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      • The Parisian Agency

        Founded in 2010, the Parisian agency is a literary agency based in Paris. We represent a selected group of international writers of literary fiction such as multi-awarded Icelandic author Gudrun Eva Minervudottir and Hungarian novelist Arpad Kun, winner of the prestigious Aegon Award. We also represent the stunning illustrated books of the British and the Bodleian Library (UK) abroad. Last, we are now open to represent new lists in literary fiction, crime fiction and non fiction. Welcome to the Parisian Agency!

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      • Fiction

        The Light in Isabel's Eyes

        by Edmée Pardo

        Four characters cross paths in a hospital: a woman about to give birth; a family facing the inexplicable death of one of their own; a man who falls ill; and a teenager persecuted among hundreds of women in an oppressive town. Their life is intertwined with secondary characters with whom they mix as they walk towards their separate destinies. In a violent city in the middle of the desert, death, birth, love, pain, and revenge are joined by the shadow of God or maybe by the shadow casted by his absence. Weaved in a net of actions that develops at full speed through a clean and poetic prose, this is a story that hurts and heals at the same time. This novel speaks of God and Spirit, of inner strength and emptiness, of solitude and communion, also of hope.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020

        Weedon ou la vie dans les bois

        by Thierry Pardo

        In the footsteps of the famous Henry David Thoreau and hisWalden; or, Life in the Woods, Thierry Pardo builds his cabin in the woods on the outskirts of the small municipality of Weedon, in eastern Quebec. More than 160 years after the publication of Walden, Weedon raises again the question of the return to the wild and updates the bias of life on the fringes of the world. In this short, poetic and accessible essay, Thierry Pardo gives us food for thought and invites us to contemplate the world differently.  More infos:

      • March 2018

        Whole Faith: The Catholic Ideal of Emilia Pardo Bazan

        The Catholic Ideal of Emilia Pardo Bazan

        by Denise DuPont

        Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921), the most important female author of Spain’s nineteenth century, was a prolific writer of novels, short stories, critical articles, chronicles of modern life, and plays. Active in the age of Catholic social teaching inaugura

      • The Lost Journal of Alejandro Pardo

        Creatures and Beasts of Philippine Folklore

        by David Hontiveros, Mervin Malonzo, Budjette Tan

        To whom it may concern:There are strange doors that, once opened, can never be closed again.Secrets and mysteries that crowd the shadows, that wail and scream at the coming of the light.Things that were once spoken of in wary whispers by those wise enough to fear the dark.Things called kapre and malakat, tikbalang and batibat, tiyanak and mandurugo.There was once a man who studied these mysteries, who catalogued and chronicled the truth of their existences.His name was Alejandro Pardo, and this book is a strange door that contains words and pages from his writings, a strange door that leads to the truths behind the layers of rumor and misconception.Are you ready to open it?

      • September 2019


        A partir de las crónicas de Emilia Pardo Umaña

        by Flórez, Lina; Pérez, Pablo; Pardo Umaña, Emilia

        This dialogue between graphic narrative and journalism opens the door to revisit the incisive, mischievous, and original gaze of a pioneer in Colombian newsrooms who resisted assuming a servile and silent role. In Emilia, Lina Flórez and Pablo Pérez, the founders of Altais Cómics, reconstruct with drawings a letter and a selection of autobiographical columns that Emilia Pardo Umaña wrote between 1935 and 1961. These vignettes are intended to ensure that her work is not lost in the piles of old newspapers.

      • July 2019

        Gestión por procesos y riesgo operacional

        by José Manuel Pardo Álvarez

        All organizations are involved in processes, for which in depth knowledge is essential to try to improve, be effective and gain in competitiveness. This book helps organizations in operational risk management and guides us towards continuous improvement, for our business and also our customers. In the undertaking of these processes, incidents arise that, by implementing certain tools and techniques, we can easily solve.

      • Graphic novels
        December 2020

        Uncle Gorio and Aunt Pulía of Gabriel y Galán

        by Juan Luis Iglesias, José Cruz de Cruz

        Uncle Gorio, originally published on 18 November 1901 in El Adelanto, is one of the few stories written by the poet José María Gabriel y Galán.Juan Luis Iglesias and C. de Cruz, scriptwriter and cartoonist, both from Extremadura, adapt this work representative of Galán's universe to the language of comics with an original approach. Gabriel y Galán becomes the narrator and protagonist of his story by interacting with his own characters, Uncle Gorio and Aunt Pulía, a couple united by love and convenience. An entertaining comic strip that takes place during a literary gathering between Emilia Pardo Bazán, Benito Pérez Galdós and Gabriel y Galán, where we are shown the vision the poet had of his countrymen, between criticism and affection, while the writers reflect on literary art and recall intimate anecdotes.A tribute to José María Gabriel y Galán, the poet of the Castilian and Extremaduran soul, on the 150th anniversary of his birth.

      • The Black Bestiary

        An Alejandro Pardo Compendium

        by David Hontiveros, Mervin Malonzo, Budjette Tan

        You know this door, this strange portal that you once opened and walked through. You met dozens of things that most still believe are merely figments of fiction and fancy. And you met a man, Alejandro Pardo, who spent his lifetime chronicling these things, these creatures. The door’s open now. So walk through it again. Meet Alejandro Pardo’s colleagues. Meet other men and women who’ve witnessed just how deep the shadows really are. And of course, meet what lurks furtively in them.

      • Hoarse and sufocatted

        the tobacco industry is alive and killing

        by João Peres & Moriti Neto

        Few people know that Brazil, the world's largest exporter of tobacco leaf since the 1990s, fills the world's lungs with nicotine. Robbed and Suffocated offers a unique portrait of the Rio Pardo Valley, in Rio Grande do Sul, the heart of the national tobacco industry. It is from there that the discourse - and the lobby - in defense of cigarettes emanates. The authors analyze the rhetoric that mixes the survival of small farmers with the interests of megacorporations in search of ever greater profits, and reveal how this articulation is used to halt public health and tobacco control policies. Behind the smokescreen, politicians, the media, trade unions, organizations claiming to fight smuggling and even fake internet profiles are intertwined. Deputies and senators, mayors, former ministers, members of the Supreme Court and former IRS secretaries: a vast and powerful network of favors emerges in the disguised defense of an economic sector that kills half of its own clientele.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2021

        The Book of Constitution

        by Valerio Onida, Roberto Piumini, Emanuele Luzzati

        The complete guide to guide children in the reading of the Italian Constitution. Democracy, equality, rights and duties. The principles of the Italian Constitution are explained in prose by the professor Onida, told in verse by the poet Piumini and illustrated by the wonderful tables of the artist Luzzati. After the success of the first edition, with more than 8,000 copies sold, a new version, extended and updated. In The Book of Constitution, The text of the Italian Constitution is proposed in twelve languages - Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, French, English, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, German and Italian - with the comment by the constitutionalist Valerio Onida. Inside, also an originale section focused on teaching, with games, cards and cooperative learning activities, edited by the philosopher Eliana Cocca, along with the precious testimony by Elizabeth Arquinigo Pardo, activist for the Movimento degli Italiani Senza Cittadinanza.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Versalles, 1919

        Esperanza y frustración

        by Carlos Fernandez Pardo y Albeto Hutschenreuterr

        One hundred years after the Treaty of Versailles, we have here an interesting, pertinent and thoughtful work on a momentous event of the 20th century.

      • Biography & True Stories

        The passion to be a woman

        by Eugenia Tusquets y Susana Frouchtmann

        A bel canto diva who chose to devote herself to loving happiness; a philosopher who influenced 20th century thinking; a First Lady who transcended the stereotype and became a social reference; a nun who decided to realise her dream of getting closer to God without worldly interference. Diverse individual examples for the same underlying reality: women who became aware of their own being and acted taking advantage of their abilities, often clashing against the inertia of a world marked by the male stamp. This book brings together a dozen female testimonies with a common link: the will to excel and the ambition to exist to the full. Maria Callas, Hannah Arendt, Eleanor Roosevelt and Teresa de Ávila share pages with Virginia Woolf, Remedios Varo, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Anaïs Nin and Mercè Rodoreda, among others. Eugenia Tusquets recreates that facet of their lives that has transformed them into a character worthy of attention, that revealing episode that has remained hidden behind the cloud of their fame and the sometimes ambiguous narration of their existence. Susana Frouchtmann delimits the context in which this private transformation takes place, in the form of a journalistic-biographical chronicle that completes each profile and makes comprehensible the true scope of what would otherwise appear to be a mere anecdotal account. At some point, they all had to decide whether to follow the path set by the society of their time or the one imposed on them by their inner selves. The rest belongs to history.

      • Escritoras de entresiglos: un mapa trasatlántico

        Autorías y redes literarias en la prensa argentina (1870-1910)

        by Maria Vicens

        In this book, Escritoras de entresiglos: un mapa trasatlántico, Literature specialist María Vicens addresses a topic of increasing importance for a proper understanding of our cultural past: the material and symbolic context within which a legitimate space was articulated for the Public deed of women in Argentina in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Unlike the growing literature on this subject that has focused almost exclusively on national cases, this study proposes a new look at the transnational networks built by women writers themselves, and that linked geographic spaces of literary production as dissimilar to each other as Peru, Spain, and Argentina - this country, which became the fundamental link between the first two. In this way, next to analyzes referring not only to writers who have long been consecrated by the literary tradition, such as Juana Manuela Gorriti, Clorinda Matto de Turner, or Emilia Pardo Bazán, but also to a wide group of less well-known writers, such as Raymunda Torres y Quiroga, the reader will find a detailed reconstruction of the world of the female press in Argentina between the fall of Rosas and the Great War, accompanied by extensive references to the Peruvian and Spanish contexts from which the writers with an international vocation who interacted with their Argentine counterparts then. An original approach, rich in discoveries, to the worlds of feminine intimacy will also be discovered in these pages at their points of connection with the public sphere in which, not without facing arduous obstacles, these women sought to project themselves as writers. The cartography of this transatlantic map will be appreciated from now on, as never before, in all its complex and fine detail.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        Houses and Graves

        by Bernardo Atxaga

        «If we could flip over names in print as with stones in an orchard and see the life hidden beneath, we would discover that no two beings are the same.» In a bakery in the Basque village of Ugarte, a boy who one day returned from boarding school in the south of France having lost his ability to speak, recovered his speech thanks to a friendship with twin boys and to something strange which the three discovered in the waters of the canal which ran down from the mountains. The Franco dictatorship is nearing its final days. Everything is changing in Ugarte and also in the El Pardo barracks where, just then, Eliseo, Donato, Celso and Caloco are trying to train a magpie and flout the rules which reserve hunting for the rich and powerful. Theirs was also a tale of friendship, with the right amount of thoughtlessness, rebelliousness and tragedy. Years later, strikes whipped up by the unions shook the mining industry in Ugarte. This is now the turbulent eighties and Eliseo and the twins find themselves caught up in a plot for vengeance hatched by the engineer Antoine and which seems straight out of a crime novel. Time passes quickly and everything that was changes: music, television with its reality, electronic mail, all arrive while the interior lives of the protagonists of this story retain intact their silences, secrets, threats… It’s only life, which runs like threads of water between stones. But it goes on. With this exciting novel, grounded in friendship, love for nature, and the imminence of death, Atxaga again shows himself a master in the creation of unforgettable settings and characters.

      • Casas y tumbas

        by Bernardo Atxaga

        «If we could flip over names in print as with stones in an orchard and see the life hidden beneath, we would discover that no two beings are the same.» In a bakery in the Basque village of Ugarte, a boy who one day returned from boarding school in the south of France having lost his ability to speak, recovered his speech thanks to a friendship with twin boys and to something strange which the three discovered in the waters of the canal which ran down from the mountains. The Franco dictatorship is nearing its final days. Everything is changing in Ugarte and also in the El Pardo barracks where, just then, Eliseo, Donato, Celso and Caloco are trying to train a magpie and flout the rules which reserve hunting for the rich and powerful. Theirs was also a tale of friendship, with the right amount of thoughtlessness, rebelliousness and tragedy. Years later, strikes whipped up by the unions shook the mining industry in Ugarte. This is now the turbulent eighties and Eliseo and the twins find themselves caught up in a plot for vengeance hatched by the engineer Antoine and which seems straight out of a crime novel. Time passes quickly and everything that was changes: music, television with its reality, electronic mail, all arrive while the interior lives of the protagonists of this story retain intact their silences, secrets, threats… It’s only life, which runs like threads of water between stones. But it goes on. With this exciting novel, grounded in friendship, love for nature, and the imminence of death, Atxaga again shows himself a master in the creation of unforgettable settings and characters.

      • Vindicta

        "A diabolical, addictive and uncompromising thriller"

        by Cédric Sire

        "We go in, we get the money, we come out. Nobody gets hurt. " Their plan seemed safe. The jeweler would not press charges for the robbery because his money was illegal. Damien, Élie, Audrey and Driss thought they had found the miracle answer to all their problems. But now, the irreparable has been committed and a vengeful monster is unleashed on their heels. A COP IN FREE FALL Freshly transferred to a surveillance group, Olivier is far from imagining that the hideout he has been assigned will make him the key witness in a murderous cyclone, in the wake of a cold and methodical killer that nothing seems to stop. From the deserts of the Middle East to the dark and silent cities of France, when the vindictiveness is on the march, nothing can save you. A BREATHLESS CHASE SHAKEN BY FALSE LEADS A pure instrument of torture and death, he has no name, no face, a habit of killing and a cemetery of corpses behind him. But in this case, no contract. This timefor him: it's personal.In this twilight thriller, Cedric Sire plays with the reader's nerves as never before, right up to the terrifying final twist, and confirms his thunderous entry among the absolute masters of French thrillers. Cosmopolis is a French label that is a sanctuary for noir novels, thrillers and detective stories, with a sovereign editorial team headed by Holly Miller, Judith Schwaab and Emmanuelle Pardo.

      • Fiction
        May 2019


        En tierras de Urantia

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Are you ready to read the story of the second coming of Christ in full s. XXI? Do you want to know first-hand who he was, what he did and with whom? Do you know that this time she was a woman and that her mothers were lesbians?Get ready to explode your neurons with this groundbreaking, entertaining, and surprising novel, set in real settings in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona) and Europe.Action, adventure, travel, sex, technology, chases, magical scenarios, extraterrestrial beings ...You have before you a new modern and daring thriller that will make you reflect on reality.

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