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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Die Geografie der Zukunft

        Wie der Kampf um Vorherrschaft im All unsere Welt verändern wird

        by Tim Marshall

      • Trusted Partner

        The Geography of Health

        The Spatial Dimension of Epidemiology and Treatment

        by Jobst Augustin, Daniela Koller

        This title is the first interdisciplinary book about geography and health that takes scientific methods and questions into account making it a great manual of international health geography research. The topics include: • spatial statistical analysis • mobility analysis in health research • GIS and mapping tools • cartographic visualization • health mapping • cancer epidemiology • morbidity • climate change and health – the example of Germany • global change and infectious diseases Target Group: Health scientists, geographers, doctors (epidemiologists)

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Schmales Gewässer, gefährliche Strömung

        Über den Konflikt in der Taiwanstraße | Eine hochaktuelle Einführung in den Konflikt um Taiwan

        by Stephan Thome

        Es ist ein Konflikt, der die Welt in Atem hält: Die kommunistische Führung in Peking betrachtet Taiwan als »abtrünnige Provinz«, die mit dem Mutterland vereinigt werden muss. Taipeh wiederum will seine faktische Unabhängigkeit und die hart erkämpfte Demokratie bewahren. Als führender Chip-Hersteller und aufgrund seiner Lage im westlichen Pazifik besitzt der Inselstaat zudem eine enorme Bedeutung für die Rivalität zwischen der Volksrepublik China und den USA. Nirgendwo ist eine direkte Konfrontation der beiden Supermächte wahrscheinlicher als in der Taiwanstraße. Stephan Thome, einer der besten deutschen Taiwan-Kenner, beleuchtet in seinem hochaktuellen Buch die Hintergründe dieses Konflikts, die in der medialen Berichterstattung meist zu kurz kommen. Er zeigt, warum Taiwans Geografie so wichtig ist und was aus ihr für eine mögliche militärische Auseinandersetzung folgt. In großen historischen Bögen erläutert er, wie Chinas Selbstverständnis als alte und neue Weltmacht, aber auch die amerikanische Bündnispolitik im Pazifik zur heutigen Situation beigetragen haben. Der Kampf um Taiwan hat längst begonnen und betrifft uns in Europa viel stärker, als wir glauben. »Ich will Leserinnen und Lesern helfen, den Konflikt in der Taiwanstraße besser zu verstehen ... Die aktuellen Spannungen resultieren aus historischen Entwicklungen, politischen Interessen und nationalen Pathologien, die in Deutschland nur zum Teil als bekannt gelten dürfen. Sie offenzulegen, ist das Hauptanliegen meines Buches.«

      • BANGSA MELAYU (Satu Kajian Ilmiah Lengkap Mengenai Umat Islam Sebelah Timur) Mengandungi Peta dan Gambar Rajah Karya Salih Jawdat

        by Translators: Haji Mohammad Seman Siti Sara Haji Ahmad

        Buku ‘Ummat al-Malayu ini adalah hasil karya Salih Jawdat, iaitu seorang pegawai kanan di Jabatan Pendidikan Mesir ketika itu. Menurut penulis, maklumat dan data tentang bangsa Melayu beliau perolehi secara langsung hasil perbualan lisan dengan Y.A.M Tunku Mansor Ibni Abdul Hamid, iaitu putera kepada baginda Al-Sultan negeri Kedah semasa baginda sedang melanjutkan pelajaran di negara tersebut. Karya ini juga adalah buah tangan yang  dihasilkan atas rasa kasih kepada putera raja itu dan juga bangsa Melayu yang juga merupakan saudara seagama dengan penulis. Buku ini secara umumnya memuatkan tentang perihal sejarah, sosial dan geografi serta hasil mahsul dan kekayaan bumi alam Melayu seluruh nusantara termasuk kepulauan Borneo dan Filipina. Beliau banyak menyentuh tentang adat resam orang Melayu termasuk suku-suku yang berada di daerah pendalaman kepulauan nusantara. Pemerian tentang nama tempat, suku, negeri dan pergunungan yang dinyatakan adalah agak purba yang mungkin sudah banyak berubah.  Semoga buku dan terjemahan ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber yang berguna untuk rujukan tentang sejarah kedudukan dan kepentingan bangsa Melayu sebagai suatu keluarga besar di alam nusantara.

      • Fiction
        October 2019



        Synopsis: "ALBOR is the most important astronomical project in history, and seeks to discover the origin of the universe and understand how everything that exists was created. Towards the year 2032 many groups have realized that the discoveries that ALBOR is making are dangerous and they can change the meaning of life and the reasons for our existence. Government and religious groups will try to prevent ALBOR from further discovering information. For this, ALBOR relies on the ARCANTES, a group of young people from different tribes around the world who will defend the search for origin of the universe."

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

      • August 2020

        My Errors, Confusions

        by Gisela Heller

        The journalist, writer and fontane expert Gisela Heller invites readers with her memories on a journey through her long and eventful life. The author describes her not always easy path from her escape from her Silesian homeland and her professional beginnings in the early GDR, through her journalistic work for radio and television, to her closer involvement with a famous colleague who was to become her main work content and pillar of her life, Theodor Fontane. No writer is as close to me as Theodor Fontane, confesses the author and discovers, the more and the more intensively she deals with him, many parallels in her two life arcs. I did not choose him; he has grown into me over time.The book also offers exciting insights from the world of media and culture in the GDR, from the time of the reunification and the post-reunification period to the present, and presents a series of portraits of politicians, journalists and artist colleagues. At the same time, the extensive text does not omit family joys and difficulties and shows how the author repeatedly succeeded and continues to succeed in overcoming sometimes serious illnesses, crises and conflicts and in regaining a positive attitude to life.The touching autobiography concludes with the words: "The time of great, unfulfillable wishes is over; only one remained: May a pensive smile transfigure the face of those who think of me Cest çaThe almost 700-page memoirs of journalist, writer and font expert Gisela Heller were published to mark the 91st birthday of the author

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

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