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      • Richard Griffin (1820) Ltd t/a Tarquin

        Tarquin produces books for recreational mathematics, and for students and teachers in schools. We have a near 50 year history of enriching mathematics as well as papercraft and origami titles. Many of our 240 titles have been translated into all the major languages of the world. But as a small publisher, we understand other small publishers and can tailor rights deals appropriately and economically. We have 12 titles that are new in 2020 and where rights are available.

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      • Sue Richardson Associates Ltd (SRA Books)

        SRA Books are a team of dedicated individuals who strive to help writers and business owners to produce fantastic books that not only look good but sell well and increase business for their authors. Sue Richardson is a dynamic publishing professional who together with her associates Maria Waite (publishing assistant and proofreader), Kelly Mundt (production manager), Sarah Williams (book coach and substantive editor), Mark Hobin (creative book designer), Mark Renwick (book blogsite builder) and Chantal Cooke (ace book PR) work to ensure all aspects of publishing a book are catered for to the highest standards.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1983

        Richard Wagner

        Leben und Werk in Daten und Bildern. Herausgegeben von Dietrich Mack und Egon Voss

        by Egon Voss, Dietrich Mack

        Dietrich Mack war der erste Ehemann von Gudrun Wagner und in den 80er Jahren Pressechef der Festspiele. Mitherausgeber der Tagebücher Cosima Wagners, zeitweise Leiter des Forschungsinstituts für Musiktheater an der Universität Bayreuth, später Programmdirektor Musik und Film beim SWR. Diverse Veröffentlichungen zu Richard Wagner sind im insel taschenbuch erschienen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        May 2025

        US diplomacy and the Good Friday Agreement in post-conflict Northern Ireland

        by Richard Hargy

        Richard Haass and Mitchell Reiss, as autonomous diplomats in the George W. Bush State Department, were able to alter US intervention in Northern Ireland and play critical roles in the post-1998 peace process. Their contributions have not been fully appreciated or understood. The restoration of Northern Ireland's power-sharing government in 2007 was made possible by State Department-led intervention in the peace process. There are few references to Northern Ireland in work examining the foreign policy legacy of the George W. Bush presidency. Moreover, the ability to control US foreign policy towards the region brought one of George W. Bush's Northern Ireland special envoys into direct diplomatic conflict with the most senior actors inside the British government. This book will uncover the extent of this fall-out and provide original accounts on how diplomatic relations between these old allies became so fraught.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2014

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        A Partir de Rien

        by Ron Adam

        A Partir de RienUn thriller apocalyptique par Ron Adam Tout comme dans les tragédies grecques, l’Amérique va droit à la collision inévitable avec l’ultime menace : la combinaison fatale de l’Islam fanatique avec les armes nucléaires et les ressources énergétiques les plus riches du monde. Le 11 septembre 2001, Osama Bin Laden a démontré au monde comment on pouvait aisément retourner les dollars américains et la technologie des Etats-Unis et les utiliser comme un boomerang frappant droit au cœur de l’Amérique. Il est à la fois facile et terrible d’imaginer ce qui peut arriver si un tel zèle fanatique réussit à s’équiper de la puissance monstrueuse des armes nucléaires.Un coup d’œil rapide à la carte montre que les Etats-Unis ont appris la leçon et que les guerres en Afghanistan et en Iraq doivent juste refermer le cercle autour de la menace véritable – l’Iran.A Partir de Rien vous entraîne dans le tourbillon qui balaie le monde, depuis une guerre locale dans le Golfe Persique, en passant par un coup d’état militaire en Russie - la nouvelle ancienne alliée de l’Iran – jusqu’à un véritable holocauste nucléaire.L'équipe d'un sous-marin américain, constituée d'hommes uniquement, qui sans le vouloir, a joué un rôle actif dans la destruction de l’humanité, découvre au lendemain de la catastrophe que c’est sur ses épaules qu’incombe d’accomplir la tâche opposée – recréer la race humaine – A Partir de Rien. Après neuf mois passés sous l’eau, ils vont émerger vers une île lointaine du Pacifique sur laquelle les conditions peuvent de nouveau supporter la vie. Equipés des technologies les plus sophistiquées, ils emportent avec eux deux douzaines d’ovaires fertilisés congelés, qui sont chacun destinés à devenir une nouvelle Eve, et qui, ensemble, constitueront les mères d’une nouvelle humanité.Cependant les « Adams » sont malheureusement trop nombreux sur cette île ! Plus d’une centaine d’hommes attendent impatiemment que les 24 petites filles grandissent pour mûrir et devenir des femmes, et le combat pour prendre contrôle de cette précieuse « ressource » est par conséquent inévitable.Ces hommes découvrent que la nature humaine ne peut être changée. Même après la guerre ultime qui a tout détruit, l’homme continuera à se servir de la force pure pour obtenir ce qu’il veut et pour résoudre les disputes.En dépit de sa trame pessimiste, le livre est essentiellement optimiste et est guidé par la foi dans la loi de l’histoire : il se peut que les bons doivent souffrir et payer un lourd tribut mais, à la fin du compte, ils gagneront.L’auteur : un pilote de chasse, officier naval et ingénieur supérieur de Hi-Tech. Ron Adam a mené une carrière militaire impressionnante, du service dans un sous-marin et un torpilleur de la marine israélienne en passant par l’aviation israélienne comme pilote de chasse, capitaine sur un porte-avions, instructeur de vol et officier du personnel de guerre électronique. Possédant un diplôme d’ingénieur en électronique, Adam a dirigé un programme de défense de 1,2 milliards de dollars et a également fondé trois entreprises start-up dans le high-tech. Aujourd’hui, Adam est ingénieur-conseil supérieur dans les industries aéronautiques et il partage son temps entre la technique de haut niveau et l’écriture de livres et de scénarios. Il est marié et a trois enfants.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes.

      • Trusted Partner

        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        LOGIC – A First Course Prof. A. Blum A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017

        A Vision of Battlements

        by Anthony Burgess

        by Andrew Biswell, Paul Wake

        A Vision of Battlements is the first novel by the writer and composer Anthony Burgess, who was born in Manchester in 1917. Set in Gibraltar during the Second World War, the book follows the fortunes of Richard Ennis, an army sergeant and incipient composer who dreams of composing great music and building a new cultural world after the end of the war. Following the example of his literary hero, James Joyce, Burgess takes the structure of his book from Virgil's Aeneid. The result is, like Joyce's Ulysses, a comic rewriting of a classical epic, whose critique of the Army and the postwar settlement is sharp and assured. The Irwell Edition is the first publication of Burgess's forgotten masterpiece since 1965. This new edition includes an introduction and notes by Andrew Biswell, author of a prize-winning biography of Anthony Burgess.

      • Trusted Partner

        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        A new naval history

        by Quintin Colville, James Davey, Katherine Parker, Elaine Chalus, Evan Wilson, Barbara Korte, Cicely Robinson, Cindy McCreery, Ellie Miles, Mary A. Conley, Jonathan Rayner, Daniel Spence, Emma Hanna, Ulrike Zimmerman, Max Jones, Jan Rüger

        A New Naval History brings together the most significant and interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary naval history. The last few decades have witnessed a transformation in how this field is researched and understood and this volume captures the state of a field that continues to develop apace. It examines - through the prism of naval affairs - issues of nationhood and imperialism; the legacy of Nelson; the socio-cultural realities of life in ships and naval bases; and the processes of commemoration, journalism and stage-managed pageantry that plotted the interrelationship of ship and shore. This bold and original publication will be essential for undergraduate and postgraduate students of naval and maritime history. Beyond that, though, it marks an important intervention into wider historiographies that will be read by scholars from across the spectrum of social history, cultural studies and the analysis of national identity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2018

        A History of Pesticides

        by Graham A Matthews

        In this fascinating book, Graham Matthews takes the reader through the history of the development and use of chemicals for control of pests, weeds, and vectors of disease. Prior to 1900 only a few chemicals had been employed as pesticides but in the early 1940s, as the Second World War raged, the insecticide DDT and the herbicide 2-4-D were developed. These changed everything. Since then, farmers have been using a growing list of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides to protect their crops. Their use has undoubtedly led to significant gains in agricultural production and reduction in disease transmission, but also to major problems: health concerns for both users of pesticides and the general public, the emergence of resistance in pest populations, and environmental problems. The book examines the development of legislation designed to control and restrict the use of pesticides, the emergence of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the use of biological control agents as part of policy to protect the environment and encourage the sustainable use of pesticides. Finally, the use of new technologies in pest control are discussed including the use of genetic modification, targeted pesticide application and use of drones, alongside basic requirements for IPM such as crop rotations, close seasons and adoption of plant varieties with resistance to pests and diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2004

        Richard Brome

        Place and politics on the Caroline stage

        by Matthew Steggle, Paul Edmondson, Martin White

        Richard Brome was the leading comic playwright of 1630s London. Starting his career as a manservant to Ben Jonson, he wrote a string of highly successful comedies which were influential in British theatre long after Brome's own playwriting career was cut short by the closure of the theatres in 1642. This book offers the first full-length chronological account of Brome's life and works, drawing on a wide range of recently rediscovered manuscript sources. It traces the early hostility to Brome from those who wrote him off as a mere servant; his continuing struggles with plague closures, contract disputes and theatrical takeover bids; and his literary relationships with Jonson, Shakespeare and others. Each of the surviving plays is discussed in relation to its social and political context, and its sense of place. A final chapter reviews Brome's enduring stageworthiness into the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the most recent Brome revivals. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2010

        Richard Lester

        by Neil Sinyard, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        Richard Lester is of the most significant yet misunderstood directors of the post-war era. Indelibly associated with the Beatles and the 'swinging Sixties' because of his direction of A Hard Day's Night and Help and his joyous sex comedy The Knack, Lester has tended to be categorised as a modish director whose heyday passed when that decade's optimism slid into disillusionment and violence. This book offers a critical appreciation and reappraisal of his work, arguing that it had much greater depth and variety than he has been given credit for. His versatility encompasses the Brechtian anti-heroics of How I Won the War; the surreal nuclear comedy of The Bed-Sitting Room and the swashbuckling adventure of The Musketeers films. He has even, in his instinctively iconoclastic manner, cut Superman down to size. The book should win new admirers for a director with a gift of making movies whose visual wit and imaginative imagery reveal an intelligent and enquiring scepticism about heroes and society. Including comments from Lester himself and illustrations from his own private collection, the book is a must for film scholars and enthusiasts alike. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Leaving Is a Return

        by A Lai

        “Leaving Is a Return” is the latest collection of essays by writer A Lai. It is divided into four series. The first part is “bronze years”: the meditation and recollection of the hometown. The second part is called “ideal country of vegetation”: a unique understanding of flowers and trees and Rural Movement, in the author's pen, it is an ideal country. The third part is “dust has not fallen”: it is the author's reading notes, as well as the knowledge of literature and reading experience. The fourth part is “music and poetry”: the author's creative experience and writing process and his understanding of many years of writing career. Leaving Is a Return gives us a lot of insights in seemingly ordinary things. The author compares the layers of the mountain to the "staircase" and says "My soul will go to heaven by stepping on these ladders." The author turns his eyes to nature and whispers with the vast world. These beautiful words can let us comprehend the spiritual space of A Lai.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1983

        Der Fall Wagner

        Schriften-Aufzeichnungen-Briefe. Herausgegeben und mit einer Chronik sowie einem Nachwort versehen von Dieter Borchmeyer

        by Friedrich Nietzsche, Dieter Borchmeyer, Dieter Borchmeyer

        Friedrich Nietzsche wurde am 15. Oktober 1844 in Röcken bei Lützen als Sohn eines Pastors geboren. Er studierte in Bonn und Leipzig zunächst Sprachwissenschaften und evangelische Theologie, seinen Abschluß machte er jedoch nur in klassischer Philologie. 1868 lernte er Richard Wagner kennen, der sein Denken neben Schopenhauer stark beeinflußte. Einige Jahre später zerbrach die Freundschaft über Nietzsches Geringschätzung der Bayreuther Festspiele. 1869 wurde er auf eine Professur für Altphilologie nach Basel berufen, die er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen zehn Jahre später wieder aufgab. Fortan lebte er von seiner Pension und finanzierte davon viele Reisen, u.a. in die Schweiz und nach Italien, auf denen seine wichtigsten philosophischen Werke entstanden. In seinen Hauptwerken sagte Nietzsche den Tod Gottes voraus, beschrieb den Übermenschen, trat für die Umwertung aller Werte ein und prägte somit den Nihilismus. Zu seinen bekanntesten Werken zählen Also sprach Zarathustra (1883) und Ecce Homo (1908). In den 1880er Jahren nahmen seine körperlichen und seelischen Leiden zu und gipfelten 1889 in einem Zusammenbruch, von dem er sich nicht mehr erholte. Bis zu seinem Tod am 25. August 1900 in Weimar wurde er von seiner Mutter und seiner Schwester gepflegt. Dieter Borchmeyer, geboren 1941, ist Professor emeritus an der Universität Heidelberg, war Präsident der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste und lehrt im Rahmen der Stiftungsdozentur »Heidelberger Vorträge zur Kulturtheorie« weiterhin an der Universität Heidelberg. Borchmeyers Arbeitsfeld ist vor allem die deutsche Literatur vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert und das Musiktheater mit Monographien zu Goethe, Schiller, Mozart, Wagner und Nietzsche. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Was ist deutsch? (2017). Dieter Borchmeyer, geboren 1941, ist Professor emeritus an der Universität Heidelberg, war Präsident der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste und lehrt im Rahmen der Stiftungsdozentur »Heidelberger Vorträge zur Kulturtheorie« weiterhin an der Universität Heidelberg. Borchmeyers Arbeitsfeld ist vor allem die deutsche Literatur vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert und das Musiktheater mit Monographien zu Goethe, Schiller, Mozart, Wagner und Nietzsche. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Was ist deutsch? (2017).

      • Trusted Partner

        A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung

        Untersuchungen zu seinem Übersetzungsverfahren am Beispiel des Hamlet

        by Gebhardt, Peter A

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Amelie Trott and the Earth Watchers

        by Moyra Irving

        This is the extraordinary story of how one small girl stopped a planetary catastrophe. It’s a very timely book, written for the child in us all, with a forceful message about the power of young people to transform the world - a theme currently demonstrated by brave young heroes like Greta Thunberg. And with magical synchronicity, the very week Greta began her lone vigil outside the Swedish government last year, over 1,000 miles (1,897 km) away in the fictional world of books, Amelie Trott took to Parliament Square, London - on a mission to avert the End of the World. It’s a family drama with an international feel - set mainly in England but with episodes in Washington DC and around the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 1997

        A Ragged Schooling

        Growing up in the classic slum

        by Robert Roberts

        With great humour and vitality, Robert Roberts evokes his Edwardian childhood in the vivid portrait of a vanished community. Breathing the smoke from the factory chimneys, the children of Salford struggled daily to survive the grinding poverty that surrounded them. Sharing lively games along the railways lines and canal banks, their lives were rich in experience and comradeship. ;

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