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        by Mohd Momin Khan, Shamsul Ismin Tumin

        In 1958, the then Game Department in the state of Perak were responsible for protecting wildlife and answering calls for assistance to protect crops, property and lives threatened by these animals. It was a time of plenty, with forest cover of more than 75 percent.   Unfortunately, those forests were rapidly being cleared, causing wildlife species to become homeless. Moreover, solving problems often resulted in the killings of these animals. Hunting licenses were introduced, accounting for large numbers of sambar and barking deer being killed. This slaughter continued for decades, leading to a decline in the numbers of several large animal species. Due to rampant hunting, poaching, and the loss of about 30 percent of the forest species that were once common are now in dire need of saving from further decline. The need to step up conservation efforts has reached an alarming level, requiring prompt action to ensure population recovery.

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        Literary studies: classical, early & medieval
        November 2015

        Annotated Chaucer bibliography


        by Mark Allen, Stephanie Amsel

        Author of The Canterbury Tales and foundation of the English literary tradition, Geoffrey Chaucer has been popular with readers, writers and scholars for over 600 years. More than 4600 books, essays, poems, stories, recordings and websites pertaining to Chaucer were published between 1997 and 2010, and this bibliography identifies each of them separately, providing publication information and a descriptive summary of contents. The bibliography also offers several useful discovery aids to enable users to locate individual items of interest, whether it be a study of the Wife of Bath's love life, a video about Chaucer's language, advice on how to teach a particular poem by Chaucer, or a murder mystery that features Chaucer as detective. Useful for scholars, teachers and students alike, this volume is a must for academic libraries.

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        September 2000

        Troilus und Criseyde

        by Geoffrey Chaucer, Florian Schleburg, Wolfgang Obst, Florian Schleburg, Wolfgang Obst

        Die Liebe zwischen dem schüchternen trojanischen Prinzen Troilus und der schönen Criseyde ist der Stoff, aus dem Geoffrey Chaucer Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts den ersten englischen Roman gemacht hat: eine turbulente, witzige, groteske Liebesgeschichte.

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        October 2009

        Die Gespenster von Berlin

        Unheimliche Geschichten

        by Sarah Khan

        Ein Gespenst geht um in Friedrichshain und setzt teure Autos in Brand. Ein politisch motivierter Sühneakt? Sarah Khan geht der Sache nach und macht in alten Archiven der Stadt eine fürchterliche Entdeckung: Im Tunnel des Stettiner Bahnhofs, heute Nordbahnhof, wurden 1945 verwundete Wehrmachtssoldaten ermordet. Im Mietshaus in Prenzlauer Berg will niemand lange wohnen bleiben, auch Sarah Khans Freundin Heike nicht. Durchs Treppenhaus spukt eine im Zweiten Weltkrieg verhungerte Klavierlehrerin. Wer war diese Frau? Sarah Khan sucht in alten Berliner Adressbüchern, auf Deportationslisten und findet ihren Namen schließlich im Totenbuch der Elias-Gemeinde aus dem Jahr 1945. Ob mal jemand was gehört hat, von Spukhäusern, unerklärlichen Vorkommnissen? hat Sarah Khan Freunde und Bekannte, zugezogene und alteingesessene Berliner gefragt. Die Auskünfte haben es in sich. Haarsträubende Ereignisse, unerklärliche Vorkommnisse, jenseitige Erfahrungen. Die Gespenster haben eine Botschaft, sagt Sarah Khan, sie macht sich zur Vermittlerin. Mit Geschichten, die uns Schauer über den Rücken jagen. "Sarah Khan forscht Gespenstern nach und fördert deutsche Geschichte zutage. Meisterhaft recherchiert, großartig geschrieben, zutiefst unheimlich." Daniel Kehlmann

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        April 2017

        Das Stammeln der Wahrsagerin

        Unglaubliche Geschichten hinter Kleinanzeigen. Recherchiert und erzählt von Sarah Khan

        by Sarah Khan

        Wohnungsauflösungen und Tabula rasa, Not- und Spontanverkäufe. Was treibt Menschen dazu, sich über Kleinanzeigen für kleines Geld von ihren Dingen zu trennen? Ernsthaft, in Kaufabsicht, hat Sarah Khan viele Inserierende getroffen und genau hingehört, als sie anfingen, ihre Lebensgeschichten zu erzählen – u nd aus Oral History Literatur gemacht. Entstanden sind Geschichten von Abschied und Neuanfang, Glück und Unglück, von hochfahrenden oder bereits geplatzten Träumen. Seit Sarah Khan mit ihrer Familie ein altes Schulhaus in Brandenburg renoviert und als Wochenendhaus einrichtet, studiert sie ständig eBay-Kleinanzeigen. Sie findet dort nicht nur Haushaltsgegenstände, sondern auch ungetragene Hochzeitskleider, Pferdebücher, Kosmetikartikel, Fotoalben. Und sie stellt fest: Hinter diesen Anzeigen verbergen sich Menschen. Die traurige Yvonne mit ihrem Hochzeitskleid; eine junge Frau, die ernsthaft glaubt, mit ihrer Pferdebuchsammlung könne sie ihre Altersversorgung sichern; eine Wahrsagerin, die ihre Dienste anbietet und dabei ins Stammeln gerät; ein Tierpfleger, genannt der »Affen-Walter«, der einst Michael Jackson durch den Berliner Zoo geführt hat, Bilder im Album zeugen davon. Was ist diesen Menschen passiert, die sich von Teilen ihres Lebens trennen wollen? Sie haben es Sarah Khan erzählt, und Sarah Khan hat ihre Geschichten aufgeschrieben.

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        February 1989

        Entfremdung bei Perversionen

        by M. Masud R. Khan, Waltrud Klüwer

        Karl Marx und Sigmund Freud haben die Krankheit der westlichen jüdisch-christlichen Kultur als Entfremdung diagnostiziert – Marx als Entfremdung der Menschen von der Gesellschaft, Freud als Entfremdung der Menschen von sich selbst. »In diesem Buch möchte ich zeigen, daß der Perverse ein unpersönliches Objekt zwischen sein Verlangen und seinen Komplizen schiebt. Dieses Objekt kann eine stereotype Phantasie, ein Fetisch oder eine pornografische Darstellung sein. Alle drei entfremden den Perversen sowohl von sich selbst als auch – leider – vom Objekt seines Verlangens. Daher der Titel dieses Buches: »Entfremdung bei Perversionen«.« Im Zentrum der theoretischen Überlegungen Masud Khans steht die Auffassung, daß wir es bei Perversionen mit den Folgen einer aufgrund von Fehlentwicklungen in der Beziehungen zwischen Mutter und Kind mißlungenen Integration des Ichs zu tun haben. In verschiedenen Zusammenhängen führt Masud Khan diese Fehlentwicklung auf eine Idolisierung des Kindes durch die Mutter zurück, eine Idolisierung, die es dem Kind unmöglich macht, Übergangsobjekte zu finden und zu benutzen. Erfahrungen aus einer Reihe von Analysen haben Masud Khan darüber hinaus zu der Überzeugung geführt, daß die von Freud verworfene Theorie der tatsächlichen Verführung, die eine akute Spaltung im Ich erzeuge, wiederbelebt werden sollte. In Übereinstimmung mit den Auffassungen Phyllis Greenacres sagt er, daß es dabei nicht so sehr auf ein einzelnes Ereignis ankommt als vielmehr auf einen bestimmten Modus psychophysischer Intimität zwischen Eltern und Kind. Ein großer Vorzug dieses Buches besteht darin, daß Masud Khan auch die Quellen seiner theoretischen Überlegungen ausführlich darstellt: eine Fülle von Material aus seiner reichen klinischen Erfahrung.

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        BATU KHAN

        The Conqueror of Europe

        by Dr. Sam Djang

        The emergence of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century could be seen as the turn-ing point of human history. The dramatic change was a positive one, especially for the Europeans. Batu Khan was the front-runner by breaking the wall between the East and West, yet his story has not been told often to the public. All the stories about him here are written based on the most trusted histories.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 1972

        The Parlement of Foulys

        by Geoffrey Chaucer, D. Brewer

        This edition of the best of Chaucer' s shorter poems ranges widely over the major concerns necessary to a full understanding of the text, including its occasion, literary tradition, sources, rhetoric, language, metre, mythology and themes. It is an edition which will appeal both to students and to general readers who wish to extend their knowledge of medieval English poetry. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2017

        Transporting Chaucer

        by Anke Bernau, Helen Barr

        Drawing on the work of British sculptor Antony Gormley, alongside more traditional literary scholarship, this book argues for new relationships between Chaucer's poetry and works by others. Chaucer's playfulness with textual history and chronology anticipates how his own work is figured in later - and earlier - texts. Responding to this, the book presents innovative readings of the relationships between medieval texts and early modern drama, literary texts and material culture. It re-energises conventional models of source and analogue study to reveal unexpected - and sometimes unsettling - literary cohabitations. At the same time, it exposes how associations between architecture, pilgrim practice, manuscript illustration and the soundscapes of dramatic performance reposition how we read Chaucer's oeuvre and what gets made of it. An invaluable resource for scholars and students of all levels with an interest in medieval English literary studies and early modern drama, Transporting Chaucer offers a new approach to how we encounter texts through time.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2023

        The gift of narrative in medieval England

        by Nicholas Perkins

        This invigorating study places medieval romance narrative in dialogue with theories and practices of gift and exchange, opening new approaches to questions of storytelling, agency, gender and materiality in some of the most engaging literature from the Middle Ages. It argues that the dynamics of the gift are powerfully at work in romances: through exchanges of objects and people; repeated patterns of love, loyalty and revenge; promises made or broken; and the complex effects that time works on such objects, exchanges and promises. Ranging from the twelfth century to the fifteenth, and including close discussions of poetry by Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet and romances in the Auchinleck Manuscript, this book will prompt new ideas and debate amongst students and scholars of medieval literature, as well as anyone curious about the pleasures that romance narratives bring.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2020

        Geoffrey Hill's later work

        by Alex Wylie

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        German politics today

        Third edition

        by Geoffrey Roberts

        This revised and updated third edition provides readers with a comprehensive description and analysis of the German political system, and of the political behaviour within the context of that system. It surveys the historical development of German politics, including the background, processes and political consequences of reunification, and recent changes to the electoral system, party system and recent Bundestag and Land elections. This authoritative yet accessible textbook presents certain specialised topics, such as the career of Angela Merkel and the Eurozone crisis, in separate sections within the relevant chapters, and provides tables for key information including election results, the membership of trade unions and lists of presidents and chancellors. The appendices include a review of significant constitutional court cases, a survey of the more important political features of each of the sixteen Länder, and the Bundestag election campaigns since 1949. Each chapter also offers suggestions for further reading. This new edition of German politics today offers a sound foundation for undergraduate courses focused on, or involving, study of the German political system.

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        In the Footsteps of Enayat Al-Zayyat

        by Iman Mersal

        ‘In the Footsteps of Enayat Al-Zayyat’ is a book that traces the life of an unknown Egyptian writer who died in 1963, four years before the release of her only novel. The book does not follow a traditional style to present the biography of Al-Zayyat, or to restore consideration for a writer who was denied her rights. Mersal refuses to present a single story as if it is the truth and refuses to speak on behalf of the heroine or deal with her as a victim, but rather takes us on a journey to search for the individuality that is often marginalised in Arab societies. The book searches for a young woman whose family burned all her personal documents, including the draft of her second novel, and was completely absent in the collective archives.   The narration derives its uniqueness from its ability to combine different literary genres such as fictional narration, academic research, investigation, readings, interviews, fiction, and fragments of the autobiography of the author of the novel. The book deals with the differences between the individuality of Enayat, who was born into an aristocratic family, graduated from a German school and wrote her narration during the domination of the speeches of the Nasserism period, and that of Mersal, a middle-class woman who formed her consciousness in the 1990s and achieved some of what Enayat dreamed of achieving but remained haunted by her tragedy.   The book deals with important political, social and cultural issues, as we read the history of psychiatry in modern Egypt through the pills that Enayat swallowed to end her life on 3 January 1963, while her divorce summarises the continuing suffering of women with the Personal Status Law. We also see how the disappearance of a small square from her neighbourhood reveals the relationship between modernity and bureaucracy, and how the geography of Cairo changes, obliterated as the result of changes in political regimes. In the library of the German Archaeological Institute, where Enayat worked, we find an unwritten history of World War II and, in her unpublished second novel, we see unknown stories of German scientists fleeing Nazism to Cairo. We also see how Enayat’s neglected tomb reveals the life story of her great-grandfather, Ahmed Rashid Pasha, and the disasters buried in the genealogy tree.

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        Terrorism, armed struggle
        February 2009

        German politics today

        Second edition

        by Geoffrey K. Roberts

        This revised and updated edition provides the reader with a comprehensive description and analysis of the institutions of the German political system. The historical development of German politics is surveyed, and special attention is given to the causes, course and consequences of German reunification. Where more detailed explanations of special topics are required, such as surplus seats in the electoral system, or the political career of Chancellor Merkel, these are provided in boxes set within the relevant chapters. Some information is provided in tabular form, such as the list of federal chancellors and federal presidents, the membership of trade unions, or election results. Appendices contain examples of important constitutional court cases, plus a survey of the political features of the sixteen Länder which make up the federal structure of the state. Each chapter offers suggestions for further reading. Accessibly written, with suggestions for further reading, this book offers a sound basis for all undergraduate courses focused on, or including, study of the German political system. The author's familiarity with all aspects of the German political system is evident from the authority with which he explains the structures and processes which form the basis of German politics.

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        January 1996

        Shir Khan

        Erinnerungen an einen sibirischen Tiger

        by Hauke, Gert

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