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We are publishing book about the central questions of our culture in politics, philosophy, art and history.
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Promoted ContentJuly 1998
Griechische Märchen
by Georgios Sarantis-Aridas, Georgios Sarantis-Aridas
Märchen wurden in Griechenland noch in unserem Jahrhundert fast täglich erzählt. Während der langen Winterabende versammelten sich die Nachbarn in einem Haus, verrichteten Handarbeiten und erzählten sich dabei Märchen, die von der Antike, dem christlichen Byzanz, den anwohnenden Völkern der Schwarzmeerküste und Kleinasiens und schließlich durch die lange Türkenherrschaft geprägt sind.
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April 2001Zusammenschau der frühgriechischen monodischen Melik
(Alkaios, Sappho, Anakreon)
by Tsomis, Georgios
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June 1998Akteneinsicht und Geheimhaltung im Verwaltungsrecht.
Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen und französischen Verwaltungsverfahrensrecht.
by Trantas, Georgios
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1993Einwanderung - und dann?
Perspektiven einer neuen Ausländerpolitik
by Schmalz-Jacobsen, Cornelia; Hinte, Holger; Tsapanos, Georgios
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October 2016Vom wahrhaft Unendlichen
Metaphysik und Theologie bei Wolfhart Pannenberg
by Herausgegeben von Wenz, Gunther; Beiträge von Nüssel, Friederike; Beiträge von Leuze, Reinhard; Beiträge von Mühlenberg, Ekkehard; Beiträge von SJ, Godehard Brüntrup; Beiträge von Dietz, Walter; Beiträge von Körner SJ, Felix; Beiträge von Oehl, Thomas; Beiträge von Schmidt SJ, Josef; Beiträge von Wenz, Gunther; Beiträge von Jaskolla, Ludwig; Beiträge von Leppek, Thorsten A.; Beiträge von Müller, Tobias; Beiträge von Sans SJ, Georg; Beiträge von Zigriadis, Georgios; Beiträge von Levin, Christoph; Beiträge von SJ, Harald Schöndorf; Beiträge von Krüger, Malte Dominik
June 2020
Warfare in the Norman Mediterranean
by Georgios Theotokis
Analyses of different aspects of the history of warfare in the Mediterranean in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
June 2022
Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Teaching Foreign Languages in Multilingual Settings
Pedagogical Implications
by Anna Krulatz, Georgios Neokleous, Anne Dahl
This book promotes linguistically responsive foreign language teaching practices in multilingual contexts by facilitating a dialogue between teachers and researchers. It advances a discussion of how to connect the acquisition of subsequent foreign languages with previous language knowledge to create culturally and linguistically inclusive foreign language classrooms, and how to strengthen the connection between research on multilingualism and foreign language teaching practice. The chapters present new approaches to foreign language instruction in multilingual settings, many of them forged in collaboration between foreign language teachers and researchers of multilingualism. The authors report findings of classroom-based research, including case studies and action research on topics such as the functions and applications of translanguaging in the foreign language classroom, the role of learners’ own languages in teaching additional languages, linguistically and culturally inclusive foreign language pedagogies, and teacher and learner attitudes to multilingual teaching approaches.
Analytical chemistryJanuary 2014
Global Metabolic Profiling: Clinical Applications
by Ian D Wilson, Georgios Theodoridis, Andrew Nicholls
The aim of many current global metabolic profiling studies is to discover and apply new metabolic biomarkers. These may be indicative of the mechanisms of disease or the propensity for it to develop, or may enable diagnosis, patient stratification, and prediction/monitoring of response to therapy. The use of global metabolic profiling in the clinic in the future seems assured, and it seems likely that future application will include novel innovations that will put metabolic profiling into the doctor’s consulting room or even into the hands of the surgeon in the operating theatre. The twelve chapters of this timely book provide a snapshot of the current state of the art in metabolic profiling in the clinic.
Erotic fictionAugust 2012
A Woman Possessed
Story 4 from the Naked Delirium anthology
by Velvet Tripp & Giorgio Verona
In this, the fifth story from the "Naked Delirium" collection, a young woman is left fighting for her very body and soul when a pagan ritual goes suddenly wrong, in A WOMAN POSSESSED by Velvet Tripp. Sinfully illustrated by Georgio Verona.
Erotic fictionAugust 2012
Sugarshuttle Express
Story 1 from the Naked Delirium anthology
by Sommer Marsden & Giorgio Verona
The first of the stories in the "Naked Delirium" collection. A three-day hike becomes a three-day high when Danny and Wren climb aboard the SUGARSHUTTLE EXPRES, in this sexy, mind-expanding tale by Sommer Marsden! Illustrated by Georgio Verona.
Women's Fiction
by Mara Charmanta
In this women’s short stories collection, you could stay so close to each woman’s lives, secrets, hidden truths and thoughts that seem impossible to be spoken out or put into words. Each story seems so different and separate, but at the same time, so charmingly and familiar. Those stories carry us away while at the same time, some figures of the women that impacted our lives may appear right before our eyes: our grandmother, mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, lover, daughter, the girl sitting right next to us on the subway and moreover… even our own selves. It works like a spectrum of souls and humanities, exploring the subtle, complicated inner world of the women and the intricate, intertwined relationship among them. Through those affairs and trial matters in the daily lives, we could see each live soul and read their characters, independent, generous, confessions, greed, envy, selfish, betray, redemption, dedication, love, friendship and every single feminine side.
Agriculture & farmingJune 2023
Vegetable Crops
2nd Revised and Enlarged Edition
by T.R. Gopalakrishnan &T. Pradeepkumar
Book entitled Vegetable Crops incorporated the latest information on area, production and productivity of important vegetables at the national and international level and scientific crop production practices of more than 70 vegetables right from nursery to marketing. Classification of vegetables based on their cultural requirement is followed for presentation and are chaptered as Solanaceous vegetables, Cucurbit vegetables, Okra, Legume vegetables, Cole crops, Bulb crops, Root crops, Potato, Tuber crops, Leafy vegetables, Salad vegetables and Perennial vegetables. The book has been revised and updated according to the new ICAR syllabus for UG and PG students containing information covering wide range of topics frequently asked in ICAR JRF/SRF/NET and ARS examinations. List of the latest varieties released from public sector research institutes, principles of vegetable nutrition, deficiency symptoms, open precision farming, fertigation schedule of important vegetable crops, protected cultivation, hydroponics and application of biotechnology are the new additions in the second edition.
Tropical agriculture: practice & techniques
Production Technology of Tropical and Sustropical Fruits
by P.K. Yadav
This book is designed to cater the needs of students of Horticulture and allied science. The main motive is to cover all important points about temperate fruit and plantation crops. These fruit crops need oriented text encompassing and the latest information about various aspects, to serve as a reliable source of information about production of temperate and plantation crops. This subject of fruit and plantation crops is highlighted in a concise manner using simple and lucid language so that it is understood well. This book is written from our experience of the past several decades. It deals with several temperate and plantation crops. Each chapter in this book has been presented and well written in accordance with the present scenario. It provides an overview and recent detailed information of all principles and management practices.