical views of various schools met and contended, arousing a more brilliant spark of wisdom. The epic and unprecedented movement in the academy world was called the "Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought." Scholars of various schools have written their wisdom achievements that they strove to secure through lifetime hard work into their own academic works, leaving us with a timeless ideological wealth that can teach us morals and enlighten our wisdom.   With simple and fluent texts and concise interpretation, Teenagers Reading Chinese Philosophy systematically introduces the essence of the philosophical thoughts of philosophers including Confucius, Mencius, Mozi, Laozi, Zhuangzi, Xun Kuang, and Han Feizi. As an enlightening book of Chinese philosophy designed for children, it eliminates the barriers to reading classical Chinese in the pre-Qin period, and makes the "abstruse and mysterious" philosophy easy for children to understand.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        July 2008

        Guide to Cultivated Plants

        by Edited by A T G Elzebroek, K Wind

        Representing almost 80 years of combined experience, Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full colour illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise 11 commodity groups ranging from vegetables, both horticulture and forages species, and arable crops to the major fruits and plantation crops. All major cultivated plants from temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climates are covered and the morphology, botany, ecology, agronomy and use of cultivated crops is fully discussed.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture storybooks
        December 2017

        The Complete Guide to Being a Monster

        by Chetram, Astika / Ricciardi, Danica

        Every little monster faces challenges while growing up. Wouldn't it be great to have someone teach you how to deal with these challenges? The Complete Guide to Being a Monster is a fantastic read on how to be the best monster you can possibly be... have you practiced your roar? Have you embraced the dark for its glow worms and twinkling stars? Have you built a lair yet? Follow three adorable little monsters, Ike, Spike and Mia, as they discover what it means to be a monster, and learn what it means to enjoy being you.

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        Children's & YA
        October 2004

        Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water. Trilogy

        by Serhii Oksenyk

        Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book II. LelyaCould be there anything more frightening than when The Bald Man and The Barefoot come to the village? Who steals magic stuff from kids? How to transform yourself into a flying old witch whose name is Baba Yaga? Where does the last way of the werewolves end? You will find the exciting answers to all these questionsin this new novel about the adventures of Lelya, The Bald Man and their friends in horrible world where almost nothing good and bright left…But there is no other world! Book III. AN ENGINEER. Looks like we have already found out what is that evil Force that wants to destroy all people and all living creatures on the Earth but nobody knows how to overcome it. The Bald Man proposed a plan, which looked so hopeless, terrifying, and adventurous that nobody liked it - nor Marichka, neither Lelya or The Beard Man, but yet all our heroes and even the rooster named Falkon agree to participate and to help. It is scary even to imagine how the story might end. And yet – where did this dark underground Force came from? Why is it so hostile to everything alive? The answers to these questions probably are hidden in the fate of another character, who called himself an Engineer. The last book of a trilogy “Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water” is as full of fantastic adventures and adventure fiction as the two previous ones: “The Bald Man” and “Lelya”.

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