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      • Gramedia Publishers

        We provide a very rich variety of children's books, fiction and non-fiction which rights have been sold and translated into different languages in Asia, Europe, and Middle-East.

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        We are a Spanish graphic novel publisher, specialized in comic books for adults, young readers and children. Our publications are mostly one shot and we work with all literary genres. Click here to discover our graphic novel catalogue, as well as those of the comic publishers and authors that we also represent.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Egypt and the rise of fluid authoritarianism

        Political ecology, power and the crisis of legitimacy

        by Maria Gloria Polimeno

        Egypt and the rise of fluid authoritarianism focuses on the struggle of the post-2013 political authorities for internal political legitimacy after the crisis following the 2013 coup d'état. It explores the microstructural and macro-systemic dynamics of leadership, power, protests and the authority-making process in political systems. These cannot simply be defined as structural, political, social and economic projections of the authoritarianism of the past, but rather as a rupture with that past. The book offers a complex, ground-breaking socio-political and economic analysis into how the forging of an internal political legitimacy claim has eventually modified the regime in Egypt along the authoritarian spectrum, turning into a fluid autocracy closer to a non-exclusivist personalist regime. This shift had implications that resonated both politically and economically.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2025

        The political economy of Turkey’s integration to Europe

        Uneven development and hegemony

        by Elif Uzgören

        This book examines Turkey's integration with Europe within structural dynamics of globalisation from a critical political economy perspective. Critical approaches have been sidelined within European Studies. Turkish enlargement is not an exemption. The analyses are based on original data generated by 109 interviews conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2023 with five categories of actors: representatives of capital and labour, political parties, state officials, and struggles around ecology, patriarchy and migration. It argues that the pro-membership was hegemonic in the 2000s which was contested by two rival class strategies, Ha-vet and neo-mercantilism. In the 2010s, pro-membership is no longer hegemonic within rising critical tone of social forces supporting rival class strategies. Unevenness of Turkey's trajectory of integration to Europe is likely to be consolidated through market integration and management of migration through transactional approach.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1985

        Was ist Neokonservatismus?

        by Helmut Dubiel

        Oben, auf der Mastspitze, im Ausguck sitzen die Kolumnenschreiber. Karten auf den Knien studieren sie Untiefen, Küstenlinien und Fahrtrinnen. Manchmal, wenn sie in Verlegenheit kommen, bedienen sie sich der Hilfe sozialwissenschaftlich versierter Geographen, die ihnen die fehlenden Stichworte zurufen. Die »formierte Gesellschaft« war ein solches Stickwort in den sechziger, »Unregierbarkeit« und »Wertewandel« bestimmten die siebziger Jahre. Es gibt Anzeichen dafür, daß dieses Jahrzehnt das des »Neokonservatismus« ist. Der vorliegende Essay geht davon aus, daß nicht das Wort »Neokonservatismus«, wohl aber das, was es objektiv bezeichnet, die politisch-intellektuelle Szenerie westlicher Gesellschaften noch bestimmen wird, wenn die tagespolitischen Umstände, unter denen es seine gegenwärtige Karriere antrat, längst in den Archiven der Zeitgeschichte verschwunden sind. Deshalb zeichnet er zunächst nach, wie die neokonservative sozialwissenschaftliche Intelligenz in den USA und der Bundesrepublik die zentralen politischen Diskurse »besetzt« hat. Der praktisch-politische Erfolg ihres semantischen Feldzuges in den siebziger Jahren liest sich wie eine Bestätigung von Gramscis Behauptung, daß die politische Macht der »kulturellen Hegemonie« auf dem Fuße folgt. Die ideologiepolitische Topographie wird im Licht der kritischen Theorie des Spätkapitalismus kritisiert. Anhand einer Reinterpretation der Begriffe »Kultur«, »Demokratie«, »Gleichheit«, »Wohlfahrt« und »Intelligenz« wird die These entfaltet, daß der konservative Bann über die gegenwärtige Politik nur durch eine neue Buchstabierung des Fortschritts gebrochen werden kann.

      • Education

        Social Justice Education for Teachers

        Paulo Freire and the Possible Dream

        by Torres, C. A.

        Social Justice Education for Teachers: Paulo Freire and the Possible Dream is a book that will help teachers in their commitment to and praxis of an education for social justice. The book traces the reception of Freire’s ideas in the USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia and provides some glimpses of topical yet seminal interventions in the philosophy of education, including studies of the relationships between Freire and Rousseau, Freire and Dewey, or Freire and Gramsci. In addition it addresses how Freire's ideas could be implemented in urban education, both in the industrialized and developing world, and how the debates about globalization today need to addressed also with the politics of liberation as a possible dream. Three of the authors, Moacir Gadotti, Carlos Alberto Torres, and José Eustaquio Romão with the help of Paulo Freire, created the first Paulo Freire Institute in São Paulo, Brazil in 1991, and worked very closely with Freire for more than two decades, while the remaining scholars/activist are noted Freirean scholars and urban educators devoting their research, teaching and political activism to promote tools of conviviality and models of policy that will make this a better world, a less ugly world, a world, in the words of Freire, where it will be easier to love.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        Schleichend an die Macht

        Wie die Neue Rechte Geschichte instrumentalisiert, um Deutungshoheit über unsere Zukunft zu erlangen

        by Andreas Audretsch/Claudia Gatzka (Hg)

        Slinking Into Power How the New Right is Instrumentalizing History to Gain Interpretational Sovereignty over Our Future   The New Right’s culture war A European perspective from renowned experts Contributions from Andreas Audretsch, Claudia Gatzka, Paul Jürgensen, Jürgen Kocka, Markus Linden, Stephan Ozsváth, Hedwig Richter   The New Right is striving for power within Europe. One of its strongest strategies: the instrumentalizing of history to secure its perspective in the minds of people. Myths about nations, their heroes and their struggles for independence are being leveraged to make nationalism and ethnocentric thinking socially acceptable again. What this indicates is that we need to battle for the past so that the liberal basis of our society can have a future. In Germany, the Alternative for Germany party evokes over a millenia of glorious German culture. Matteo Salvini in Italy is stylizing himself in the tradition of his country’s freedom fighters. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán wants to lead his nation back to its “historical greatness.” And even in the midst of the Corona crisis, the New Right is promoting the concept of a nationalistic renaissance as a solution. The populist illusion of “pure” homogenous societies is supposed to emerge as the future’s political consensus. This book analyzes the New Right’s strategies across Europe and also functions as a call to politicians and scholars, teachers and civil servants, to stand up to the misuse of the historical narrative.


        by Nicola Spada

        The economic crisis of 2008 made Karl Marx’s works highly successful. Considering the growing impoverishment of developed countries, the increase of social inequalities, the threats of war and the spreading unemployment, one wonders whether Marxism cannot be a possible alternative to the current “sprawling globalization regime”. Therefore, Nicola Spada met him and interviewed him. It wasn’t easy, at the beginning, because Marx doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. Nevertheless, after a while he seems to have already forgotten the camera and lets himself go. His words are sharp, analytical, sometimes surprising (when he dismantles his dependence on Giorgio Hegel, for example, or when he clarifies the concept of religion as “opium of the people”). In this dialogue the basis of Marxist thought are deeply analyzed; a difficult but successful work, a book everyone can read. Politics, science, ethics, theology; what would you like to ask to the father of socialism? Here you will find the answers.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2019

        To the barricades. Culture, identity and political mobilization

        by José Álvarez Junco

        This book gathers some of the author’s many works, selected for their interest about recent historiographical debates. They analyze the main topics that have articulated his long research career: history and theory of social movements, especially of the workers; doctrines, ideologies, myths and rhetoric; the concept of populism and the evolution of nationalist phenomena. The monograph is a good example of the best academic analysis of culture, identity and political mobilization in contemporary Spain.

      • Music
        May 2011

        My Music

        Explorations of Music in Daily Life

        by Susan D. Crafts, Daniel Cavicchi, Charles Keil

        A first-hand exploration of the diverse roles music plays in people's lives.

      • Nos Altermondes

        by Nicolas Debandt

        A disturbingly accurate novel about today's global issues In a society were bees have disappeared and drinking water is near impossible to find, Humankind has to look for drastic alternatives. Some have to become pollinator, whereas others leave the planet to explore new ones, in search for water. While a power struggle sets between two interdependent continents, a climatic catastrophe shakes the populations.  Nathanael, migrant and father of two. Ellyn, model worker. Fates cross, lifes entwine, soon the political intrigues will stop to count the victims.  What consequences will emerge from their choices and those of two peoples at war ?

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2019

        The black book of communism in Brazil

        by Gustavo Marques

        Inspired by 'The Black Book of Communism', published by Stéphane Courtois in France in 1997, this book written by the diplomat Gustavo Henrique Marques Bezerra, deals with the history of the communist movement and its influence on political and cultural life Brazilian since the advent anarchism and Marxism, in the late nineteenth century until the early 1990s, with the collapse of the communist regimes of Eastern Europe. The book, which has monumental characteristics - it is the result of over 10 years of intense historical extensive and thorough research on more than 400 titles from primary sources (interviews, memoirs, interviews, documents) and secondary, domestic and foreign. It is divided into six chapters with almost 900 pages and thousands of notes - places emphasis on generally omitted facts and / or little explored by Brazilian historiography, mostly on the left, revealing the "dark side" of the Communists and their allies in Brazil over the twentieth century.

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